blob: 3a70445aee1022565d2f28fdf8ef033f21ce284c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // Aliases to other public API.
package androidx.core.view
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver
import androidx.annotation.Px
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
* Performs the given action when this view is next laid out.
* The action will only be invoked once on the next layout and then removed.
* @see doOnLayout
inline fun View.doOnNextLayout(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit) {
addOnLayoutChangeListener(object : View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
override fun onLayoutChange(
view: View,
left: Int,
top: Int,
right: Int,
bottom: Int,
oldLeft: Int,
oldTop: Int,
oldRight: Int,
oldBottom: Int
) {
* Performs the given action when this view is laid out. If the view has been laid out and it
* has not requested a layout, the action will be performed straight away, otherwise the
* action will be performed after the view is next laid out.
* The action will only be invoked once on the next layout and then removed.
* @see doOnNextLayout
inline fun View.doOnLayout(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit) {
if (ViewCompat.isLaidOut(this) && !isLayoutRequested) {
} else {
doOnNextLayout {
* Performs the given action when the view tree is about to be drawn.
* The action will only be invoked once prior to the next draw and then removed.
inline fun View.doOnPreDraw(crossinline action: (view: View) -> Unit) {
val vto = viewTreeObserver
vto.addOnPreDrawListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean {
when {
vto.isAlive -> vto.removeOnPreDrawListener(this)
else -> viewTreeObserver.removeOnPreDrawListener(this)
return true
* Updates this view's relative padding. This version of the method allows using named parameters
* to just set one or more axes.
* @see View.setPaddingRelative
inline fun View.updatePaddingRelative(
@Px start: Int = paddingStart,
@Px top: Int = paddingTop,
@Px end: Int = paddingEnd,
@Px bottom: Int = paddingBottom
) {
setPaddingRelative(start, top, end, bottom)
* Updates this view's padding. This version of the method allows using named parameters
* to just set one or more axes.
* @see View.setPadding
inline fun View.updatePadding(
@Px left: Int = paddingLeft,
@Px top: Int = paddingTop,
@Px right: Int = paddingRight,
@Px bottom: Int = paddingBottom
) {
setPadding(left, top, right, bottom)
* Sets the view's padding. This version of the method sets all axes to the provided size.
* @see View.setPadding
inline fun View.setPadding(@Px size: Int) {
setPadding(size, size, size, size)
* Version of [View.postDelayed] which re-orders the parameters, allowing the action to be placed
* outside of parentheses.
* ```
* view.postDelayed(200) {
* doSomething()
* }
* ```
* @return the created Runnable
inline fun View.postDelayed(delayInMillis: Long, crossinline action: () -> Unit): Runnable {
val runnable = Runnable { action() }
postDelayed(runnable, delayInMillis)
return runnable
* Version of [View.postOnAnimationDelayed] which re-orders the parameters, allowing the action
* to be placed outside of parentheses.
* ```
* view.postOnAnimationDelayed(16) {
* doSomething()
* }
* ```
* @return the created Runnable
inline fun View.postOnAnimationDelayed(
delayInMillis: Long,
crossinline action: () -> Unit
): Runnable {
val runnable = Runnable { action() }
postOnAnimationDelayed(runnable, delayInMillis)
return runnable
* Return a [Bitmap] representation of this [View].
* The resulting bitmap will be the same width and height as this view's current layout
* dimensions. This does not take into account any transformations such as scale or translation.
* Note, this will use the software rendering pipeline to draw the view to the bitmap. This may
* result with different drawing to what is rendered on a hardware accelerated canvas (such as
* the device screen).
* If this view has not been laid out this method will throw a [IllegalStateException].
* @param config Bitmap config of the desired bitmap. Defaults to [Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888].
fun View.drawToBitmap(config: Bitmap.Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888): Bitmap {
if (!ViewCompat.isLaidOut(this)) {
throw IllegalStateException("View needs to be laid out before calling drawToBitmap()")
return Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config).applyCanvas {
translate(-scrollX.toFloat(), -scrollY.toFloat())
* Returns true when this view's visibility is [View.VISIBLE], false otherwise.
* ```
* if (view.isVisible) {
* // Behavior...
* }
* ```
* Setting this property to true sets the visibility to [View.VISIBLE], false to [View.GONE].
* ```
* view.isVisible = true
* ```
inline var View.isVisible: Boolean
get() = visibility == View.VISIBLE
set(value) {
visibility = if (value) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
* Returns true when this view's visibility is [View.INVISIBLE], false otherwise.
* ```
* if (view.isInvisible) {
* // Behavior...
* }
* ```
* Setting this property to true sets the visibility to [View.INVISIBLE], false to [View.VISIBLE].
* ```
* view.isInvisible = true
* ```
inline var View.isInvisible: Boolean
get() = visibility == View.INVISIBLE
set(value) {
visibility = if (value) View.INVISIBLE else View.VISIBLE
* Returns true when this view's visibility is [View.GONE], false otherwise.
* ```
* if (view.isGone) {
* // Behavior...
* }
* ```
* Setting this property to true sets the visibility to [View.GONE], false to [View.VISIBLE].
* ```
* view.isGone = true
* ```
inline var View.isGone: Boolean
get() = visibility == View.GONE
set(value) {
visibility = if (value) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE
* Executes [block] with the View's layoutParams and reassigns the layoutParams with the
* updated version.
* @see View.getLayoutParams
* @see View.setLayoutParams
inline fun View.updateLayoutParams(block: ViewGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit) {
* Executes [block] with a typed version of the View's layoutParams and reassigns the
* layoutParams with the updated version.
* @see View.getLayoutParams
* @see View.setLayoutParams
inline fun <reified T : ViewGroup.LayoutParams> View.updateLayoutParams(block: T.() -> Unit) {
val params = layoutParams as T
layoutParams = params
* Returns the left margin if this view's [LayoutParams] is a [ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams],
* otherwise 0.
* @see ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
inline val View.marginLeft: Int
get() = (layoutParams as? MarginLayoutParams)?.leftMargin ?: 0
* Returns the top margin if this view's [LayoutParams] is a [ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams],
* otherwise 0.
* @see ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
inline val View.marginTop: Int
get() = (layoutParams as? MarginLayoutParams)?.topMargin ?: 0
* Returns the right margin if this view's [LayoutParams] is a [ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams],
* otherwise 0.
* @see ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
inline val View.marginRight: Int
get() = (layoutParams as? MarginLayoutParams)?.rightMargin ?: 0
* Returns the bottom margin if this view's [LayoutParams] is a [ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams],
* otherwise 0.
* @see ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
inline val View.marginBottom: Int
get() = (layoutParams as? MarginLayoutParams)?.bottomMargin ?: 0
* Returns the start margin if this view's [LayoutParams] is a [ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams],
* otherwise 0.
* @see ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
* @see MarginLayoutParamsCompat.getMarginStart
inline val View.marginStart: Int
get() {
val lp = layoutParams
return if (lp is MarginLayoutParams) MarginLayoutParamsCompat.getMarginStart(lp) else 0
* Returns the end margin if this view's [LayoutParams] is a [ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams],
* otherwise 0.
* @see ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
* @see MarginLayoutParamsCompat.getMarginEnd
inline val View.marginEnd: Int
get() {
val lp = layoutParams
return if (lp is MarginLayoutParams) MarginLayoutParamsCompat.getMarginEnd(lp) else 0