blob: f81d554a8396a211cc0abdb33ceec95f868603b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.material
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver
import androidx.compose.animation.animateColorAsState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.MutableTransitionState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons
import androidx.compose.material.icons.filled.ArrowDropDown
import androidx.compose.material.internal.ExposedDropdownMenuPopup
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.rotate
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusRequester
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.focusRequester
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEvent
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.changedToUp
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.boundsInWindow
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.onGloballyPositioned
import androidx.compose.ui.node.Ref
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalView
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.clearAndSetSemantics
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.contentDescription
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.onClick
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlin.math.max
* [Material Design Exposed Dropdown Menu](
* Box for Exposed Dropdown Menu. Expected to contain [TextField] and
* [ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope.ExposedDropdownMenu] as a content.
* An example of read-only Exposed Dropdown Menu:
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.ExposedDropdownMenuSample
* An example of editable Exposed Dropdown Menu:
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.EditableExposedDropdownMenuSample
* @param expanded Whether Dropdown Menu should be expanded or not.
* @param onExpandedChange Executes when the user clicks on the ExposedDropdownMenuBox.
* @param modifier The modifier to apply to this layout
* @param content The content to be displayed inside ExposedDropdownMenuBox.
fun ExposedDropdownMenuBox(
expanded: Boolean,
onExpandedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
content: @Composable ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope.() -> Unit
) {
val density = LocalDensity.current
val view = LocalView.current
var width by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
var menuHeight by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val verticalMarginInPx = with(density) { MenuVerticalMargin.roundToPx() }
val coordinates = remember { Ref<LayoutCoordinates>() }
val scope = remember(density, menuHeight, width) {
object : ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope {
override fun Modifier.exposedDropdownSize(matchTextFieldWidth: Boolean): Modifier {
return with(density) {
heightIn(max = menuHeight.toDp()).let {
if (matchTextFieldWidth) {
} else it
val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
modifier.onGloballyPositioned {
width = it.size.width
coordinates.value = it
) { newHeight ->
menuHeight = newHeight
onExpandedChange = { onExpandedChange(!expanded) },
menuLabel = getString(Strings.ExposedDropdownMenu)
) {
SideEffect {
if (expanded) focusRequester.requestFocus()
DisposableEffect(view) {
val listener = ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
) { newHeight ->
menuHeight = newHeight
onDispose {
* Scope for [ExposedDropdownMenuBox].
interface ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope {
* Modifier which should be applied to an [ExposedDropdownMenu]
* placed inside the scope. It's responsible for
* setting the width of the [ExposedDropdownMenu], which
* will match the width of the [TextField]
* (if [matchTextFieldWidth] is set to true).
* Also it'll change the height of [ExposedDropdownMenu], so
* it'll take the largest possible height to not overlap
* the [TextField] and the software keyboard.
* @param matchTextFieldWidth Whether menu should match
* the width of the text field to which it's attached.
* If set to true the width will match the width
* of the text field.
fun Modifier.exposedDropdownSize(
matchTextFieldWidth: Boolean = true
): Modifier
* Popup which contains content for Exposed Dropdown Menu.
* Should be used inside the content of [ExposedDropdownMenuBox].
* @param expanded Whether the menu is currently open and visible to the user
* @param onDismissRequest Called when the user requests to dismiss the menu, such as by
* tapping outside the menu's bounds
* @param modifier The modifier to apply to this layout
* @param content The content of the [ExposedDropdownMenu]
fun ExposedDropdownMenu(
expanded: Boolean,
onDismissRequest: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit
) {
// TODO(b/202810604): use DropdownMenu when PopupProperties constructor is stable
// return DropdownMenu(
// expanded = expanded,
// onDismissRequest = onDismissRequest,
// modifier = modifier.exposedDropdownSize(),
// properties = ExposedDropdownMenuDefaults.PopupProperties,
// content = content
// )
val expandedStates = remember { MutableTransitionState(false) }
expandedStates.targetState = expanded
if (expandedStates.currentState || expandedStates.targetState) {
val transformOriginState = remember { mutableStateOf(TransformOrigin.Center) }
val density = LocalDensity.current
val popupPositionProvider = DropdownMenuPositionProvider(
) { parentBounds, menuBounds ->
transformOriginState.value = calculateTransformOrigin(parentBounds, menuBounds)
onDismissRequest = onDismissRequest,
popupPositionProvider = popupPositionProvider
) {
expandedStates = expandedStates,
transformOriginState = transformOriginState,
modifier = modifier.exposedDropdownSize(),
content = content
* Contains default values used by Exposed Dropdown Menu.
object ExposedDropdownMenuDefaults {
* Default trailing icon for Exposed Dropdown Menu.
* @param expanded Whether [ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope.ExposedDropdownMenu]
* is expanded or not. Affects the appearance of the icon.
* @param onIconClick Called when the icon was clicked.
fun TrailingIcon(
expanded: Boolean,
onIconClick: () -> Unit = {}
) {
// Clear semantics here as otherwise icon will be a11y focusable but without an
// action. When there's an API to check if Talkback is on, developer will be able to
// expand the menu on icon click in a11y mode only esp. if using their own custom
// trailing icon.
IconButton(onClick = onIconClick, modifier = Modifier.clearAndSetSemantics { }) {
"Trailing icon for exposed dropdown menu",
if (expanded)
* Creates a [TextFieldColors] that represents the default input text, background and content
* (including label, placeholder, leading and trailing icons) colors used in a [TextField].
* @param textColor Represents the color used for the input text of this text field.
* @param disabledTextColor Represents the color used for the input text of this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param backgroundColor Represents the background color for this text field.
* @param cursorColor Represents the cursor color for this text field.
* @param errorCursorColor Represents the cursor color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param focusedIndicatorColor Represents the indicator color for this text field
* when it's focused.
* @param unfocusedIndicatorColor Represents the indicator color for this text field
* when it's not focused.
* @param disabledIndicatorColor Represents the indicator color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorIndicatorColor Represents the indicator color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param leadingIconColor Represents the leading icon color for this text field.
* @param disabledLeadingIconColor Represents the leading icon color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorLeadingIconColor Represents the leading icon color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param trailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field.
* @param focusedTrailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field
* when it's focused.
* @param disabledTrailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorTrailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param focusedLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's focused.
* @param unfocusedLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's not focused.
* @param disabledLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param placeholderColor Represents the placeholder color for this text field.
* @param disabledPlaceholderColor Represents the placeholder color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
fun textFieldColors(
textColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current.copy(LocalContentAlpha.current),
disabledTextColor: Color = textColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled),
backgroundColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = TextFieldDefaults.BackgroundOpacity),
cursorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
errorCursorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
focusedIndicatorColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.high),
unfocusedIndicatorColor: Color =
alpha = TextFieldDefaults.UnfocusedIndicatorLineOpacity
disabledIndicatorColor: Color = unfocusedIndicatorColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorIndicatorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
leadingIconColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = TextFieldDefaults.IconOpacity),
disabledLeadingIconColor: Color = leadingIconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorLeadingIconColor: Color = leadingIconColor,
trailingIconColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = TextFieldDefaults.IconOpacity),
focusedTrailingIconColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.high),
disabledTrailingIconColor: Color = trailingIconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorTrailingIconColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
focusedLabelColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.high),
unfocusedLabelColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(ContentAlpha.medium),
disabledLabelColor: Color = unfocusedLabelColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorLabelColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
placeholderColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(ContentAlpha.medium),
disabledPlaceholderColor: Color = placeholderColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled)
): TextFieldColors =
textColor = textColor,
disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
cursorColor = cursorColor,
errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
focusedIndicatorColor = focusedIndicatorColor,
unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedIndicatorColor,
errorIndicatorColor = errorIndicatorColor,
disabledIndicatorColor = disabledIndicatorColor,
leadingIconColor = leadingIconColor,
disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
trailingIconColor = trailingIconColor,
focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
placeholderColor = placeholderColor,
disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor
* Creates a [TextFieldColors] that represents the default input text, background and content
* (including label, placeholder, leading and trailing icons) colors used in an
* [OutlinedTextField].
* @param textColor Represents the color used for the input text of this text field.
* @param disabledTextColor Represents the color used for the input text of this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param backgroundColor Represents the background color for this text field.
* @param cursorColor Represents the cursor color for this text field.
* @param errorCursorColor Represents the cursor color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param focusedBorderColor Represents the border color for this text field
* when it's focused.
* @param unfocusedBorderColor Represents the border color for this text field
* when it's not focused.
* @param disabledBorderColor Represents the border color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorBorderColor Represents the border color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param leadingIconColor Represents the leading icon color for this text field.
* @param disabledLeadingIconColor Represents the leading icon color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorLeadingIconColor Represents the leading icon color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param trailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field.
* @param focusedTrailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field
* when it's focused.
* @param disabledTrailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorTrailingIconColor Represents the trailing icon color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param focusedLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's focused.
* @param unfocusedLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's not focused.
* @param disabledLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
* @param errorLabelColor Represents the label color for this text field
* when it's in error state.
* @param placeholderColor Represents the placeholder color for this text field.
* @param disabledPlaceholderColor Represents the placeholder color for this text field
* when it's disabled.
fun outlinedTextFieldColors(
textColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current.copy(LocalContentAlpha.current),
disabledTextColor: Color = textColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled),
backgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
cursorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
errorCursorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
focusedBorderColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.high),
unfocusedBorderColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
disabledBorderColor: Color = unfocusedBorderColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorBorderColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
leadingIconColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = TextFieldDefaults.IconOpacity),
disabledLeadingIconColor: Color = leadingIconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorLeadingIconColor: Color = leadingIconColor,
trailingIconColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = TextFieldDefaults.IconOpacity),
focusedTrailingIconColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.high),
disabledTrailingIconColor: Color = trailingIconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorTrailingIconColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
focusedLabelColor: Color =
MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.high),
unfocusedLabelColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(ContentAlpha.medium),
disabledLabelColor: Color = unfocusedLabelColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled),
errorLabelColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
placeholderColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(ContentAlpha.medium),
disabledPlaceholderColor: Color = placeholderColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled)
): TextFieldColors =
textColor = textColor,
disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
cursorColor = cursorColor,
errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
focusedIndicatorColor = focusedBorderColor,
unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedBorderColor,
errorIndicatorColor = errorBorderColor,
disabledIndicatorColor = disabledBorderColor,
leadingIconColor = leadingIconColor,
disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
trailingIconColor = trailingIconColor,
focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
placeholderColor = placeholderColor,
disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor
private fun Modifier.expandable(
onExpandedChange: () -> Unit,
menuLabel: String
) = pointerInput(Unit) {
forEachGesture {
coroutineScope {
awaitPointerEventScope {
var event: PointerEvent
do {
event = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Initial)
} while (
!event.changes.fastAll { it.changedToUp() }
}.semantics {
contentDescription = menuLabel // this should be a localised string
onClick {
private fun updateHeight(
view: View,
coordinates: LayoutCoordinates?,
verticalMarginInPx: Int,
onHeightUpdate: (Int) -> Unit
) {
coordinates ?: return
val visibleWindowBounds = Rect().let {
val heightAbove = coordinates.boundsInWindow().top -
val heightBelow =
visibleWindowBounds.bottom - - coordinates.boundsInWindow().bottom
onHeightUpdate(max(heightAbove, heightBelow).toInt() - verticalMarginInPx)
private class DefaultTextFieldForExposedDropdownMenusColors(
private val textColor: Color,
private val disabledTextColor: Color,
private val cursorColor: Color,
private val errorCursorColor: Color,
private val focusedIndicatorColor: Color,
private val unfocusedIndicatorColor: Color,
private val errorIndicatorColor: Color,
private val disabledIndicatorColor: Color,
private val leadingIconColor: Color,
private val disabledLeadingIconColor: Color,
private val errorLeadingIconColor: Color,
private val trailingIconColor: Color,
private val focusedTrailingIconColor: Color,
private val disabledTrailingIconColor: Color,
private val errorTrailingIconColor: Color,
private val backgroundColor: Color,
private val focusedLabelColor: Color,
private val unfocusedLabelColor: Color,
private val disabledLabelColor: Color,
private val errorLabelColor: Color,
private val placeholderColor: Color,
private val disabledPlaceholderColor: Color
) : TextFieldColorsWithIcons {
override fun leadingIconColor(enabled: Boolean, isError: Boolean): State<Color> {
return rememberUpdatedState(
when {
!enabled -> disabledLeadingIconColor
isError -> errorLeadingIconColor
else -> leadingIconColor
override fun trailingIconColor(enabled: Boolean, isError: Boolean): State<Color> {
return rememberUpdatedState(
when {
!enabled -> disabledTrailingIconColor
isError -> errorTrailingIconColor
else -> trailingIconColor
override fun trailingIconColor(
enabled: Boolean,
isError: Boolean,
interactionSource: InteractionSource
): State<Color> {
val focused by interactionSource.collectIsFocusedAsState()
return rememberUpdatedState(
when {
!enabled -> disabledTrailingIconColor
isError -> errorTrailingIconColor
focused -> focusedTrailingIconColor
else -> trailingIconColor
override fun indicatorColor(
enabled: Boolean,
isError: Boolean,
interactionSource: InteractionSource
): State<Color> {
val focused by interactionSource.collectIsFocusedAsState()
val targetValue = when {
!enabled -> disabledIndicatorColor
isError -> errorIndicatorColor
focused -> focusedIndicatorColor
else -> unfocusedIndicatorColor
return if (enabled) {
animateColorAsState(targetValue, tween(durationMillis = AnimationDuration))
} else {
override fun backgroundColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color> {
return rememberUpdatedState(backgroundColor)
override fun placeholderColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color> {
return rememberUpdatedState(if (enabled) placeholderColor else disabledPlaceholderColor)
override fun labelColor(
enabled: Boolean,
error: Boolean,
interactionSource: InteractionSource
): State<Color> {
val focused by interactionSource.collectIsFocusedAsState()
val targetValue = when {
!enabled -> disabledLabelColor
error -> errorLabelColor
focused -> focusedLabelColor
else -> unfocusedLabelColor
return rememberUpdatedState(targetValue)
override fun textColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color> {
return rememberUpdatedState(if (enabled) textColor else disabledTextColor)
override fun cursorColor(isError: Boolean): State<Color> {
return rememberUpdatedState(if (isError) errorCursorColor else cursorColor)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false
other as DefaultTextFieldForExposedDropdownMenusColors
if (textColor != other.textColor) return false
if (disabledTextColor != other.disabledTextColor) return false
if (cursorColor != other.cursorColor) return false
if (errorCursorColor != other.errorCursorColor) return false
if (focusedIndicatorColor != other.focusedIndicatorColor) return false
if (unfocusedIndicatorColor != other.unfocusedIndicatorColor) return false
if (errorIndicatorColor != other.errorIndicatorColor) return false
if (disabledIndicatorColor != other.disabledIndicatorColor) return false
if (leadingIconColor != other.leadingIconColor) return false
if (disabledLeadingIconColor != other.disabledLeadingIconColor) return false
if (errorLeadingIconColor != other.errorLeadingIconColor) return false
if (trailingIconColor != other.trailingIconColor) return false
if (focusedTrailingIconColor != other.focusedTrailingIconColor) return false
if (disabledTrailingIconColor != other.disabledTrailingIconColor) return false
if (errorTrailingIconColor != other.errorTrailingIconColor) return false
if (backgroundColor != other.backgroundColor) return false
if (focusedLabelColor != other.focusedLabelColor) return false
if (unfocusedLabelColor != other.unfocusedLabelColor) return false
if (disabledLabelColor != other.disabledLabelColor) return false
if (errorLabelColor != other.errorLabelColor) return false
if (placeholderColor != other.placeholderColor) return false
if (disabledPlaceholderColor != other.disabledPlaceholderColor) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = textColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + disabledTextColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + cursorColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + errorCursorColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + focusedIndicatorColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + unfocusedIndicatorColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + errorIndicatorColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + disabledIndicatorColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + leadingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + disabledLeadingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + errorLeadingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + trailingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + focusedTrailingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + disabledTrailingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + errorTrailingIconColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + backgroundColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + focusedLabelColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + unfocusedLabelColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + disabledLabelColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + errorLabelColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + placeholderColor.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + disabledPlaceholderColor.hashCode()
return result