blob: 69406009d62ddeb342699129c202e61a345f7265 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Use a constraintSet XML. -->
<attr name="constraintSet" format="reference"/>
<!-- The space from the beginning edge of the parent to this guideline. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_begin" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The space from the ending edge of the parent to this guideline. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_end" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The percent of total space from the beginning of the parent to this guideline. (e.g. 0.50 = middle)-->
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_percent" format="float"/>
<!-- Constrains the left edge of this view to the left edge of the given view ID. -->
<!-- Indicate the type of barrier -->
<attr name="barrierDirection" format="enum">
<enum name="left" value="0"/>
<enum name="right" value="1"/>
<enum name="top" value="2"/>
<enum name="bottom" value="3"/>
<enum name="start" value="5"/>
<enum name="end" value="6"/>
<attr name="barrierAllowsGoneWidgets" format="boolean" />
<!-- Let a chain helper be rtl or not -->
<attr name="chainUseRtl" format="boolean"/>
<!-- the ides used in helpers -->
<attr name="constraint_referenced_ids" format="string" />
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the left edge of this view to the right edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the right edge of this view to the left edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the right edge of this view to the right edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_toRightOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the top edge of this view to the top edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_toTopOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the top edge of this view to the bottom edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the bottom edge of this view to the top edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the bottom edge of this view to the bottom edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the baseline of this view to the baseline of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the start edge of this view to the end edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintStart_toEndOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the start edge of this view to the start edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintStart_toStartOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the end edge of this view to the start edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- Constrains the end edge of this view to the end edge of the given view ID. -->
<attr name="layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf" format="reference|enum">
<enum name="parent" value="0"/>
<!-- the left margin value to be used when connected to an object that is GONE -->
<attr name="layout_goneMarginLeft" format="dimension"/>
<!-- the top margin value to be used when connected to an object that is GONE -->
<attr name="layout_goneMarginTop" format="dimension"/>
<!-- the right margin value to be used when connected to an object that is GONE -->
<attr name="layout_goneMarginRight" format="dimension"/>
<!-- the bottom margin value to be used when connected to an object that is GONE -->
<attr name="layout_goneMarginBottom" format="dimension"/>
<!-- the start margin value to be used when connected to an object that is GONE -->
<attr name="layout_goneMarginStart" format="dimension"/>
<!-- the end margin value to be used when connected to an object that is GONE -->
<attr name="layout_goneMarginEnd" format="dimension"/>
<!-- Fraction of excess space to distribute on the left when constrained on left & right edges (e.g. .5 = middle)-->
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_bias" format="float"/>
<!-- Fraction of excess space to distribute on the top when constrained on top & bottom edges (e.g. .5 = middle)-->
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_bias" format="float"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define who created the constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_creator" format="integer"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define who created the constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_creator" format="integer"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define who created the constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_creator" format="integer"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define who created the constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_creator" format="integer"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define who created the constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintBaseline_creator" format="integer"/>
<!-- The ratio between the width and height of the view.
Note it only works if one of the dimensions is set to 0dp.-->
<attr name="layout_constraintDimensionRatio" format="string"/>
<!-- In a Chain, the amount of weight used to spread available horizontal space if the widget is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT -->
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_weight" format="float"/>
<!-- In a Chain, the amount of weight used to spread available vertical space if the widget is set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT -->
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_weight" format="float"/>
<!-- Set a chain to be packed or not. If true and the widget is the first element of a chain, the chain will not spread,
and the bias will affect the position of the chain elements. It will only work if all elements have a set size (i.e. not MATCH_CONSTRAINT) -->
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle" format="enum">
<enum name="spread" value="0"/>
<enum name="spread_inside" value="1"/>
<enum name="packed" value="2"/>
<!-- Set a chain to be packed or not. If true and the widget is the first element of a chain, the chain will not spread,
and the bias will affect the position of the chain elements. It will only work if all elements have a set size (i.e. not MATCH_CONSTRAINT) -->
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle" format="enum">
<enum name="spread" value="0"/>
<enum name="spread_inside" value="1"/>
<enum name="packed" value="2"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define to position the view -->
<attr name="layout_editor_absoluteX" format="dimension"/>
<!-- Used at design time to define to position the view -->
<attr name="layout_editor_absoluteY" format="dimension"/>
<!-- Used to set the type of optimization we apply. This is a mask. -->
<attr name="layout_optimizationLevel">
<flag name="none" value="0"/>
<flag name="standard" value="7" /> <!-- direct, barriers, chains -->
<flag name="direct" value="1"/>
<flag name="barrier" value="2"/>
<flag name="chains" value="4"/>
<flag name="dimensions" value="8"/>
<flag name="groups" value="32"/>
<!-- Specify the style of match constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_default">
<enum name="spread" value="0"/>
<enum name="wrap" value="1"/>
<enum name="percent" value="2"/>
<!-- handles circular constraints -->
<attr name="layout_constraintCircle" format="reference"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircleRadius" format="dimension"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircleAngle" format="integer"/>
<!-- explicitely enforces constraints in case of WRAP -->
<attr name="layout_constrainedWidth" format="boolean"/>
<attr name="layout_constrainedHeight" format="boolean"/>
<!-- Specify the visibility of a placeholder -->
<attr name="emptyVisibility" >
<enum name="gone" value="0"/>
<enum name="invisible" value="1"/>
<attr name="content" format="reference"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_min" format="dimension|enum">
<enum name="wrap" value="-2"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_max" format="dimension|enum">
<enum name="wrap" value="-2"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_percent" format="float"/>
<!-- Specify the style of match constraint -->
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_default">
<enum name="spread" value="0"/>
<enum name="wrap" value="1"/>
<enum name="percent" value="2"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_min" format="dimension|enum">
<enum name="wrap" value="-2"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_max" format="dimension|enum">
<enum name="wrap" value="-2"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_percent" format="float"/>
<declare-styleable name="ConstraintLayout_placeholder">
<attr name="emptyVisibility"/>
<attr name="content"/>
<declare-styleable name="ConstraintLayout_Layout">
<attr name="android:orientation"/>
<attr name="android:minWidth"/>
<attr name="android:minHeight"/>
<attr name="android:maxWidth"/>
<attr name="android:maxHeight"/>
<attr name="layout_optimizationLevel"/>
<attr name="constraintSet"/>
<attr name="barrierDirection"/>
<attr name="barrierAllowsGoneWidgets"/>
<attr name="constraint_referenced_ids"/>
<attr name="chainUseRtl"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircle"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircleRadius"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircleAngle"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_begin"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_end"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_percent"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_toRightOf" />
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_toTopOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf" />
<attr name="layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintStart_toEndOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintStart_toStartOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf" />
<attr name="layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginLeft"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginTop" />
<attr name="layout_goneMarginRight"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginBottom"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginStart" />
<attr name="layout_goneMarginEnd" />
<attr name="layout_constrainedWidth" />
<attr name="layout_constrainedHeight" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_bias"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_bias" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_default" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_default" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_min" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_max" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_percent" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_min" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_max" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_percent" />
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_creator"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_creator" />
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_creator"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_creator" />
<attr name="layout_constraintBaseline_creator"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintDimensionRatio" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_weight" />
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_weight" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle" />
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle" />
<attr name="layout_editor_absoluteX" />
<attr name="layout_editor_absoluteY"/>
<declare-styleable name="ConstraintSet">
<attr name="android:orientation"/>
<attr name="android:id"/>
<attr name="android:visibility"/>
<attr name="android:alpha"/>
<attr name="android:elevation"/>
<attr name="android:rotation"/>
<attr name="android:rotationX"/>
<attr name="android:rotationY"/>
<attr name="android:scaleX"/>
<attr name="android:scaleY"/>
<attr name="android:transformPivotX"/>
<attr name="android:transformPivotY"/>
<attr name="android:translationX"/>
<attr name="android:translationY"/>
<attr name="android:translationZ"/>
<attr name="android:layout_width"/>
<attr name="android:layout_height"/>
<attr name="android:layout_marginStart"/>
<attr name="android:layout_marginBottom"/>
<attr name="android:layout_marginTop"/>
<attr name="android:layout_marginEnd"/>
<attr name="android:layout_marginLeft"/>
<attr name="android:layout_marginRight"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircle"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircleRadius"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintCircleAngle"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_begin"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_end"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintGuide_percent"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_toRightOf" />
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_toTopOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf" />
<attr name="layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintStart_toEndOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintStart_toStartOf"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf" />
<attr name="layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginLeft"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginTop" />
<attr name="layout_goneMarginRight"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginBottom"/>
<attr name="layout_goneMarginStart" />
<attr name="layout_goneMarginEnd" />
<attr name="layout_constrainedWidth" />
<attr name="layout_constrainedHeight" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_bias"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_bias" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_default" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_default" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_min" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_max" />
<attr name="layout_constraintWidth_percent" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_min" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_max" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHeight_percent" />
<attr name="layout_constraintLeft_creator"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintTop_creator" />
<attr name="layout_constraintRight_creator"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintBottom_creator" />
<attr name="layout_constraintBaseline_creator"/>
<attr name="layout_constraintDimensionRatio" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_weight" />
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_weight" />
<attr name="layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle" />
<attr name="layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle" />
<attr name="layout_editor_absoluteX" />
<attr name="layout_editor_absoluteY"/>
<attr name="barrierDirection" />
<attr name="constraint_referenced_ids" />
<attr name="android:maxHeight" />
<attr name="android:maxWidth" />
<attr name="android:minHeight" />
<attr name="android:minWidth" />
<attr name="barrierAllowsGoneWidgets" />
<attr name="chainUseRtl" />
<declare-styleable name="LinearConstraintLayout">
<attr name="android:orientation"/>