blob: 1a4aaf00502c7cfb5689d071df71a2cf56e404f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.runtime.collection
import androidx.compose.runtime.identityHashCode
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
* Maps values to a set of scopes using the [identityHashCode] for both the value and the
* scope for uniqueness.
internal class IdentityScopeMap<T : Any> {
* The array of indices into [values] and [scopeSets], in the order that they are sorted
* in the [IdentityScopeMap]. The length of the used values is [size], and all remaining values
* are the unused indices in [values] and [scopeSets].
internal var valueOrder: IntArray = IntArray(50) { it }
* The [identityHashCode] for the keys in the collection. We never use the actual
* values
internal var values: Array<Any?> = arrayOfNulls(50)
* The [IdentityArraySet]s for values, in the same index order as [values], indexed
* by [valueOrder]. The consumed values may extend beyond [size] if a value has been removed.
internal var scopeSets: Array<IdentityArraySet<T>?> = arrayOfNulls(50)
* The number of values in the map.
internal var size = 0
* Returns the value at the given [index] order in the map.
private inline fun valueAt(index: Int): Any {
return values[valueOrder[index]]!!
* Returns the [IdentityArraySet] for the value at the given [index] order in the map.
private fun scopeSetAt(index: Int): IdentityArraySet<T> {
return scopeSets[valueOrder[index]]!!
* Adds a [value]/[scope] pair to the map and returns `true` if it was added or `false` if
* it already existed.
fun add(value: Any, scope: T): Boolean {
val valueSet = getOrCreateIdentitySet(value)
return valueSet.add(scope)
* Returns true if any scopes are associated with [element]
operator fun contains(element: Any): Boolean = find(element) >= 0
* Executes [block] for all scopes mapped to the given [value].
inline fun forEachScopeOf(value: Any, block: (scope: T) -> Unit) {
val index = find(value)
if (index >= 0) {
* Returns the existing [IdentityArraySet] for the given [value] or creates a new one
* and insertes it into the map and returns it.
private fun getOrCreateIdentitySet(value: Any): IdentityArraySet<T> {
val index: Int
if (size > 0) {
index = find(value)
if (index >= 0) {
return scopeSetAt(index)
} else {
index = -1
val insertIndex = -(index + 1)
if (size < valueOrder.size) {
val valueIndex = valueOrder[size]
values[valueIndex] = value
val scopeSet = scopeSets[valueIndex] ?: IdentityArraySet<T>().also {
scopeSets[valueIndex] = it
// insert into the right location in keyOrder
if (insertIndex < size) {
destination = valueOrder,
destinationOffset = insertIndex + 1,
startIndex = insertIndex,
endIndex = size
valueOrder[insertIndex] = valueIndex
return scopeSet
// We have to increase the size of all arrays
val newSize = valueOrder.size * 2
val valueIndex = size
scopeSets = scopeSets.copyOf(newSize)
val scopeSet = IdentityArraySet<T>()
scopeSets[valueIndex] = scopeSet
values = values.copyOf(newSize)
values[valueIndex] = value
val newKeyOrder = IntArray(newSize)
for (i in size + 1 until newSize) {
newKeyOrder[i] = i
if (insertIndex < size) {
destination = newKeyOrder,
destinationOffset = insertIndex + 1,
startIndex = insertIndex,
endIndex = size
newKeyOrder[insertIndex] = valueIndex
if (insertIndex > 0) {
destination = newKeyOrder,
endIndex = insertIndex
valueOrder = newKeyOrder
return scopeSet
* Removes all values and scopes from the map
fun clear() {
for (i in 0 until scopeSets.size) {
valueOrder[i] = i
values[i] = null
size = 0
* Remove [scope] from the scope set for [value]. If the scope set is empty after [scope] has
* been remove the reference to [value] is removed as well.
* @param value the key of the scope map
* @param scope the scope being removed
* @return true if the value was removed from the scope
fun remove(value: Any, scope: T): Boolean {
val index = find(value)
if (index >= 0) {
val valueOrderIndex = valueOrder[index]
val set = scopeSets[valueOrderIndex] ?: return false
val removed = set.remove(scope)
if (set.size == 0) {
val startIndex = index + 1
val endIndex = size
if (startIndex < endIndex) {
destination = valueOrder,
destinationOffset = index,
startIndex = startIndex,
endIndex = endIndex
valueOrder[size - 1] = valueOrderIndex
values[valueOrderIndex] = null
return removed
return false
* Removes all scopes that match [predicate]. If all scopes for a given value have been
* removed, that value is removed also.
inline fun removeValueIf(predicate: (scope: T) -> Boolean) {
var destinationIndex = 0
for (i in 0 until size) {
val valueIndex = valueOrder[i]
val set = scopeSets[valueIndex]!!
if (set.size > 0) {
if (destinationIndex != i) {
// We'll bubble-up the now-free key-order by swapping the index with the one
// we're copying from. This means that the set can be reused later.
val destinationKeyOrder = valueOrder[destinationIndex]
valueOrder[destinationIndex] = valueIndex
valueOrder[i] = destinationKeyOrder
// Remove hard references to values that are no longer in the map
for (i in destinationIndex until size) {
values[valueOrder[i]] = null
size = destinationIndex
* Returns the index into [valueOrder] of the found [value] of the
* value, or the negative index - 1 of the position in which it would be if it were found.
private fun find(value: Any?): Int {
val valueIdentity = identityHashCode(value)
var low = 0
var high = size - 1
while (low <= high) {
val mid = (low + high).ushr(1)
val midValue = valueAt(mid)
val midValHash = identityHashCode(midValue)
when {
midValHash < valueIdentity -> low = mid + 1
midValHash > valueIdentity -> high = mid - 1
value === midValue -> return mid
else -> return findExactIndex(mid, value, valueIdentity)
return -(low + 1)
* When multiple items share the same [identityHashCode], then we must find the specific
* index of the target item. This method assumes that [midIndex] has already been checked
* for an exact match for [value], but will look at nearby values to find the exact item index.
* If no match is found, the negative index - 1 of the position in which it would be will
* be returned, which is always after the last item with the same [identityHashCode].
private fun findExactIndex(midIndex: Int, value: Any?, valueHash: Int): Int {
// hunt down first
for (i in midIndex - 1 downTo 0) {
val v = valueAt(i)
if (v === value) {
return i
if (identityHashCode(v) != valueHash) {
break // we've gone too far
for (i in midIndex + 1 until size) {
val v = valueAt(i)
if (v === value) {
return i
if (identityHashCode(v) != valueHash) {
// We've gone too far. We should insert here.
return -(i + 1)
// We should insert at the end
return -(size + 1)