blob: eefacdb9c81c2433d934067ed9e778b05b55e966 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.awt
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi
import androidx.compose.ui.input.key.KeyEvent
import androidx.compose.ui.window.FrameWindowScope
import androidx.compose.ui.window.UndecoratedWindowResizer
import androidx.compose.ui.window.WindowPlacement
import org.jetbrains.skiko.GraphicsApi
import java.awt.Component
import java.awt.event.MouseListener
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener
import javax.swing.JFrame
* ComposeWindow is a window for building UI using Compose for Desktop.
* ComposeWindow inherits javax.swing.JFrame.
class ComposeWindow : JFrame() {
private val delegate = ComposeWindowDelegate(this)
internal val layer get() = delegate.layer
init {
override fun add(component: Component) = delegate.add(component)
override fun remove(component: Component) = delegate.remove(component)
* Composes the given composable into the ComposeWindow.
* @param content Composable content of the ComposeWindow.
fun setContent(
content: @Composable FrameWindowScope.() -> Unit
) = setContent(
onPreviewKeyEvent = { false },
onKeyEvent = { false },
content = content
* Composes the given composable into the ComposeWindow.
* @param onPreviewKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. It gives ancestors of a focused component the chance to intercept a [KeyEvent].
* Return true to stop propagation of this event. If you return false, the key event will be
* sent to this [onPreviewKeyEvent]'s child. If none of the children consume the event,
* it will be sent back up to the root using the onKeyEvent callback.
* @param onKeyEvent This callback is invoked when the user interacts with the hardware
* keyboard. While implementing this callback, return true to stop propagation of this event.
* If you return false, the key event will be sent to this [onKeyEvent]'s parent.
* @param content Composable content of the ComposeWindow.
fun setContent(
onPreviewKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { false },
content: @Composable FrameWindowScope.() -> Unit
) {
val scope = object : FrameWindowScope {
override val window: ComposeWindow get() = this@ComposeWindow
) {
override fun dispose() {
private val undecoratedWindowResizer = UndecoratedWindowResizer(this, layer)
override fun setUndecorated(value: Boolean) {
undecoratedWindowResizer.enabled = isUndecorated && isResizable
override fun setResizable(value: Boolean) {
undecoratedWindowResizer.enabled = isUndecorated && isResizable
var placement: WindowPlacement
get() = when {
isFullscreen -> WindowPlacement.Fullscreen
isMaximized -> WindowPlacement.Maximized
else -> WindowPlacement.Floating
set(value) {
when (value) {
WindowPlacement.Fullscreen -> {
isFullscreen = true
WindowPlacement.Maximized -> {
isMaximized = true
WindowPlacement.Floating -> {
isFullscreen = false
isMaximized = false
* `true` if the window is in fullscreen mode, `false` otherwise
private var isFullscreen: Boolean
get() = layer.component.fullscreen
set(value) {
layer.component.fullscreen = value
* `true` if the window is maximized to fill all available screen space, `false` otherwise
private var isMaximized: Boolean
get() = extendedState and MAXIMIZED_BOTH != 0
set(value) {
extendedState = if (value) {
extendedState or MAXIMIZED_BOTH
} else {
extendedState and MAXIMIZED_BOTH.inv()
* `true` if the window is minimized to the taskbar, `false` otherwise
var isMinimized: Boolean
get() = extendedState and ICONIFIED != 0
set(value) {
extendedState = if (value) {
extendedState or ICONIFIED
} else {
extendedState and ICONIFIED.inv()
* Registers a task to run when the rendering API changes.
fun onRenderApiChanged(action: () -> Unit) {
* Retrieve underlying platform-specific operating system handle for the root window where
* ComposeWindow is rendered. Currently returns HWND on Windows, Window on X11 and NSWindow
* on macOS.
val windowHandle: Long get() = delegate.windowHandle
* Returns low-level rendering API used for rendering in this ComposeWindow. API is
* automatically selected based on operating system, graphical hardware and `SKIKO_RENDER_API`
* environment variable.
val renderApi: GraphicsApi get() = delegate.renderApi
// We need overridden listeners because we mix Swing and AWT components in the
// org.jetbrains.skiko.SkiaLayer, they don't work well together.
// TODO(demin): is it possible to fix that without overriding?
override fun addMouseListener(listener: MouseListener) =
override fun removeMouseListener(listener: MouseListener) =
override fun addMouseMotionListener(listener: MouseMotionListener) =
override fun removeMouseMotionListener(listener: MouseMotionListener) =
override fun addMouseWheelListener(listener: MouseWheelListener) =
override fun removeMouseWheelListener(listener: MouseWheelListener) =