blob: 9e1a582c9451c2c1ee207dcaeb97035e6c7a485a [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static;
import static;
public class OMADMAdapter {
private final Context mContext;
private final String mImei;
private final String mImsi;
private final String mDevID;
private final List<PathAccessor> mDevInfo;
private final List<PathAccessor> mDevDetail;
private static final int IMEI_Length = 14;
private static final String[] ExtWiFiPath = {"DevDetail", "Ext", "org.wi-fi", "Wi-Fi"};
private static final Map<String, String> RTProps = new HashMap<>();
private MOTree mDevInfoTree;
private MOTree mDevDetailTree;
private static OMADMAdapter sInstance;
static {
RTProps.put(ExtWiFiPath[2], "urn:wfa:mo-ext:hotspot2dot0-devdetail-ext:1.0");
private static abstract class PathAccessor {
private final String[] mPath;
private final int mHashCode;
protected PathAccessor(Object ... path) {
int length = 0;
for (Object o : path) {
if (o.getClass() == String[].class) {
length += ((String[]) o).length;
else {
mPath = new String[length];
int n = 0;
for (Object o : path) {
if (o.getClass() == String[].class) {
for (String element : (String[]) o) {
mPath[n++] = element;
else if (o.getClass() == Integer.class) {
mPath[n++] = "x" + o.toString();
else {
mPath[n++] = o.toString();
mHashCode = Arrays.hashCode(mPath);
public int hashCode() {
return mHashCode;
public boolean equals(Object thatObject) {
return thatObject == this || (thatObject instanceof ConstPathAccessor &&
Arrays.equals(mPath, ((PathAccessor) thatObject).mPath));
private String[] getPath() {
return mPath;
protected abstract Object getValue();
private static class ConstPathAccessor<T> extends PathAccessor {
private final T mValue;
protected ConstPathAccessor(T value, Object ... path) {
mValue = value;
protected Object getValue() {
return mValue;
public static OMADMAdapter getInstance(Context context) {
synchronized (OMADMAdapter.class) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new OMADMAdapter(context);
return sInstance;
private OMADMAdapter(Context context) {
mContext = context;
TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context
String simOperator = tm.getSimOperator();
mImsi = tm.getSubscriberId();
mImei = tm.getImei();
String strDevId;
/* Use MEID for sprint */
if ("310120".equals(simOperator) || (mImsi != null && mImsi.startsWith("310120"))) {
/* MEID is 14 digits. If IMEI is returned as DevId, MEID can be extracted by taking
* first 14 characters. This is not always true but should be the case for sprint */
strDevId = tm.getDeviceId().toUpperCase(Locale.US);
if (strDevId != null && strDevId.length() >= IMEI_Length) {
strDevId = strDevId.substring(0, IMEI_Length);
} else {
"MEID cannot be extracted from DeviceId " + strDevId);
} else {
if (isPhoneTypeLTE()) {
strDevId = mImei;
} else {
strDevId = tm.getDeviceId();
if (strDevId == null) {
strDevId = "unknown";
strDevId = strDevId.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
if (!isPhoneTypeLTE()) {
strDevId = strDevId.substring(0, IMEI_Length);
mDevID = strDevId;
mDevInfo = new ArrayList<>();
mDevInfo.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(strDevId, "DevInfo", "DevID"));
mDevInfo.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getProperty(context, "Man", "ro.product.manufacturer", "unknown"), "DevInfo", "Man"));
mDevInfo.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getProperty(context, "Mod", "ro.product.model", "generic"), "DevInfo", "Mod"));
mDevInfo.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getLocale(context), "DevInfo", "Lang"));
mDevInfo.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>("1.2", "DevInfo", "DmV"));
mDevDetail = new ArrayList<>();
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getDeviceType(), "DevDetail", "DevType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(SystemProperties.get("ro.product.brand"), "DevDetail", "OEM"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getVersion(context, false), "DevDetail", "FwV"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getVersion(context, true), "DevDetail", "SwV"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(getHwV(), "DevDetail", "HwV"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>("TRUE", "DevDetail", "LrgObj"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(32, "DevDetail", "URI", "MaxDepth"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(2048, "DevDetail", "URI", "MaxTotLen"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(64, "DevDetail", "URI", "MaxSegLen"));
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(1);
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_TTLS, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(mapInnerType(NonEAPType.MSCHAPv2), ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "InnerMethod"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_TTLS, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(mapInnerType(NonEAPType.PAP), ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "InnerMethod"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_TTLS, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(mapInnerType(NonEAPType.MSCHAP), ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "InnerMethod"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_TLS, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_AKA, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_AKAPrim, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(EAP.EAP_SIM, ExtWiFiPath, "EAPMethodList", index, "EAPType"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>("FALSE", ExtWiFiPath, "ManufacturingCertificate"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(mImsi, ExtWiFiPath, "IMSI"));
mDevDetail.add(new ConstPathAccessor<>(mImei, ExtWiFiPath, "IMEI_MEID"));
mDevDetail.add(new PathAccessor(ExtWiFiPath, "Wi-FiMACAddress") {
protected String getValue() {
return getMAC();
private static void buildNode(PathAccessor pathAccessor, int depth, OMAConstructed parent)
throws IOException {
String[] path = pathAccessor.getPath();
String name = path[depth];
if (depth < path.length - 1) {
OMAConstructed node = (OMAConstructed) parent.getChild(name);
if (node == null) {
node = (OMAConstructed) parent.addChild(name, RTProps.get(name),
null, null);
buildNode(pathAccessor, depth + 1, node);
else if (pathAccessor.getValue() != null) {
parent.addChild(name, null, pathAccessor.getValue().toString(), null);
public String getMAC() {
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
return wifiManager != null ?
Utils.parseMac(wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getMacAddress())) :
public String getImei() {
return mImei;
public byte[] getMeid() {
return Arrays.copyOf(mImei.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1), IMEI_Length);
public String getDevID() {
return mDevID;
public MOTree getMO(String urn) {
try {
switch (urn) {
case OMAConstants.DevInfoURN:
if (mDevInfoTree == null) {
OMAConstructed root = new OMAConstructed(null, "DevInfo", urn);
for (PathAccessor pathAccessor : mDevInfo) {
buildNode(pathAccessor, 1, root);
mDevInfoTree = MOTree.buildMgmtTree(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN,
OMAConstants.OMAVersion, root);
return mDevInfoTree;
case OMAConstants.DevDetailURN:
if (mDevDetailTree == null) {
OMAConstructed root = new OMAConstructed(null, "DevDetail", urn);
for (PathAccessor pathAccessor : mDevDetail) {
buildNode(pathAccessor, 1, root);
mDevDetailTree = MOTree.buildMgmtTree(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN,
OMAConstants.OMAVersion, root);
return mDevDetailTree;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(urn);
catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.e(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), "Caught exception building OMA Tree: " + ioe, ioe);
return null;
switch (urn) {
case DevInfoURN: return DevInfo;
case DevDetailURN: return DevDetail;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(urn);
// TODO: For now, assume the device supports LTE.
private static boolean isPhoneTypeLTE() {
return true;
private static String getHwV() {
try {
return SystemProperties.get("ro.hardware", "Unknown")
+ "." + SystemProperties.get("ro.revision", "Unknown");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return "Unknown";
private static String getDeviceType() {
String devicetype = SystemProperties.get("");
if ((((TextUtils.isEmpty(devicetype)) || (!devicetype.equals("tablet"))))) {
devicetype = "phone";
return devicetype;
private static String getVersion(Context context, boolean swv) {
String version;
try {
if (!isSprint(context) && swv) {
return "Android " + SystemProperties.get("");
} else {
version = SystemProperties.get("");
if (null == version || version.equals("")) {
return SystemProperties.get("", null) + "~"
+ SystemProperties.get("", null) + "~"
+ SystemProperties.get("gsm.version.baseband", null) + "~"
+ SystemProperties.get("ro.gsm.flexversion", null);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return "Unknown";
return version;
private static boolean isSprint(Context context) {
TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context
String simOperator = tm.getSimOperator();
String imsi = tm.getSubscriberId();
/* Use MEID for sprint */
if ("310120".equals(simOperator) || (imsi != null && imsi.startsWith("310120"))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private static String getLocale(Context context) {
String strLang = readValueFromFile(context, "Lang");
if (strLang == null) {
strLang = Locale.getDefault().toString();
return strLang;
private static String getProperty(Context context, String key, String propKey, String dflt) {
String strMan = readValueFromFile(context, key);
if (strMan == null) {
strMan = SystemProperties.get(propKey, dflt);
return strMan;
private static String readValueFromFile(Context context, String propName) {
String ret = null;
// use preference instead of the system property
SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("dmconfig", 0);
if (prefs.contains(propName)) {
ret = prefs.getString(propName, "");
if (ret.length() == 0) {
ret = null;
return ret;
private static final String DevDetail =
"<MgmtTree>" +
"<VerDTD>1.2</VerDTD>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>DevDetail</NodeName>" +
"<RTProperties>" +
"<Type>" +
"<DDFName>urn:oma:mo:oma-dm-devdetail:1.0</DDFName>" +
"</Type>" +
"</RTProperties>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Ext</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>org.wi-fi</NodeName>" +
"<RTProperties>" +
"<Type>" +
"<DDFName>" +
"urn:wfa:mo-ext:hotspot2dot0-devdetail-ext :1.0" +
"</DDFName>" +
"</Type>" +
"</RTProperties>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Wi-Fi</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPMethodList</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method01</NodeName>" +
"<!-- EAP-TTLS/MS-CHAPv2 -->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>21</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>InnerMethod</NodeName>" +
"<Value>MS-CHAP-V2</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method02</NodeName>" +
"<!-- EAP-TLS -->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>13</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method03</NodeName>" +
"<!-- EAP-SIM -->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>18</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method04</NodeName>" +
"<!-- EAP-AKA -->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>23</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method05</NodeName>" +
"<!-- EAP-AKA' -->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>50</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method06</NodeName>" +
"<!-- Supported method (EAP-TTLS/PAP) not mandated by Hotspot2.0-->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>21</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>InnerMethod</NodeName>" +
"<Value>PAP</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Method07</NodeName>" +
"<!-- Supported method (PEAP/EAP-GTC) not mandated by Hotspot 2.0-->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>25</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>InnerEAPType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>6</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>SPCertificate</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Cert01</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>CertificateIssuerName</NodeName>" +
"<Value>CN=RuckusCA</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>ManufacturingCertificate</NodeName>" +
"<Value>FALSE</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Wi-FiMACAddress</NodeName>" +
"<Value>001d2e112233</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>ClientTriggerRedirectURI</NodeName>" +
"<Value></Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Ops</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>launchBrowserToURI</NodeName>" +
"<Value></Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>negotiateClientCertTLS</NodeName>" +
"<Value></Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>getCertificate</NodeName>" +
"<Value></Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<!-- End of Wi-Fi node -->" +
"</Node>" +
"<!-- End of org.wi-fi node -->" +
"</Node>" +
"<!-- End of Ext node -->" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>URI</NodeName>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>MaxDepth</NodeName>" +
"<Value>32</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>MaxTotLen</NodeName>" +
"<Value>2048</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>MaxSegLen</NodeName>" +
"<Value>64</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>DevType</NodeName>" +
"<Value>Smartphone</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>OEM</NodeName>" +
"<Value>ACME</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>FwV</NodeName>" +
"<Value></Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>SwV</NodeName>" +
"<Value>9.11.130</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>HwV</NodeName>" +
"<Value>1.0</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>LrgObj</NodeName>" +
"<Value>TRUE</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"</Node>" +
private static final String DevInfo =
"<MgmtTree>" +
"<VerDTD>1.2</VerDTD>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>DevInfo</NodeName>" +
"<RTProperties>" +
"<Type>" +
"<DDFName>urn:oma:mo:oma-dm-devinfo:1.0" +
"</DDFName>" +
"</Type>" +
"</RTProperties>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>DevID</NodeName>" +
"<Path>DevInfo</Path>" +
"<Value>urn:acme:00-11-22-33-44-55</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Man</NodeName>" +
"<Path>DevInfo</Path>" +
"<Value>ACME</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Mod</NodeName>" +
"<Path>DevInfo</Path>" +
"<Value>HS2.0-01</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>DmV</NodeName>" +
"<Path>DevInfo</Path>" +
"<Value>1.2</Value>" +
"</Node>" +
"<Node>" +
"<NodeName>Lang</NodeName>" +
"<Path>DevInfo</Path>" +
"<Value>en-US</Value>" +
"</Node>" +