blob: ed3caea486e71ef782eb7e5d66441a3e5e5b7d35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Baseline format: 1.0
ArrayReturn: androidx.collection.ArraySet#ArraySet(E[]) parameter #0:
Method parameter should be Collection<E> (or subclass) instead of raw array; was `E[]`
ArrayReturn: androidx.collection.ArraySet#toArray():
Method should return Collection<Object> (or subclass) instead of raw array; was `java.lang.Object[]`
ArrayReturn: androidx.collection.ArraySet#toArray(T[]):
Method should return Collection<T> (or subclass) instead of raw array; was `T[]`
ArrayReturn: androidx.collection.ArraySet#toArray(T[]) parameter #0:
Method parameter should be Collection<T> (or subclass) instead of raw array; was `T[]`
KotlinOperator: androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat#get(int, E):
Note that adding the `operator` keyword would allow calling this method using operator syntax
NoClone: androidx.collection.LongSparseArray#clone():
Provide an explicit copy constructor instead of implementing `clone()`
NoClone: androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat#clone():
Provide an explicit copy constructor instead of implementing `clone()`
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#createCount():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.createCount()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#evictionCount():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.evictionCount()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#get(K):
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.get(K)
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#hitCount():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.hitCount()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#maxSize():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.maxSize()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#missCount():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.missCount()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#put(K, V):
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.put(K,V)
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#putCount():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.putCount()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#remove(K):
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.remove(K)
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#resize(int):
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.resize(int)
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#size():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.size()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#snapshot():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.snapshot()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#toString():
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.toString()
VisiblySynchronized: androidx.collection.LruCache#trimToSize(int):
Internal locks must not be exposed (synchronizing on this or class is still externally observable): method androidx.collection.LruCache.trimToSize(int)