blob: 61dd1c6b8c7947d1717cebad7411acf65ae4f990 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.benchmark
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Looper
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream
import android.os.SystemClock
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.tracing.trace
import java.nio.charset.Charset
* Wrappers for UiAutomation.executeShellCommand to handle compat behavior, and add additional
* features like script execution (with piping), stdin/stderr.
* @suppress
object Shell {
* Returns true if the line from ps output contains the given process/package name.
* NOTE: On API 25 and earlier, the processName of unbundled executables will include the
* relative path they were invoked from:
* ```
* root 10065 10061 14848 3932 poll_sched 7bcaf1fc8c S /data/local/tmp/tracebox
* root 10109 1 11552 1140 poll_sched 78c86eac8c S ./tracebox
* ```
* On higher API levels, the process name will simply be e.g. "tracebox".
* As this function is also used for package names (which never have a leading `/`), we
* simply check for either.
private fun psLineContainsProcess(psOutputLine: String, processName: String): Boolean {
return psOutputLine.endsWith(" $processName") || psOutputLine.endsWith("/$processName")
fun connectUiAutomation() {
ShellImpl // force initialization
* Run a command, and capture stdout
* Below L, returns null
fun optionalCommand(command: String): String? {
} else {
fun executeCommand(command: String): String {
return ShellImpl.executeCommand(command)
* Function for reading shell-accessible proc files, like scaling_max_freq, which can't be
* read directly by the app process.
fun catProcFileLong(path: String): Long? {
return optionalCommand("cat $path")
?.run {
try {
} catch (exception: NumberFormatException) {
// silently catch exception, as it may be not readable (e.g. due to offline)
fun chmodExecutable(absoluteFilePath: String) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
ShellImpl.executeCommand("chmod +x $absoluteFilePath")
} else {
// chmod with support for +x only added in API 23
// While 777 is technically more permissive, this is only used for scripts and temporary
// files in tests, so we don't worry about permissions / access here
ShellImpl.executeCommand("chmod 777 $absoluteFilePath")
fun moveToTmpAndMakeExecutable(src: String, dst: String) {
// Note: we don't check for return values from the below, since shell based file
// permission errors generally crash our process.
ShellImpl.executeCommand("cp $src $dst")
* Writes the inputStream to an executable file with the given name in `/data/local/tmp`
fun createRunnableExecutable(name: String, inputStream: InputStream): String {
// dirUsableByAppAndShell is writable, but we can't execute there (as of Q),
// so we copy to /data/local/tmp
val externalDir = Outputs.dirUsableByAppAndShell
val writableExecutableFile = File.createTempFile(
/* prefix */ "temporary_$name",
/* suffix */ null,
/* directory */ externalDir
val runnableExecutablePath = "/data/local/tmp/$name"
try {
writableExecutableFile.outputStream().use {
src = writableExecutableFile.absolutePath,
dst = runnableExecutablePath
} finally {
return runnableExecutablePath
* Returns true if the shell session is rooted, and thus root commands can be run (e.g. atrace
* commands with root-only tags)
fun isSessionRooted(): Boolean {
return ShellImpl.executeCommand("getprop service.adb.root").trim() == "1"
* Convenience wrapper around [UiAutomation.executeShellCommand()] which enables redirects,
* piping, and all other shell script functionality.
* Unlike [UiDevice.executeShellCommand()], this method supports arbitrary multi-line shell
* expressions, as it creates and executes a shell script in `/data/local/tmp/`.
* Note that shell scripting capabilities differ based on device version. To see which utilities
* are available on which platform versions,see
* [Android's shell and utilities](
* @param script Script content to run
* @param stdin String to pass in as stdin to first command in script
* @return Stdout string
fun executeScript(script: String, stdin: String? = null): String {
return ShellImpl.executeScript(script, stdin, false).first
data class Output(val stdout: String, val stderr: String)
* Convenience wrapper around [UiAutomation.executeShellCommand()] which enables redirects,
* piping, and all other shell script functionality, and which captures stderr of last command.
* Unlike [UiDevice.executeShellCommand()], this method supports arbitrary multi-line shell
* expressions, as it creates and executes a shell script in `/data/local/tmp/`.
* Note that shell scripting capabilities differ based on device version. To see which utilities
* are available on which platform versions,see
* [Android's shell and utilities](
* @param script Script content to run
* @param stdin String to pass in as stdin to first command in script
* @return ShellOutput, including stdout of full script, and stderr of last command.
fun executeScriptWithStderr(
script: String,
stdin: String? = null
): Output {
return ShellImpl.executeScript(
script = script,
stdin = stdin,
includeStderr = true
).run {
Output(first, second!!)
fun isPackageAlive(packageName: String): Boolean {
return getPidsForProcess(packageName).isNotEmpty()
fun getPidsForProcess(processName: String): List<Int> {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {
// On API 23 (first version to offer it) we observe that 'pidof'
// returns list of all processes :|
return executeCommand("pidof $processName")
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map {
// Can't use ps -A on older platforms, arg isn't supported.
// Can't simply run ps, since it gets truncated
return executeScript("ps | grep $processName")
.map { it.trim() }
.filter { psLineContainsProcess(psOutputLine = it, processName = processName) }
.map {
// map to int - split, and take 2nd column (PID)
* Checks if a process is alive, given a specified pid **and** process name.
* Both must match in order to return true.
fun isProcessAlive(pid: Int, processName: String): Boolean {
return executeCommand("ps $pid")
.any { psLineContainsProcess(psOutputLine = it, processName = processName) }
data class ProcessPid(val processName: String, val pid: Int) {
fun isAlive() = isProcessAlive(pid, processName)
fun terminateProcessesAndWait(
waitPollPeriodMs: Long,
waitPollMaxCount: Int,
processName: String
) {
val processes = getPidsForProcess(processName).map { pid ->
ProcessPid(pid = pid, processName = processName)
waitPollPeriodMs = waitPollPeriodMs,
waitPollMaxCount = waitPollMaxCount,
fun terminateProcessesAndWait(
waitPollPeriodMs: Long,
waitPollMaxCount: Int,
vararg processes: ProcessPid
) {
processes.forEach {
val stopOutput = executeCommand("kill -TERM ${}")
Log.d(BenchmarkState.TAG, "kill -TERM command output - $stopOutput")
var runningProcesses = processes.toList()
repeat(waitPollMaxCount) {
runningProcesses = runningProcesses.filter { isProcessAlive(, it.processName) }
if (runningProcesses.isEmpty()) {
userspaceTrace("wait for $runningProcesses to die") {
Log.d(BenchmarkState.TAG, "Waiting $waitPollPeriodMs ms for $runningProcesses to die")
throw IllegalStateException("Failed to stop $runningProcesses")
private object ShellImpl {
init {
require(Looper.getMainLooper().thread != Thread.currentThread()) {
"ShellImpl must not be initialized on the UI thread - UiAutomation must not be " +
"connected on the main thread!"
private val uiAutomation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().uiAutomation
* Reimplementation of UiAutomator's Device.executeShellCommand,
* to avoid the UiAutomator dependency
fun executeCommand(cmd: String): String {
val parcelFileDescriptor = uiAutomation.executeShellCommand(cmd)
AutoCloseInputStream(parcelFileDescriptor).use { inputStream ->
return inputStream.readBytes().toString(Charset.defaultCharset())
fun executeScript(
script: String,
stdin: String?,
includeStderr: Boolean
): Pair<String, String?> {
// dirUsableByAppAndShell is writable, but we can't execute there (as of Q),
// so we copy to /data/local/tmp
val externalDir = Outputs.dirUsableByAppAndShell
val writableScriptFile = File.createTempFile("temporaryScript", ".sh", externalDir)
val runnableScriptPath = "/data/local/tmp/" +
// only create/read/delete stdin/stderr files if they are needed
val stdinFile = stdin?.run {
File.createTempFile("temporaryStdin", null, externalDir)
val stderrPath = if (includeStderr) {
// we use a modified runnableScriptPath (as opposed to externalDir) because some shell
// commands fail to redirect stderr to externalDir (notably, `am start`).
// This also means we need to `cat` the file to read it, and `rm` to remove it.
runnableScriptPath + "_stderr"
} else {
try {
var scriptText: String = script
if (stdinFile != null) {
scriptText = "cat ${stdinFile.absolutePath} | $scriptText"
if (stderrPath != null) {
scriptText = "$scriptText 2> $stderrPath"
// Note: we don't check for return values from the below, since shell based file
// permission errors generally crash our process.
executeCommand("cp ${writableScriptFile.absolutePath} $runnableScriptPath")
val stdout = trace("executeCommand") { executeCommand(runnableScriptPath) }
val stderr = stderrPath?.run { executeCommand("cat $stderrPath") }
return Pair(stdout, stderr)
} finally {
stderrPath?.run {
executeCommand("rm $stderrPath")
executeCommand("rm $runnableScriptPath")