Remove duration_including_sleep_ms from BackgroundDexoptJobEnded proto

It is not needed anymore becaus the job scheduler holds a wake
lock, so this duration is always the same as duration_ms.

Bug: 255759883
Test: no test needed
Merged-In: Ie963536c76a382a6ead77fde8e8462b62d687e1a
Change-Id: Ib0e705116bf61326ecf1165c4be4a65c7b53e21b
diff --git a/stats/atoms.proto b/stats/atoms.proto
index 7cb9e15..d42cf93 100644
--- a/stats/atoms.proto
+++ b/stats/atoms.proto
@@ -21366,13 +21366,13 @@
     // cancellation.
     optional cancellation_reason = 2;
-    // The duration of the job run, in milliseconds, not counting time spent in
-    // sleep.
+    // The duration of the job run, in milliseconds.
     optional int64 duration_ms = 3;
     // The duration of the job run, in milliseconds, including time spent in
-    // sleep.
-    optional int64 duration_including_sleep_ms = 4;
+    // sleep. Deprecated as the job scheduler holds a wake lock, hence this
+    // duration is always going to be the same as above.
+    optional int64 duration_including_sleep_ms = 4 [deprecated = true];