blob: 101fe16f66e216402d13eca2b44504104d1a7bba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Unit tests for {@link}.
public class ANQPMatcherTest {
* Verify that domain name match will fail when a null Domain Name ANQP element is provided.
* @throws Exception
public void matchDomainNameWithNullElement() throws Exception {
assertFalse(ANQPMatcher.matchDomainName(null, "", null, null));
* Verify that domain name match will succeed when the specified FQDN matches a domain name
* in the Domain Name ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchDomainNameUsingFQDN() throws Exception {
String fqdn = "";
String[] domains = new String[] {fqdn};
DomainNameElement element = new DomainNameElement(Arrays.asList(domains));
assertTrue(ANQPMatcher.matchDomainName(element, fqdn, null, null));
* Verify that domain name match will succeed when the specified IMSI parameter and IMSI list
* matches a 3GPP network domain in the Domain Name ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchDomainNameUsingIMSI() throws Exception {
IMSIParameter imsiParam = new IMSIParameter("1234", true);
List<String> simImsiList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123457890", "123498723"});
// 3GPP network domain with MCC=123 and MNC=456.
String[] domains = new String[] {""};
DomainNameElement element = new DomainNameElement(Arrays.asList(domains));
assertTrue(ANQPMatcher.matchDomainName(element, null, imsiParam, simImsiList));
* Verify that roaming consortium match will fail when a null Roaming Consortium ANQP
* element is provided.
* @throws Exception
public void matchRoamingConsortiumWithNullElement() throws Exception {
assertFalse(ANQPMatcher.matchRoamingConsortium(null, new long[0]));
* Verify that a roaming consortium match will succeed when the specified OI matches
* an OI in the Roaming Consortium ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchRoamingConsortium() throws Exception {
long oi = 0x1234L;
RoamingConsortiumElement element =
new RoamingConsortiumElement(Arrays.asList(new Long[] {oi}));
assertTrue(ANQPMatcher.matchRoamingConsortium(element, new long[] {oi}));
* Verify that an indeterminate match will be returned when matching a null NAI Realm
* ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithNullElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals(AuthMatch.INDETERMINATE, ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(null, "",
EAPConstants.EAP_TLS, new InnerAuthEAP(EAPConstants.EAP_TTLS)));
* Verify that an indeterminate match will be returned when matching a NAI Realm
* ANQP element contained no NAI realm data.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithEmtpyRealmData() throws Exception {
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(new ArrayList<NAIRealmData>());
assertEquals(AuthMatch.INDETERMINATE, ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, "",
EAPConstants.EAP_TLS, null));
* Verify that a realm match will be returned when the specified realm matches a realm
* in the NAI Realm ANQP element with no EAP methods.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithRealmMatch() throws Exception {
String realm = "";
NAIRealmData realmData = new NAIRealmData(
Arrays.asList(new String[] {realm}), new ArrayList<EAPMethod>());
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(
Arrays.asList(new NAIRealmData[] {realmData}));
assertEquals(AuthMatch.REALM, ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, realm,
EAPConstants.EAP_TLS, null));
* Verify that method match will be returned when the specified EAP
* method only matches a eap method in the NAI Realm ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithMethodMatch() throws Exception {
// Test data.
String providerRealm = "";
String anqpRealm = "";
int eapMethodID = EAPConstants.EAP_TLS;
// Setup NAI Realm element.
EAPMethod method = new EAPMethod(eapMethodID, new HashMap<Integer, Set<AuthParam>>());
NAIRealmData realmData = new NAIRealmData(
Arrays.asList(new String[] {anqpRealm}), Arrays.asList(new EAPMethod[] {method}));
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(
Arrays.asList(new NAIRealmData[] {realmData}));
ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, providerRealm, eapMethodID, null));
* Verify that a realm and method match will be returned when the specified realm and EAP
* method matches a realm in the NAI Realm ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithRealmMethodMatch() throws Exception {
// Test data.
String realm = "";
int eapMethodID = EAPConstants.EAP_TLS;
// Setup NAI Realm element.
EAPMethod method = new EAPMethod(eapMethodID, new HashMap<Integer, Set<AuthParam>>());
NAIRealmData realmData = new NAIRealmData(
Arrays.asList(new String[] {realm}), Arrays.asList(new EAPMethod[] {method}));
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(
Arrays.asList(new NAIRealmData[] {realmData}));
assertEquals(AuthMatch.REALM | AuthMatch.METHOD,
ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, realm, eapMethodID, null));
* Verify that an exact match will be returned when the specified realm, EAP
* method, and the authentication parameter matches a realm with the associated EAP method and
* authentication parameter in the NAI Realm ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithExactMatch() throws Exception {
// Test data.
String realm = "";
int eapMethodID = EAPConstants.EAP_TTLS;
NonEAPInnerAuth authParam = new NonEAPInnerAuth(NonEAPInnerAuth.AUTH_TYPE_MSCHAP);
Set<AuthParam> authSet = new HashSet<>();
Map<Integer, Set<AuthParam>> authMap = new HashMap<>();
authMap.put(authParam.getAuthTypeID(), authSet);
// Setup NAI Realm element.
EAPMethod method = new EAPMethod(eapMethodID, authMap);
NAIRealmData realmData = new NAIRealmData(
Arrays.asList(new String[] {realm}), Arrays.asList(new EAPMethod[] {method}));
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(
Arrays.asList(new NAIRealmData[] {realmData}));
ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, realm, eapMethodID, authParam));
* Verify that a mismatch (AuthMatch.NONE) will be returned when the specified EAP method
* doesn't match with the corresponding EAP method in the NAI Realm ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithEAPMethodMismatch() throws Exception {
// Test data.
String realm = "";
int eapMethodID = EAPConstants.EAP_TTLS;
NonEAPInnerAuth authParam = new NonEAPInnerAuth(NonEAPInnerAuth.AUTH_TYPE_MSCHAP);
Set<AuthParam> authSet = new HashSet<>();
Map<Integer, Set<AuthParam>> authMap = new HashMap<>();
authMap.put(authParam.getAuthTypeID(), authSet);
// Setup NAI Realm element.
EAPMethod method = new EAPMethod(eapMethodID, authMap);
NAIRealmData realmData = new NAIRealmData(
Arrays.asList(new String[] {realm}), Arrays.asList(new EAPMethod[] {method}));
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(
Arrays.asList(new NAIRealmData[] {realmData}));
ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, realm, EAPConstants.EAP_TLS, null));
* Verify that a mismatch (AuthMatch.NONE) will be returned when the specified authentication
* parameter doesn't match with the corresponding authentication parameter in the NAI Realm
* ANQP element.
* @throws Exception
public void matchNAIRealmWithAuthTypeMismatch() throws Exception {
// Test data.
String realm = "";
int eapMethodID = EAPConstants.EAP_TTLS;
NonEAPInnerAuth authParam = new NonEAPInnerAuth(NonEAPInnerAuth.AUTH_TYPE_MSCHAP);
Set<AuthParam> authSet = new HashSet<>();
Map<Integer, Set<AuthParam>> authMap = new HashMap<>();
authMap.put(authParam.getAuthTypeID(), authSet);
// Setup NAI Realm element.
EAPMethod method = new EAPMethod(eapMethodID, authMap);
NAIRealmData realmData = new NAIRealmData(
Arrays.asList(new String[] {realm}), Arrays.asList(new EAPMethod[] {method}));
NAIRealmElement element = new NAIRealmElement(
Arrays.asList(new NAIRealmData[] {realmData}));
// Mismatch in authentication type.
ANQPMatcher.matchNAIRealm(element, realm, EAPConstants.EAP_TTLS,
new NonEAPInnerAuth(NonEAPInnerAuth.AUTH_TYPE_PAP)));
* Verify that 3GPP Network match will fail when a null element is provided.
* @throws Exception
public void matchThreeGPPNetworkWithNullElement() throws Exception {
IMSIParameter imsiParam = new IMSIParameter("1234", true);
List<String> simImsiList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123456789", "123498723"});
assertFalse(ANQPMatcher.matchThreeGPPNetwork(null, imsiParam, simImsiList));
* Verify that 3GPP network will succeed when the given 3GPP Network ANQP element contained
* a MCC-MNC that matches the both IMSI parameter and an IMSI from the IMSI list.
* @throws Exception
public void matchThreeGPPNetwork() throws Exception {
IMSIParameter imsiParam = new IMSIParameter("1234", true);
List<String> simImsiList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123456789", "123498723"});
CellularNetwork network = new CellularNetwork(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123456"}));
ThreeGPPNetworkElement element =
new ThreeGPPNetworkElement(Arrays.asList(new CellularNetwork[] {network}));
// The MCC-MNC provided in 3GPP Network ANQP element matches both IMSI parameter
// and an IMSI from the installed SIM card.
assertTrue(ANQPMatcher.matchThreeGPPNetwork(element, imsiParam, simImsiList));
* Verify that 3GPP network will failed when the given 3GPP Network ANQP element contained
* a MCC-MNC that match the IMSI parameter but not the IMSI list.
* @throws Exception
public void matchThreeGPPNetworkWithoutSimImsiMatch() throws Exception {
IMSIParameter imsiParam = new IMSIParameter("1234", true);
List<String> simImsiList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123457890", "123498723"});
CellularNetwork network = new CellularNetwork(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123456"}));
ThreeGPPNetworkElement element =
new ThreeGPPNetworkElement(Arrays.asList(new CellularNetwork[] {network}));
// The MCC-MNC provided in 3GPP Network ANQP element doesn't match any of the IMSIs
// from the installed SIM card.
assertFalse(ANQPMatcher.matchThreeGPPNetwork(element, imsiParam, simImsiList));
* Verify that 3GPP network will failed when the given 3GPP Network ANQP element contained
* a MCC-MNC that doesn't match with the IMSI parameter.
* @throws Exception
public void matchThreeGPPNetworkWithImsiParamMismatch() throws Exception {
IMSIParameter imsiParam = new IMSIParameter("1234", true);
List<String> simImsiList = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123457890", "123498723"});
CellularNetwork network = new CellularNetwork(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"123356"}));
ThreeGPPNetworkElement element =
new ThreeGPPNetworkElement(Arrays.asList(new CellularNetwork[] {network}));
// The MCC-MNC provided in 3GPP Network ANQP element doesn't match the IMSI parameter.
assertFalse(ANQPMatcher.matchThreeGPPNetwork(element, imsiParam, simImsiList));