Add KeystoreKeyEventReported atom for keystore logging.

This is for migrating keystore logging to use statsd.

Test: Adding tests for logging is yet to be decided.
Change-Id: I66fbc2b8ed98a34f243387f8550b6523b13cb9a2
Bug: 157664923
diff --git a/stats/atoms.proto b/stats/atoms.proto
index 7a445a4..042983b 100644
--- a/stats/atoms.proto
+++ b/stats/atoms.proto
@@ -482,6 +482,7 @@
         BlobLeased blob_leased = 299 [(module) = "framework"];
         BlobOpened blob_opened = 300 [(module) = "framework"];
         ContactsProviderStatusReported contacts_provider_status_reported = 301;
+        KeystoreKeyEventReported keystore_key_event_reported = 302;
         // StatsdStats tracks platform atoms with ids upto 500.
         // Update StatsdStats::kMaxPushedAtomId when atom ids here approach that value.
@@ -10926,6 +10927,114 @@
     optional int32 connection_count = 6;
+ * Logs: i) creation of different types of cryptographic keys in the keystore,
+ * ii) operations performed using the keys,
+ * iii) attestation of the keys
+ * Logged from: system/security/keystore/key_event_log_handler.cpp
+ */
+message KeystoreKeyEventReported {
+    enum Algorithm {
+        /** Asymmetric algorithms. */
+        RSA = 1;
+        // 2 removed, do not reuse.
+        EC = 3;
+        /** Block cipher algorithms */
+        AES = 32;
+        TRIPLE_DES = 33;
+        /** MAC algorithms */
+        HMAC = 128;
+    };
+    /** Algorithm associated with the key */
+    optional Algorithm algorithm = 1;
+    /** Size of the key */
+    optional int32 key_size = 2;
+    enum KeyOrigin {
+        /** Generated in keymaster.  Should not exist outside the TEE. */
+        GENERATED = 0;
+        /** Derived inside keymaster.  Likely exists off-device. */
+        DERIVED = 1;
+        /** Imported into keymaster.  Existed as cleartext in Android. */
+        IMPORTED = 2;
+        /** Keymaster did not record origin. */
+        UNKNOWN = 3;
+        /** Securely imported into Keymaster. */
+    };
+    /* Logs whether the key was generated, imported, securely imported, or derived.*/
+    optional KeyOrigin key_origin = 3;
+    enum HardwareAuthenticatorType {
+        NONE = 0;
+        PASSWORD = 1;
+        FINGERPRINT = 2;
+        // Additional entries must be powers of 2.
+    };
+    /**
+     * What auth types does this key require? If none,
+     * then no auth required.
+     */
+    optional HardwareAuthenticatorType user_auth_type = 4;
+    /**
+     * If user authentication is required, is the requirement time based? If it
+     * is not time based then this field will not be used and the key is per
+     * operation. Per operation keys must be user authenticated on each usage.
+     */
+    optional int32 user_auth_key_timeout_secs = 5;
+    /**
+     * padding mode, digest, block_mode and purpose should ideally be repeated
+     * fields. However, since statsd does not support repeated fields in
+     * pushed atoms, they are represented using bitmaps.
+     */
+    /** Track which padding mode is being used.*/
+    optional int32 padding_mode_bitmap = 6;
+    /** Track which digest is being used. */
+    optional int32 digest_bitmap = 7;
+    /** Track what block mode is being used (for encryption). */
+    optional int32 block_mode_bitmap = 8;
+    /** Track what purpose is this key serving. */
+    optional int32 purpose_bitmap = 9;
+    enum EcCurve {
+        P_224 = 0;
+        P_256 = 1;
+        P_384 = 2;
+        P_521 = 3;
+    };
+    /** Which ec curve was selected if elliptic curve cryptography is in use **/
+    optional EcCurve ec_curve = 10;
+    enum KeyBlobUsageRequirements {
+        STANDALONE = 0;
+    };
+    /** Standalone or is a file system required */
+    optional KeyBlobUsageRequirements key_blob_usage_reqs = 11;
+    enum Type {
+        key_operation = 0;
+        key_creation = 1;
+        key_attestation = 2;
+    }
+    /** Key creation event, operation event or attestation event? */
+    optional Type type = 12;
+    /** Was the key creation, operation, or attestation successful? */
+    optional bool was_successful = 13;
+    /** Response code or error code */
+    optional int32 error_code = 14;
 // Blob Committer stats
 // Keep in sync between:
 //     frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto