blob: 41f5cdd6554a34d2517ea115f5950d975157a59b [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains the current version of each AGDK library as well as
# the top-level AGDK version.
# It is parsed by LibraryVersions.kt and used by the build.gradle file.
# ProjectName is the top-level project directory for AAR and Hybrid libraries.
# Nickname JetPackName ProjectName Version JetPackSubscript
AGDK NA NA 2022.1.1 alpha01
swappy games-frame-pacing games-frame-pacing 2.2.0 alpha01
tuningfork games-performance-tuner games-performance-tuner 2.0.0 beta01
oboe oboe None 1.0.1 alpha01
game_activity games-activity game-activity 3.1.0 alpha01
game_text_input games-text-input game-text-input 3.1.0 alpha01
paddleboat games-controller games-controller 2.1.0 alpha01
memory_advice games-memory-advice games-memory-advice 2.1.0 beta01