blob: dd986c09ae8c0ebbc03017863ae33da3c17b1b1e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime, filecmp, math, multiprocessing, os, shutil, subprocess, stat, sys, time
from collections import OrderedDict
def usage():
print("""Usage: [--assume-no-side-effects] [--assume-input-states-are-correct] [--work-path <workpath>] [--num-jobs <count>] [--timeout <seconds>] [--debug] <passingPath> <failingPath> <shellCommand> attempts to transform (a copy of) the contents of <passingPath> into the contents of <failingPath> subject to the constraint that when <shellCommand> is run in that directory, it returns 0
Assume that the given shell command does not make any (relevant) changes to the given directory, and therefore don't wipe and repopulate the directory before each invocation of the command
Assume that <shellCommand> passes in <passingPath> and fails in <failingPath> rather than re-verifying this
--work-path <filepath>
File path to use as the work directory for testing the shell command
This file path will be overwritten and modified as needed for testing purposes, and will also be the working directory of the shell command when it is run
--num-jobs <count>
The maximum number of concurrent executions of <shellCommand> to spawn at once
Specify 'auto' to have dynamically adjust the number of jobs based on system load
--timeout <seconds>
Approximate maximum amount of time to run. If expects that running a test would exceed this timeout, then it will skip running the test, terminate early, and report what it did find. doesn't terminate any child processes that have already started, so it is still possible that might exceed this timeout by the amount of time required to run one test.
Enable some debug checks in
debug = False
# Miscellaneous file utilities
class FileIo(object):
def __init__(self):
def ensureDirExists(self, filePath):
if not os.path.isdir(filePath):
if os.path.isfile(filePath) or os.path.islink(filePath):
def copyFile(self, fromPath, toPath):
if os.path.islink(fromPath):
linkText = os.readlink(fromPath)
os.symlink(linkText, toPath)
shutil.copy2(fromPath, toPath)
def hardLink(self, oldPath, newPath):
self.removePath(newPath), newPath)
def writeFile(self, path, text):
f = open(path, "w+")
def writeScript(self, path, text):
self.writeFile(path, text)
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU)
def removePath(self, filePath):
if len(os.path.split(filePath)) < 2:
raise Exception("Will not remove path at " + filePath + "; is too close to the root of the filesystem")
if os.path.islink(filePath):
elif os.path.isdir(filePath):
elif os.path.isfile(filePath):
def join(self, path1, path2):
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path1, path2))
# tells whether <parent> either contains <child> or is <child>
def contains(self, parent, child):
if parent == child:
return True
return child.startswith(parent + "/")
# returns the common prefix of two paths. For example, commonPrefixOf2("a/b/c", "a/b/cat") returns "a/b"
def commonPrefixOf2(self, path1, path2):
prefix = path2
while True:
if self.contains(prefix, path1):
return prefix
parent = os.path.dirname(prefix)
if parent == prefix:
return None
prefix = parent
# returns the common prefix of multiple paths
def commonPrefix(self, paths):
if len(paths) < 1:
return None
result = None
for path in paths:
if result is None:
# first iteration
result = path
prev = result
result = self.commonPrefixOf2(result, path)
if result is None:
# the common prefix of two paths was nothing
return result
return result
fileIo = FileIo()
# Returns cpu usage
class CpuStats(object):
def cpu_times_percent(self):
# We wait to attempt to import psutil in case we don't need it and it doesn't exist on this system
import psutil
return psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=None)
cpuStats = CpuStats()
# Fast file copying
class FileCopyCache(object):
def __init__(self):
self.modificationTimes = {}
# Puts a copy of <sourcePath> at <destPath>
# If we already have an unmodified copy, we just hardlink our existing unmodified copy
# If we don't have an unmodified copy, we first make a copy
def copyFile(self, sourcePath, destPath, cachePath):
if cachePath is None:
fileIo.copyFile(sourcePath, destPath)
shareable = self.getShareableFile(sourcePath, cachePath)
fileIo.hardLink(shareable, destPath)
# gets a shareable copy of <sourcePath> in <cachePath> and returns its path
def getShareableFile(self, sourcePath, cachePath):
# note that absolute sourcePath is supported
path = os.path.abspath(cachePath + "/" + sourcePath)
if path in self.modificationTimes:
# we've already shared this file before; let's check whether it has been modified since then
if self.modificationTimes[path] == self.getModificationTime(path):
# this file hasn't been modified since we last shared it; we can just reuse it
return path
# we don't have an existing file that we can reuse, so we have to make one
fileIo.copyFile(sourcePath, path)
self.modificationTimes[path] = self.getModificationTime(path)
return path
# returns the time at which <path> was last modified
def getModificationTime(self, path):
if os.path.exists(path):
return os.path.getmtime(path)
return None
fileCopyCache = FileCopyCache()
# Runs a shell command
class ShellScript(object):
def __init__(self, commandText, cwd):
self.commandText = commandText
self.cwd = cwd
def process(self):
cwd = self.cwd
print("Running '" + self.commandText + "' in " + cwd)
subprocess.check_call(["bash", "-c", "cd " + cwd + " && " + self.commandText])
return 0
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return e.returncode
# Base class that can hold the state of a file
class FileContent(object):
def apply(self, filePath, cachePath=None):
def equals(self, other, checkWithFileSystem=False):
# A FileContent that refers to the content of a specific file
class FileBacked_FileContent(FileContent):
def __init__(self, referencePath):
super(FileBacked_FileContent, self).__init__()
self.referencePath = referencePath
self.isLink = os.path.islink(self.referencePath)
def apply(self, filePath, cachePath=None):
fileCopyCache.copyFile(self.referencePath, filePath, cachePath)
def equals(self, other, checkWithFileSystem=False):
if not isinstance(other, FileBacked_FileContent):
return False
if self.referencePath == other.referencePath:
return True
if not checkWithFileSystem:
return False
if self.isLink and other.isLink:
return os.readlink(self.referencePath) == os.readlink(other.referencePath)
if self.isLink != other.isLink:
return False # symlink not equal to non-symlink
return filecmp.cmp(self.referencePath, other.referencePath)
def __str__(self):
return self.referencePath
# A FileContent describing the nonexistence of a file
class MissingFile_FileContent(FileContent):
def __init__(self):
super(MissingFile_FileContent, self).__init__()
def apply(self, filePath, cachePath=None):
def equals(self, other, checkWithFileSystem=False):
return isinstance(other, MissingFile_FileContent)
def __str__(self):
return "Empty"
# A FileContent describing a directory
class Directory_FileContent(FileContent):
def __init__(self):
super(Directory_FileContent, self).__init__()
def apply(self, filePath, cachePath=None):
def equals(self, other, checkWithFileSystem=False):
return isinstance(other, Directory_FileContent)
def __str__(self):
return "[empty dir]"
# A collection of many FileContent objects
class FilesState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fileStates = OrderedDict()
def apply(self, filePath, cachePath=None):
for relPath, state in self.fileStates.items():
state.apply(fileIo.join(filePath, relPath), cachePath)
def add(self, filePath, fileContent):
self.fileStates[filePath] = fileContent
def addAllFrom(self, other):
for filePath in other.fileStates:
self.add(filePath, other.fileStates[filePath])
def getContent(self, filePath):
if filePath in self.fileStates:
return self.fileStates[filePath]
return None
def getKeys(self):
return self.fileStates.keys()
# returns a FilesState resembling <self> but without the keys for which other[key] == self[key]
def withoutDuplicatesFrom(self, other, checkWithFileSystem=False):
result = FilesState()
for filePath, fileState in self.fileStates.items():
otherContent = other.getContent(filePath)
if not fileState.equals(otherContent, checkWithFileSystem):
result.add(filePath, fileState)
return result
# returns self[fromIndex:toIndex]
def slice(self, fromIndex, toIndex):
result = FilesState()
for filePath in list(self.fileStates.keys())[fromIndex:toIndex]:
result.fileStates[filePath] = self.fileStates[filePath]
return result
def restrictedToKeysIn(self, other):
result = FilesState()
for filePath, fileState in self.fileStates.items():
if filePath in other.fileStates:
result.add(filePath, fileState)
return result
# returns a FilesState having the same keys as this FilesState, but with values taken from <other> when it has them, and <self> otherwise
def withConflictsFrom(self, other, listEmptyDirs = False):
result = FilesState()
for filePath, fileContent in self.fileStates.items():
if filePath in other.fileStates:
result.add(filePath, other.fileStates[filePath])
result.add(filePath, fileContent)
if listEmptyDirs:
oldImpliedDirs = self.listImpliedDirs()
newImpliedDirs = result.listImpliedDirs()
for impliedDir in oldImpliedDirs:
if impliedDir not in newImpliedDirs and impliedDir not in result.fileStates:
result.add(impliedDir, MissingFile_FileContent())
return result
def checkSameKeys(self, other):
a = self.checkContainsKeys(other)
b = other.checkContainsKeys(self)
if a and b:
return True
if not a:
print("a does not contain all of the keys from b")
if not b:
print("b does not contain all of the keys from a")
return False
def checkContainsKeys(self, other):
contains = True
for f in other.fileStates.keys():
if f not in self.fileStates:
print("Found in " + other.summarize() + " but not in " + self.summarize() + ": " + f)
contains = False
return contains
# returns a set of paths to all of the dirs in <self> that are implied by any files in <self>
def listImpliedDirs(self):
dirs = set()
empty = MissingFile_FileContent()
keys = [key for (key, value) in self.fileStates.items() if not empty.equals(value)]
i = 0
while i < len(keys):
path = keys[i]
parent, child = os.path.split(path)
if parent == "":
parent = "."
if not parent in dirs:
i += 1
return dirs
# returns a FilesState having all of the entries from <self>, plus empty entries for any keys in <other> not in <self>
def expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(self, other):
impliedDirs = self.listImpliedDirs()
# now look for entries in <other> not present in <self>
result = self.clone()
for filePath in other.fileStates:
if filePath not in result.fileStates and filePath not in impliedDirs:
result.fileStates[filePath] = MissingFile_FileContent()
return result
def clone(self):
result = FilesState()
for path, content in self.fileStates.items():
result.add(path, content)
return result
def withoutEmptyEntries(self):
result = FilesState()
empty = MissingFile_FileContent()
for path, state in self.fileStates.items():
if not empty.equals(state):
result.add(path, state)
return result
def getCommonDir(self):
result = fileIo.commonPrefix(self.fileStates.keys())
return result
# Returns a list of FilesState objects each containing a different subdirectory of <self>
# If groupDirectFilesTogether == True, then all files directly under self.getCommonDir() will be assigned to the same group
def groupByDirs(self, groupDirectFilesTogether = False):
if len(self.fileStates) <= 1:
if len(self.fileStates) == 1:
return [self]
return []
commonDir = self.getCommonDir()
if commonDir is None:
prefixLength = 0
prefixLength = len(commonDir) + 1 # skip the following '/'
groupsByDir = {}
for filePath, fileContent in self.fileStates.items():
subPath = filePath[prefixLength:]
slashIndex = subPath.find("/")
if slashIndex < 0:
if groupDirectFilesTogether:
firstDir = ""
firstDir = subPath
firstDir = subPath[:slashIndex]
if not firstDir in groupsByDir:
groupsByDir[firstDir] = FilesState()
groupsByDir[firstDir].add(filePath, fileContent)
return [group for group in groupsByDir.values()]
# splits into multiple, smaller, FilesState objects
def splitOnce(self, maxNumChildren = 2):
if self.size() <= 1:
return [self]
children = self.groupByDirs(True)
if len(children) == 1:
children = children[0].groupByDirs(False)
if len(children) > maxNumChildren:
# If there are lots of child directories, we still want to test a smaller number of larger groups before testing smaller groups
# So we arbitrarily recombine child directories to make a smaller number of children
minIndex = 0
mergedChildren = []
for i in range(maxNumChildren):
maxIndex = len(children) * (i + 1) // maxNumChildren
merge = FilesState()
for child in children[minIndex:maxIndex]:
minIndex = maxIndex
children = mergedChildren
return children
def summarize(self):
numFiles = self.size()
commonDir = self.getCommonDir()
if numFiles <= 4:
return str(self)
if commonDir is not None:
return str(numFiles) + " files under " + str(commonDir)
return str(numFiles) + " files"
def size(self):
return len(self.fileStates)
def __str__(self):
if len(self.fileStates) == 0:
return "[empty fileState]"
entries = []
for filePath, state in self.fileStates.items():
entries.append(filePath + " -> " + str(state))
if len(self.fileStates) > 1:
prefix = str(len(entries)) + " entries:\n"
prefix = "1 entry: "
return prefix + "\n".join(entries)
# Creates a FilesState matching the state of a directory on disk
def filesStateFromTree(rootPath):
rootPath = os.path.abspath(rootPath)
paths = []
states = {}
for root, dirPaths, filePaths in os.walk(rootPath, topdown=True):
if len(filePaths) == 0 and len(dirPaths) == 0:
relPath = os.path.relpath(root, rootPath)
states[relPath] = Directory_FileContent()
# include every file and every symlink (even if the symlink points to a dir)
leaves = filePaths
for dirPath in dirPaths:
fullPath = os.path.join(root, dirPath)
if os.path.islink(fullPath):
for filePath in leaves:
fullPath = fileIo.join(root, filePath)
relPath = os.path.relpath(fullPath, rootPath)
states[relPath] = FileBacked_FileContent(fullPath)
paths = sorted(paths)
state = FilesState()
for path in paths:
state.add(path, states[path])
return state
# runs a Job in this process
def runJobInSameProcess(shellCommand, workPath, cachePath, originalState, assumeNoSideEffects, full_resetTo_state, testState, twoWayPipe):
job = Job(shellCommand, workPath, cachePath, originalState, assumeNoSideEffects, full_resetTo_state, testState, twoWayPipe)
# starts a Job in a new process
def runJobInOtherProcess(shellCommand, workPath, cachePath, originalState, assumeNoSideEffects, full_resetTo_state, testState, queue, identifier):
parentWriter, childReader = multiprocessing.Pipe()
childInfo = TwoWayPipe(childReader, queue, identifier)
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=runJobInSameProcess, args=(shellCommand, workPath, cachePath, originalState, assumeNoSideEffects, full_resetTo_state, testState, childInfo,))
return parentWriter
class TwoWayPipe(object):
def __init__(self, readerConnection, writerQueue, identifier):
self.readerConnection = readerConnection
self.writerQueue = writerQueue
self.identifier = identifier
# Stores a subprocess for running tests and some information about which tests to run
class Job(object):
def __init__(self, shellCommand, workPath, cachePath, originalState, assumeNoSideEffects, full_resetTo_state, testState, twoWayPipe):
# the test to run
self.shellCommand = shellCommand
# directory to run the test in
self.workPath = workPath
# the state of our working directory
self.originalState = originalState
# whether to assume that the test won't change anything important
self.assumeNoSideEffects = assumeNoSideEffects
# the best accepted state
self.full_resetTo_state = full_resetTo_state
# the changes we're considering
self.testState = testState
self.pipe = twoWayPipe
self.cachePath = cachePath
def runAndReport(self):
succeeded = False
postState = None
(succeeded, postState) =
print("^" * 100)
self.pipe.writerQueue.put((self.pipe.identifier, succeeded, postState))
def run(self):
print("#" * 100)
print("Checking " + self.testState.summarize() + " (job " + str(self.pipe.identifier) + ") in " + str(self.workPath) + " at " + str(
# compute the state that we want the files to be in before we start the test
fullStateToTest = self.full_resetTo_state.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(self.testState).withConflictsFrom(self.testState, True)
#print("Starting with original worker state of " + str(self.originalState))
# update our files on disk to match the state we want to test
# run test
testStartSeconds = time.time()
testStart =
returnCode = ShellScript(self.shellCommand, self.workPath).process()
testEnd =
duration = (testEnd - testStart).total_seconds()
if self.assumeNoSideEffects:
# assume that no relevant files changed
postState = fullStateToTest
# determine which files weren't changed by the test command
postState = filesStateFromTree(self.workPath)
for key in postState.getKeys():
modified = postState.getContent(key)
if isinstance(modified, FileBacked_FileContent):
# If any filepath wasn't modified since the start of the test, then its content matches the original
# (If the content is known to match the original, we won't have to reset it next time)
if os.path.getmtime(modified.referencePath) < testStartSeconds:
original = fullStateToTest.getContent(key)
if original is not None:
if isinstance(original, FileBacked_FileContent):
modified.referencePath = original.referencePath
# report results
if returnCode == 0:
print("Passed: " + self.testState.summarize() + " (job " + str(self.pipe.identifier) + ") at " + str( + " in " + str(duration))
return (True, postState)
print("Failed: " + self.testState.summarize() + " (job " + str(self.pipe.identifier) + ") at " + str( + " in " + str(duration))
return (False, postState)
# Runner class that determines which diffs between two directories cause the given shell command to fail
class DiffRunner(object):
def __init__(self, failingPath, passingPath, shellCommand, workPath, assumeNoSideEffects, assumeInputStatesAreCorrect, maxNumJobsAtOnce, timeoutSeconds):
# some simple params
self.workPath = os.path.abspath(workPath)
self.bestState_path = fileIo.join(self.workPath, "bestResults")
self.sampleFailure_path = fileIo.join(self.workPath, "sampleFailure")
self.testScript_path = fileIo.join(self.workPath, "")
fileIo.writeScript(self.testScript_path, shellCommand)
self.originalPassingPath = os.path.abspath(passingPath)
self.originalFailingPath = os.path.abspath(failingPath)
self.assumeNoSideEffects = assumeNoSideEffects
self.assumeInputStatesAreCorrect = assumeInputStatesAreCorrect
self.timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds
# lists of all the files under the two dirs
print("Finding files in " + passingPath)
self.originalPassingState = filesStateFromTree(passingPath)
print("Found " + self.originalPassingState.summarize() + " in " + str(passingPath))
print("Finding files in " + failingPath)
self.originalFailingState = filesStateFromTree(failingPath)
print("Found " + self.originalFailingState.summarize() + " in " + str(failingPath))
print("Identifying duplicates")
# list of the files in the state to reset to after each test
self.full_resetTo_state = self.originalPassingState
# minimal description of only the files that are supposed to need to be reset after each test
self.resetTo_state = self.originalPassingState.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(self.originalFailingState).withoutDuplicatesFrom(self.originalFailingState, True)
self.targetState = self.originalFailingState.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(self.originalPassingState).withoutDuplicatesFrom(self.originalPassingState, True)
self.originalNumDifferences = self.resetTo_state.size()
print("Processing " + str(self.originalNumDifferences) + " file differences")
self.maxNumJobsAtOnce = maxNumJobsAtOnce
def cleanupTempDirs(self):
print("Clearing work directories")
numAttempts = 3
for attempt in range(numAttempts):
if os.path.isdir(self.workPath):
for child in os.listdir(self.workPath):
if child.startswith("job-"):
path = os.path.join(self.workPath, child)
except IOError as e:
if attempt >= numAttempts - 1:
raise Exception("Failed to remove " + path, e)
fileIo.removePath(os.path.join(self.workPath, "caches"))
def runnerTest(self, testState, timeout = None):
workPath = self.getWorkPath(0)
# reset state if needed
start =
returnCode = ShellScript(self.testScript_path, workPath).process()
duration = ( - start).total_seconds()
print("shell command completed in " + str(duration))
if returnCode == 0:
return (True, duration)
if self.assumeNoSideEffects:
# unapply changes so that the contents of workPath should match self.resetTo_state
return (False, duration)
def onSuccess(self, testState):
#print("Runner received success of testState: " + str(testState.summarize()))
if debug:
if not filesStateFromTree(self.bestState_path).checkSameKeys(self.full_resetTo_state.withoutEmptyEntries()):
print("Contents of " + self.bestState_path + " don't match self.full_resetTo_state at beginning of onSuccess")
self.targetState = self.targetState.withoutDuplicatesFrom(testState)
self.resetTo_state = self.resetTo_state.withConflictsFrom(testState).withoutDuplicatesFrom(testState)
delta = self.full_resetTo_state.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(testState).withConflictsFrom(testState, True).withoutDuplicatesFrom(self.full_resetTo_state)
self.full_resetTo_state = self.full_resetTo_state.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(delta).withConflictsFrom(delta)
if debug:
if not filesStateFromTree(self.bestState_path).checkSameKeys(self.full_resetTo_state.withoutEmptyEntries()):
print("Contents of " + self.bestState_path + " don't match self.full_resetTo_state at end of onSuccess")
print("Applied this delta: " + str(delta))
def getWorkPath(self, jobId):
return os.path.join(self.workPath, "job-" + str(jobId))
def getFilesCachePath(self, jobId):
return os.path.join(self.workPath, "caches", "job-" + str(jobId))
def run(self):
start =
numIterationsCompleted = 0
workPath = self.getWorkPath(0)
if not self.assumeInputStatesAreCorrect:
print("Testing that the given failing state actually fails")
if self.runnerTest(self.originalFailingState)[0]:
print("\nGiven failing state at " + self.originalFailingPath + " does not actually fail!")
return False
# clean up temporary dirs in case any daemons remain running
print("Testing that the given passing state actually passes")
if not self.runnerTest(self.full_resetTo_state)[0]:
print("\nGiven passing state at " + self.originalPassingPath + " does not actually pass!")
return False
# clean up temporary dirs in case any daemons remain running
print("Saving best state found so far")
print("You can inspect " + self.bestState_path + " while this process runs, to observe the best state discovered so far")
print("You can inspect " + self.sampleFailure_path + " while this process runs, to observe a state for which the test failed. If you delete this filepath, then it will be updated later to contain a new failing state")
# Now we search over groups of inodes (files or dirs) in the tree
# Every time we encounter a group of inodes, we try replacing them and seeing if the replacement passes our test
# If it does, we accept those changes and continue searching
# If it doesn't, we split that group into smaller groups and continue
jobId = 0
workingDir = self.getWorkPath(jobId)
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
activeTestStatesById = {}
workerStatesById = {}
initialSplitSize = 2
if self.maxNumJobsAtOnce != "auto" and self.maxNumJobsAtOnce > 2:
initialSplitSize = self.maxNumJobsAtOnce
availableTestStates = self.targetState.splitOnce(initialSplitSize)
numConsecutiveFailures = 0
numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess = 0
numCompletionsSinceLastPoolSizeChange = 0
invalidatedIds = set()
probablyAcceptableStates = []
numCompletedTests = 2 # Already tested initial passing state and initial failing state
numJobsAtFirstSuccessAfterMerge = None
timedOut = False
# continue until all files fail and no jobs are running
while (numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess < self.resetTo_state.size() and not timedOut) or len(activeTestStatesById) > 0:
# display status message
now =
elapsedDuration = now - start
minNumTestsRemaining = sum([math.log(box.size(), 2) + 1 for box in availableTestStates + list(activeTestStatesById.values())]) - numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess
estimatedNumTestsRemaining = max(minNumTestsRemaining, 1)
if numConsecutiveFailures >= 4 and numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess < 1:
# If we are splitting often and failing often, then we probably haven't yet
# shrunken the individual boxes down to each contain only one failing file
# During this phase, on average we've completed half of the work
# So, we estimate that the total work remaining is double what we've completed
estimatedNumTestsRemaining *= 2
estimatedRemainingDuration = datetime.timedelta(seconds = elapsedDuration.total_seconds() * float(estimatedNumTestsRemaining) / float(numCompletedTests))
message = "Elapsed duration: " + str(elapsedDuration) + ". Waiting for " + str(len(activeTestStatesById)) + " active subprocesses (" + str(len(availableTestStates) + len(activeTestStatesById)) + " total available jobs). " + str(self.resetTo_state.size()) + " changes left to test, should take about " + str(estimatedNumTestsRemaining) + " tests, about " + str(estimatedRemainingDuration)
if self.timeoutSeconds is not None:
# what fraction of the time is left
remainingTimeFraction = 1.0 - (elapsedDuration.total_seconds() / self.timeoutSeconds)
# how many jobs there will be if we add another one
possibleNumPendingJobs = len(activeTestStatesById) + 1
if possibleNumPendingJobs / (numCompletedTests + possibleNumPendingJobs) > remainingTimeFraction:
# adding one more job would be likely to cause us to exceed our time limit
timedOut = True
if len(activeTestStatesById) > 0:
# wait for a response from a worker
identifier, didAcceptState, workerNewState = queue.get()
box = activeTestStatesById[identifier]
#print("main process received worker new state of " + str(workerNewState))
workerStatesById[identifier] = workerNewState
numCompletedTests += 1
numCompletionsSinceLastPoolSizeChange += 1
if didAcceptState:
numConsecutiveFailures = 0
numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess = 0
acceptedState = box #.getAllFiles()
#print("Succeeded : " + acceptedState.summarize() + " (job " + str(identifier) + ") at " + str(
maxRunningSize = max([state.size() for state in activeTestStatesById.values()])
maxRelevantSize = maxRunningSize / len(activeTestStatesById)
if acceptedState.size() < maxRelevantSize:
print("Queuing a retest of response of size " + str(acceptedState.size()) + " from job " + str(identifier) + " because a much larger job of size " + str(maxRunningSize) + " is still running")
if identifier in invalidatedIds:
# queue a retesting of this box
print("Queuing a re-test of response from job " + str(identifier) + " due to previous invalidation. Successful state: " + str(acceptedState.summarize()))
# A worker discovered a nonempty change that can be made successfully; update our best accepted state
if debug:
# The files in self.bestState_path should exactly match what's in workPath[identifier], except for files that didn't originally exist
if not filesStateFromTree(self.bestState_path).checkSameKeys(filesStateFromTree(self.getWorkPath(identifier)).restrictedToKeysIn(self.originalPassingState.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(self.originalFailingState))):
print("Successful state from work path " + str(identifier) + " wasn't correctly copied to bestState. Could the test command be deleting files that previously existed?")
# record that the results from any previously started process are no longer guaranteed to be valid
for i in activeTestStatesById.keys():
if i != identifier:
# record our first success
if numJobsAtFirstSuccessAfterMerge is None:
numJobsAtFirstSuccessAfterMerge = len(availableTestStates)
if not os.path.isdir(self.sampleFailure_path):
# save sample failure path where user can see it
print("Saving sample failed state to " + str(self.sampleFailure_path))
self.full_resetTo_state.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(box).withConflictsFrom(box, True).apply(self.sampleFailure_path)
#print("Failed : " + box.summarize() + " (job " + str(identifier) + ") at " + str(
# count failures
numConsecutiveFailures += 1
numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess += 1
# find any children that failed and queue a re-test of those children
updatedChild = box.withoutDuplicatesFrom(box.withConflictsFrom(self.resetTo_state))
if updatedChild.size() > 0:
if numConsecutiveFailures >= 4:
# Suppose we are trying to identify n single-file changes that cause failures
# Suppose we have tried c changes of size s, each one of which failed
# We conclude that n >= c
# A mostly unbiased estimate of c as a function of n is that c = n / 2
# Similarly, a mostly unbiased estimate of n is that n = c * 2
# We want to choose a new number of changes to test, c2, such that running c2 tests results in efficiently identifying the relevant n changes
# Let's set c2 = 2 * n = 2 * 2 * c
splitFactor = 4
# After we reach a sufficiently small change size such that some changes start passing,
# Then we assume that we've probably narrowed down to each individual failing change,
# And we can increase block sizes more slowly
splitFactor = 2
split = updatedChild.splitOnce(splitFactor)
if len(split) > 1:
numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess = 0
availableTestStates += split
# clear invalidation status
if identifier in invalidatedIds:
del activeTestStatesById[identifier]
# Check whether we've had enough failures lately to warrant checking for the possibility of dependencies among files
if numJobsAtFirstSuccessAfterMerge is not None:
if len(availableTestStates) > 3 * numJobsAtFirstSuccessAfterMerge:
# It's plausible that every file in one directory depends on every file in another directory
# If this happens, then after we delete the dependent directory, we can delete the dependency directory too
# To make sure that we consider deleting the dependency directory, we recombine all of our states and start splitting from there
print("# #")
print("# Lots of failures since first success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #")
print("# Recombining all states in case we uncovered a dependency! #")
print("# #")
rejoinedState = FilesState()
for state in availableTestStates:
rejoinedState = rejoinedState.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(state).withConflictsFrom(state)
rejoinedState = rejoinedState.withoutDuplicatesFrom(self.resetTo_state)
availableTestStates = rejoinedState.splitOnce(initialSplitSize)
numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess = 0
numJobsAtFirstSuccessAfterMerge = None
numCompletionsSinceLastPoolSizeChange = 0
# if probablyAcceptableStates has become large enough, then retest its contents too
if len(probablyAcceptableStates) > 0 and (len(probablyAcceptableStates) >= len(activeTestStatesById) + 1 or numConsecutiveFailures >= len(activeTestStatesById) or len(activeTestStatesById) < 1):
probablyAcceptableState = FilesState()
for state in probablyAcceptableStates:
probablyAcceptableState = probablyAcceptableState.expandedWithEmptyEntriesFor(state).withConflictsFrom(state)
probablyAcceptableState = probablyAcceptableState.withoutDuplicatesFrom(self.resetTo_state)
if probablyAcceptableState.size() > 0:
print("Retesting " + str(len(probablyAcceptableStates)) + " previous likely successful states as a single test: " + probablyAcceptableState.summarize())
availableTestStates = [probablyAcceptableState] + availableTestStates
probablyAcceptableStates = []
if len(availableTestStates) < 1 and len(activeTestStatesById) < 1:
print("Error: no changes remain left to test. It was expected that applying all changes would fail")
# if we haven't checked everything yet, then try to queue more jobs
if numFailuresSinceLastSplitOrSuccess < self.resetTo_state.size():
availableTestStates.sort(reverse=True, key=FilesState.size)
if self.maxNumJobsAtOnce != "auto":
targetNumJobs = self.maxNumJobsAtOnce
# If N jobs are running then wait for all N to fail before increasing the number of running jobs
# Recalibrate the number of processes based on the system load
systemUsageStats = cpuStats.cpu_times_percent()
systemIdleFraction = systemUsageStats.idle / 100
if systemIdleFraction >= 0.5:
if numCompletionsSinceLastPoolSizeChange <= len(activeTestStatesById):
# Not much time has passed since the previous time we changed the pool size
targetNumJobs = len(activeTestStatesById) + 1 # just replace existing job
# We've been using less than the target capacity for a while, so add another job
targetNumJobs = len(activeTestStatesById) + 2 # replace existing job and add a new one
numCompletionsSinceLastPoolSizeChange = 0
targetNumJobs = len(activeTestStatesById) # don't replace existing job
numCompletionsSinceLastPoolSizeChange = 0
if targetNumJobs < 1:
targetNumJobs = 1
print("System idle = " + str(systemIdleFraction) + ", current num jobs = " + str(len(activeTestStatesById) + 1) + ", target num jobs = " + str(targetNumJobs))
if timedOut:
print("Timeout reached, not starting new jobs")
while len(activeTestStatesById) < targetNumJobs and len(activeTestStatesById) < self.resetTo_state.size() and len(availableTestStates) > 0:
# find next pending job
box = availableTestStates[0]
# find next unused job id
jobId = 0
while jobId in activeTestStatesById:
jobId += 1
# start job
workingDir = self.getWorkPath(jobId)
cacheDir = self.getFilesCachePath(jobId)
if jobId in workerStatesById:
workerPreviousState = workerStatesById[jobId]
workerPreviousState = FilesState()
runJobInOtherProcess(self.testScript_path, workingDir, cacheDir, workerPreviousState, self.assumeNoSideEffects, self.full_resetTo_state, box, queue, jobId)
activeTestStatesById[jobId] = box
availableTestStates = availableTestStates[1:]
if timedOut:
wasSuccessful = False
print("double-checking results")
wasSuccessful = True
if not self.runnerTest(filesStateFromTree(self.bestState_path))[0]:
message = "Error: expected best state at " + self.bestState_path + " did not pass the second time. Could the test be non-deterministic?"
if self.assumeNoSideEffects:
message += " (it may help to remove the --assume-no-side-effects flag)"
if self.assumeInputStatesAreCorrect:
message += " (it may help to remove the --assume-input-states-are-correct flag)"
wasSuccessful = False
if self.targetState.size() < 1000:
filesDescription = str(self.targetState)
filesDescription = str(self.targetState.summarize())
print("Done trying to transform the contents of passing path:\n " + self.originalPassingPath + "\ninto the contents of failing path:\n " + self.originalFailingPath)
print("Of " + str(self.originalNumDifferences) + " differences, could not accept: " + filesDescription)
print("The final accepted state can be seen at " + self.bestState_path)
if timedOut:
print("Note that these results might not be optimal due to reaching the timeout of " + str(self.timeoutSeconds) + " seconds")
return wasSuccessful
def main(args):
assumeNoSideEffects = False
assumeInputStatesAreCorrect = False
workPath = "/tmp/diff-filterer"
timeoutSeconds = None
maxNumJobsAtOnce = 1
while len(args) > 0:
arg = args[0]
if arg == "--assume-no-side-effects":
assumeNoSideEffects = True
args = args[1:]
if arg == "--assume-input-states-are-correct":
assumeInputStatesAreCorrect = True
args = args[1:]
if arg == "--work-path":
if len(args) < 2:
workPath = args[1]
args = args[2:]
if arg == "--num-jobs":
if len(args) < 2:
val = args[1]
if val == "auto":
maxNumJobsAtOnce = val
maxNumJobsAtOnce = int(val)
args = args[2:]
if arg == "--timeout":
if len(args) < 2:
val = args[1]
timeoutSeconds = float(val)
args = args[2:]
if arg == "--debug":
global debug
debug = True
args = args[1:]
if len(arg) > 0 and arg[0] == "-":
print("Unrecognized argument: '" + arg + "'")
if len(args) != 3:
passingPath = args[0]
failingPath = args[1]
shellCommand = args[2]
startTime =
if not os.path.exists(passingPath):
print("Specified passing path " + passingPath + " does not exist")
if not os.path.exists(failingPath):
print("Specified failing path " + failingPath + " does not exist")
success = DiffRunner(failingPath, passingPath, shellCommand, workPath, assumeNoSideEffects, assumeInputStatesAreCorrect, maxNumJobsAtOnce, timeoutSeconds).run()
endTime =
duration = endTime - startTime
if success:
print("Succeeded in " + str(duration))
print("Failed in " + str(duration))