blob: 1455b69f78f2dd4042188c194772a61e6012ac7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The list of maven group names of all the libraries in this project.
object LibraryGroups {
const val ACTIVITY = "androidx.activity"
const val ANIMATION = "androidx.animation"
const val ANNOTATION = "androidx.annotation"
const val APPCOMPAT = "androidx.appcompat"
const val ASYNCLAYOUTINFLATER = "androidx.asynclayoutinflater"
const val BIOMETRIC = "androidx.biometric"
const val BROWSER = "androidx.browser"
const val BENCHMARK = "androidx.benchmark"
const val CAR = ""
const val CARDVIEW = "androidx.cardview"
const val COLLECTION = "androidx.collection"
const val CONCURRENT = "androidx.concurrent"
const val CONTENTPAGER = "androidx.contentpager"
const val COORDINATORLAYOUT = "androidx.coordinatorlayout"
const val CORE = "androidx.core"
const val CURSORADAPTER = "androidx.cursoradapter"
const val CUSTOMVIEW = "androidx.customview"
const val DOCUMENTFILE = "androidx.documentfile"
const val DRAWERLAYOUT = "androidx.drawerlayout"
const val DYNAMICANIMATION = "androidx.dynamicanimation"
const val EMOJI = "androidx.emoji"
const val EXIFINTERFACE = "androidx.exifinterface"
const val FRAGMENT = "androidx.fragment"
const val GRIDLAYOUT = "androidx.gridlayout"
const val HEIFWRITER = "androidx.heifwriter"
const val INTERPOLATOR = "androidx.interpolator"
const val LEANBACK = "androidx.leanback"
const val LEGACY = "androidx.legacy"
const val LOADER = "androidx.loader"
const val LOCALBROADCASTMANAGER = "androidx.localbroadcastmanager"
const val MEDIA = ""
const val MEDIA2 = "androidx.media2"
const val MEDIAROUTER = "androidx.mediarouter"
const val PALETTE = "androidx.palette"
const val PERCENTLAYOUT = "androidx.percentlayout"
const val PREFERENCE = "androidx.preference"
const val PRINT = "androidx.print"
const val RECOMMENDATION = "androidx.recommendation"
const val RECYCLERVIEW = "androidx.recyclerview"
const val SLICE = "androidx.slice"
const val REMOTECALLBACK = "androidx.remotecallback"
const val SLIDINGPANELAYOUT = "androidx.slidingpanelayout"
const val SWIPEREFRESHLAYOUT = "androidx.swiperefreshlayout"
const val TEXTCLASSIFIER = "androidx.textclassifier"
const val TRANSITION = "androidx.transition"
const val TVPROVIDER = "androidx.tvprovider"
const val VECTORDRAWABLE = "androidx.vectordrawable"
const val VIEWPAGER = "androidx.viewpager"
const val VIEWPAGER2 = "androidx.viewpager2"
const val WEAR = "androidx.wear"
const val WEBKIT = "androidx.webkit"
const val ROOM = ""
const val PERSISTENCE = "androidx.sqlite"
const val LIFECYCLE = "androidx.lifecycle"
const val ARCH_CORE = "androidx.arch.core"
const val PAGING = "androidx.paging"
const val NAVIGATION = "android.arch.navigation"
const val JETIFIER = ""
const val WORKMANAGER = ""
const val VERSIONEDPARCELABLE = "androidx.versionedparcelable"