blob: dd5a571ad626df1aed4501919cc9e00cd4dbefb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.animation
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Companion.Down
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Companion.End
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Companion.Left
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Companion.Right
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Companion.Start
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Companion.Up
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationVector2D
import androidx.compose.animation.core.FiniteAnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.InternalAnimationApi
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Transition
import androidx.compose.animation.core.VectorConverter
import androidx.compose.animation.core.VisibilityThreshold
import androidx.compose.animation.core.createDeferredAnimation
import androidx.compose.animation.core.spring
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.animation.core.updateTransition
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.key
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateListOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.clipToBounds
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.IntrinsicMeasurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.IntrinsicMeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Layout
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasurePolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureResult
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ParentDataModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layout
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEachIndexed
* [AnimatedContent] is a container that automatically animates its content when [targetState]
* changes. Its [content] for different target states is defined in a mapping between a target
* state and a composable function.
* **IMPORTANT**: The targetState parameter for the [content] lambda should *always* be
* taken into account in deciding what composable function to return as the content for that state.
* This is critical to ensure a successful lookup of all the incoming and outgoing content during
* content transform.
* When [targetState] changes, content for both new and previous targetState will be
* looked up through the [content] lambda. They will go through a [ContentTransform] so that
* the new target content can be animated in while the initial content animates out. Meanwhile the
* container will animate its size as needed to accommodate the new content, unless
* [SizeTransform] is set to `null`. Once the [ContentTransform] is finished, the
* outgoing content will be disposed.
* By default, the [ContentTransform] will be a delayed [fadeIn] of the target content and a delayed
* [scaleIn] [with] a [fadeOut] of the initial content, using a [SizeTransform] to
* animate any size change of the content. This behavior can be customized using [transitionSpec].
* If desired, different [ContentTransform]s can be defined for different pairs of initial content
* and target content.
* [AnimatedContent] displays only the content for [targetState] when not animating. However,
* during the transient content transform, there will be more than one set of content present in
* the [AnimatedContent] container. It may be sometimes desired to define the positional
* relationship among the different content and the overlap. This can be achieved by defining
* [contentAlignment] and [zOrder][ContentTransform.targetContentZIndex]. By default,
* [contentAlignment] aligns all content to [Alignment.TopStart], and the `zIndex` for all
* the content is 0f. __Note__: The target content will always be placed last, therefore it will be
* on top of all the other content unless zIndex is specified.
* Different content in [AnimatedContent] will have access to their own
* [AnimatedVisibilityScope]. This allows content to define more local enter/exit transitions
* via [AnimatedVisibilityScope.animateEnterExit] and [AnimatedVisibilityScope.transition]. These
* custom enter/exit animations will be triggered as the content enters/leaves the container.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.SimpleAnimatedContentSample
* Below is an example of customizing [transitionSpec] to imply a spatial relationship between
* the content for different states:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.AnimateIncrementDecrementSample
* @see ContentTransform
* @see AnimatedVisibilityScope
fun <S> AnimatedContent(
targetState: S,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
transitionSpec: AnimatedContentScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = {
fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) +
scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) with
fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90))
contentAlignment: Alignment = Alignment.TopStart,
content: @Composable() AnimatedVisibilityScope.(targetState: S) -> Unit
) {
val transition = updateTransition(targetState = targetState, label = "AnimatedContent")
content = content
* [ContentTransform] defines how the target content (i.e. content associated with target state)
* enters [AnimatedContent] and how the initial content disappears.
* [targetContentEnter] defines the enter transition for the content associated with the new
* target state. It can be a combination of [fadeIn], [slideIn]/[slideInHorizontally]
* /[slideInVertically]/[AnimatedContentScope.slideIntoContainer], and expand. Similarly,
* [initialContentExit] supports a combination of [ExitTransition] for animating out the initial
* content (i.e. outgoing content). If the initial content and target content are of different
* size, the [sizeTransform] will be triggered unless it's explicitly set to `null`.
* [AnimatedContentScope.slideIntoContainer] and [AnimatedContentScope.slideOutOfContainer] can
* provide container-size-aware sliding in from the edge of the container, or sliding out to the
* edge of the container.
* [ContentTransform] supports the zIndex definition when the content enters the
* [AnimatedContent] container via [targetContentZIndex]. By default, all content has a `0f`
* zIndex. Among content with the same zIndex, the incoming target content will be on top, as it
* will be placed last. However, this may not always be desired. zIndex can be specified to change
* that order. The content with higher zIndex guarantee to be placed on top of content with lower
* zIndex.
* [sizeTransform] manages the expanding and shrinking of the container if there is any size
* change as new content enters the [AnimatedContent] and old content leaves. Unlike
* [AnimatedVisibility], for [AnimatedContent] it is generally
* more predictable to manage the size of the container using [SizeTransform] than influencing the
* size using [expandIn]/[expandHorizontally]/[shrinkOut], etc for each content.
* By default, [spring] will be used to animate any size change, and [AnimatedContent] will be
* clipped to the animated size. Both can be customized by supplying a different [SizeTransform].
* If no size animation is desired, [sizeTransform] can be set to `null`.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.AnimatedContentTransitionSpecSample
* @see SizeTransform
* @see EnterTransition
* @see ExitTransition
* @see AnimatedContent
class ContentTransform(
val targetContentEnter: EnterTransition,
val initialContentExit: ExitTransition,
targetContentZIndex: Float = 0f,
sizeTransform: SizeTransform? = SizeTransform()
) {
* This describes the zIndex of the new target content as it enters the container. It defaults
* to 0f. Content with higher zIndex will be drawn over lower `zIndex`ed content. Among
* content with the same index, the target content will be placed on top.
var targetContentZIndex by mutableStateOf(targetContentZIndex)
* [sizeTransform] manages the expanding and shrinking of the container if there is any size
* change as new content enters the [AnimatedContent] and old content leaves.
* By default, [spring] will be used to animate any size change, and [AnimatedContent] will be
* clipped to the animated size. Both can be customized by supplying a different [SizeTransform].
* If no size animation is desired, [sizeTransform] can be set to `null`.
var sizeTransform: SizeTransform? = sizeTransform
internal set
* This creates a [SizeTransform] with the provided [clip] and [sizeAnimationSpec]. By default,
* [clip] will be true. This means during the size animation, the content will be clipped to the
* animated size. [sizeAnimationSpec] defaults to return a [spring] animation.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.AnimatedContentTransitionSpecSample
fun SizeTransform(
clip: Boolean = true,
sizeAnimationSpec: (initialSize: IntSize, targetSize: IntSize) -> FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize> =
{ _, _ -> spring(visibilityThreshold = IntSize.VisibilityThreshold) }
): SizeTransform = SizeTransformImpl(clip, sizeAnimationSpec)
* [SizeTransform] defines how to transform from one size to another when the size of the content
* changes. When [clip] is true, the content will be clipped to the animation size.
* [createAnimationSpec] specifies the animation spec for the size animation based on the initial
* and target size.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.AnimatedContentTransitionSpecSample
interface SizeTransform {
* Whether the content should be clipped using the animated size.
val clip: Boolean
* This allows [FiniteAnimationSpec] to be defined based on the [initialSize] before the size
* animation and the [targetSize] of the animation.
fun createAnimationSpec(initialSize: IntSize, targetSize: IntSize): FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize>
* Private implementation of SizeTransform interface.
private class SizeTransformImpl(
override val clip: Boolean = true,
val sizeAnimationSpec:
(initialSize: IntSize, targetSize: IntSize) -> FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize>
) : SizeTransform {
override fun createAnimationSpec(
initialSize: IntSize,
targetSize: IntSize
): FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize> = sizeAnimationSpec(initialSize, targetSize)
* This creates a [ContentTransform] using the provided [EnterTransition] and [exit], where the
* enter and exit transition will be running simultaneously.
* For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.AnimatedContentTransitionSpecSample
infix fun EnterTransition.with(exit: ExitTransition) = ContentTransform(this, exit)
* [AnimatedContentScope] provides functions that are convenient and only applicable in the
* context of [AnimatedContent], such as [slideIntoContainer] and [slideOutOfContainer].
// TODO: Consider making AnimatedContentScope an interface before graduating it from experimental
class AnimatedContentScope<S> internal constructor(
internal val transition: Transition<S>,
internal var contentAlignment: Alignment,
internal var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
) : Transition.Segment<S> {
* Initial state of a Transition Segment. This is the state that transition starts from.
override val initialState: S
get() = transition.segment.initialState
* Target state of a Transition Segment. This is the state that transition will end on.
override val targetState: S
get() = transition.segment.targetState
* Customizes the [SizeTransform] of a given [ContentTransform]. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.AnimatedContentTransitionSpecSample
infix fun ContentTransform.using(sizeTransform: SizeTransform?) = this.apply {
this.sizeTransform = sizeTransform
* [SlideDirection] defines the direction of the slide in/out for [slideIntoContainer] and
* [slideOutOfContainer]. The supported directions are: [Left], [Right], [Up] and [Down].
inline class SlideDirection internal constructor(private val value: Int) {
companion object {
val Left = SlideDirection(0)
val Right = SlideDirection(1)
val Up = SlideDirection(2)
val Down = SlideDirection(3)
val Start = SlideDirection(4)
val End = SlideDirection(5)
override fun toString(): String {
return when (this) {
Left -> "Left"
Right -> "Right"
Up -> "Up"
Down -> "Down"
Start -> "Start"
End -> "End"
else -> "Invalid"
* This defines a horizontal/vertical slide-in that is specific to [AnimatedContent] from the
* edge of the container. The offset amount is dynamically calculated based on the current
* size of the [AnimatedContent] and its content alignment. This offset (may be positive or
* negative based on the direction of the slide) is then passed to [initialOffset]. By default,
* [initialOffset] will be using the offset calculated from the system to slide the content in.
* [slideIntoContainer] is a convenient alternative to [slideInHorizontally] and
* [slideInVertically] when the incoming and outgoing content
* differ in size. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to [slideInHorizontally] and
* [slideInVertically] with an offset of the full width/height.
* [towards] specifies the slide direction. Content can be slided into the container towards
* [SlideDirection.Left], [SlideDirection.Right], [SlideDirection.Up] and [SlideDirection.Down].
* [animationSpec] defines the animation that will be used to animate the slide-in.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.SlideIntoContainerSample
* @see AnimatedContent
* @see slideInHorizontally
* @see slideInVertically
fun slideIntoContainer(
towards: SlideDirection,
animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<IntOffset> = spring(
visibilityThreshold = IntOffset.VisibilityThreshold
initialOffset: (offsetForFullSlide: Int) -> Int = { it }
): EnterTransition =
when {
towards.isLeft -> slideInHorizontally(animationSpec) {
currentSize.width - calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), currentSize).x
towards.isRight -> slideInHorizontally(animationSpec) {
initialOffset.invoke(-calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), currentSize).x - it)
towards == Up -> slideInVertically(animationSpec) {
currentSize.height - calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), currentSize).y
towards == Down -> slideInVertically(animationSpec) {
initialOffset.invoke(-calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), currentSize).y - it)
else -> EnterTransition.None
private val SlideDirection.isLeft: Boolean
get() {
return this == Left || this == Start && layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr ||
this == End && layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Rtl
private val SlideDirection.isRight: Boolean
get() {
return this == Right || this == Start && layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Rtl ||
this == End && layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr
private fun calculateOffset(fullSize: IntSize, currentSize: IntSize): IntOffset {
return contentAlignment.align(fullSize, currentSize, LayoutDirection.Ltr)
* This defines a horizontal/vertical exit transition to completely slide out of the
* [AnimatedContent] container. The offset amount is dynamically calculated based on the current
* size of the [AnimatedContent] and the new target size. This offset gets passed
* to [targetOffset] lambda. By default, [targetOffset] uses this offset as is, but it can be
* customized to slide a distance based on the offset. [slideOutOfContainer] is a
* convenient alternative to [slideOutHorizontally] and [slideOutVertically] when the incoming
* and outgoing content differ in size. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to
* [slideOutHorizontally] and [slideOutVertically] with an offset of the full width/height.
* [towards] specifies the slide direction. Content can be slided out of the container towards
* [SlideDirection.Left], [SlideDirection.Right], [SlideDirection.Up] and [SlideDirection.Down].
* [animationSpec] defines the animation that will be used to animate the slide-out.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.SlideIntoContainerSample
* @see AnimatedContent
* @see slideOutHorizontally
* @see slideOutVertically
fun slideOutOfContainer(
towards: SlideDirection,
animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<IntOffset> = spring(
visibilityThreshold = IntOffset.VisibilityThreshold
targetOffset: (offsetForFullSlide: Int) -> Int = { it }
): ExitTransition {
return when {
// Note: targetSize could be 0 for empty composables
towards.isLeft -> slideOutHorizontally(animationSpec) {
val targetSize = targetSizeMap[transition.targetState]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
targetOffset.invoke(-calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), targetSize).x - it)
towards.isRight -> slideOutHorizontally(animationSpec) {
val targetSize = targetSizeMap[transition.targetState]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
-calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), targetSize).x + targetSize.width
towards == Up -> slideOutVertically(animationSpec) {
val targetSize = targetSizeMap[transition.targetState]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
targetOffset.invoke(-calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), targetSize).y - it)
towards == Down -> slideOutVertically(animationSpec) {
val targetSize = targetSizeMap[transition.targetState]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
-calculateOffset(IntSize(it, it), targetSize).y + targetSize.height
else -> ExitTransition.None
internal var measuredSize: IntSize by mutableStateOf(IntSize.Zero)
internal val targetSizeMap = mutableMapOf<S, State<IntSize>>()
internal var animatedSize: State<IntSize>? = null
// Current size of the container. If there's any size animation, the current size will be
// read from the animation value, otherwise we'll use the current
private val currentSize: IntSize
get() = animatedSize?.value ?: measuredSize
@Suppress("ComposableModifierFactory", "ModifierFactoryExtensionFunction")
internal fun createSizeAnimationModifier(
contentTransform: ContentTransform
): Modifier {
var shouldAnimateSize by remember(this) { mutableStateOf(false) }
val sizeTransform = rememberUpdatedState(contentTransform.sizeTransform)
if (transition.currentState == transition.targetState) {
shouldAnimateSize = false
} else {
// TODO: CurrentSize is only relevant to enter/exit transition, not so much for sizeAnim
if (sizeTransform.value != null) {
shouldAnimateSize = true
return if (shouldAnimateSize) {
val sizeAnimation = transition.createDeferredAnimation(IntSize.VectorConverter)
remember(sizeAnimation) {
(if (sizeTransform.value?.clip == false) Modifier else Modifier.clipToBounds())
.then(SizeModifier(sizeAnimation, sizeTransform))
} else {
animatedSize = null
// This helps track the target measurable without affecting the placement order. Target
// measurable needs to be measured first but placed last.
internal data class ChildData(var isTarget: Boolean) : ParentDataModifier {
override fun Density.modifyParentData(parentData: Any?): Any {
return this@ChildData
private inner class SizeModifier(
val sizeAnimation: Transition<S>.DeferredAnimation<IntSize, AnimationVector2D>,
val sizeTransform: State<SizeTransform?>,
) : LayoutModifierWithPassThroughIntrinsics() {
override fun MeasureScope.measure(
measurable: Measurable,
constraints: Constraints
): MeasureResult {
val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)
val size = sizeAnimation.animate(
transitionSpec = {
val initial = targetSizeMap[initialState]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
val target = targetSizeMap[targetState]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
sizeTransform.value?.createAnimationSpec(initial, target) ?: spring()
) {
targetSizeMap[it]?.value ?: IntSize.Zero
animatedSize = size
val offset = contentAlignment.align(
IntSize(placeable.width, placeable.height), size.value, LayoutDirection.Ltr
return layout(size.value.width, size.value.height) {
* [AnimatedContent] is a container that automatically animates its content when
* [Transition.targetState] changes. Its [content] for different target states is defined in a
* mapping between a target state and a composable function.
* **IMPORTANT**: The targetState parameter for the [content] lambda should *always* be
* taken into account in deciding what composable function to return as the content for that state.
* This is critical to ensure a successful lookup of all the incoming and outgoing content during
* content transform.
* When [Transition.targetState] changes, content for both new and previous targetState will be
* looked up through the [content] lambda. They will go through a [ContentTransform] so that
* the new target content can be animated in while the initial content animates out. Meanwhile the
* container will animate its size as needed to accommodate the new content, unless
* [SizeTransform] is set to `null`. Once the [ContentTransform] is finished, the
* outgoing content will be disposed.
* By default, the [ContentTransform] will be a delayed [fadeIn] of the target content and a delayed
* [scaleIn] [with] a [fadeOut] of the initial content, using a [SizeTransform] to
* animate any size change of the content. This behavior can be customized using [transitionSpec].
* If desired, different [ContentTransform]s can be defined for different pairs of initial content
* and target content.
* [AnimatedContent] displays only the content for [Transition.targetState] when not animating.
* However, during the transient content transform, there will be more than one sets of content
* present in the [AnimatedContent] container. It may be sometimes desired to define the positional
* relationship among different content and the style of overlap. This can be achieved by defining
* [contentAlignment] and [zOrder][ContentTransform.targetContentZIndex]. By default,
* [contentAlignment] aligns all content to [Alignment.TopStart], and the `zIndex` for all
* the content is 0f. __Note__: The target content will always be placed last, therefore it will be
* on top of all the other content unless zIndex is specified.
* Different content in [AnimatedContent] will have access to their own
* [AnimatedVisibilityScope]. This allows content to define more local enter/exit transitions
* via [AnimatedVisibilityScope.animateEnterExit] and [AnimatedVisibilityScope.transition]. These
* custom enter/exit animations will be triggered as the content enters/leaves the container.
* [contentKey] can be used to specify a key for each targetState. There will be no animation
* when switching between target states that share the same same key. By default,
* the key will be the same as the targetState object. [contentKey] can be particularly useful if
* target state object gets recreated across save & restore while a more persistent key is needed
* to properly restore the internal states of the content.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.TransitionExtensionAnimatedContentSample
* @see ContentTransform
* @see AnimatedVisibilityScope
fun <S> Transition<S>.AnimatedContent(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
transitionSpec: AnimatedContentScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = {
fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) +
scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) with
fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90))
contentAlignment: Alignment = Alignment.TopStart,
contentKey: (targetState: S) -> Any? = { it },
content: @Composable() AnimatedVisibilityScope.(targetState: S) -> Unit
) {
val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
val rootScope = remember(this) {
AnimatedContentScope(this, contentAlignment, layoutDirection)
// TODO: remove screen as soon as they are animated out
val currentlyVisible = remember(this) { mutableStateListOf(currentState) }
val contentMap = remember(this) { mutableMapOf<S, @Composable() () -> Unit>() }
if (currentState == targetState) {
if (currentlyVisible.size != 1 || currentlyVisible[0] != currentState) {
if (contentMap.size != 1 || contentMap.containsKey(currentState)) {
// TODO: Do we want to support changing contentAlignment amid animation?
rootScope.contentAlignment = contentAlignment
rootScope.layoutDirection = layoutDirection
// Currently visible list always keeps the targetState at the end of the list, unless it's
// already in the list in the case of interruption. This makes the composable associated with
// the targetState get placed last, so the target composable will be displayed on top of
// content associated with other states, unless zIndex is specified.
if (currentState != targetState && !currentlyVisible.contains(targetState)) {
// Replace the target with the same key if any
val id = currentlyVisible.indexOfFirst { contentKey(it) == contentKey(targetState) }
if (id == -1) {
} else {
currentlyVisible[id] = targetState
if (!contentMap.containsKey(targetState)) {
currentlyVisible.fastForEach { stateForContent ->
contentMap[stateForContent] = {
val specOnEnter = remember { transitionSpec(rootScope) }
// NOTE: enter and exit for this AnimatedVisibility will be using different spec,
// naturally.
val exit =
remember(segment.targetState == stateForContent) {
val childData = remember {
AnimatedContentScope.ChildData(stateForContent == targetState)
// TODO: Will need a custom impl of this to: 1) get the signal for when
// the animation is finished, 2) get the target size properly
{ it == stateForContent },
enter = specOnEnter.targetContentEnter,
exit = exit,
modifier = Modifier.layout { measurable, constraints ->
val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)
layout(placeable.width, placeable.height) {, 0, zIndex = specOnEnter.targetContentZIndex)
}.then(childData.apply { isTarget = stateForContent == targetState })
) {
// TODO: Should Transition.AnimatedVisibility have an end listener?
DisposableEffect(this) {
onDispose {
rootScope.targetSizeMap[stateForContent] =
(this as AnimatedVisibilityScopeImpl).targetSize
val contentTransform = remember(rootScope, segment) { transitionSpec(rootScope) }
val sizeModifier = rootScope.createSizeAnimationModifier(contentTransform)
modifier = modifier.then(sizeModifier),
content = {
currentlyVisible.forEach {
key(contentKey(it)) {
measurePolicy = remember { AnimatedContentMeasurePolicy(rootScope) }
private class AnimatedContentMeasurePolicy(val rootScope: AnimatedContentScope<*>) : MeasurePolicy {
override fun MeasureScope.measure(
measurables: List<Measurable>,
constraints: Constraints
): MeasureResult {
val placeables = arrayOfNulls<Placeable>(measurables.size)
// Measure the target composable first (but place it on top unless zIndex is specified)
measurables.fastForEachIndexed { index, measurable ->
if ((measurable.parentData as? AnimatedContentScope.ChildData)?.isTarget == true) {
placeables[index] = measurable.measure(constraints)
// Measure the non-target composables after target, since these have no impact on
// container size in the size animation.
measurables.fastForEachIndexed { index, measurable ->
if (placeables[index] == null) {
placeables[index] = measurable.measure(constraints)
val maxWidth: Int = placeables.maxByOrNull { it?.width ?: 0 }?.width ?: 0
val maxHeight = placeables.maxByOrNull { it?.height ?: 0 }?.height ?: 0
rootScope.measuredSize = IntSize(maxWidth, maxHeight)
// Position the children.
return layout(maxWidth, maxHeight) {
placeables.forEach { placeable ->
placeable?.let {
val offset = rootScope.contentAlignment.align(
IntSize(it.width, it.height),
IntSize(maxWidth, maxHeight),
), offset.y)
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.minIntrinsicWidth(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
height: Int
) = measurables.asSequence().map { it.minIntrinsicWidth(height) }.maxOrNull() ?: 0
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.minIntrinsicHeight(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
width: Int
) = measurables.asSequence().map { it.minIntrinsicHeight(width) }.maxOrNull() ?: 0
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.maxIntrinsicWidth(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
height: Int
) = measurables.asSequence().map { it.maxIntrinsicWidth(height) }.maxOrNull() ?: 0
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.maxIntrinsicHeight(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
width: Int
) = measurables.asSequence().map { it.maxIntrinsicHeight(width) }.maxOrNull() ?: 0