blob: 4b505a50091124f9c0a505b3a4abdda1b463332d [file] [log] [blame]
'''Module that contains the test TestCallApiFuns.'''
from harness.test_base_remote import TestBaseRemote
from harness import RS_funs
class TestCallApiFuns(TestBaseRemote):
'''Tests calling of some RS API functions. This tests that JITing works.'''
def get_bundle_target(self):
'''Return string with name of bundle executable to run.
A string containing the name of the binary that this test
can be run with.
return "KernelVariables"
def test_case(self, wimpy):
'''Run the lldb commands that are being tested.
wimpy: Boolean to specify whether only a subset of the commands in
this test should be executed.
TestFail: One of the lldb commands did not provide the expected
self.try_command('language renderscript status',
['Runtime Library discovered',
'Runtime Driver discovered'])
self.try_command('b -f -l 129', [])
self.try_command('process continue',
'stop reason = breakpoint'])
# Test the atomics separately because we want to check the output
# AtomicAdd(1234, 2)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicAdd(&int_global, 2)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicAnd(2345, 333)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicAnd(&uint_global, 333)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicCas(1236, 1236, 2345)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicCas(&int_global, 1236, 2345)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicDec(265)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicDec(&uint_global)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicInc(2345)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicInc(&int_global)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicMax(264, 3456)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicMax(&uint_global, 3456)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicMin(2346, 3)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicMin(&int_global, 3)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicOr(3, 456)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicOr(&int_global, 456)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
# AtomicSub(3456, 7)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicSub(&uint_global, 7)',
self.try_command('expr uint_global',
# AtomicXor(459, 89)
self.try_command('expr rsAtomicXor(&int_global, 89)',
self.try_command('expr int_global',
count = 0
for line in RS_funs.FUNC_LIST:
count += 1
if wimpy and not count % 10 == 0:
# build the expression
ret, expr = RS_funs.build_expr(line)
# query return type table
if ret in RS_funs.TYPE_MAP:
# evaluate the expression
self.try_command(expr, [], [RS_funs.TYPE_MAP[ret]])
# evaluate the expression
self.try_command(expr, '('+ret+')')