blob: d09f78237d8a5fa0ad14d4e3413e7db67be02b5c [file] [log] [blame]
apply plugin: "kotlin"
dependencies {
api project(":imports:baseline-profile-gradle-plugin")
api project(":imports:benchmark-darwin-plugin")
api project(":imports:benchmark-gradle-plugin")
api project(":imports:compose-icons")
api project(":imports:glance-layout-generator")
api project(":imports:inspection-gradle-plugin")
api project(":imports:stableaidl-gradle-plugin")
apply from: "../shared.gradle"
// The artifacts built by this project require at runtime the artifacts from `:buildSrc:private`.
// However, we don't want `:buildSrc:private` artifacts to be on their runtime classpath, because
// that means that any changes to those artifacts can invalidate task up-to-datedness
// (see ../