blob: 704f5d8cbad6a3e737e9e0e84c4c4b9eabdd057e [file] [log] [blame]
#include "shared.rsh"
// Has the same kernels as, plus some others.
// This test case places the pragmas before the functions (forward
// reference), and the other test case places the pragmas after the
// functions (backward reference).
float negInf, posInf;
static bool IsNaN(float v) {
// a NaN (and only a NaN) compares unequal to everything
return v != v;
#pragma rs reduce(addint) \
static void aiAccum(int *accum, int val) { *accum += val; }
// These kernels find an input value of minimum absolute value.
// If the input domain consists of all non-NaN values (including
// infinities), we cannot pick an initializer from the input domain,
// because there are two different members of the domain with maximum
// absolute value -- positive and negative infinity. Instead, we need
// to pick some other distinguished initializer, and explicitly check
// for and handle an accumulator with this distinguished value.
// The two kernels represent the distinguished value differently.
// The kernel findMinAbsNaN uses an initializer from outside the input
// domain that is nonetheless representable as a float -- NaN.
#pragma rs reduce(findMinAbsNaN) \
initializer(fMinAbsNaNInit) accumulator(fMinAbsNaNAccumulator) combiner(fMinAbsNaNCombiner)
static void fMinAbsNaNInit(float *accum) {
*accum = nan(0);
static void fMinAbsNaNAccumulator(float *accum, float val) {
if (IsNaN(*accum) || (fabs(val) < fabs(*accum)))
*accum = val;
static void fMinAbsNaNCombiner(float *accum, const float *other) {
if (!IsNaN(*other))
fMinAbsNaNAccumulator(accum, *other);
// The kernel findMinAbsBool represents its accumulator as a struct
// with two fields -- a bool field to indicate whether or not the
// accumulator has the distinguished initial value, and a float field
// for a non-initial value.
typedef struct FindMinAbsBoolAccumType {
// set to true by initializer function;
// set to false by accumulator function
bool onlyInitialized;
// only valid when onlyInitialized is false
float val;
} FindMinAbsBoolAccumType;
#pragma rs reduce(findMinAbsBool) \
initializer(fMinAbsBoolInit) accumulator(fMinAbsBoolAccumulator) combiner(fMinAbsBoolCombiner) \
static void fMinAbsBoolInit(FindMinAbsBoolAccumType *accum) {
accum->onlyInitialized = true;
static void fMinAbsBoolAccumulator(FindMinAbsBoolAccumType *accum, float val) {
if (accum->onlyInitialized || (fabs(val) < fabs(accum->val)))
accum->val = val;
accum->onlyInitialized = false;
static void fMinAbsBoolCombiner(FindMinAbsBoolAccumType *accum, const FindMinAbsBoolAccumType *other) {
if (!other->onlyInitialized)
fMinAbsBoolAccumulator(accum, other->val);
static void fMinAbsBoolOut(float *out, const FindMinAbsBoolAccumType *accum) {
*out = accum->val;
#pragma rs reduce(findMinAndMax) \
initializer(fMMInit) accumulator(fMMAccumulator) \
combiner(fMMCombiner) outconverter(fMMOutConverter)
typedef struct {
float val;
int idx;
} IndexedVal;
typedef struct {
IndexedVal min, max;
} MinAndMax;
static void fMMInit(MinAndMax *accum) {
accum->min.val = posInf;
accum->min.idx = -1;
accum->max.val = negInf;
accum->max.idx = -1;
static void fMMAccumulator(MinAndMax *accum, float in, int x) {
IndexedVal me;
me.val = in;
me.idx = x;
if (me.val < accum->min.val)
accum->min = me;
if (me.val > accum->max.val)
accum->max = me;
static void fMMCombiner(MinAndMax *accum,
const MinAndMax *val) {
if (val->min.val < accum->min.val)
accum->min = val->min;
if (val->max.val > accum->max.val)
accum->max = val->max;
static void fMMOutConverter(int2 *result,
const MinAndMax *val) {
result->x = val->min.idx;
result->y = val->max.idx;
#pragma rs reduce(fz) \
initializer(fzInit) \
accumulator(fzAccum) combiner(fzCombine)
static void fzInit(int *accumIdx) { *accumIdx = -1; }
static void fzAccum(int *accumIdx,
int inVal, int x /* special arg */) {
if (inVal==0) *accumIdx = x;
static void fzCombine(int *accumIdx, const int *accumIdx2) {
if (*accumIdx2 >= 0) *accumIdx = *accumIdx2;
#pragma rs reduce(fz2) \
initializer(fz2Init) \
accumulator(fz2Accum) combiner(fz2Combine)
static void fz2Init(int2 *accum) { accum->x = accum->y = -1; }
static void fz2Accum(int2 *accum,
int inVal,
int x /* special arg */,
int y /* special arg */) {
if (inVal==0) {
accum->x = x;
accum->y = y;
static void fz2Combine(int2 *accum, const int2 *accum2) {
if (accum2->x >= 0) *accum = *accum2;
#pragma rs reduce(fz3) \
initializer(fz3Init) \
accumulator(fz3Accum) combiner(fz3Combine)
static void fz3Init(int3 *accum) { accum->x = accum->y = accum->z = -1; }
static void fz3Accum(int3 *accum,
int inVal,
int x /* special arg */,
int y /* special arg */,
int z /* special arg */) {
if (inVal==0) {
accum->x = x;
accum->y = y;
accum->z = z;
static void fz3Combine(int3 *accum, const int3 *accum2) {
if (accum2->x >= 0) *accum = *accum2;
#pragma rs reduce(histogram) \
accumulator(hsgAccum) combiner(hsgCombine)
#define BUCKETS 256
typedef uint32_t Histogram[BUCKETS];
static void hsgAccum(Histogram *h, uchar in) { ++(*h)[in]; }
static void hsgCombine(Histogram *accum, const Histogram *addend) {
for (int i = 0; i < BUCKETS; ++i)
(*accum)[i] += (*addend)[i];
#pragma rs reduce(mode) \
accumulator(hsgAccum) combiner(hsgCombine) \
static void modeOutConvert(int2 *result, const Histogram *h) {
uint32_t mode = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < BUCKETS; ++i)
if ((*h)[i] > (*h)[mode]) mode = i;
result->x = mode;
result->y = (*h)[mode];
#pragma rs reduce(sumgcd) accumulator(sgAccum) combiner(sgCombine)
static int gcd(int a, int b) {
while (b != 0) {
const int aNew = b;
const int bNew = a % b;
a = aNew;
b = bNew;
return a;
static void sgAccum(long *accum, int a, int b) {
*accum += gcd(a, b);
static void sgCombine(long *accum, const long *other) { *accum += *other; }
// These two kernels have anonymous result types that are equivalent.
// slang doesn't common them (i.e., each gets its own RSExportType);
// so Java reflection must guard against this to avoid creating two
// copies of the text that defines the reflected class resultArray4_int.
#pragma rs reduce(sillySumIntoDecArray) accumulator(aiAccum) outconverter(outSillySumIntoDecArray)
static void outSillySumIntoDecArray(int (*out)[4], const int *accumDatum) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
(*out)[i] = (*accumDatum)/(i+1);
#pragma rs reduce(sillySumIntoIncArray) accumulator(aiAccum) outconverter(outSillySumIntoIncArray)
static void outSillySumIntoIncArray(int (*out)[4], const int *accumDatum) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
(*out)[i] = (*accumDatum)/(4-i);
// finds min values (not their locations) from matrix input
// tests matrix input and matrix accumulator
// also tests calling conventions for two different composite types
// rs_matrix2x2: 32-bit coerces this to an int array
// 64-bit coerces this to float array
// rs_matrix4x4: 64-bit passes this by reference
#pragma rs reduce(findMinMat2) \
initializer(fMinMat2Init) accumulator(fMinMat2Accumulator) \
static void fMinMat2Init(rs_matrix2x2 *accum) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
rsMatrixSet(accum, i, j, posInf);
static void fMinMat2Accumulator(rs_matrix2x2 *accum, rs_matrix2x2 val) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
const float accumElt = rsMatrixGet(accum, i, j);
const float valElt = rsMatrixGet(&val, i, j);
if (valElt < accumElt)
rsMatrixSet(accum, i, j, valElt);
// reduction does not support matrix result, so use array instead
static void fMinMat2OutConverter(float (*result)[4], const rs_matrix2x2 *accum) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
(*result)[i] = accum->m[i];
#pragma rs reduce(findMinMat4) \
initializer(fMinMat4Init) accumulator(fMinMat4Accumulator) \
static void fMinMat4Init(rs_matrix4x4 *accum) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
rsMatrixSet(accum, i, j, posInf);
static void fMinMat4Accumulator(rs_matrix4x4 *accum, rs_matrix4x4 val) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
const float accumElt = rsMatrixGet(accum, i, j);
const float valElt = rsMatrixGet(&val, i, j);
if (valElt < accumElt)
rsMatrixSet(accum, i, j, valElt);
// reduction does not support matrix result, so use array instead
static void fMinMat4OutConverter(float (*result)[16], const rs_matrix4x4 *accum) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
(*result)[i] = accum->m[i];