blob: 7922b9ed68ca4d1190bdbf7643f3a049c3b77953 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.os.Process;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Surface;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* This class provides access to a RenderScript context, which controls RenderScript
* initialization, resource management, and teardown. An instance of the RenderScript
* class must be created before any other RS objects can be created.
* <div class="special reference">
* <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
* <p>For more information about creating an application that uses RenderScript, read the
* <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/renderscript/index.html">RenderScript</a> developer guide.</p>
* </div>
public class RenderScript {
static final String LOG_TAG = "RenderScript_jni";
static final boolean DEBUG = false;
@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration", "deprecation"})
static final boolean LOG_ENABLED = false;
static private ArrayList<RenderScript> mProcessContextList = new ArrayList<RenderScript>();
private boolean mIsProcessContext = false;
private int mContextFlags = 0;
private int mContextSdkVersion = 0;
private Context mApplicationContext;
private String mNativeLibDir;
* We use a class initializer to allow the native code to cache some
* field offsets.
@SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal", "UnusedDeclaration"})
static boolean sInitialized;
static boolean sUseGCHooks;
static Object sRuntime;
static Method registerNativeAllocation;
static Method registerNativeFree;
static Object lock = new Object();
// Non-threadsafe functions.
native boolean nLoadSO(boolean useNative, int deviceApi);
native boolean nLoadIOSO();
native long nDeviceCreate();
native void nDeviceDestroy(long dev);
native void nDeviceSetConfig(long dev, int param, int value);
native int nContextGetUserMessage(long con, int[] data);
native String nContextGetErrorMessage(long con);
native int nContextPeekMessage(long con, int[] subID);
native void nContextInitToClient(long con);
native void nContextDeinitToClient(long con);
static private int sNative = -1;
static private int sSdkVersion = -1;
static private boolean useIOlib = false;
static private boolean useNative;
* Context creation flag that specifies a normal context.
* RenderScript Support lib only support normal context.
public static final int CREATE_FLAG_NONE = 0x0000;
boolean isUseNative() {
return useNative;
* Detect the bitness of the VM to allow FieldPacker to do the right thing.
static native int rsnSystemGetPointerSize();
static int sPointerSize;
* Determines whether or not we should be thunking into the native
* RenderScript layer or actually using the compatibility library.
static private boolean setupNative(int sdkVersion, Context ctx) {
// if targetSdkVersion is higher than the device api version, always use compat mode.
// Workaround for KK
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < sdkVersion &&
android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
sNative = 0;
if (sNative == -1) {
// get the value of the property
int forcecompat = 0;
try {
Class<?> sysprop = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");
Class[] signature = {String.class, Integer.TYPE};
Method getint = sysprop.getDeclaredMethod("getInt", signature);
Object[] args = {"", new Integer(0)};
forcecompat = ((java.lang.Integer)getint.invoke(null, args)).intValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
if ((android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
&& forcecompat == 0) {
sNative = 1;
} else {
sNative = 0;
if (sNative == 1) {
// Workarounds that may disable thunking go here
ApplicationInfo info;
try {
info = ctx.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(ctx.getPackageName(),
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
// assume no workarounds needed
return true;
long minorVersion = 0;
// load minorID from reflection
try {
Class<?> javaRS = Class.forName("android.renderscript.RenderScript");
Method getMinorID = javaRS.getDeclaredMethod("getMinorID");
minorVersion = ((java.lang.Long)getMinorID.invoke(null)).longValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
// minor version remains 0 on devices with no possible WARs
if (info.metaData != null) {
// asynchronous teardown: minor version 1+
if (info.metaData.getBoolean("") == true) {
if (minorVersion == 0) {
sNative = 0;
// blur issues on some drivers with 4.4
if (info.metaData.getBoolean("") == true) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 19) {
//android.util.Log.e("rs", "war on");
sNative = 0;
// end of workarounds
if (sNative == 1) {
return true;
return false;
* Name of the file that holds the object cache.
private static final String CACHE_PATH = "";
static String mCachePath;
* Sets the directory to use as a persistent storage for the
* renderscript object file cache.
* @hide
* @param cacheDir A directory the current process can write to
public static void setupDiskCache(File cacheDir) {
File f = new File(cacheDir, CACHE_PATH);
mCachePath = f.getAbsolutePath();
* ContextType specifies the specific type of context to be created.
public enum ContextType {
* NORMAL context, this is the default and what shipping apps should
* use.
* DEBUG context, perform extra runtime checks to validate the
* kernels and APIs are being used as intended. Get and SetElementAt
* will be bounds checked in this mode.
DEBUG (1),
* PROFILE context, Intended to be used once the first time an
* application is run on a new device. This mode allows the runtime to
* do additional testing and performance tuning.
int mID;
ContextType(int id) {
mID = id;
ContextType mContextType;
// Methods below are wrapped to protect the non-threadsafe
// lockless fifo.
native long rsnContextCreate(long dev, int ver, int sdkVer, int contextType, String nativeLibDir);
synchronized long nContextCreate(long dev, int ver, int sdkVer, int contextType, String nativeLibDir) {
return rsnContextCreate(dev, ver, sdkVer, contextType, nativeLibDir);
native void rsnContextDestroy(long con);
synchronized void nContextDestroy() {
// take teardown lock
// teardown lock can only be taken when no objects are being destroyed
ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock wlock = mRWLock.writeLock();
long curCon = mContext;
// context is considered dead as of this point
mContext = 0;
native void rsnContextSetPriority(long con, int p);
synchronized void nContextSetPriority(int p) {
rsnContextSetPriority(mContext, p);
native void rsnContextDump(long con, int bits);
synchronized void nContextDump(int bits) {
rsnContextDump(mContext, bits);
native void rsnContextFinish(long con);
synchronized void nContextFinish() {
native void rsnContextSendMessage(long con, int id, int[] data);
synchronized void nContextSendMessage(int id, int[] data) {
rsnContextSendMessage(mContext, id, data);
// nObjDestroy is explicitly _not_ synchronous to prevent crashes in finalizers
native void rsnObjDestroy(long con, long id);
void nObjDestroy(long id) {
// There is a race condition here. The calling code may be run
// by the gc while teardown is occuring. This protects againts
// deleting dead objects.
if (mContext != 0) {
rsnObjDestroy(mContext, id);
native long rsnElementCreate(long con, long type, int kind, boolean norm, int vecSize);
synchronized long nElementCreate(long type, int kind, boolean norm, int vecSize) {
return rsnElementCreate(mContext, type, kind, norm, vecSize);
native long rsnElementCreate2(long con, long[] elements, String[] names, int[] arraySizes);
synchronized long nElementCreate2(long[] elements, String[] names, int[] arraySizes) {
return rsnElementCreate2(mContext, elements, names, arraySizes);
native void rsnElementGetNativeData(long con, long id, int[] elementData);
synchronized void nElementGetNativeData(long id, int[] elementData) {
rsnElementGetNativeData(mContext, id, elementData);
native void rsnElementGetSubElements(long con, long id,
long[] IDs, String[] names, int[] arraySizes);
synchronized void nElementGetSubElements(long id, long[] IDs, String[] names, int[] arraySizes) {
rsnElementGetSubElements(mContext, id, IDs, names, arraySizes);
native long rsnTypeCreate(long con, long eid, int x, int y, int z, boolean mips, boolean faces, int yuv);
synchronized long nTypeCreate(long eid, int x, int y, int z, boolean mips, boolean faces, int yuv) {
return rsnTypeCreate(mContext, eid, x, y, z, mips, faces, yuv);
native void rsnTypeGetNativeData(long con, long id, long[] typeData);
synchronized void nTypeGetNativeData(long id, long[] typeData) {
rsnTypeGetNativeData(mContext, id, typeData);
native long rsnAllocationCreateTyped(long con, long type, int mip, int usage, long pointer);
synchronized long nAllocationCreateTyped(long type, int mip, int usage, long pointer) {
return rsnAllocationCreateTyped(mContext, type, mip, usage, pointer);
native long rsnAllocationCreateFromBitmap(long con, long type, int mip, Bitmap bmp, int usage);
synchronized long nAllocationCreateFromBitmap(long type, int mip, Bitmap bmp, int usage) {
return rsnAllocationCreateFromBitmap(mContext, type, mip, bmp, usage);
native long rsnAllocationCreateBitmapBackedAllocation(long con, long type, int mip, Bitmap bmp, int usage);
synchronized long nAllocationCreateBitmapBackedAllocation(long type, int mip, Bitmap bmp, int usage) {
return rsnAllocationCreateBitmapBackedAllocation(mContext, type, mip, bmp, usage);
native long rsnAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(long con, long type, int mip, Bitmap bmp, int usage);
synchronized long nAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(long type, int mip, Bitmap bmp, int usage) {
return rsnAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(mContext, type, mip, bmp, usage);
native long rsnAllocationCreateBitmapRef(long con, long type, Bitmap bmp);
synchronized long nAllocationCreateBitmapRef(long type, Bitmap bmp) {
return rsnAllocationCreateBitmapRef(mContext, type, bmp);
native long rsnAllocationCreateFromAssetStream(long con, int mips, int assetStream, int usage);
synchronized long nAllocationCreateFromAssetStream(int mips, int assetStream, int usage) {
return rsnAllocationCreateFromAssetStream(mContext, mips, assetStream, usage);
native void rsnAllocationCopyToBitmap(long con, long alloc, Bitmap bmp);
synchronized void nAllocationCopyToBitmap(long alloc, Bitmap bmp) {
rsnAllocationCopyToBitmap(mContext, alloc, bmp);
native void rsnAllocationSyncAll(long con, long alloc, int src);
synchronized void nAllocationSyncAll(long alloc, int src) {
rsnAllocationSyncAll(mContext, alloc, src);
native void rsnAllocationSetSurface(long con, long alloc, Surface sur);
synchronized void nAllocationSetSurface(long alloc, Surface sur) {
rsnAllocationSetSurface(mContext, alloc, sur);
native void rsnAllocationIoSend(long con, long alloc);
synchronized void nAllocationIoSend(long alloc) {
rsnAllocationIoSend(mContext, alloc);
native void rsnAllocationIoReceive(long con, long alloc);
synchronized void nAllocationIoReceive(long alloc) {
rsnAllocationIoReceive(mContext, alloc);
native void rsnAllocationGenerateMipmaps(long con, long alloc);
synchronized void nAllocationGenerateMipmaps(long alloc) {
rsnAllocationGenerateMipmaps(mContext, alloc);
native void rsnAllocationCopyFromBitmap(long con, long alloc, Bitmap bmp);
synchronized void nAllocationCopyFromBitmap(long alloc, Bitmap bmp) {
rsnAllocationCopyFromBitmap(mContext, alloc, bmp);
native void rsnAllocationData1D(long con, long id, int off, int mip, int count, Object d, int sizeBytes, int dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationData1D(long id, int off, int mip, int count, Object d, int sizeBytes, Element.DataType dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationData1D(mContext, id, off, mip, count, d, sizeBytes, dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native void rsnAllocationElementData1D(long con,long id, int xoff, int mip, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes);
synchronized void nAllocationElementData1D(long id, int xoff, int mip, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes) {
rsnAllocationElementData1D(mContext, id, xoff, mip, compIdx, d, sizeBytes);
native void rsnAllocationElementData(long con,long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff, int mip, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes);
synchronized void nAllocationElementData(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff, int mip, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes) {
rsnAllocationElementData(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, zoff, mip, compIdx, d, sizeBytes);
native void rsnAllocationData2D(long con,
long dstAlloc, int dstXoff, int dstYoff,
int dstMip, int dstFace,
int width, int height,
long srcAlloc, int srcXoff, int srcYoff,
int srcMip, int srcFace);
synchronized void nAllocationData2D(long dstAlloc, int dstXoff, int dstYoff,
int dstMip, int dstFace,
int width, int height,
long srcAlloc, int srcXoff, int srcYoff,
int srcMip, int srcFace) {
dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff,
dstMip, dstFace,
width, height,
srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff,
srcMip, srcFace);
native void rsnAllocationData2D(long con, long id, int xoff, int yoff, int mip, int face,
int w, int h, Object d, int sizeBytes, int dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationData2D(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int mip, int face,
int w, int h, Object d, int sizeBytes, Element.DataType dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationData2D(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, mip, face, w, h, d, sizeBytes, dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native void rsnAllocationData2D(long con, long id, int xoff, int yoff, int mip, int face, Bitmap b);
synchronized void nAllocationData2D(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int mip, int face, Bitmap b) {
rsnAllocationData2D(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, mip, face, b);
native void rsnAllocationData3D(long con,
long dstAlloc, int dstXoff, int dstYoff, int dstZoff,
int dstMip,
int width, int height, int depth,
long srcAlloc, int srcXoff, int srcYoff, int srcZoff,
int srcMip);
synchronized void nAllocationData3D(long dstAlloc, int dstXoff, int dstYoff, int dstZoff,
int dstMip,
int width, int height, int depth,
long srcAlloc, int srcXoff, int srcYoff, int srcZoff,
int srcMip) {
dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff, dstZoff,
dstMip, width, height, depth,
srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcZoff, srcMip);
native void rsnAllocationData3D(long con, long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff, int mip,
int w, int h, int depth, Object d, int sizeBytes, int dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationData3D(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff, int mip,
int w, int h, int depth, Object d, int sizeBytes, Element.DataType dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationData3D(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, zoff, mip, w, h, depth, d, sizeBytes,
dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native void rsnAllocationRead(long con, long id, Object d, int dt, int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationRead(long id, Object d, Element.DataType dt, int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationRead(mContext, id, d, dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native void rsnAllocationRead1D(long con, long id, int off, int mip, int count, Object d,
int sizeBytes, int dt, int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationRead1D(long id, int off, int mip, int count, Object d,
int sizeBytes, Element.DataType dt, int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationRead1D(mContext, id, off, mip, count, d, sizeBytes, dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native void rsnAllocationElementRead(long con,long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff,
int mip, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes);
synchronized void nAllocationElementRead(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff,
int mip, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes) {
rsnAllocationElementRead(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, zoff, mip, compIdx, d, sizeBytes);
native void rsnAllocationRead2D(long con, long id, int xoff, int yoff, int mip, int face,
int w, int h, Object d, int sizeBytes, int dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationRead2D(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int mip, int face,
int w, int h, Object d, int sizeBytes, Element.DataType dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationRead2D(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, mip, face, w, h, d, sizeBytes, dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native void rsnAllocationRead3D(long con, long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff, int mip,
int w, int h, int depth, Object d, int sizeBytes, int dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding);
synchronized void nAllocationRead3D(long id, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff, int mip,
int w, int h, int depth, Object d, int sizeBytes, Element.DataType dt,
int mSize, boolean usePadding) {
rsnAllocationRead3D(mContext, id, xoff, yoff, zoff, mip, w, h, depth, d, sizeBytes, dt.mID, mSize, usePadding);
native long rsnAllocationGetType(long con, long id);
synchronized long nAllocationGetType(long id) {
return rsnAllocationGetType(mContext, id);
native void rsnAllocationResize1D(long con, long id, int dimX);
synchronized void nAllocationResize1D(long id, int dimX) {
rsnAllocationResize1D(mContext, id, dimX);
native void rsnAllocationResize2D(long con, long id, int dimX, int dimY);
synchronized void nAllocationResize2D(long id, int dimX, int dimY) {
rsnAllocationResize2D(mContext, id, dimX, dimY);
native void rsnScriptBindAllocation(long con, long script, long alloc, int slot, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptBindAllocation(long script, long alloc, int slot, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptBindAllocation(curCon, script, alloc, slot, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetTimeZone(long con, long script, byte[] timeZone, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetTimeZone(long script, byte[] timeZone, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetTimeZone(curCon, script, timeZone, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptInvoke(long con, long id, int slot, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptInvoke(long id, int slot, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptInvoke(curCon, id, slot, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptForEach(long con, long incCon, long id, int slot, long ain, long aout, byte[] params, boolean mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptForEach(long con, long incCon, long id, int slot, long ain, long aout, boolean mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptForEachClipped(long con, long incCon, long id, int slot, long ain, long aout, byte[] params,
int xstart, int xend, int ystart, int yend, int zstart, int zend, boolean mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptForEachClipped(long con, long incCon, long id, int slot, long ain, long aout,
int xstart, int xend, int ystart, int yend, int zstart, int zend, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptForEach(long id, int slot, long ain, long aout, byte[] params, boolean mUseInc) {
if (params == null) {
rsnScriptForEach(mContext, mIncCon, id, slot, ain, aout, mUseInc);
} else {
rsnScriptForEach(mContext, mIncCon, id, slot, ain, aout, params, mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptForEachClipped(long id, int slot, long ain, long aout, byte[] params,
int xstart, int xend, int ystart, int yend, int zstart, int zend, boolean mUseInc) {
if (params == null) {
rsnScriptForEachClipped(mContext, mIncCon, id, slot, ain, aout, xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, mUseInc);
} else {
rsnScriptForEachClipped(mContext, mIncCon, id, slot, ain, aout, params, xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptInvokeV(long con, long id, int slot, byte[] params, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptInvokeV(long id, int slot, byte[] params, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptInvokeV(curCon, id, slot, params, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarI(long con, long id, int slot, int val, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarI(long id, int slot, int val, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarI(curCon, id, slot, val, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarJ(long con, long id, int slot, long val, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarJ(long id, int slot, long val, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarJ(curCon, id, slot, val, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarF(long con, long id, int slot, float val, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarF(long id, int slot, float val, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarF(curCon, id, slot, val, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarD(long con, long id, int slot, double val, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarD(long id, int slot, double val, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarD(curCon, id, slot, val, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarV(long con, long id, int slot, byte[] val, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarV(long id, int slot, byte[] val, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarV(curCon, id, slot, val, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarVE(long con, long id, int slot, byte[] val,
long e, int[] dims, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarVE(long id, int slot, byte[] val,
long e, int[] dims, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarVE(curCon, id, slot, val, e, dims, mUseInc);
native void rsnScriptSetVarObj(long con, long id, int slot, long val, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized void nScriptSetVarObj(long id, int slot, long val, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
rsnScriptSetVarObj(curCon, id, slot, val, mUseInc);
native long rsnScriptCCreate(long con, String resName, String cacheDir,
byte[] script, int length);
synchronized long nScriptCCreate(String resName, String cacheDir, byte[] script, int length) {
return rsnScriptCCreate(mContext, resName, cacheDir, script, length);
native long rsnScriptIntrinsicCreate(long con, int id, long eid, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized long nScriptIntrinsicCreate(int id, long eid, boolean mUseInc) {
if (mUseInc) {
if (!mIncLoaded) {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error loading RS Compat library for Incremental Intrinsic Support: " + e);
throw new RSRuntimeException("Error loading RS Compat library for Incremental Intrinsic Support: " + e);
if (!nIncLoadSO()) {
throw new RSRuntimeException("Error loading libRSSupport library for Incremental Intrinsic Support");
mIncLoaded = true;
if (mIncDev == 0) {
mIncDev = nIncDeviceCreate();
if (mIncCon == 0) {
//Create a dummy compat context (synchronous).
mIncCon = nIncContextCreate(mIncDev, 0, 0, 0);
return rsnScriptIntrinsicCreate(mIncCon, id, eid, mUseInc);
} else {
return rsnScriptIntrinsicCreate(mContext, id, eid, mUseInc);
native long rsnScriptKernelIDCreate(long con, long sid, int slot, int sig, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized long nScriptKernelIDCreate(long sid, int slot, int sig, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
return rsnScriptKernelIDCreate(curCon, sid, slot, sig, mUseInc);
native long rsnScriptInvokeIDCreate(long con, long sid, int slot);
synchronized long nScriptInvokeIDCreate(long sid, int slot) {
return rsnScriptInvokeIDCreate(mContext, sid, slot);
native long rsnScriptFieldIDCreate(long con, long sid, int slot, boolean mUseInc);
synchronized long nScriptFieldIDCreate(long sid, int slot, boolean mUseInc) {
long curCon = mContext;
if (mUseInc) {
curCon = mIncCon;
return rsnScriptFieldIDCreate(curCon, sid, slot, mUseInc);
native long rsnScriptGroupCreate(long con, long[] kernels, long[] src, long[] dstk, long[] dstf, long[] types);
synchronized long nScriptGroupCreate(long[] kernels, long[] src, long[] dstk, long[] dstf, long[] types) {
return rsnScriptGroupCreate(mContext, kernels, src, dstk, dstf, types);
native void rsnScriptGroupSetInput(long con, long group, long kernel, long alloc);
synchronized void nScriptGroupSetInput(long group, long kernel, long alloc) {
rsnScriptGroupSetInput(mContext, group, kernel, alloc);
native void rsnScriptGroupSetOutput(long con, long group, long kernel, long alloc);
synchronized void nScriptGroupSetOutput(long group, long kernel, long alloc) {
rsnScriptGroupSetOutput(mContext, group, kernel, alloc);
native void rsnScriptGroupExecute(long con, long group);
synchronized void nScriptGroupExecute(long group) {
rsnScriptGroupExecute(mContext, group);
native long rsnSamplerCreate(long con, int magFilter, int minFilter,
int wrapS, int wrapT, int wrapR, float aniso);
synchronized long nSamplerCreate(int magFilter, int minFilter,
int wrapS, int wrapT, int wrapR, float aniso) {
return rsnSamplerCreate(mContext, magFilter, minFilter, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, aniso);
// entry points for ScriptGroup2
native long rsnClosureCreate(long con, long kernelID, long returnValue,
long[] fieldIDs, long[] values, int[] sizes, long[] depClosures,
long[] depFieldIDs);
synchronized long nClosureCreate(long kernelID, long returnValue,
long[] fieldIDs, long[] values, int[] sizes, long[] depClosures,
long[] depFieldIDs) {
return rsnClosureCreate(mContext, kernelID, returnValue, fieldIDs, values,
sizes, depClosures, depFieldIDs);
native long rsnInvokeClosureCreate(long con, long invokeID, byte[] params,
long[] fieldIDs, long[] values, int[] sizes);
synchronized long nInvokeClosureCreate(long invokeID, byte[] params,
long[] fieldIDs, long[] values, int[] sizes) {
return rsnInvokeClosureCreate(mContext, invokeID, params, fieldIDs,
values, sizes);
native void rsnClosureSetArg(long con, long closureID, int index,
long value, int size);
synchronized void nClosureSetArg(long closureID, int index, long value,
int size) {
rsnClosureSetArg(mContext, closureID, index, value, size);
native void rsnClosureSetGlobal(long con, long closureID, long fieldID,
long value, int size);
// Does this have to be synchronized?
synchronized void nClosureSetGlobal(long closureID, long fieldID,
long value, int size) {
validate(); // TODO: is this necessary?
rsnClosureSetGlobal(mContext, closureID, fieldID, value, size);
native long rsnScriptGroup2Create(long con, String name, String cachePath,
long[] closures);
synchronized long nScriptGroup2Create(String name, String cachePath,
long[] closures) {
return rsnScriptGroup2Create(mContext, name, cachePath, closures);
native void rsnScriptGroup2Execute(long con, long groupID);
synchronized void nScriptGroup2Execute(long groupID) {
rsnScriptGroup2Execute(mContext, groupID);
// Additional Entry points For inc libRSSupport
native boolean nIncLoadSO();
native long nIncDeviceCreate();
native void nIncDeviceDestroy(long dev);
// Methods below are wrapped to protect the non-threadsafe
// lockless fifo.
native long rsnIncContextCreate(long dev, int ver, int sdkVer, int contextType);
synchronized long nIncContextCreate(long dev, int ver, int sdkVer, int contextType) {
return rsnIncContextCreate(dev, ver, sdkVer, contextType);
native void rsnIncContextDestroy(long con);
synchronized void nIncContextDestroy() {
// take teardown lock
// teardown lock can only be taken when no objects are being destroyed
ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock wlock = mRWLock.writeLock();
long curCon = mIncCon;
// context is considered dead as of this point
mIncCon = 0;
native void rsnIncContextFinish(long con);
synchronized void nIncContextFinish() {
native void rsnIncObjDestroy(long con, long id);
void nIncObjDestroy(long id) {
// There is a race condition here. The calling code may be run
// by the gc while teardown is occuring. This protects againts
// deleting dead objects.
if (mIncCon != 0) {
rsnIncObjDestroy(mIncCon, id);
native long rsnIncElementCreate(long con, long type, int kind, boolean norm, int vecSize);
synchronized long nIncElementCreate(long type, int kind, boolean norm, int vecSize) {
return rsnIncElementCreate(mIncCon, type, kind, norm, vecSize);
native long rsnIncTypeCreate(long con, long eid, int x, int y, int z, boolean mips, boolean faces, int yuv);
synchronized long nIncTypeCreate(long eid, int x, int y, int z, boolean mips, boolean faces, int yuv) {
return rsnIncTypeCreate(mIncCon, eid, x, y, z, mips, faces, yuv);
native long rsnIncAllocationCreateTyped(long con, long incCon, long alloc, long type);
synchronized long nIncAllocationCreateTyped(long alloc, long type) {
return rsnIncAllocationCreateTyped(mContext, mIncCon, alloc, type);
long mDev;
long mContext;
//Dummy device & context for Inc Support Lib
long mIncDev;
long mIncCon;
//indicator of whether inc support lib has been loaded or not.
boolean mIncLoaded;
ReentrantReadWriteLock mRWLock;
MessageThread mMessageThread;
Element mElement_U8;
Element mElement_I8;
Element mElement_U16;
Element mElement_I16;
Element mElement_U32;
Element mElement_I32;
Element mElement_U64;
Element mElement_I64;
Element mElement_F32;
Element mElement_F64;
Element mElement_BOOLEAN;
Element mElement_ELEMENT;
Element mElement_TYPE;
Element mElement_ALLOCATION;
Element mElement_SAMPLER;
Element mElement_SCRIPT;
Element mElement_A_8;
Element mElement_RGB_565;
Element mElement_RGB_888;
Element mElement_RGBA_5551;
Element mElement_RGBA_4444;
Element mElement_RGBA_8888;
Element mElement_FLOAT_2;
Element mElement_FLOAT_3;
Element mElement_FLOAT_4;
Element mElement_DOUBLE_2;
Element mElement_DOUBLE_3;
Element mElement_DOUBLE_4;
Element mElement_UCHAR_2;
Element mElement_UCHAR_3;
Element mElement_UCHAR_4;
Element mElement_CHAR_2;
Element mElement_CHAR_3;
Element mElement_CHAR_4;
Element mElement_USHORT_2;
Element mElement_USHORT_3;
Element mElement_USHORT_4;
Element mElement_SHORT_2;
Element mElement_SHORT_3;
Element mElement_SHORT_4;
Element mElement_UINT_2;
Element mElement_UINT_3;
Element mElement_UINT_4;
Element mElement_INT_2;
Element mElement_INT_3;
Element mElement_INT_4;
Element mElement_ULONG_2;
Element mElement_ULONG_3;
Element mElement_ULONG_4;
Element mElement_LONG_2;
Element mElement_LONG_3;
Element mElement_LONG_4;
Element mElement_MATRIX_4X4;
Element mElement_MATRIX_3X3;
Element mElement_MATRIX_2X2;
Sampler mSampler_CLAMP_NEAREST;
Sampler mSampler_CLAMP_LINEAR;
Sampler mSampler_WRAP_NEAREST;
Sampler mSampler_WRAP_LINEAR;
* The base class from which an application should derive in order
* to receive RS messages from scripts. When a script calls {@code
* rsSendToClient}, the data fields will be filled, and the run
* method will be called on a separate thread. This will occur
* some time after {@code rsSendToClient} completes in the script,
* as {@code rsSendToClient} is asynchronous. Message handlers are
* not guaranteed to have completed when {@link
*} returns.
public static class RSMessageHandler implements Runnable {
protected int[] mData;
protected int mID;
protected int mLength;
public void run() {
* If an application is expecting messages, it should set this
* field to an instance of {@link RSMessageHandler}. This
* instance will receive all the user messages sent from {@code
* sendToClient} by scripts from this context.
RSMessageHandler mMessageCallback = null;
public void setMessageHandler(RSMessageHandler msg) {
mMessageCallback = msg;
public RSMessageHandler getMessageHandler() {
return mMessageCallback;
* Place a message into the message queue to be sent back to the message
* handler once all previous commands have been executed.
* @hide
* @param id
* @param data
public void sendMessage(int id, int[] data) {
nContextSendMessage(id, data);
* The runtime error handler base class. An application should derive from this class
* if it wishes to install an error handler. When errors occur at runtime,
* the fields in this class will be filled, and the run method will be called.
public static class RSErrorHandler implements Runnable {
protected String mErrorMessage;
protected int mErrorNum;
public void run() {
* Application Error handler. All runtime errors will be dispatched to the
* instance of RSAsyncError set here. If this field is null a
* {@link RSRuntimeException} will instead be thrown with details about the error.
* This will cause program termaination.
RSErrorHandler mErrorCallback = null;
public void setErrorHandler(RSErrorHandler msg) {
mErrorCallback = msg;
public RSErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
return mErrorCallback;
* RenderScript worker thread priority enumeration. The default value is
* NORMAL. Applications wishing to do background processing should set
* their priority to LOW to avoid starving forground processes.
public enum Priority {
int mID;
Priority(int id) {
mID = id;
void validate() {
if (mContext == 0) {
throw new RSInvalidStateException("Calling RS with no Context active.");
* check if IO support lib is available.
boolean usingIO() {
return useIOlib;
* Change the priority of the worker threads for this context.
* @param p New priority to be set.
public void setPriority(Priority p) {
static class MessageThread extends Thread {
RenderScript mRS;
boolean mRun = true;
int[] mAuxData = new int[2];
static final int RS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENT_NONE = 0;
static final int RS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENT_EXCEPTION = 1;
static final int RS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENT_RESIZE = 2;
static final int RS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENT_ERROR = 3;
static final int RS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENT_USER = 4;
static final int RS_ERROR_FATAL_UNKNOWN = 0x1000;
MessageThread(RenderScript rs) {
mRS = rs;
public void run() {
// This function is a temporary solution. The final solution will
// used typed allocations where the message id is the type indicator.
int[] rbuf = new int[16];
while(mRun) {
rbuf[0] = 0;
int msg = mRS.nContextPeekMessage(mRS.mContext, mAuxData);
int size = mAuxData[1];
int subID = mAuxData[0];
if ((size>>2) >= rbuf.length) {
rbuf = new int[(size + 3) >> 2];
if (mRS.nContextGetUserMessage(mRS.mContext, rbuf) !=
throw new RSDriverException("Error processing message from RenderScript.");
if(mRS.mMessageCallback != null) {
mRS.mMessageCallback.mData = rbuf;
mRS.mMessageCallback.mID = subID;
mRS.mMessageCallback.mLength = size;;
} else {
throw new RSInvalidStateException("Received a message from the script with no message handler installed.");
String e = mRS.nContextGetErrorMessage(mRS.mContext);
throw new RSRuntimeException("Fatal error " + subID + ", details: " + e);
if(mRS.mErrorCallback != null) {
mRS.mErrorCallback.mErrorMessage = e;
mRS.mErrorCallback.mErrorNum = subID;;
} else {
android.util.Log.e(LOG_TAG, "non fatal RS error, " + e);
// Do not throw here. In these cases, we do not have
// a fatal error.
// 2: teardown.
// But we want to avoid starving other threads during
// teardown by yielding until the next line in the destructor
// can execute to set mRun = false
try {
sleep(1, 0);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
//Log.d(LOG_TAG, "MessageThread exiting.");
RenderScript(Context ctx) {
mContextType = ContextType.NORMAL;
if (ctx != null) {
mApplicationContext = ctx.getApplicationContext();
mNativeLibDir = mApplicationContext.getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir;
mIncDev = 0;
mIncCon = 0;
mIncLoaded = false;
mRWLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
* Gets the application context associated with the RenderScript context.
* @return The application context.
public final Context getApplicationContext() {
return mApplicationContext;
* Create a RenderScript context.
* @param ctx The context.
* @return RenderScript
private static RenderScript internalCreate(Context ctx, int sdkVersion, ContextType ct, int flags) {
RenderScript rs = new RenderScript(ctx);
if (sSdkVersion == -1) {
sSdkVersion = sdkVersion;
} else if (sSdkVersion != sdkVersion) {
throw new RSRuntimeException("Can't have two contexts with different SDK versions in support lib");
useNative = setupNative(sSdkVersion, ctx);
synchronized(lock) {
if (sInitialized == false) {
try {
Class<?> vm_runtime = Class.forName("dalvik.system.VMRuntime");
Method get_runtime = vm_runtime.getDeclaredMethod("getRuntime");
sRuntime = get_runtime.invoke(null);
registerNativeAllocation = vm_runtime.getDeclaredMethod("registerNativeAllocation", Integer.TYPE);
registerNativeFree = vm_runtime.getDeclaredMethod("registerNativeFree", Integer.TYPE);
sUseGCHooks = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "No GC methods");
sUseGCHooks = false;
try {
sInitialized = true;
sPointerSize = rsnSystemGetPointerSize();
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error loading RS jni library: " + e);
throw new RSRuntimeException("Error loading RS jni library: " + e);
if (useNative) {
android.util.Log.v(LOG_TAG, "RS native mode");
} else {
android.util.Log.v(LOG_TAG, "RS compat mode");
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {
useIOlib = true;
if (!rs.nLoadSO(useNative, android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)) {
if (useNative) {
android.util.Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Unable to load, falling back to compat mode");
useNative = false;
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error loading RS Compat library: " + e);
throw new RSRuntimeException("Error loading RS Compat library: " + e);
if (!rs.nLoadSO(false, android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)) {
throw new RSRuntimeException("Error loading libRSSupport library");
if (useIOlib) {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
useIOlib = false;
if (!useIOlib || !rs.nLoadIOSO()) {
android.util.Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Unable to load, USAGE_IO not supported");
useIOlib = false;
rs.mDev = rs.nDeviceCreate();
rs.mContext = rs.nContextCreate(rs.mDev, 0, sdkVersion, ct.mID, rs.mNativeLibDir);
rs.mContextType = ct;
rs.mContextFlags = flags;
rs.mContextSdkVersion = sdkVersion;
if (rs.mContext == 0) {
throw new RSDriverException("Failed to create RS context.");
rs.mMessageThread = new MessageThread(rs);
return rs;
* Create a RenderScript context.
* See documentation for @create for details
* @param ctx The context.
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript create(Context ctx) {
return create(ctx, ContextType.NORMAL);
* calls create(ctx, ct, CREATE_FLAG_NONE)
* See documentation for @create for details
* @param ctx The context.
* @param ct The type of context to be created.
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript create(Context ctx, ContextType ct) {
return create(ctx, ct, CREATE_FLAG_NONE);
* Gets or creates a RenderScript context of the specified type.
* The returned context will be cached for future reuse within
* the process. When an application is finished using
* RenderScript it should call releaseAllContexts()
* A process context is a context designed for easy creation and
* lifecycle management. Multiple calls to this function will
* return the same object provided they are called with the same
* options. This allows it to be used any time a RenderScript
* context is needed.
* @param ctx The context.
* @param ct The type of context to be created.
* @param flags The OR of the CREATE_FLAG_* options desired
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript create(Context ctx, ContextType ct, int flags) {
int v = ctx.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;
return create(ctx, v, ct, flags);
* calls create(ctx, sdkVersion, ContextType.NORMAL, CREATE_FLAG_NONE)
* Used by the RenderScriptThunker to maintain backward compatibility.
* @hide
* @param ctx The context.
* @param sdkVersion The target SDK Version.
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript create(Context ctx, int sdkVersion) {
return create(ctx, sdkVersion, ContextType.NORMAL, CREATE_FLAG_NONE);
* calls create(ctx, sdkVersion, ct, CREATE_FLAG_NONE)
* Create a RenderScript context.
* @hide
* @param ctx The context.
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript create(Context ctx, int sdkVersion, ContextType ct) {
return create(ctx, sdkVersion, ct, CREATE_FLAG_NONE);
* Gets or creates a RenderScript context of the specified type.
* @hide
* @param ctx The context.
* @param ct The type of context to be created.
* @param sdkVersion The target SDK Version.
* @param flags The OR of the CREATE_FLAG_* options desired
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript create(Context ctx, int sdkVersion, ContextType ct, int flags) {
synchronized (mProcessContextList) {
for (RenderScript prs : mProcessContextList) {
if ((prs.mContextType == ct) &&
(prs.mContextFlags == flags) &&
(prs.mContextSdkVersion == sdkVersion)) {
return prs;
RenderScript prs = internalCreate(ctx, sdkVersion, ct, flags);
prs.mIsProcessContext = true;
return prs;
* @hide
* Releases all the process contexts. This is the same as
* calling .destroy() on each unique context retreived with
* create(...). If no contexts have been created this
* function does nothing.
* Typically you call this when your application is losing focus
* and will not be using a context for some time.
* This has no effect on a context created with
* createMultiContext()
public static void releaseAllContexts() {
ArrayList<RenderScript> oldList;
synchronized (mProcessContextList) {
oldList = mProcessContextList;
mProcessContextList = new ArrayList<RenderScript>();
for (RenderScript prs : oldList) {
prs.mIsProcessContext = false;
* Create a RenderScript context.
* This is an advanced function intended for applications which
* need to create more than one RenderScript context to be used
* at the same time.
* If you need a single context please use create()
* @hide
* @param ctx The context.
* @return RenderScript
public static RenderScript createMultiContext(Context ctx, ContextType ct, int flags, int API_number) {
return internalCreate(ctx, API_number, ct, flags);
* Print the currently available debugging information about the state of
* the RS context to the log.
public void contextDump() {
* Wait for any pending asynchronous opeations (such as copies to a RS
* allocation or RS script executions) to complete.
public void finish() {
* Destroys this RenderScript context. Once this function is called,
* using this context or any objects belonging to this context is
* illegal.
* This function is a NOP if the context was created
* with create(). Please use releaseAllContexts() to clean up
* contexts created with the create function.
public void destroy() {
if (mIsProcessContext) {
// users cannot destroy a process context
if (mIncCon != 0) {
mIncCon = 0;
mMessageThread.mRun = false;
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
if (mIncDev != 0) {
mIncDev = 0;
mDev = 0;
boolean isAlive() {
return mContext != 0;
long safeID(BaseObj o) {
if(o != null) {
return o.getID(this);
return 0;