blob: 38d1523d31fa3a953debbbe8d5759dff7c3767b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.junit.Test
* Test for [SampledAnnotationEnforcer]
* This tests the following module setup:
* Module 'foo', which lives in foo
* Module 'samples', which lives in samples, and depends on 'foo'
* Unfortunately since we cannot test submodules, we cannot verify the case for
* foo:samples in this test.
class SampledAnnotationEnforcerTest {
private val fooModuleName = "foo"
private val sampleModuleName = "samples"
private val barFilePath = "foo/src/foo/Bar.kt"
private val emptySampleFile = kotlin("""
package foo.samples
private val unannotatedSampleFile = kotlin("""
package foo.samples
fun sampleBar() {}
private val multipleMatchingSampleFile = kotlin("""
package foo.samples
fun sampleBar() {}
fun sampleBar() {}
private val correctlyAnnotatedSampleFile = kotlin("""
package foo.samples
fun sampleBar() {}
private fun checkKotlin(
fooFile: TestFile? = null,
sampleFile: TestFile? = null
): TestLintResult {
val projectDescriptions = mutableListOf<ProjectDescription>()
val fooProject = ProjectDescription().apply {
name = fooModuleName
fooFile?.let { files = arrayOf(fooFile) }
projectDescriptions += fooProject
sampleFile?.let {
projectDescriptions += ProjectDescription().apply {
name = sampleModuleName
files = arrayOf(sampleFile)
return lint()
fun missingSampleDirectory_Function() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
fun bar() {}
val expected =
"src/foo/Bar.kt:6: Error: Couldn't find a valid samples directory in this project" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile)
fun unresolvedSampleLink_Function() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
fun bar() {}
val sampleFile = emptySampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:6: Error: Couldn't find a valid function matching foo.samples.sampleBar" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun unannotatedSampleFunction_Function() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
fun bar() {}
val sampleFile = unannotatedSampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:6: Error: sampleBar is not annotated with @Sampled, but is linked to from" +
""" the KDoc of bar [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun multipleMatchingSampleFunctions_Function() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
fun bar() {}
val sampleFile = multipleMatchingSampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:6: Error: Found multiple functions matching foo.samples.sampleBar" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun correctlyAnnotatedSampleFunction_Function() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
fun bar() {}
val sampleFile = correctlyAnnotatedSampleFile
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun missingSampleDirectory_Class() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
class Bar
val expected =
"src/foo/Bar.kt:5: Error: Couldn't find a valid samples directory in this project" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile)
fun unresolvedSampleLink_Class() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
class Bar
val sampleFile = emptySampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:5: Error: Couldn't find a valid function matching foo.samples.sampleBar" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun unannotatedSampleFunction_Class() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
class Bar
val sampleFile = unannotatedSampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:5: Error: sampleBar is not annotated with @Sampled, but is linked to from" +
""" the KDoc of Bar [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun multipleMatchingSampleFunctions_Class() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
class Bar
val sampleFile = multipleMatchingSampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:5: Error: Found multiple functions matching foo.samples.sampleBar" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun correctlyAnnotatedSampleFunction_Class() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
class Bar
val sampleFile = correctlyAnnotatedSampleFile
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun missingSampleDirectory_Field() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
const val bar = 0
val expected =
"src/foo/Bar.kt:6: Error: Couldn't find a valid samples directory in this project" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile)
fun unresolvedSampleLink_Field() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
const val bar = 0
val sampleFile = emptySampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:6: Error: Couldn't find a valid function matching foo.samples.sampleBar" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun unannotatedSampleFunction_Field() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
const val bar = 0
val sampleFile = unannotatedSampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:6: Error: sampleBar is not annotated with @Sampled, but is linked to from" +
""" the KDoc of bar [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun multipleMatchingSampleFunctions_Field() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
const val bar = 0
val sampleFile = multipleMatchingSampleFile
val expected =
"$barFilePath:6: Error: Found multiple functions matching foo.samples.sampleBar" +
""" [EnforceSampledAnnotation]
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
1 errors, 0 warnings
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)
fun correctlyAnnotatedSampleFunction_Field() {
val fooFile = kotlin("""
package foo
class Bar {
* @sample foo.samples.sampleBar
const val bar = 0
val sampleFile = correctlyAnnotatedSampleFile
checkKotlin(fooFile = fooFile, sampleFile = sampleFile)