blob: 092a382efca0757f1734fcdd79b5d14ded214c7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma version(1)
#pragma rs java_package_name(
#pragma rs_fp_relaxed
#define FLOAT_MAX 3.4028234E30f
float vert[3 * 8];
int index[3 * 12];
int width;
int height;
static float zoff[12];
static float2 slope[12];
static float2 p1[12];
static float2 p2[12];
static float2 p3[12];
float2 d12[12];
float2 d23[12];
float2 d31[12];
static int total;
static void
triangleSetup(float3 f1, float3 f2, float3 f3) {
if (((f1.x - f2.x) * (f3.y - f2.y) - (f1.y - f2.y) * (f3.x - f2.x)) < 0) {
float3 tmp = f1;
f1 = f2;
f2 = tmp;
// using maxmima
// string(solve([x1*dx+y1*dy+zoff=z1,x2*dx+y2*dy+zoff=z2,x3*dx+y3*dy+zoff=z3],[dx,dy,zoff]));
double d = (f1.x * (f3.y - f2.y) - f2.x * f3.y + f3.x * f2.y + (f2.x - f3.x)
* f1.y);
if (d == 0) {
slope[total].x = (-(f1.y * (f3.z - f2.z) - f2.y * f3.z + f3.y * f2.z + (f2.y - f3.y) * f1.z)
/ d);
slope[total].y = ((f1.x * (f3.z - f2.z) - f2.x * f3.z + f3.x * f2.z + (f2.x - f3.x) * f1.z)
/ d);
zoff[total] = ((f1.x * (f3.y * f2.z - f2.y * f3.z) + f1.y * (f2.x * f3.z - f3.x * f2.z) +
(f3.x * f2.y - f2.x * f3.y) * f1.z) / d);
p1[total] = f1.xy;
p2[total] = f2.xy;
p3[total] = f3.xy;
d12[total] = p1[total] - p2[total];
d23[total] = p2[total] - p3[total];
d31[total] = p3[total] - p1[total];
void setup_triangles(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;
total = 0;
// rsDebug("RRRRR >>>>>> setup_triangles ", w, h);
float3 f1;
float3 f2;
float3 f3;
for (int i = 0; i < 3 * 12; i += 3) {
int p1 = index[i];
int p2 = index[i + 1];
int p3 = index[i + 2];
f1.x = vert[p1];
f1.y = vert[p1 + 1];
f1.z = vert[p1 + 2];
f2.x = vert[p2];
f2.y = vert[p2 + 1];
f2.z = vert[p2 + 2];
f3.x = vert[p3];
f3.y = vert[p3 + 1];
f3.z = vert[p3 + 2];
triangleSetup(f1, f2, f3);
float2 __attribute__ ((kernel)) render_z(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
float2 out = (float2) {FLOAT_MAX,-FLOAT_MAX};
float2 loc;
loc.x = x;
loc.y = y;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
float2 d1 = loc - p1[i];
float2 d2 = loc - p2[i];
float2 d3 = loc - p3[i];
float test1 = (d12[i].x) * (d1.y) - (d12[i].y) * (d1.x);
float test2 = (d23[i].x) * (d2.y) - (d23[i].y) * (d2.x);
float test3 = (d31[i].x) * (d3.y) - (d31[i].y) * (d3.x);
// float test = edge(0 , test1) * edge(0 , test2)* edge(0 , test3);
if (test1 >= 0 &&
test2 >= 0 &&
test3 >= 0) {
float2 delta = slope[i] * loc;
float z = zoff[i] + delta.x + delta.y;
out.x = min(z, out.x);
out.y = max(z, out.y);
return out;
rs_allocation z_range_buff;
float min_z = 1500;
float max_z = 2300;
void getMinMax() {
float tmp_min = FLOAT_MAX;
float tmp_max = -FLOAT_MAX;;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
float2 v = rsGetElementAt_float2(z_range_buff, x, y);
if (v.x == FLOAT_MAX) {
tmp_min = min(tmp_min, v.x);
tmp_max = max(tmp_max, v.x);
min_z = tmp_min;
max_z = tmp_max;
rsDebug("RRRRR >>>>>> getMinMax ", min_z, max_z);
uchar4 __attribute__ ((kernel)) draw_z_buffer(float2 in) {
if (in.x != FLOAT_MAX) {
uchar v = (uchar)(255 * (in.x - min_z) / (max_z - min_z));
uchar4 out;
out.r = v;
out.g = v;
out.b = v;
out.a = 255;
return out;
uchar4 out;
out.r = 0x44;
out.g = 0x44;
out.b = 0x99;
out.a = 255;
return out;