Refine fold setting

Current fold setting has a toggle button which can enable the “Stay unlocked on fold” setting.
Create a new page for fold setting which will allow us to choose something from three options.(
 *Always - Front display turns on when you fold your device [Currently available setting]
 *Only games, videos, and more - Front display turns on for apps that stop your screen going idle [Default]
 *Never - Front display locks when you fold your device [New option for user]

Test: atest FoldLockBehaviorSettingsTest FoldLockBehaviorPreferenceControllerTest
  Flash the build with these changes
  Manually select options one by one
  Observe the behavior

Fixes: 294194379
Change-Id: I32c3c28596a088c4a8fd0b75080b3f7a36bfb9ce
Merged-In: I32c3c28596a088c4a8fd0b75080b3f7a36bfb9ce
diff --git a/stats/enums/app/settings_enums.proto b/stats/enums/app/settings_enums.proto
index 18426f1..dd8252b 100644
--- a/stats/enums/app/settings_enums.proto
+++ b/stats/enums/app/settings_enums.proto
@@ -4138,6 +4138,11 @@
     // OS: U
+    // OPEN: Settings > Display > Continue using apps on fold
+    // OS: U
 // Battery Saver schedule types.