blob: b80c265b4bb88a3654fd7768942f35866ed7ea6c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.window
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.currentCompositionLocalContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCompositionContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi
import androidx.compose.ui.awt.ComposeWindow
import androidx.compose.ui.input.key.KeyEvent
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.util.ComponentUpdater
import androidx.compose.ui.util.setIcon
import androidx.compose.ui.util.setPositionSafely
import androidx.compose.ui.util.setSizeSafely
import androidx.compose.ui.util.setUndecoratedSafely
import java.awt.Window
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent
import javax.swing.JFrame
import javax.swing.JMenuBar
// TODO(demin): support focus management
* Composes platform window in the current composition. When Window enters the composition,
* a new platform window will be created and receives the focus. When Window leaves the
* composition, window will be disposed and closed.
* Initial size of the window is controlled by [WindowState.size].
* Initial position of the window is controlled by [WindowState.position].
* Usage in single-window application ([ApplicationScope.exitApplication] will close all the
* windows and stop all effects defined in [application]):
* ```
* fun main() = application {
* Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication)
* }
* ```
* or if it only needed to close the main window without closing all other opened windows:
* ```
* fun main() = application {
* val isOpen by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
* if (isOpen) {
* Window(onCloseRequest = { isOpen = false })
* }
* }
* ```
* @param onCloseRequest Callback that will be called when the user closes the window.
* Usually in this callback we need to manually tell Compose what to do:
* - change `isOpen` state of the window (which is manually defined)
* - close the whole application (`onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication` in [ApplicationScope])
* - don't close the window on close request (`onCloseRequest = {}`)
* @param state The state object to be used to control or observe the window's state
* When size/position/status is changed by the user, state will be updated.
* When size/position/status of the window is changed by the application (changing state),
* the native window will update its corresponding properties.
* If application changes, for example [WindowState.placement], then after the next
* recomposition, [WindowState.size] will be changed to correspond the real size of the window.
* If [WindowState.position] is not [WindowPosition.isSpecified], then after the first show on the
* screen [WindowState.position] will be set to the absolute values.
* @param visible Is [Window] visible to user.
* If `false`:
* - internal state of [Window] is preserved and will be restored next time the window
* will be visible;
* - native resources will not be released. They will be released only when [Window]
* will leave the composition.
* @param title Title in the titlebar of the window
* @param icon Icon in the titlebar of the window (for platforms which support this)
* @param resizable Can window be resized by the user (application still can resize the window
* changing [state])
* @param enabled Can window react to input events
* @param focusable Can window receive focus
* @param alwaysOnTop Should window always be on top of another windows
* @param onPreviewKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. It gives ancestors of a focused component the chance to intercept a [KeyEvent].
* Return true to stop propagation of this event. If you return false, the key event will be
* sent to this [onPreviewKeyEvent]'s child. If none of the children consume the event,
* it will be sent back up to the root using the onKeyEvent callback.
* @param onKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. While implementing this callback, return true to stop propagation of this event.
* If you return false, the key event will be sent to this [onKeyEvent]'s parent.
* @param content Content of the window
fun Window(
onCloseRequest: () -> Unit,
state: WindowState = rememberWindowState(),
visible: Boolean = true,
title: String = "Untitled",
icon: Painter? = null,
undecorated: Boolean = false,
resizable: Boolean = true,
enabled: Boolean = true,
focusable: Boolean = true,
alwaysOnTop: Boolean = false,
onPreviewKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
content: @Composable FrameWindowScope.() -> Unit
) {
val currentState by rememberUpdatedState(state)
val currentTitle by rememberUpdatedState(title)
val currentIcon by rememberUpdatedState(icon)
val currentUndecorated by rememberUpdatedState(undecorated)
val currentResizable by rememberUpdatedState(resizable)
val currentEnabled by rememberUpdatedState(enabled)
val currentFocusable by rememberUpdatedState(focusable)
val currentAlwaysOnTop by rememberUpdatedState(alwaysOnTop)
val currentOnCloseRequest by rememberUpdatedState(onCloseRequest)
val updater = remember(::ComponentUpdater)
visible = visible,
onPreviewKeyEvent = onPreviewKeyEvent,
onKeyEvent = onKeyEvent,
create = {
ComposeWindow().apply {
// close state is controlled by WindowState.isOpen
defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE
addWindowListener(object : WindowAdapter() {
override fun windowClosing(e: WindowEvent) {
addWindowStateListener {
currentState.placement = placement
currentState.isMinimized = isMinimized
addComponentListener(object : ComponentAdapter() {
override fun componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) {
// we check placement here and in windowStateChanged,
// because fullscreen changing doesn't
// fire windowStateChanged, only componentResized
currentState.placement = placement
currentState.size = DpSize(width.dp, height.dp)
override fun componentMoved(e: ComponentEvent) {
currentState.position = WindowPosition(x.dp, y.dp)
dispose = ComposeWindow::dispose,
update = { window ->
updater.update {
set(currentTitle, window::setTitle)
set(currentIcon, window::setIcon)
set(currentUndecorated, window::setUndecoratedSafely)
set(currentResizable, window::setResizable)
set(currentEnabled, window::setEnabled)
set(currentFocusable, window::setFocusable)
set(currentAlwaysOnTop, window::setAlwaysOnTop)
set(state.size, window::setSizeSafely)
set(state.position, window::setPositionSafely)
set(state.placement, window::placement::set)
set(state.isMinimized, window::isMinimized::set)
content = content
* An entry point for the Compose application with single window.
* If you need to change attributes of the window in runtime, or need a custom closing logic, use
* Composable `Window` in `application` entry point instead:
* ```
* application {
* Window(...) { }
* }
* ```
* @param state The state object to be used to control or observe the window's state
* When size/position/status is changed by the user, state will be updated.
* When size/position/status of the window is changed by the application (changing state),
* the native window will update its corresponding properties.
* If application changes, for example [WindowState.placement], then after the next
* recomposition, [WindowState.size] will be changed to correspond the real size of the window.
* If [WindowState.position] is not [WindowPosition.isSpecified], then after the first show on the
* screen [WindowState.position] will be set to the absolute values.
* @param visible Is [Window] visible to user.
* If `false`:
* - internal state of [Window] is preserved and will be restored next time the window
* will be visible;
* - native resources will not be released. They will be released only when [Window]
* will leave the composition.
* @param title Title in the titlebar of the window
* @param icon Icon in the titlebar of the window (for platforms which support this)
* @param resizable Can window be resized by the user (application still can resize the window
* changing [state])
* @param enabled Can window react to input events
* @param focusable Can window receive focus
* @param alwaysOnTop Should window always be on top of another windows
* @param onPreviewKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. It gives ancestors of a focused component the chance to intercept a [KeyEvent].
* Return true to stop propagation of this event. If you return false, the key event will be
* sent to this [onPreviewKeyEvent]'s child. If none of the children consume the event,
* it will be sent back up to the root using the onKeyEvent callback.
* @param onKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. While implementing this callback, return true to stop propagation of this event.
* If you return false, the key event will be sent to this [onKeyEvent]'s parent.
* @param content Content of the window
fun singleWindowApplication(
state: WindowState = WindowState(),
visible: Boolean = true,
title: String = "Untitled",
icon: Painter? = null,
undecorated: Boolean = false,
resizable: Boolean = true,
enabled: Boolean = true,
focusable: Boolean = true,
alwaysOnTop: Boolean = false,
onPreviewKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
content: @Composable FrameWindowScope.() -> Unit
) = application {
* Compose [ComposeWindow] obtained from [create]. The [create] block will be called
* exactly once to obtain the [ComposeWindow] to be composed, and it is also guaranteed to
* be invoked on the UI thread (Event Dispatch Thread).
* Once Window leaves the composition, [dispose] will be called to free resources that
* obtained by the [ComposeWindow].
* The [update] block can be run multiple times (on the UI thread as well) due to recomposition,
* and it is the right place to set [ComposeWindow] properties depending on state.
* When state changes, the block will be reexecuted to set the new properties.
* Note the block will also be ran once right after the [create] block completes.
* Window is needed for creating window's that still can't be created with
* the default Compose function [androidx.compose.ui.window.Window]
* @param visible Is [ComposeWindow] visible to user.
* If `false`:
* - internal state of [ComposeWindow] is preserved and will be restored next time the window
* will be visible;
* - native resources will not be released. They will be released only when [Window]
* will leave the composition.
* @param onPreviewKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. It gives ancestors of a focused component the chance to intercept a [KeyEvent].
* Return true to stop propagation of this event. If you return false, the key event will be
* sent to this [onPreviewKeyEvent]'s child. If none of the children consume the event,
* it will be sent back up to the root using the onKeyEvent callback.
* @param onKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. While implementing this callback, return true to stop propagation of this event.
* If you return false, the key event will be sent to this [onKeyEvent]'s parent.
* @param create The block creating the [ComposeWindow] to be composed.
* @param dispose The block to dispose [ComposeWindow] and free native resources.
* Usually it is simple `ComposeWindow::dispose`
* @param update The callback to be invoked after the layout is inflated.
* @param content Composable content of the creating window.
fun Window(
visible: Boolean = true,
onPreviewKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
create: () -> ComposeWindow,
dispose: (ComposeWindow) -> Unit,
update: (ComposeWindow) -> Unit = {},
content: @Composable FrameWindowScope.() -> Unit
) {
val currentLocals by rememberUpdatedState(currentCompositionLocalContext)
visible = visible,
create = {
create().apply {
setContent(onPreviewKeyEvent, onKeyEvent) {
CompositionLocalProvider(currentLocals) {
dispose = dispose,
update = update
* Receiver scope which is used by [androidx.compose.ui.window.Window].
interface FrameWindowScope : WindowScope {
* [ComposeWindow] that was created inside [androidx.compose.ui.window.Window].
override val window: ComposeWindow
* Composes menu bar on the top of the window
* @param content content of the menu bar (list of menus)
fun FrameWindowScope.MenuBar(content: @Composable MenuBarScope.() -> Unit) {
val parentComposition = rememberCompositionContext()
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
val menu = JMenuBar()
val composition = menu.setContent(parentComposition, content)
window.jMenuBar = menu
composition to menu
onDispose {
window.jMenuBar = null