blob: 6ea81552aaf68169e1546944f1a2d219a01f2e28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.benchmark
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
* Provides a way to capture all the instrumentation results which needs to be reported.
* @suppress
public class InstrumentationResultScope(public val bundle: Bundle = Bundle()) {
public fun ideSummaryRecord(
* Simple text-only result summary string to output to IDE.
summaryV1: String,
* V2 output string, supports linking to files in the output dir via links of the format
* `[link](file://<relative-path-to-trace>`).
summaryV2: String = summaryV1
) {
bundle.putString(IDE_V1_SUMMARY_KEY, summaryV1)
// Outputs.outputDirectory is safe to use in the context of Studio currently.
// This is because AGP does not populate the `additionalTestOutputDir` argument.
bundle.putString(IDE_V2_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH_KEY, Outputs.outputDirectory.absolutePath)
bundle.putString(IDE_V2_SUMMARY_KEY, summaryV2)
public fun fileRecord(key: String, path: String) {
bundle.putString("additionalTestOutputFile_$key", path)
internal companion object {
private const val IDE_V1_SUMMARY_KEY = ""
private const val IDE_V2_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH_KEY =
private const val IDE_V2_SUMMARY_KEY = ""
* Provides way to report additional results via `Instrumentation.sendStatus()` / `addResult()`.
* @suppress
public object InstrumentationResults {
private const val STUDIO_OUTPUT_KEY_ID = "benchmark"
* Bundle containing values to be reported at end of run, instead of for each test.
* See androidx.benchmark.junit.InstrumentationResultsRunListener
public val runEndResultBundle: Bundle = Bundle()
* Creates an Instrumentation Result.
public fun instrumentationReport(
block: InstrumentationResultScope.() -> Unit
) {
val scope = InstrumentationResultScope()
// NOTE: this summary line will use default locale to determine separators. As
// this line is only meant for human eyes, we don't worry about consistency here.
internal fun ideSummaryLine(
key: String,
nanos: Double,
allocations: Double?,
traceRelPath: String?,
profilerResult: Profiler.ResultFile?
): String {
return listOfNotNull(
// for readability, report nanos with 10ths only if less than 100
if (nanos >= 100.0) {
// 13 alignment is enough for ~10 seconds
"%,13d ns".format(nanos.toLong())
} else {
// 13 + 2(.X) to match alignment above
"%,15.1f ns".format(nanos)
// 9 alignment is enough for ~10 million allocations
allocations?.run {
"%8d allocs".format(allocations.toInt())
traceRelPath?.run {
// always fixed length
profilerResult?.run {
// should be fixed length within a run, as each benchmark will use same profiler
).joinToString(" ")
* Report an output file for test infra to copy.
* [reportOnRunEndOnly] `=true` should only be used for files that aggregate data across many
* tests, such as the final report json. All other files should be unique, per test.
* In internal terms, per-test results are called "test metrics", and per-run results are
* called "run metrics". A profiling trace of a particular method would be a test metric, the
* full output json would be a run metric.
* In am instrument terms, per-test results are printed with `INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS:`, and
* per-run results are reported with `INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT:`.
public fun reportAdditionalFileToCopy(
key: String,
absoluteFilePath: String,
reportOnRunEndOnly: Boolean = false
) {
if (reportOnRunEndOnly) {
InstrumentationResultScope(runEndResultBundle).fileRecord(key, absoluteFilePath)
} else {
instrumentationReport {
fileRecord(key, absoluteFilePath)
internal fun ideSummaryLineWrapped(
key: String,
nanos: Double,
allocations: Double?,
traceRelPath: String?,
profilerResult: Profiler.ResultFile?
): String {
val warningLines =
Errors.acquireWarningStringForLogging()?.split("\n") ?: listOf()
return (warningLines + ideSummaryLine(
key = key,
nanos = nanos,
allocations = allocations,
traceRelPath = traceRelPath,
profilerResult = profilerResult
// remove first line if empty
.filterIndexed { index, it -> index != 0 || it.isNotBlank() }
// join, prepending key to everything but first string,
// to make each line look the same
.joinToString("\n$STUDIO_OUTPUT_KEY_ID: ")
* Report results bundle to instrumentation
* Before addResults() was added in the platform, we use sendStatus(). The constant '2'
* comes from IInstrumentationResultParser.StatusCodes.IN_PROGRESS, and signals the
* test infra that this is an "additional result" bundle, equivalent to addResults()
* NOTE: we should a version check to call addResults(), but don't yet due to b/155103514
* @param bundle The [Bundle] to be reported to []
internal fun reportBundle(bundle: Bundle) {
.sendStatus(2, bundle)