blob: d94df3a9cfa00ea60930cf4416816ec578d071f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'''Module that contains the test TestCallApiFuns.'''
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import string
from harness.test_base_remote import TestBaseRemote
from harness import RS_funs
from harness.decorators import (
class _APIFunsExprTestsMeta(type):
Generate unique, standalone test methods from a list of lldb expressions.
The lldb expression evaluation engine for calling RenderScript
builtins need to be tested thoroughly; rather than manually
write the 1000s of individual test cases, we automatically generate them
and their variants to add to the test class. This is done from a list
of expressions that are all tested in the same way.
def __new__(self, name, bases, class_dict):
func_name_sub = re.compile(r'[%s\s]+' % string.punctuation)
for count, line in enumerate(RS_funs.FUNC_LIST):
def make_test(line):
We use an extra level of indirection here to properly
close over the *value* of the loop variable, `line`
def test(self):
# build the expression
ret, expr = RS_funs.build_expr(line)
# evaluate the expression with expected return value
self.try_command(expr, [], [RS_funs.TYPE_MAP[ret]])
except KeyError:
# or just check the return type if no return value
# specified
self.try_command(expr, '(%s)' % ret)
return test
# Make a pretty python method that adheres to the testcase standard
# Use the `count` parameter to ensure the name is unique in the class
test_name = 'test_%s_%s' % (re.sub(func_name_sub, '_', line), count)
test = make_test(line)
test.func_name = test_name
# We mark every 10th test case as runnable in wimpy mode
class_dict[test_name] = wimpy(test) if count % 10 == 0 else test
return type(name, bases, class_dict)
class TestCallApiFuns(TestBaseRemote):
'''Tests calling of some RS API functions. This tests that JITing works.'''
__metaclass__ = _APIFunsExprTestsMeta
bundle_target = {
'java': "KernelVariables",
'jni': "JNIKernelVariables",
'cpp': "CppKernelVariables"
def test_setup(self):
self.try_command('language renderscript status',
['Runtime Library discovered',
'Runtime Driver discovered'])
self.try_command('b -f -l 145', [])
self.try_command('process continue',
'stop reason = breakpoint'])
def test_call_api_funs_atomic(self):
# Test the atomics separately because we want to check the output
# AtomicAdd(1234, 2)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicAdd(&int_global, 2)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicAnd(2345, 333)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicAnd(&uint_global, 333)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicCas(1236, 1236, 2345)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicCas(&int_global, 1236, 2345)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicDec(265)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicDec(&uint_global)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicInc(2345)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicInc(&int_global)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicMax(264, 3456)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicMax(&uint_global, 3456)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicMin(2346, 3)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicMin(&int_global, 3)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicOr(3, 456)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicOr(&int_global, 456)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicSub(3456, 7)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicSub(&uint_global, 7)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicXor(459, 89)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicXor(&int_global, 89)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
def test_cpp_cleanup(self):
self.try_command('breakpoint delete 1', ['1 breakpoints deleted'])
self.try_command('process continue', ['exited with status = 0'])