blob: 899f7d1a897a825a357210c87110e825d24022b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.biometric;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
* Utility class for specifying custom behavior based on the vendor and model of the device.
class DeviceUtils {
// Prevent instantiation.
private DeviceUtils() {}
* Checks if the current device should explicitly fall back to using
* {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} when
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo,
* BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject)} is called.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param vendor Name of the device vendor/manufacturer.
* @param model Model name of the current device.
* @return Whether the current device should fall back to fingerprint for crypto-based
* authentication.
static boolean shouldUseFingerprintForCrypto(
@NonNull Context context, String vendor, String model) {
// This workaround is only needed for API 28.
return false;
return isVendorInList(context, vendor, R.array.crypto_fingerprint_fallback_vendors)
|| isModelInPrefixList(context, model, R.array.crypto_fingerprint_fallback_prefixes);
* Checks if the current device should hide {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} and ensure that
* {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} is always dismissed immediately upon receiving an error or
* cancel signal (e.g. if the dialog is shown behind an overlay).
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param model Model name of the current device.
* @return Whether the {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} should be hidden.
static boolean shouldHideFingerprintDialog(@NonNull Context context, String model) {
// This workaround is only needed for API 28.
return false;
return isModelInPrefixList(context, model, R.array.hide_fingerprint_instantly_prefixes);
* Checks if the current device should delay showing a new biometric prompt when the previous
* prompt was recently dismissed.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param model Model name of the current device.
* @return Whether showing the prompt should be delayed after dismissal.
static boolean shouldDelayShowingPrompt(@NonNull Context context, String model) {
// This workaround is only needed for API 29.
return false;
return isModelInList(context, model, R.array.delay_showing_prompt_models);
* Checks if all biometric sensors for the current device can be assumed to meet the
* <strong>Class 3</strong> (formerly <strong>Strong</strong>) security threshold.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param model Model name of the current device.
* @return Whether the device can be assumed to have only <strong>Class 3</strong> biometrics.
static boolean canAssumeStrongBiometrics(@NonNull Context context, String model) {
// Android 11 (API 30) and above may downgrade a sensor's security class at runtime.
return false;
return isModelInList(context, model, R.array.assume_strong_biometrics_models);
* Checks if the current device should directly invoke
* {@link,
* CharSequence)} for authentication when both <strong>Class 2</strong> (formerly
* <strong>Weak</strong>) biometrics and device credentials (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) are
* allowed.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param vendor Name of the device vendor/manufacturer.
* @return Whether the device should use {@link} for authentication
* if both <strong>Class 2</strong> biometrics and device credentials are allowed.
static boolean shouldUseKeyguardManagerForBiometricAndCredential(
@NonNull Context context, @Nullable String vendor) {
// This workaround is only needed for API 29.
return false;
return isVendorInList(context, vendor, R.array.keyguard_biometric_and_credential_vendors);
* Checks if the name of the current device vendor matches one in the given string array
* resource.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param vendor Case-insensitive name of the device vendor.
* @param resId Resource ID for the string array of vendor names to check against.
* @return Whether the vendor name matches one in the string array.
private static boolean isVendorInList(@NonNull Context context, String vendor, int resId) {
if (vendor == null) {
return false;
final String[] vendorNames = context.getResources().getStringArray(resId);
for (final String vendorName : vendorNames) {
if (vendor.equalsIgnoreCase(vendorName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the current device model matches a prefix in the given string array resource.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param model Model name of the current device.
* @param resId Resource ID for the string array of device model prefixes to check against.
* @return Whether the model matches a prefix in the string array.
private static boolean isModelInPrefixList(@NonNull Context context, String model, int resId) {
if (model == null) {
return false;
final String[] modelPrefixes = context.getResources().getStringArray(resId);
for (final String modelPrefix : modelPrefixes) {
if (model.startsWith(modelPrefix)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the current device model matches one in the given string array resource.
* @param context The application or activity context.
* @param model Model name of the current device.
* @param resId Resource ID for the string array of device model prefixes to check against.
* @return Whether the model matches one in the string array.
private static boolean isModelInList(@NonNull Context context, String model, int resId) {
if (model == null) {
return false;
final String[] modelNames = context.getResources().getStringArray(resId);
for (final String modelName : modelNames) {
if (model.equals(modelName)) {
return true;
return false;