blob: aa5308d65bf9a6ea055f938e68735f614b76fe04 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "wifi"
#include "jni.h"
#include "JniConstants.h"
#include <ScopedUtfChars.h>
#include <ScopedBytes.h>
#include <utils/misc.h>
#include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/String16.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <linux/if.h>
#include "wifi.h"
#include "wifi_hal.h"
#include "jni_helper.h"
#include "rtt.h"
#include "wifi_hal_stub.h"
#define REPLY_BUF_SIZE 4096 // wpa_supplicant's maximum size.
#define EVENT_BUF_SIZE 2048
namespace android {
static jint DBG = false;
//Please put all HAL function call here and call from the function table instead of directly call
static wifi_hal_fn hal_fn;
int init_wifi_hal_func_table(wifi_hal_fn *hal_fn) {
if (hal_fn == NULL) {
return -1;
hal_fn->wifi_initialize = wifi_initialize_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_cleanup = wifi_cleanup_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_event_loop = wifi_event_loop_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_error_info = wifi_get_error_info_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_supported_feature_set = wifi_get_supported_feature_set_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_concurrency_matrix = wifi_get_concurrency_matrix_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_scanning_mac_oui = wifi_set_scanning_mac_oui_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_supported_channels = wifi_get_supported_channels_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_is_epr_supported = wifi_is_epr_supported_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_ifaces = wifi_get_ifaces_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_iface_name = wifi_get_iface_name_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_reset_iface_event_handler = wifi_reset_iface_event_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_start_gscan = wifi_start_gscan_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_stop_gscan = wifi_stop_gscan_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_cached_gscan_results = wifi_get_cached_gscan_results_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_bssid_hotlist = wifi_set_bssid_hotlist_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_reset_bssid_hotlist = wifi_reset_bssid_hotlist_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_significant_change_handler = wifi_set_significant_change_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_reset_significant_change_handler = wifi_reset_significant_change_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_gscan_capabilities = wifi_get_gscan_capabilities_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_link_stats = wifi_set_link_stats_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_link_stats = wifi_get_link_stats_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_clear_link_stats = wifi_clear_link_stats_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_valid_channels = wifi_get_valid_channels_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_rtt_range_request = wifi_rtt_range_request_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_rtt_range_cancel = wifi_rtt_range_cancel_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_rtt_capabilities = wifi_get_rtt_capabilities_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_start_logging = wifi_start_logging_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_epno_list = wifi_set_epno_list_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_country_code = wifi_set_country_code_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_enable_tdls = wifi_enable_tdls_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_disable_tdls = wifi_disable_tdls_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_tdls_status = wifi_get_tdls_status_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_tdls_capabilities = wifi_get_tdls_capabilities_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_nodfs_flag = wifi_set_nodfs_flag_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_firmware_memory_dump = wifi_get_firmware_memory_dump_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_log_handler = wifi_set_log_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_reset_log_handler = wifi_reset_log_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_alert_handler = wifi_set_alert_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_reset_alert_handler = wifi_reset_alert_handler_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_firmware_version = wifi_get_firmware_version_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_ring_buffers_status = wifi_get_ring_buffers_status_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_logger_supported_feature_set = wifi_get_logger_supported_feature_set_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_ring_data = wifi_get_ring_data_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_get_driver_version = wifi_get_driver_version_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_ssid_white_list = wifi_set_ssid_white_list_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_gscan_roam_params = wifi_set_gscan_roam_params_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_bssid_preference = wifi_set_bssid_preference_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_enable_lazy_roam = wifi_enable_lazy_roam_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_set_bssid_blacklist = wifi_set_bssid_blacklist_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_start_sending_offloaded_packet = wifi_start_sending_offloaded_packet_stub;
hal_fn->wifi_stop_sending_offloaded_packet = wifi_stop_sending_offloaded_packet_stub;
return 0;
static bool doCommand(JNIEnv* env, jstring javaCommand,
char* reply, size_t reply_len) {
ScopedUtfChars command(env, javaCommand);
if (command.c_str() == NULL) {
return false; // ScopedUtfChars already threw on error.
if (DBG) {
ALOGD("doCommand: %s", command.c_str());
--reply_len; // Ensure we have room to add NUL termination.
if (::wifi_command(command.c_str(), reply, &reply_len) != 0) {
return false;
// Strip off trailing newline.
if (reply_len > 0 && reply[reply_len-1] == '\n') {
reply[reply_len-1] = '\0';
} else {
reply[reply_len] = '\0';
return true;
static jint doIntCommand(JNIEnv* env, jstring javaCommand) {
char reply[REPLY_BUF_SIZE];
if (!doCommand(env, javaCommand, reply, sizeof(reply))) {
return -1;
return static_cast<jint>(atoi(reply));
static jboolean doBooleanCommand(JNIEnv* env, jstring javaCommand) {
char reply[REPLY_BUF_SIZE];
if (!doCommand(env, javaCommand, reply, sizeof(reply))) {
return JNI_FALSE;
return (strcmp(reply, "OK") == 0);
// Send a command to the supplicant, and return the reply as a String.
static jstring doStringCommand(JNIEnv* env, jstring javaCommand) {
char reply[REPLY_BUF_SIZE];
if (!doCommand(env, javaCommand, reply, sizeof(reply))) {
return NULL;
return env->NewStringUTF(reply);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_isDriverLoaded(JNIEnv* env, jobject)
return (::is_wifi_driver_loaded() == 1);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_loadDriver(JNIEnv* env, jobject)
return (::wifi_load_driver() == 0);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_unloadDriver(JNIEnv* env, jobject)
return (::wifi_unload_driver() == 0);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_startSupplicant(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jboolean p2pSupported)
return (::wifi_start_supplicant(p2pSupported) == 0);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_killSupplicant(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jboolean p2pSupported)
return (::wifi_stop_supplicant(p2pSupported) == 0);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_connectToSupplicant(JNIEnv* env, jobject)
return (::wifi_connect_to_supplicant() == 0);
static void android_net_wifi_closeSupplicantConnection(JNIEnv* env, jobject)
static jstring android_net_wifi_waitForEvent(JNIEnv* env, jobject)
char buf[EVENT_BUF_SIZE];
int nread = ::wifi_wait_for_event(buf, sizeof buf);
if (nread > 0) {
return env->NewStringUTF(buf);
} else {
return NULL;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_doBooleanCommand(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring javaCommand) {
return doBooleanCommand(env, javaCommand);
static jint android_net_wifi_doIntCommand(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring javaCommand) {
return doIntCommand(env, javaCommand);
static jstring android_net_wifi_doStringCommand(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring javaCommand) {
return doStringCommand(env,javaCommand);
/* wifi_hal <==> WifiNative bridge */
static jclass mCls; /* saved WifiNative object */
static JavaVM *mVM; /* saved JVM pointer */
static const char *WifiHandleVarName = "sWifiHalHandle";
static const char *WifiIfaceHandleVarName = "sWifiIfaceHandles";
static jmethodID OnScanResultsMethodID;
static wifi_handle getWifiHandle(JNIHelper &helper, jclass cls) {
return (wifi_handle) helper.getStaticLongField(cls, WifiHandleVarName);
static wifi_interface_handle getIfaceHandle(JNIHelper &helper, jclass cls, jint index) {
return (wifi_interface_handle) helper.getStaticLongArrayField(cls, WifiIfaceHandleVarName, index);
jboolean setSSIDField(JNIHelper helper, jobject scanResult, const char *rawSsid) {
int len = strlen(rawSsid);
if (len > 0) {
JNIObject<jbyteArray> ssidBytes = helper.newByteArray(len);
helper.setByteArrayRegion(ssidBytes, 0, len, (jbyte *) rawSsid);
jboolean ret = helper.callStaticMethod(mCls,
"setSsid", "([BLandroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;)Z", ssidBytes.get(), scanResult);
return ret;
} else {
//empty SSID or SSID start with \0
return true;
static JNIObject<jobject> createScanResult(JNIHelper &helper, wifi_scan_result *result) {
// ALOGD("creating scan result");
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = helper.createObject("android/net/wifi/ScanResult");
if (scanResult == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating scan result");
return JNIObject<jobject>(helper, NULL);
ALOGV("setting SSID to %s", result->ssid);
if (!setSSIDField(helper, scanResult, result->ssid)) {
ALOGE("Error on set SSID");
return JNIObject<jobject>(helper, NULL);
char bssid[32];
sprintf(bssid, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", result->bssid[0], result->bssid[1],
result->bssid[2], result->bssid[3], result->bssid[4], result->bssid[5]);
helper.setStringField(scanResult, "BSSID", bssid);
helper.setIntField(scanResult, "level", result->rssi);
helper.setIntField(scanResult, "frequency", result->channel);
helper.setLongField(scanResult, "timestamp", result->ts);
return scanResult;
int set_iface_flags(const char *ifname, int dev_up) {
struct ifreq ifr;
int ret;
int sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
ALOGD("Bad socket: %d\n", sock);
return -errno;
//ALOGD("setting interface %s flags (%s)\n", ifname, dev_up ? "UP" : "DOWN");
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
//ALOGD("reading old value\n");
if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) {
ret = errno ? -errno : -999;
ALOGE("Could not read interface %s flags: %d\n", ifname, errno);
return ret;
} else {
//ALOGD("writing new value\n");
if (dev_up) {
if (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) {
// ALOGD("interface %s is already up\n", ifname);
return 0;
ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP;
} else {
if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) {
// ALOGD("interface %s is already down\n", ifname);
return 0;
ifr.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_UP;
if (ioctl(sock, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) {
ALOGE("Could not set interface %s flags: %d\n", ifname, errno);
ret = errno ? -errno : -999;
return ret;
} else {
ALOGD("set interface %s flags (%s)\n", ifname, dev_up ? "UP" : "DOWN");
return 0;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_toggle_interface(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, int toggle) {
return(set_iface_flags("wlan0", toggle) == 0);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_startHal(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_handle halHandle = getWifiHandle(helper, cls);
if (halHandle == NULL) {
if(init_wifi_hal_func_table(&hal_fn) != 0 ) {
ALOGD("Can not initialize the basic function pointer table");
return false;
wifi_error res = init_wifi_vendor_hal_func_table(&hal_fn);
if (res != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGD("Can not initialize the vendor function pointer table");
return false;
int ret = set_iface_flags("wlan0", 1);
if(ret != 0) {
return false;
res = hal_fn.wifi_initialize(&halHandle);
if (res == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
helper.setStaticLongField(cls, WifiHandleVarName, (jlong)halHandle);
ALOGD("Did set static halHandle = %p", halHandle);
mCls = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(cls);
ALOGD("halHandle = %p, mVM = %p, mCls = %p", halHandle, mVM, mCls);
return res == WIFI_SUCCESS;
} else {
return (set_iface_flags("wlan0", 1) == 0);
void android_net_wifi_hal_cleaned_up_handler(wifi_handle handle) {
ALOGD("In wifi cleaned up handler");
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
helper.setStaticLongField(mCls, WifiHandleVarName, 0);
mCls = NULL;
static void android_net_wifi_stopHal(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls) {
ALOGD("In wifi stop Hal");
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_handle halHandle = getWifiHandle(helper, cls);
if (halHandle == NULL)
ALOGD("halHandle = %p, mVM = %p, mCls = %p", halHandle, mVM, mCls);
hal_fn.wifi_cleanup(halHandle, android_net_wifi_hal_cleaned_up_handler);
static void android_net_wifi_waitForHalEvents(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls) {
ALOGD("waitForHalEvents called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p", mVM, mCls, env);
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_handle halHandle = getWifiHandle(helper, cls);
set_iface_flags("wlan0", 0);
static int android_net_wifi_getInterfaces(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) {
int n = 0;
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_handle halHandle = getWifiHandle(helper, cls);
wifi_interface_handle *ifaceHandles = NULL;
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_ifaces(halHandle, &n, &ifaceHandles);
if (result < 0) {
return result;
if (n < 0) {
THROW(helper,"android_net_wifi_getInterfaces no interfaces");
return 0;
if (ifaceHandles == NULL) {
THROW(helper,"android_net_wifi_getInterfaces null interface array");
return 0;
if (n > 8) {
THROW(helper,"Too many interfaces");
return 0;
jlongArray array = (env)->NewLongArray(n);
if (array == NULL) {
THROW(helper,"Error in accessing array");
return 0;
jlong elems[8];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
elems[i] = reinterpret_cast<jlong>(ifaceHandles[i]);
helper.setLongArrayRegion(array, 0, n, elems);
helper.setStaticLongArrayField(cls, WifiIfaceHandleVarName, array);
return (result < 0) ? result : n;
static jstring android_net_wifi_getInterfaceName(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint i) {
char buf[EVENT_BUF_SIZE];
JNIHelper helper(env);
jlong value = helper.getStaticLongArrayField(cls, WifiIfaceHandleVarName, i);
wifi_interface_handle handle = (wifi_interface_handle) value;
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_iface_name(handle, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (result < 0) {
return NULL;
} else {
JNIObject<jstring> name = helper.newStringUTF(buf);
return name.detach();
static void onScanResultsAvailable(wifi_request_id id, unsigned num_results) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
// ALOGD("onScanResultsAvailable called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p", mVM, mCls, env);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onScanResultsAvailable", "(I)V", id);
static void onScanEvent(wifi_scan_event event, unsigned status) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
// ALOGD("onScanStatus called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p", mVM, mCls, env);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onScanStatus", "(I)V", event);
static void onFullScanResult(wifi_request_id id, wifi_scan_result *result) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
//ALOGD("onFullScanResult called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p", mVM, mCls, env);
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = createScanResult(helper, result);
//ALOGD("Creating a byte array of length %d", result->ie_length);
JNIObject<jbyteArray> elements = helper.newByteArray(result->ie_length);
if (elements == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array");
// ALOGD("Setting byte array");
jbyte *bytes = (jbyte *)&(result->ie_data[0]);
helper.setByteArrayRegion(elements, 0, result->ie_length, bytes);
// ALOGD("Returning result");
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onFullScanResult", "(ILandroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;[B)V", id,
scanResult.get(), elements.get());
static jboolean android_net_wifi_startScan(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject settings) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
// ALOGD("starting scan on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
wifi_scan_cmd_params params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.base_period = helper.getIntField(settings, "base_period_ms");
params.max_ap_per_scan = helper.getIntField(settings, "max_ap_per_scan");
params.report_threshold_percent = helper.getIntField(settings, "report_threshold_percent");
params.report_threshold_num_scans = helper.getIntField(settings, "report_threshold_num_scans");
ALOGD("Initialized common fields %d, %d, %d, %d", params.base_period, params.max_ap_per_scan,
params.report_threshold_percent, params.report_threshold_num_scans);
const char *bucket_array_type = "[Lcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$BucketSettings;";
const char *channel_array_type = "[Lcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$ChannelSettings;";
params.num_buckets = helper.getIntField(settings, "num_buckets");
// ALOGD("Initialized num_buckets to %d", params.num_buckets);
for (int i = 0; i < params.num_buckets; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> bucket = helper.getObjectArrayField(
settings, "buckets", bucket_array_type, i);
params.buckets[i].bucket = helper.getIntField(bucket, "bucket");
params.buckets[i].band = (wifi_band) helper.getIntField(bucket, "band");
params.buckets[i].period = helper.getIntField(bucket, "period_ms");
int report_events = helper.getIntField(bucket, "report_events");
params.buckets[i].report_events = report_events;
ALOGD("bucket[%d] = %d:%d:%d:%d", i, params.buckets[i].bucket,
params.buckets[i].band, params.buckets[i].period, report_events);
params.buckets[i].num_channels = helper.getIntField(bucket, "num_channels");
// ALOGD("Initialized num_channels to %d", params.buckets[i].num_channels);
for (int j = 0; j < params.buckets[i].num_channels; j++) {
JNIObject<jobject> channel = helper.getObjectArrayField(
bucket, "channels", channel_array_type, j);
params.buckets[i].channels[j].channel = helper.getIntField(channel, "frequency");
params.buckets[i].channels[j].dwellTimeMs = helper.getIntField(channel, "dwell_time_ms");
bool passive = helper.getBoolField(channel, "passive");
params.buckets[i].channels[j].passive = (passive ? 1 : 0);
// ALOGD("Initialized channel %d", params.buckets[i].channels[j].channel);
// ALOGD("Initialized all fields");
wifi_scan_result_handler handler;
memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
handler.on_scan_results_available = &onScanResultsAvailable;
handler.on_full_scan_result = &onFullScanResult;
handler.on_scan_event = &onScanEvent;
return hal_fn.wifi_start_gscan(id, handle, params, handler) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_stopScan(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
// ALOGD("stopping scan on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
return hal_fn.wifi_stop_gscan(id, handle) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static int compare_scan_result_timestamp(const void *v1, const void *v2) {
const wifi_scan_result *result1 = static_cast<const wifi_scan_result *>(v1);
const wifi_scan_result *result2 = static_cast<const wifi_scan_result *>(v2);
return result1->ts - result2->ts;
static jobject android_net_wifi_getScanResults(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jboolean flush) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_cached_scan_results scan_data[64];
int num_scan_data = 64;
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
// ALOGD("getting scan results on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
byte b = flush ? 0xFF : 0;
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_cached_gscan_results(handle, b, num_scan_data, scan_data, &num_scan_data);
if (result == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
JNIObject<jobjectArray> scanData = helper.createObjectArray(
"android/net/wifi/WifiScanner$ScanData", num_scan_data);
if (scanData == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array of scanData");
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < num_scan_data; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> data = helper.createObject("android/net/wifi/WifiScanner$ScanData");
if (data == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating scanData");
return NULL;
helper.setIntField(data, "mId", scan_data[i].scan_id);
helper.setIntField(data, "mFlags", scan_data[i].flags);
/* sort all scan results by timestamp */
qsort(scan_data[i].results, scan_data[i].num_results,
sizeof(wifi_scan_result), compare_scan_result_timestamp);
JNIObject<jobjectArray> scanResults = helper.createObjectArray(
"android/net/wifi/ScanResult", scan_data[i].num_results);
if (scanResults == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating scanResult array");
return NULL;
wifi_scan_result *results = scan_data[i].results;
for (int j = 0; j < scan_data[i].num_results; j++) {
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = createScanResult(helper, &results[j]);
if (scanResult == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating scan result");
return NULL;
helper.setObjectArrayElement(scanResults, j, scanResult);
helper.setObjectField(data, "mResults", "[Landroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;", scanResults);
helper.setObjectArrayElement(scanData, i, data);
// ALOGD("retrieved %d scan data from interface[%d] = %p", num_scan_data, iface, handle);
return scanData.detach();
} else {
return NULL;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_getScanCapabilities(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jobject capabilities) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
// ALOGD("getting scan capabilities on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
wifi_gscan_capabilities c;
memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_gscan_capabilities(handle, &c);
if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGD("failed to get capabilities : %d", result);
return JNI_FALSE;
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_scan_cache_size", c.max_scan_cache_size);
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_scan_buckets", c.max_scan_buckets);
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_ap_cache_per_scan", c.max_ap_cache_per_scan);
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_rssi_sample_size", c.max_rssi_sample_size);
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_scan_reporting_threshold", c.max_scan_reporting_threshold);
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_hotlist_bssids", c.max_hotlist_bssids);
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "max_significant_wifi_change_aps",
return JNI_TRUE;
static byte parseHexChar(char ch) {
if (isdigit(ch))
return ch - '0';
else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F')
return ch - 'A' + 10;
else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f')
return ch - 'a' + 10;
else {
ALOGE("invalid character in bssid %c", ch);
return 0;
static byte parseHexByte(const char * &str) {
byte b = parseHexChar(str[0]);
if (str[1] == ':' || str[1] == '\0') {
str += 2;
return b;
} else {
b = b << 4 | parseHexChar(str[1]);
str += 3;
return b;
static void parseMacAddress(const char *str, mac_addr addr) {
addr[0] = parseHexByte(str);
addr[1] = parseHexByte(str);
addr[2] = parseHexByte(str);
addr[3] = parseHexByte(str);
addr[4] = parseHexByte(str);
addr[5] = parseHexByte(str);
static bool parseMacAddress(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, mac_addr addr) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
JNIObject<jstring> macAddrString = helper.getStringField(obj, "bssid");
if (macAddrString == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid field");
return false;
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, macAddrString);
const char *bssid = chars.c_str();
if (bssid == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid");
return false;
parseMacAddress(bssid, addr);
return true;
static void onHotlistApFound(wifi_request_id id,
unsigned num_results, wifi_scan_result *results) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("onHotlistApFound called, vm = %p, obj = %p, num_results = %d", mVM, mCls, num_results);
JNIObject<jobjectArray> scanResults = helper.newObjectArray(num_results,
"android/net/wifi/ScanResult", NULL);
if (scanResults == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_results; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = createScanResult(helper, &results[i]);
if (scanResult == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating scan result");
helper.setObjectArrayElement(scanResults, i, scanResult);
ALOGD("Found AP %32s", results[i].ssid);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onHotlistApFound", "(I[Landroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;)V",
id, scanResults.get());
static void onHotlistApLost(wifi_request_id id,
unsigned num_results, wifi_scan_result *results) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("onHotlistApLost called, vm = %p, obj = %p, num_results = %d", mVM, mCls, num_results);
JNIObject<jobjectArray> scanResults = helper.newObjectArray(num_results,
"android/net/wifi/ScanResult", NULL);
if (scanResults == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_results; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = createScanResult(helper, &results[i]);
if (scanResult == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating scan result");
helper.setObjectArrayElement(scanResults, i, scanResult);
ALOGD("Lost AP %32s", results[i].ssid);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onHotlistApLost", "(I[Landroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;)V",
id, scanResults.get());
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setHotlist(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject ap) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("setting hotlist on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
wifi_bssid_hotlist_params params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.lost_ap_sample_size = helper.getIntField(ap, "apLostThreshold");
JNIObject<jobjectArray> array = helper.getArrayField(
ap, "bssidInfos", "[Landroid/net/wifi/WifiScanner$BssidInfo;");
params.num_bssid = helper.getArrayLength(array);
if (params.num_bssid == 0) {
ALOGE("Error in accesing array");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < params.num_bssid; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> objAp = helper.getObjectArrayElement(array, i);
JNIObject<jstring> macAddrString = helper.getStringField(objAp, "bssid");
if (macAddrString == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid field");
return false;
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, macAddrString);
const char *bssid = chars.c_str();
if (bssid == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid");
return false;
parseMacAddress(bssid, params.ap[i].bssid);
mac_addr addr;
memcpy(addr, params.ap[i].bssid, sizeof(mac_addr));
char bssidOut[32];
sprintf(bssidOut, "%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x", addr[0], addr[1],
addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
ALOGD("Added bssid %s", bssidOut);
params.ap[i].low = helper.getIntField(objAp, "low");
params.ap[i].high = helper.getIntField(objAp, "high");
wifi_hotlist_ap_found_handler handler;
memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
handler.on_hotlist_ap_found = &onHotlistApFound;
handler.on_hotlist_ap_lost = &onHotlistApLost;
return hal_fn.wifi_set_bssid_hotlist(id, handle, params, handler) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_resetHotlist(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("resetting hotlist on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
return hal_fn.wifi_reset_bssid_hotlist(id, handle) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
void onSignificantWifiChange(wifi_request_id id,
unsigned num_results, wifi_significant_change_result **results) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("onSignificantWifiChange called, vm = %p, obj = %p", mVM, mCls);
JNIObject<jobjectArray> scanResults = helper.newObjectArray(
num_results, "android/net/wifi/ScanResult", NULL);
if (scanResults == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_results; i++) {
wifi_significant_change_result &result = *(results[i]);
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = helper.createObject("android/net/wifi/ScanResult");
if (scanResult == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating scan result");
// helper.setStringField(scanResult, "SSID", results[i].ssid);
char bssid[32];
sprintf(bssid, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", result.bssid[0], result.bssid[1],
result.bssid[2], result.bssid[3], result.bssid[4], result.bssid[5]);
helper.setStringField(scanResult, "BSSID", bssid);
helper.setIntField(scanResult, "level", result.rssi[0]);
helper.setIntField(scanResult, "frequency",;
// helper.setLongField(scanResult, "timestamp", result.ts);
helper.setObjectArrayElement(scanResults, i, scanResult);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onSignificantWifiChange", "(I[Landroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;)V",
id, scanResults.get());
static jboolean android_net_wifi_trackSignificantWifiChange(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject settings) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("tracking significant wifi change on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
wifi_significant_change_params params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.rssi_sample_size = helper.getIntField(settings, "rssiSampleSize");
params.lost_ap_sample_size = helper.getIntField(settings, "lostApSampleSize");
params.min_breaching = helper.getIntField(settings, "minApsBreachingThreshold");
const char *bssid_info_array_type = "[Landroid/net/wifi/WifiScanner$BssidInfo;";
JNIObject<jobjectArray> bssids = helper.getArrayField(
settings, "bssidInfos", bssid_info_array_type);
params.num_bssid = helper.getArrayLength(bssids);
if (params.num_bssid == 0) {
ALOGE("Error in accessing array");
return false;
ALOGD("Initialized common fields %d, %d, %d, %d", params.rssi_sample_size,
params.lost_ap_sample_size, params.min_breaching, params.num_bssid);
for (int i = 0; i < params.num_bssid; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> objAp = helper.getObjectArrayElement(bssids, i);
JNIObject<jstring> macAddrString = helper.getStringField(objAp, "bssid");
if (macAddrString == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid field");
return false;
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, macAddrString.get());
const char *bssid = chars.c_str();
if (bssid == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid");
return false;
mac_addr addr;
parseMacAddress(bssid, addr);
memcpy(params.ap[i].bssid, addr, sizeof(mac_addr));
char bssidOut[32];
sprintf(bssidOut, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", addr[0], addr[1],
addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
params.ap[i].low = helper.getIntField(objAp, "low");
params.ap[i].high = helper.getIntField(objAp, "high");
ALOGD("Added bssid %s, [%04d, %04d]", bssidOut, params.ap[i].low, params.ap[i].high);
ALOGD("Added %d bssids", params.num_bssid);
wifi_significant_change_handler handler;
memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
handler.on_significant_change = &onSignificantWifiChange;
return hal_fn.wifi_set_significant_change_handler(id, handle, params, handler) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_untrackSignificantWifiChange(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("resetting significant wifi change on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);
return hal_fn.wifi_reset_significant_change_handler(id, handle) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
wifi_iface_stat link_stat;
wifi_radio_stat radio_stat; // L release has support for only one radio
void onLinkStatsResults(wifi_request_id id, wifi_iface_stat *iface_stat,
int num_radios, wifi_radio_stat *radio_stats)
if (iface_stat != 0) {
memcpy(&link_stat, iface_stat, sizeof(wifi_iface_stat));
} else {
memset(&link_stat, 0, sizeof(wifi_iface_stat));
if (num_radios > 0 && radio_stats != 0) {
memcpy(&radio_stat, radio_stats, sizeof(wifi_radio_stat));
} else {
memset(&radio_stat, 0, sizeof(wifi_radio_stat));
static void android_net_wifi_setLinkLayerStats (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, int enable) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
wifi_link_layer_params params;
params.aggressive_statistics_gathering = enable;
params.mpdu_size_threshold = 128;
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_setLinkLayerStats: %u\n", enable);
hal_fn.wifi_set_link_stats(handle, params);
static jobject android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_stats_result_handler handler;
memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
handler.on_link_stats_results = &onLinkStatsResults;
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_link_stats(0, handle, handler);
if (result < 0) {
ALOGE("android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics\n");
return NULL;
JNIObject<jobject> wifiLinkLayerStats = helper.createObject(
if (wifiLinkLayerStats == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating wifiLinkLayerStats");
return NULL;
helper.setIntField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "beacon_rx", link_stat.beacon_rx);
helper.setIntField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "rssi_mgmt", link_stat.rssi_mgmt);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "rxmpdu_be",[WIFI_AC_BE].rx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "rxmpdu_bk",[WIFI_AC_BK].rx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "rxmpdu_vi",[WIFI_AC_VI].rx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "rxmpdu_vo",[WIFI_AC_VO].rx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "txmpdu_be",[WIFI_AC_BE].tx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "txmpdu_bk",[WIFI_AC_BK].tx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "txmpdu_vi",[WIFI_AC_VI].tx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "txmpdu_vo",[WIFI_AC_VO].tx_mpdu);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "lostmpdu_be",[WIFI_AC_BE].mpdu_lost);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "lostmpdu_bk",[WIFI_AC_BK].mpdu_lost);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "lostmpdu_vi",[WIFI_AC_VI].mpdu_lost);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "lostmpdu_vo",[WIFI_AC_VO].mpdu_lost);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "retries_be",[WIFI_AC_BE].retries);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "retries_bk",[WIFI_AC_BK].retries);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "retries_vi",[WIFI_AC_VI].retries);
helper.setLongField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "retries_vo",[WIFI_AC_VO].retries);
helper.setIntField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "on_time", radio_stat.on_time);
helper.setIntField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "tx_time", radio_stat.tx_time);
helper.setIntField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "rx_time", radio_stat.rx_time);
helper.setIntField(wifiLinkLayerStats, "on_time_scan", radio_stat.on_time_scan);
return wifiLinkLayerStats.detach();
static jint android_net_wifi_getSupportedFeatures(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
feature_set set = 0;
wifi_error result = WIFI_SUCCESS;
result = hal_fn.wifi_get_supported_feature_set(handle, &set);
if (result == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
// ALOGD("wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned set = 0x%x", set);
return set;
} else {
ALOGE("wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0x%x", result);
return 0;
static void onRttResults(wifi_request_id id, unsigned num_results, wifi_rtt_result* results[]) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("onRttResults called, vm = %p, obj = %p", mVM, mCls);
JNIObject<jobjectArray> rttResults = helper.newObjectArray(
num_results, "android/net/wifi/RttManager$RttResult", NULL);
if (rttResults == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_results; i++) {
wifi_rtt_result *result = results[i];
JNIObject<jobject> rttResult = helper.createObject("android/net/wifi/RttManager$RttResult");
if (rttResult == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating rtt result");
char bssid[32];
sprintf(bssid, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", result->addr[0], result->addr[1],
result->addr[2], result->addr[3], result->addr[4], result->addr[5]);
helper.setStringField(rttResult, "bssid", bssid);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "burstNumber", result->burst_num);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "measurementFrameNumber", result->measurement_number);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "successMeasurementFrameNumber", result->success_number);
helper.setIntField(rttResult, "frameNumberPerBurstPeer", result->number_per_burst_peer);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "status", result->status);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "measurementType", result->type);
helper.setIntField(rttResult, "retryAfterDuration", result->retry_after_duration);
helper.setLongField(rttResult, "ts", result->ts);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "rssi", result->rssi);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "rssiSpread", result->rssi_spread);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "txRate", result->tx_rate.bitrate);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "rxRate", result->rx_rate.bitrate);
helper.setLongField(rttResult, "rtt", result->rtt);
helper.setLongField(rttResult, "rttStandardDeviation", result->rtt_sd);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "distance", result->distance);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "distanceStandardDeviation", result->distance_sd);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "distanceSpread", result->distance_spread);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "burstDuration", result->burst_duration);
helper.setIntField( rttResult, "negotiatedBurstNum", result->negotiated_burst_num);
JNIObject<jobject> LCI = helper.createObject(
if (result->LCI != NULL && result->LCI->len > 0) {
ALOGD("Add LCI in result");
helper.setByteField(LCI, "id", result->LCI->id);
JNIObject<jbyteArray> elements = helper.newByteArray(result->LCI->len);
jbyte *bytes = (jbyte *)&(result->LCI->data[0]);
helper.setByteArrayRegion(elements, 0, result->LCI->len, bytes);
helper.setObjectField(LCI, "data", "[B", elements);
} else {
ALOGD("No LCI in result");
helper.setByteField(LCI, "id", (byte)(0xff));
helper.setObjectField(rttResult, "LCI",
"Landroid/net/wifi/RttManager$WifiInformationElement;", LCI);
JNIObject<jobject> LCR = helper.createObject(
if (result->LCR != NULL && result->LCR->len > 0) {
ALOGD("Add LCR in result");
helper.setByteField(LCR, "id", result->LCR->id);
JNIObject<jbyteArray> elements = helper.newByteArray(result->LCI->len);
jbyte *bytes = (jbyte *)&(result->LCR->data[0]);
helper.setByteArrayRegion(elements, 0, result->LCI->len, bytes);
helper.setObjectField(LCR, "data", "[B", elements);
} else {
ALOGD("No LCR in result");
helper.setByteField(LCR, "id", (byte)(0xff));
helper.setObjectField(rttResult, "LCR",
"Landroid/net/wifi/RttManager$WifiInformationElement;", LCR);
helper.setObjectArrayElement(rttResults, i, rttResult);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onRttResults", "(I[Landroid/net/wifi/RttManager$RttResult;)V",
id, rttResults.get());
const int MaxRttConfigs = 16;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_requestRange(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject params) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("sending rtt request [%d] = %p", id, handle);
wifi_rtt_config configs[MaxRttConfigs];
memset(&configs, 0, sizeof(configs));
int len = helper.getArrayLength((jobjectArray)params);
if (len > MaxRttConfigs) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> param = helper.getObjectArrayElement((jobjectArray)params, i);
if (param == NULL) {
ALOGD("could not get element %d", i);
wifi_rtt_config &config = configs[i];
parseMacAddress(env, param, config.addr);
config.type = (wifi_rtt_type)helper.getIntField(param, "requestType");
config.peer = (rtt_peer_type)helper.getIntField(param, "deviceType"); = helper.getIntField(param, "frequency"); = (wifi_channel_width) helper.getIntField(param, "channelWidth"); = helper.getIntField(param, "centerFreq0"); = helper.getIntField(param, "centerFreq1");
config.num_burst = helper.getIntField(param, "numberBurst");
config.burst_period = (unsigned) helper.getIntField(param, "interval");
config.num_frames_per_burst = (unsigned) helper.getIntField(param, "numSamplesPerBurst");
config.num_retries_per_rtt_frame = (unsigned) helper.getIntField(param,
config.num_retries_per_ftmr = (unsigned) helper.getIntField(param, "numRetriesPerFTMR");
config.LCI_request = helper.getBoolField(param, "LCIRequest") ? 1 : 0;
config.LCR_request = helper.getBoolField(param, "LCRRequest") ? 1 : 0;
config.burst_duration = (unsigned) helper.getIntField(param, "burstTimeout");
config.preamble = (wifi_rtt_preamble) helper.getIntField(param, "preamble"); = (wifi_rtt_bw) helper.getIntField(param, "bandwidth");
ALOGD("RTT request destination %d: type is %d, peer is %d, bw is %d, center_freq is %d ", i,
ALOGD("center_freq0 is %d, center_freq1 is %d, num_burst is %d,interval is %d",,, config.num_burst,
ALOGD("frames_per_burst is %d, retries of measurement frame is %d, retries_per_ftmr is %d",
config.num_frames_per_burst, config.num_retries_per_rtt_frame,
ALOGD("LCI_requestis %d, LCR_request is %d, burst_timeout is %d, preamble is %d, bw is %d",
config.LCI_request, config.LCR_request, config.burst_duration, config.preamble,;
wifi_rtt_event_handler handler;
handler.on_rtt_results = &onRttResults;
return hal_fn.wifi_rtt_range_request(id, handle, len, configs, handler) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_cancelRange(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject params) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("cancelling rtt request [%d] = %p", id, handle);
mac_addr addrs[MaxRttConfigs];
memset(&addrs, 0, sizeof(addrs));
int len = helper.getArrayLength((jobjectArray)params);
if (len > MaxRttConfigs) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> param = helper.getObjectArrayElement(params, i);
if (param == NULL) {
ALOGD("could not get element %d", i);
parseMacAddress(env, param, addrs[i]);
return hal_fn.wifi_rtt_range_cancel(id, handle, len, addrs) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setScanningMacOui(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
jint iface, jbyteArray param) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("setting scan oui %p", handle);
static const unsigned oui_len = 3; /* OUI is upper 3 bytes of mac_address */
int len = helper.getArrayLength(param);
if (len != oui_len) {
ALOGE("invalid oui length %d", len);
return false;
ScopedBytesRO paramBytes(env, param);
const jbyte* bytes = paramBytes.get();
if (bytes == NULL) {
ALOGE("failed to get array");
return false;
return hal_fn.wifi_set_scanning_mac_oui(handle, (byte *)bytes) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_is_get_channels_for_band_supported(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls){
return (hal_fn.wifi_get_valid_channels == wifi_get_valid_channels_stub);
static jintArray android_net_wifi_getValidChannels(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
jint iface, jint band) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("getting valid channels %p", handle);
static const int MaxChannels = 64;
wifi_channel channels[64];
int num_channels = 0;
wifi_error result = hal_fn.wifi_get_valid_channels(handle, band, MaxChannels,
channels, &num_channels);
if (result == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
JNIObject<jintArray> channelArray = helper.newIntArray(num_channels);
if (channelArray == NULL) {
ALOGE("failed to allocate channel list");
return NULL;
helper.setIntArrayRegion(channelArray, 0, num_channels, channels);
return channelArray.detach();
} else {
ALOGE("failed to get channel list : %d", result);
return NULL;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setDfsFlag(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jboolean dfs) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("setting dfs flag to %s, %p", dfs ? "true" : "false", handle);
u32 nodfs = dfs ? 0 : 1;
wifi_error result = hal_fn.wifi_set_nodfs_flag(handle, nodfs);
return result == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jobject android_net_wifi_get_rtt_capabilities(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_rtt_capabilities rtt_capabilities;
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
wifi_error ret = hal_fn.wifi_get_rtt_capabilities(handle, &rtt_capabilities);
if(WIFI_SUCCESS == ret) {
JNIObject<jobject> capabilities = helper.createObject(
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "oneSidedRttSupported",
rtt_capabilities.rtt_one_sided_supported == 1);
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "twoSided11McRttSupported",
rtt_capabilities.rtt_ftm_supported == 1);
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "lciSupported",
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "lcrSupported",
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "preambleSupported",
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "bwSupported",
ALOGD("One side RTT is: %s", rtt_capabilities.rtt_one_sided_supported ==1 ? "support" :
"not support");
ALOGD("Two side RTT is: %s", rtt_capabilities.rtt_ftm_supported == 1 ? "support" :
"not support");
ALOGD("LCR is: %s", rtt_capabilities.lcr_support == 1 ? "support" : "not support");
ALOGD("LCI is: %s", rtt_capabilities.lci_support == 1 ? "support" : "not support");
ALOGD("Support Preamble is : %d support BW is %d", rtt_capabilities.preamble_support,
return capabilities.detach();
} else {
return NULL;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_set_Country_Code_Hal(JNIEnv *env,jclass cls, jint iface,
jstring country_code) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, country_code);
const char *country = chars.c_str();
ALOGD("set country code: %s", country);
wifi_error res = hal_fn.wifi_set_country_code(handle, country);
return res == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_enable_disable_tdls(JNIEnv *env,jclass cls, jint iface,
jboolean enable, jstring addr) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
mac_addr address;
parseMacAddress(env, addr, address);
wifi_tdls_handler tdls_handler;
//tdls_handler.on_tdls_state_changed = &on_tdls_state_changed;
if(enable) {
return (hal_fn.wifi_enable_tdls(handle, address, NULL, tdls_handler) == WIFI_SUCCESS);
} else {
return (hal_fn.wifi_disable_tdls(handle, address) == WIFI_SUCCESS);
static void on_tdls_state_changed(mac_addr addr, wifi_tdls_status status) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("on_tdls_state_changed is called: vm = %p, obj = %p", mVM, mCls);
char mac[32];
sprintf(mac, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4],
JNIObject<jstring> mac_address = helper.newStringUTF(mac);
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onTdlsStatus", "(Ljava/lang/StringII;)V",
mac_address.get(), status.state, status.reason);
static jobject android_net_wifi_get_tdls_status(JNIEnv *env,jclass cls, jint iface,jstring addr) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
mac_addr address;
parseMacAddress(env, addr, address);
wifi_tdls_status status;
wifi_error ret;
ret = hal_fn.wifi_get_tdls_status(handle, address, &status );
if (ret != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
return NULL;
} else {
JNIObject<jobject> tdls_status = helper.createObject(
helper.setIntField(tdls_status, "channel",;
helper.setIntField(tdls_status, "global_operating_class", status.global_operating_class);
helper.setIntField(tdls_status, "state", status.state);
helper.setIntField(tdls_status, "reason", status.reason);
return tdls_status.detach();
static jobject android_net_wifi_get_tdls_capabilities(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_tdls_capabilities tdls_capabilities;
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
wifi_error ret = hal_fn.wifi_get_tdls_capabilities(handle, &tdls_capabilities);
if (WIFI_SUCCESS == ret) {
JNIObject<jobject> capabilities = helper.createObject(
helper.setIntField(capabilities, "maxConcurrentTdlsSessionNumber",
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "isGlobalTdlsSupported",
tdls_capabilities.is_global_tdls_supported == 1);
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "isPerMacTdlsSupported",
tdls_capabilities.is_per_mac_tdls_supported == 1);
helper.setBooleanField(capabilities, "isOffChannelTdlsSupported",
ALOGD("TDLS Max Concurrent Tdls Session Number is: %d",
ALOGD("Global Tdls is: %s", tdls_capabilities.is_global_tdls_supported == 1 ? "support" :
"not support");
ALOGD("Per Mac Tdls is: %s", tdls_capabilities.is_per_mac_tdls_supported == 1 ? "support" :
"not support");
ALOGD("Off Channel Tdls is: %s", tdls_capabilities.is_off_channel_tdls_supported == 1 ?
"support" : "not support");
return capabilities.detach();
} else {
return NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug framework
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static jint android_net_wifi_get_supported_logger_feature(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface){
//Not implemented yet
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
return -1;
static jobject android_net_wifi_get_driver_version(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
//Need to be fixed. The memory should be allocated from lower layer
//char *buffer = NULL;
JNIHelper helper(env);
int buffer_length = 256;
char *buffer = (char *)malloc(buffer_length);
if (!buffer) return NULL;
memset(buffer, 0, buffer_length);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_get_driver_version = %p", handle);
if (handle == 0) {
return NULL;
wifi_error result = hal_fn.wifi_get_driver_version(handle, buffer, buffer_length);
if (result == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGD("buffer is %p, length is %d", buffer, buffer_length);
JNIObject<jstring> driver_version = helper.newStringUTF(buffer);
return driver_version.detach();
} else {
ALOGD("Fail to get driver version");
return NULL;
static jobject android_net_wifi_get_firmware_version(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
//char *buffer = NULL;
JNIHelper helper(env);
int buffer_length = 256;
char *buffer = (char *)malloc(buffer_length);
if (!buffer) return NULL;
memset(buffer, 0, buffer_length);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_get_firmware_version = %p", handle);
if (handle == 0) {
return NULL;
wifi_error result = hal_fn.wifi_get_firmware_version(handle, buffer, buffer_length);
if (result == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGD("buffer is %p, length is %d", buffer, buffer_length);
JNIObject<jstring> firmware_version = helper.newStringUTF(buffer);
return firmware_version.detach();
} else {
ALOGD("Fail to get Firmware version");
return NULL;
static jobject android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_status (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_status = %p", handle);
if (handle == 0) {
return NULL;
//wifi_ring_buffer_status *status = NULL;
u32 num_rings = 10;
wifi_ring_buffer_status *status =
(wifi_ring_buffer_status *)malloc(sizeof(wifi_ring_buffer_status) * num_rings);
if (!status) return NULL;
memset(status, 0, sizeof(wifi_ring_buffer_status) * num_rings);
wifi_error result = hal_fn.wifi_get_ring_buffers_status(handle, &num_rings, status);
if (result == WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGD("status is %p, number is %d", status, num_rings);
JNIObject<jobjectArray> ringBuffersStatus = helper.newObjectArray(
num_rings, "com/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$RingBufferStatus", NULL);
wifi_ring_buffer_status *tmp = status;
for(u32 i = 0; i < num_rings; i++, tmp++) {
JNIObject<jobject> ringStatus = helper.createObject(
if (ringStatus == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating ringBufferStatus");
return NULL;
char name[32];
for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
name[j] = tmp->name[j];
helper.setStringField(ringStatus, "name", name);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "flag", tmp->flags);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "ringBufferId", tmp->ring_id);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "ringBufferByteSize", tmp->ring_buffer_byte_size);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "verboseLevel", tmp->verbose_level);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "writtenBytes", tmp->written_bytes);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "readBytes", tmp->read_bytes);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "writtenRecords", tmp->written_records);
helper.setObjectArrayElement(ringBuffersStatus, i, ringStatus);
return ringBuffersStatus.detach();
} else {
return NULL;
static void on_ring_buffer_data(char *ring_name, char *buffer, int buffer_size,
wifi_ring_buffer_status *status) {
if (!ring_name || !buffer || !status ||
(unsigned int)buffer_size <= sizeof(wifi_ring_buffer_entry)) {
ALOGE("Error input for on_ring_buffer_data!");
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
/* ALOGD("on_ring_buffer_data called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p buffer size = %d", mVM,
mCls, env, buffer_size); */
JNIObject<jobject> ringStatus = helper.createObject(
if (status == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in creating ringBufferStatus");
helper.setStringField(ringStatus, "name", ring_name);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "flag", status->flags);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "ringBufferId", status->ring_id);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "ringBufferByteSize", status->ring_buffer_byte_size);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "verboseLevel", status->verbose_level);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "writtenBytes", status->written_bytes);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "readBytes", status->read_bytes);
helper.setIntField(ringStatus, "writtenRecords", status->written_records);
JNIObject<jbyteArray> bytes = helper.newByteArray(buffer_size);
helper.setByteArrayRegion(bytes, 0, buffer_size, (jbyte*)buffer);
ringStatus.get(), bytes.get());
static void on_alert_data(wifi_request_id id, char *buffer, int buffer_size, int err_code){
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("on_alert_data called, vm = %p, obj = %p, buffer_size = %d, error code = %d"
, mVM, mCls, buffer_size, err_code);
if (buffer_size > 0) {
JNIObject<jbyteArray> records = helper.newByteArray(buffer_size);
jbyte *bytes = (jbyte *) buffer;
helper.setByteArrayRegion(records, 0,buffer_size, bytes);
helper.reportEvent(mCls,"onWifiAlert","([BI)V", records.get(), err_code);
} else {
helper.reportEvent(mCls,"onWifiAlert","([BI)V", NULL, err_code);
static jboolean android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface,
jint verbose_level,jint flags, jint max_interval,jint min_data_size, jstring ring_name) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer = %p", handle);
if (handle == 0) {
return false;
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, ring_name);
const char* ring_name_const_char = chars.c_str();
int ret = hal_fn.wifi_start_logging(handle, verbose_level,
flags, max_interval, min_data_size, const_cast<char *>(ring_name_const_char));
if (ret != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("Fail to start logging for ring %s", ring_name_const_char);
} else {
ALOGD("start logging for ring %s", ring_name_const_char);
return ret == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_data(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface,
jstring ring_name) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
// ALOGD("android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_data = %p", handle);
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, ring_name);
const char* ring_name_const_char = chars.c_str();
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_ring_data(handle, const_cast<char *>(ring_name_const_char));
return result == WIFI_SUCCESS;
void on_firmware_memory_dump(char *buffer, int buffer_size) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
/* ALOGD("on_firmware_memory_dump called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p buffer_size = %d"
, mVM, mCls, env, buffer_size); */
if (buffer_size > 0) {
JNIObject<jbyteArray> dump = helper.newByteArray(buffer_size);
jbyte *bytes = (jbyte *) (buffer);
helper.setByteArrayRegion(dump, 0, buffer_size, bytes);
helper.reportEvent(mCls,"onWifiFwMemoryAvailable","([B)V", dump.get());
static jboolean android_net_wifi_get_fw_memory_dump(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface){
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
// ALOGD("android_net_wifi_get_fw_memory_dump = %p", handle);
if (handle == NULL) {
ALOGE("Can not get wifi_interface_handle");
return false;
wifi_firmware_memory_dump_handler fw_dump_handle;
fw_dump_handle.on_firmware_memory_dump = on_firmware_memory_dump;
int result = hal_fn.wifi_get_firmware_memory_dump(handle, fw_dump_handle);
return result == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_set_log_handler(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_set_log_handler = %p", handle);
//initialize the handler on first time
wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler handler;
handler.on_ring_buffer_data = &on_ring_buffer_data;
int result = hal_fn.wifi_set_log_handler(id, handle, handler);
if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("Fail to set logging handler");
return false;
//set alter handler This will start alert too
wifi_alert_handler alert_handler;
alert_handler.on_alert = &on_alert_data;
result = hal_fn.wifi_set_alert_handler(id, handle, alert_handler);
if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE(" Fail to set alert handler");
return false;
return true;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_reset_log_handler(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
//reset alter handler
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_reset_alert_handler = %p", handle);
int result = hal_fn.wifi_reset_alert_handler(id, handle);
if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE(" Fail to reset alert handler");
return false;
//reset log handler
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_reset_log_handler = %p", handle);
result = hal_fn.wifi_reset_log_handler(id, handle);
if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
ALOGE("Fail to reset logging handler");
return false;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ePno framework
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void onPnoNetworkFound(wifi_request_id id,
unsigned num_results, wifi_scan_result *results) {
JNIHelper helper(mVM);
ALOGD("onPnoNetworkFound called, vm = %p, obj = %p, num_results %u", mVM, mCls, num_results);
if (results == 0 || num_results == 0) {
ALOGE("onPnoNetworkFound: Error no results");
jbyte *bytes;
JNIObject<jobjectArray> scanResults(helper, NULL);
//jbyteArray elements;
for (unsigned i=0; i<num_results; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> scanResult = createScanResult(helper, &results[i]);
if (i == 0) {
scanResults = helper.newObjectArray(
num_results, "android/net/wifi/ScanResult", scanResult);
if (scanResults == 0) {
ALOGD("cant allocate array");
} else {
ALOGD("allocated array %u", helper.getArrayLength(scanResults));
} else {
helper.setObjectArrayElement(scanResults, i, scanResult);
ALOGD("Scan result with ie length %d, i %u, <%s> rssi=%d %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
results->ie_length, i, results[i].ssid, results[i].rssi, results[i].bssid[0],
results[i].bssid[1],results[i].bssid[2], results[i].bssid[3], results[i].bssid[4],
/*elements = helper.newByteArray(results->ie_length);
if (elements == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error in allocating array");
//ALOGD("onPnoNetworkFound: Setting byte array");
//bytes = (jbyte *)&(results->ie_data[0]);
//helper.setByteArrayRegion(elements, 0, results->ie_length, bytes);
//ALOGD("onPnoNetworkFound: Returning result");
ALOGD("calling report");
helper.reportEvent(mCls, "onPnoNetworkFound", "(I[Landroid/net/wifi/ScanResult;)V", id,
ALOGD("free ref");
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setPnoListNative(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject list) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_epno_handler handler;
handler.on_network_found = &onPnoNetworkFound;
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("configure ePno list request [%d] = %p", id, handle);
if (list == NULL) {
// stop pno
int result = hal_fn.wifi_set_epno_list(id, handle, 0, NULL, handler);
ALOGE(" setPnoListNative: STOP result = %d", result);
return result >= 0;
wifi_epno_network net_list[MAX_PNO_SSID];
memset(&net_list, 0, sizeof(net_list));
size_t len = helper.getArrayLength((jobjectArray)list);
if (len > (size_t)MAX_PNO_SSID) {
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> pno_net = helper.getObjectArrayElement((jobjectArray)list, i);
if (pno_net == NULL) {
ALOGD("setPnoListNative: could not get element %d", i);
JNIObject<jstring> sssid = helper.getStringField(pno_net, "SSID");
if (sssid == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error setPnoListNative: getting ssid field");
return false;
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, (jstring)sssid.get());
const char *ssid = chars.c_str();
if (ssid == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error setPnoListNative: getting ssid");
return false;
int ssid_len = strnlen((const char*)ssid, 33);
if (ssid_len > 32) {
ALOGE("Error setPnoListNative: long ssid %u", strnlen((const char*)ssid, 256));
return false;
if (ssid_len > 1 && ssid[0] == '"' && ssid[ssid_len-1])
// strip leading and trailing '"'
if (ssid_len == 0) {
ALOGE("Error setPnoListNative: zero length ssid, skip it");
memcpy(net_list[i].ssid, ssid, ssid_len);
int rssit = helper.getIntField(pno_net, "rssi_threshold");
net_list[i].rssi_threshold = (byte)rssit;
int a = helper.getIntField(pno_net, "auth");
net_list[i].auth_bit_field = a;
int f = helper.getIntField(pno_net, "flags");
net_list[i].flags = f;
ALOGE(" setPnoListNative: idx %u rssi %d/%d auth %x/%x flags %x/%x [%s]", i,
(signed)net_list[i].rssi_threshold, net_list[i].rssi_threshold,
net_list[i].auth_bit_field, a, net_list[i].flags, f, net_list[i].ssid);
int result = hal_fn.wifi_set_epno_list(id, handle, len, net_list, handler);
ALOGE(" setPnoListNative: result %d", result);
return result >= 0;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setLazyRoam(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jboolean enabled, jobject roam_param) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_error status = WIFI_SUCCESS;
wifi_roam_params params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("configure lazy roam request [%d] = %p", id, handle);
if (roam_param != NULL) {
params.A_band_boost_threshold = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "A_band_boost_threshold");
params.A_band_penalty_threshold = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "A_band_penalty_threshold");
params.A_band_boost_factor = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "A_band_boost_factor");
params.A_band_penalty_factor = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "A_band_penalty_factor");
params.A_band_max_boost = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "A_band_max_boost");
params.lazy_roam_hysteresis = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "lazy_roam_hysteresis");
params.alert_roam_rssi_trigger = helper.getIntField(roam_param, "alert_roam_rssi_trigger");
status = hal_fn.wifi_set_gscan_roam_params(id, handle, &params);
ALOGE("android_net_wifi_setLazyRoam configured params status=%d\n", status);
if (status >= 0) {
int doEnable = enabled ? 1 : 0;
status = hal_fn.wifi_enable_lazy_roam(id, handle, doEnable);
ALOGE("android_net_wifi_setLazyRoam enabled roam status=%d\n", status);
return status >= 0;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setBssidBlacklist(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject list) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("configure BSSID black list request [%d] = %p", id, handle);
wifi_bssid_params params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
if (list != NULL) {
size_t len = helper.getArrayLength((jobjectArray)list);
if (len > (size_t)MAX_BLACKLIST_BSSID) {
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> jbssid = helper.getObjectArrayElement(list, i);
if (jbssid == NULL) {
ALOGD("configure BSSID blacklist: could not get element %d", i);
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, (jstring)jbssid.get());
const char *bssid = chars.c_str();
if (bssid == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting bssid");
return false;
mac_addr addr;
parseMacAddress(bssid, addr);
memcpy(params.bssids[i], addr, sizeof(mac_addr));
char bssidOut[32];
sprintf(bssidOut, "%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x", addr[0], addr[1],
addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
ALOGD("BSSID blacklist: added bssid %s", bssidOut);
ALOGD("Added %d bssids", params.num_bssid);
return hal_fn.wifi_set_bssid_blacklist(id, handle, params) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jboolean android_net_wifi_setSsidWhitelist(
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jint id, jobject list) {
JNIHelper helper(env);
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(helper, cls, iface);
ALOGD("configure SSID white list request [%d] = %p", id, handle);
wifi_ssid *ssids = NULL;
int num_ssids = 0;
if (list != NULL) {
size_t len = helper.getArrayLength((jobjectArray)list);
if (len > 0) {
ssids = (wifi_ssid *)malloc(len * sizeof (wifi_ssid));
if (!ssids) return false;
memset(ssids, 0, len * sizeof (wifi_ssid));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JNIObject<jobject> jssid = helper.getObjectArrayElement(list, i);
if (jssid == NULL) {
ALOGD("configure SSID whitelist: could not get element %d", i);
return false;
ScopedUtfChars chars(env, (jstring)jssid.get());
const char *utf = chars.c_str();
if (utf == NULL) {
ALOGE("Error getting sssid");
return false;
int slen = strnlen(utf, 33);
if (slen <= 0 || slen > 32) {
ALOGE("Error wrong ssid length %d", slen);
return false;
memcpy(ssids[i].ssid, utf, slen);
ALOGD("SSID white list: added ssid %s", utf);
ALOGD("android_net_wifi_setSsidWhitelist Added %d sssids", num_ssids);
return hal_fn.wifi_set_ssid_white_list(id, handle, num_ssids, ssids) == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static jint android_net_wifi_start_sending_offloaded_packet(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface,
jint idx, jbyteArray srcMac, jbyteArray dstMac, jbyteArray pkt, jint period) {
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(env, cls, iface);
ALOGD("Start packet offload [%d] = %p", idx, handle);
wifi_error ret;
wifi_request_id id = idx;
byte * pkt_data = (byte *)env->GetByteArrayElements(pkt, NULL);
unsigned short pkt_len = env->GetArrayLength(pkt);
byte* src_mac_addr = (byte *)env->GetByteArrayElements(srcMac, NULL);
byte* dst_mac_addr = (byte *)env->GetByteArrayElements(dstMac, NULL);
int i;
char macAddr[32];
sprintf(macAddr, "%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x", src_mac_addr[0], src_mac_addr[1],
src_mac_addr[2], src_mac_addr[3], src_mac_addr[4], src_mac_addr[5]);
ALOGD("src_mac_addr %s", macAddr);
sprintf(macAddr, "%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x:%0x", dst_mac_addr[0], dst_mac_addr[1],
dst_mac_addr[2], dst_mac_addr[3], dst_mac_addr[4], dst_mac_addr[5]);
ALOGD("dst_mac_addr %s", macAddr);
ALOGD("pkt_len %d\n", pkt_len);
ALOGD("Pkt data : ");
for(i = 0; i < pkt_len; i++) {
ALOGD(" %x ", pkt_data[i]);
ret = hal_fn.wifi_start_sending_offloaded_packet(id, handle, pkt_data, pkt_len,
src_mac_addr, dst_mac_addr, period);
ALOGD("ret= %d\n", ret);
return ret;
static jint android_net_wifi_stop_sending_offloaded_packet(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
jint iface, jint idx) {
int ret;
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(env, cls, iface);
ALOGD("Stop packet offload [%d] = %p", idx, handle);
ret = hal_fn.wifi_stop_sending_offloaded_packet(idx, handle);
ALOGD("ret= %d\n", ret);
return ret;
static void onRssiThresholdbreached(wifi_request_id id, u8 *cur_bssid, s8 cur_rssi) {
ALOGD("RSSI threshold breached, cur RSSI - %d!!\n", cur_rssi);
ALOGD("BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
cur_bssid[0], cur_bssid[1], cur_bssid[2],
cur_bssid[3], cur_bssid[4], cur_bssid[5]);
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
mVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
//ALOGD("onRssiThresholdbreached called, vm = %p, obj = %p, env = %p", mVM, mCls, env);
reportEvent(env, mCls, "onRssiThresholdBreached", "(IB)V", id, cur_rssi);
static jint android_net_wifi_start_rssi_monitoring_native(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface,
jint idx, jbyte maxRssi, jbyte minRssi) {
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(env, cls, iface);
ALOGD("Start Rssi monitoring = %p", handle);
ALOGD("MinRssi %d MaxRssi %d", minRssi, maxRssi);
wifi_error ret;
wifi_request_id id = idx;
wifi_rssi_event_handler eh;
eh.on_rssi_threshold_breached = onRssiThresholdbreached;
ret = hal_fn.wifi_start_rssi_monitoring(id, handle, maxRssi, minRssi, eh);
return ret;
static jint android_net_wifi_stop_rssi_monitoring_native(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
jint iface, jint idx) {
wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(env, cls, iface);
ALOGD("Stop Rssi monitoring = %p", handle);
wifi_error ret;
wifi_request_id id = idx;
ret = hal_fn.wifi_stop_rssi_monitoring(id, handle);
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* JNI registration.
static JNINativeMethod gWifiMethods[] = {
/* name, signature, funcPtr */
{ "loadDriver", "()Z", (void *)android_net_wifi_loadDriver },
{ "isDriverLoaded", "()Z", (void *)android_net_wifi_isDriverLoaded },
{ "unloadDriver", "()Z", (void *)android_net_wifi_unloadDriver },
{ "startSupplicant", "(Z)Z", (void *)android_net_wifi_startSupplicant },
{ "killSupplicant", "(Z)Z", (void *)android_net_wifi_killSupplicant },
{ "connectToSupplicantNative", "()Z", (void *)android_net_wifi_connectToSupplicant },
{ "closeSupplicantConnectionNative", "()V",
(void *)android_net_wifi_closeSupplicantConnection },
{ "waitForEventNative", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)android_net_wifi_waitForEvent },
{ "doBooleanCommandNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z", (void*)android_net_wifi_doBooleanCommand },
{ "doIntCommandNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I", (void*)android_net_wifi_doIntCommand },
{ "doStringCommandNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_doStringCommand },
{ "startHalNative", "()Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_startHal },
{ "stopHalNative", "()V", (void*) android_net_wifi_stopHal },
{ "waitForHalEventNative", "()V", (void*) android_net_wifi_waitForHalEvents },
{ "getInterfacesNative", "()I", (void*) android_net_wifi_getInterfaces},
{ "getInterfaceNameNative", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) android_net_wifi_getInterfaceName},
{ "getScanCapabilitiesNative", "(ILcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$ScanCapabilities;)Z",
(void *) android_net_wifi_getScanCapabilities},
{ "startScanNative", "(IILcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$ScanSettings;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_startScan},
{ "stopScanNative", "(II)Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_stopScan},
{ "getScanResultsNative", "(IZ)[Landroid/net/wifi/WifiScanner$ScanData;",
(void *) android_net_wifi_getScanResults},
{ "setHotlistNative", "(IILandroid/net/wifi/WifiScanner$HotlistSettings;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_setHotlist},
{ "resetHotlistNative", "(II)Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_resetHotlist},
{ "trackSignificantWifiChangeNative", "(IILandroid/net/wifi/WifiScanner$WifiChangeSettings;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_trackSignificantWifiChange},
{ "untrackSignificantWifiChangeNative", "(II)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_untrackSignificantWifiChange},
{ "getWifiLinkLayerStatsNative", "(I)Landroid/net/wifi/WifiLinkLayerStats;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats},
{ "setWifiLinkLayerStatsNative", "(II)V",
(void*) android_net_wifi_setLinkLayerStats},
{ "getSupportedFeatureSetNative", "(I)I",
(void*) android_net_wifi_getSupportedFeatures},
{ "requestRangeNative", "(II[Landroid/net/wifi/RttManager$RttParams;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_requestRange},
{ "cancelRangeRequestNative", "(II[Landroid/net/wifi/RttManager$RttParams;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_cancelRange},
{ "setScanningMacOuiNative", "(I[B)Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_setScanningMacOui},
{ "getChannelsForBandNative", "(II)[I", (void*) android_net_wifi_getValidChannels},
{ "setDfsFlagNative", "(IZ)Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_setDfsFlag},
{ "toggleInterfaceNative", "(I)Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_toggle_interface},
{ "getRttCapabilitiesNative", "(I)Landroid/net/wifi/RttManager$RttCapabilities;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_rtt_capabilities},
{"setCountryCodeHalNative", "(ILjava/lang/String;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_set_Country_Code_Hal},
{ "setPnoListNative", "(II[Lcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$WifiPnoNetwork;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_setPnoListNative},
{"enableDisableTdlsNative", "(IZLjava/lang/String;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_enable_disable_tdls},
{"getTdlsStatusNative", "(ILjava/lang/String;)Lcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$TdlsStatus;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_tdls_status},
{"getTdlsCapabilitiesNative", "(I)Lcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$TdlsCapabilities;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_tdls_capabilities},
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_supported_logger_feature},
{"getDriverVersionNative", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_driver_version},
{"getFirmwareVersionNative", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_firmware_version},
{"getRingBufferStatusNative", "(I)[Lcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$RingBufferStatus;",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_status},
{"startLoggingRingBufferNative", "(IIIIILjava/lang/String;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_start_logging_ring_buffer},
{"getRingBufferDataNative", "(ILjava/lang/String;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_data},
{"getFwMemoryDumpNative","(I)Z", (void*) android_net_wifi_get_fw_memory_dump},
{ "setLazyRoamNative", "(IIZLcom/android/server/wifi/WifiNative$WifiLazyRoamParams;)Z",
(void*) android_net_wifi_setLazyRoam},
{ "setBssidBlacklistNative", "(II[Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
{ "setSsidWhitelistNative", "(II[Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
{"setLoggingEventHandlerNative", "(II)Z", (void *) android_net_wifi_set_log_handler},
{"resetLogHandlerNative", "(II)Z", (void *) android_net_wifi_reset_log_handler},
{ "startSendingOffloadedPacketNative", "(II[B[B[BI)I",
{ "stopSendingOffloadedPacketNative", "(II)I",
{"startRssiMonitoringNative", "(IIBB)I",
{"stopRssiMonitoringNative", "(II)I",
{"isGetChannelsForBandSupportedNative", "()Z",
int register_android_net_wifi_WifiNative(JNIEnv* env) {
return AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env,
"com/android/server/wifi/WifiNative", gWifiMethods, NELEM(gWifiMethods));
/* User to register native functions */
extern "C"
jint Java_com_android_server_wifi_WifiNative_registerNatives(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env,
"com/android/server/wifi/WifiNative", gWifiMethods, NELEM(gWifiMethods));
}; // namespace android