blob: 1952ca678e01a0785fc91bb7babbe8096dc7195b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.animation
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationVector1D
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationVector2D
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationVector4D
import androidx.compose.animation.core.PropKey
import androidx.compose.animation.core.TwoWayConverter
import androidx.compose.animation.core.VectorConverter
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Bounds
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Position
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.PxBounds
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
* Built-in property key for pixel properties.
* @param label Label for distinguishing different prop keys in Android Studio.
class PxPropKey(override val label: String = "PxPropKey") : PropKey<Float, AnimationVector1D> {
override val typeConverter = Float.VectorConverter
* Built-in property key for [Dp] properties.
* @param label Label for distinguishing different prop keys in Android Studio.
class DpPropKey(override val label: String = "DpPropKey") : PropKey<Dp, AnimationVector1D> {
override val typeConverter = Dp.VectorConverter
* Built-in property key for [Offset] properties.
* @param label Label for distinguishing different prop keys in Android Studio.
class OffsetPropKey(
override val label: String = "OffsetPropKey"
) : PropKey<Offset, AnimationVector2D> {
override val typeConverter = Offset.VectorConverter
* Built-in property key for [Color] properties.
* @param label Label for distinguishing different prop keys in Android Studio.
class ColorPropKey(
colorSpace: ColorSpace = ColorSpaces.Srgb,
override val label: String = "ColorPropKey"
) : PropKey<Color, AnimationVector4D> {
override val typeConverter = (Color.VectorConverter)(colorSpace)
* Built-in property key for [Rect] properties.
* @param label Label for distinguishing different prop keys in Android Studio.
class RectPropKey(
override val label: String = "RectPropKey"
) : PropKey<Rect, AnimationVector4D> {
override val typeConverter = Rect.VectorConverter
* A lambda that takes a [ColorSpace] and returns a converter that can both convert a [Color] to
* a [AnimationVector4D], and convert a [AnimationVector4D]) back to a [Color] in the given
* [ColorSpace].
private val ColorToVector: (colorSpace: ColorSpace) -> TwoWayConverter<Color, AnimationVector4D> =
{ colorSpace ->
convertToVector = {
val linearColor = it.convert(ColorSpaces.LinearExtendedSrgb)
convertFromVector = {
alpha = it.v1,
red = it.v2,
green = it.v3,
blue = it.v4,
colorSpace = ColorSpaces.LinearExtendedSrgb
* A type converter that converts a [Rect] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
private val RectToVector: TwoWayConverter<Rect, AnimationVector4D> =
convertToVector = {
AnimationVector4D(it.left,, it.right, it.bottom)
convertFromVector = {
Rect(it.v1, it.v2, it.v3, it.v4)
* A type converter that converts a [Dp] to a [AnimationVector1D], and vice versa.
private val DpToVector: TwoWayConverter<Dp, AnimationVector1D> = TwoWayConverter(
convertToVector = { AnimationVector1D(it.value) },
convertFromVector = { Dp(it.value) }
* A type converter that converts a [Position] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
private val PositionToVector: TwoWayConverter<Position, AnimationVector2D> =
convertToVector = { AnimationVector2D(it.x.value, it.y.value) },
convertFromVector = { Position(it.v1.dp, it.v2.dp) }
* A type converter that converts a [Size] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
private val SizeToVector: TwoWayConverter<Size, AnimationVector2D> =
convertToVector = { AnimationVector2D(it.width, it.height) },
convertFromVector = { Size(it.v1, it.v2) }
* A type converter that converts a [Bounds] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
private val BoundsToVector: TwoWayConverter<Bounds, AnimationVector4D> =
convertToVector = {
AnimationVector4D(it.left.value,, it.right.value, it.bottom.value)
convertFromVector = { Bounds(it.v1.dp, it.v2.dp, it.v3.dp, it.v4.dp) }
* A type converter that converts a [Offset] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
private val OffsetToVector: TwoWayConverter<Offset, AnimationVector2D> =
convertToVector = { AnimationVector2D(it.x, it.y) },
convertFromVector = { Offset(it.v1, it.v2) }
* A type converter that converts a [PxBounds] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
private val PxBoundsToVector: TwoWayConverter<PxBounds, AnimationVector4D> =
convertToVector = {
AnimationVector4D(it.left,, it.right, it.bottom)
convertFromVector = { PxBounds(it.v1, it.v2, it.v3, it.v4) }
* A type converter that converts a [IntOffset] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
private val IntOffsetToVector: TwoWayConverter<IntOffset, AnimationVector2D> =
convertToVector = { AnimationVector2D(it.x.toFloat(), it.y.toFloat()) },
convertFromVector = { IntOffset(it.v1.roundToInt(), it.v2.roundToInt()) }
* A type converter that converts a [IntSize] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
private val IntSizeToVector: TwoWayConverter<IntSize, AnimationVector2D> =
{ AnimationVector2D(it.width.toFloat(), it.height.toFloat()) },
{ IntSize(it.v1.roundToInt(), it.v2.roundToInt()) }
* A lambda that takes a [ColorSpace] and returns a converter that can both convert a [Color] to
* a [AnimationVector4D], and convert a [AnimationVector4D]) back to a [Color] in the given
* [ColorSpace].
val Color.Companion.VectorConverter:
(colorSpace: ColorSpace) -> TwoWayConverter<Color, AnimationVector4D>
get() = ColorToVector
* A lambda that takes a [ColorSpace] and returns a converter that can both convert a [Color] to
* a [AnimationVector4D], and convert a [AnimationVector4D]) back to a [Color] in the given
* [ColorSpace].
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Color.VectorConverter"))
val ColorToVectorConverter: (colorSpace: ColorSpace) -> TwoWayConverter<Color, AnimationVector4D> =
* A type converter that converts a [Rect] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
val Rect.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Rect, AnimationVector4D>
get() = RectToVector
* A type converter that converts a [Rect] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Rect.VectorConverter"))
val RectToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Rect, AnimationVector4D> = Rect.VectorConverter
* A type converter that converts a [Dp] to a [AnimationVector1D], and vice versa.
val Dp.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Dp, AnimationVector1D>
get() = DpToVector
* A type converter that converts a [Dp] to a [AnimationVector1D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Dp.VectorConverter"))
val DpToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Dp, AnimationVector1D> = Dp.VectorConverter
* A type converter that converts a [Position] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
val Position.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Position, AnimationVector2D>
get() = PositionToVector
* A type converter that converts a [Position] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Position.VectorConverter"))
val PositionToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Position, AnimationVector2D> =
* A type converter that converts a [Size] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
val Size.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Size, AnimationVector2D>
get() = SizeToVector
* A type converter that converts a [Size] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Size.VectorConverter"))
val SizeToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Size, AnimationVector2D> =
* A type converter that converts a [Bounds] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
val Bounds.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Bounds, AnimationVector4D>
get() = BoundsToVector
* A type converter that converts a [Bounds] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Bounds.VectorConverter"))
val BoundsToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Bounds, AnimationVector4D> =
* A type converter that converts a [Offset] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
val Offset.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Offset, AnimationVector2D>
get() = OffsetToVector
* A type converter that converts a [Offset] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Offset.VectorConverter"))
val OffsetToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<Offset, AnimationVector2D> =
* A type converter that converts a [PxBounds] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("Use Rect and RectToVectorConverter instead",
val PxBounds.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<PxBounds, AnimationVector4D>
get() = PxBoundsToVector
* A type converter that converts a [PxBounds] to a [AnimationVector4D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("PxBounds.VectorConverter"))
val PxBoundsToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<PxBounds, AnimationVector4D> =
* A type converter that converts a [IntOffset] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
val IntOffset.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<IntOffset, AnimationVector2D>
get() = IntOffsetToVector
* A type converter that converts a [IntOffset] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("IntOffset.VectorConverter"))
val IntPxPositionToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<IntOffset, AnimationVector2D> =
* A type converter that converts a [IntSize] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
val IntSize.Companion.VectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<IntSize, AnimationVector2D>
get() = IntSizeToVector
* A type converter that converts a [IntSize] to a [AnimationVector2D], and vice versa.
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("IntSize.VectorConverter"))
val IntSizeToVectorConverter: TwoWayConverter<IntSize, AnimationVector2D> = IntSize.VectorConverter