blob: 1b8674b0d46880969ec25dfe57991c45a7c52b59 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "core/backend.h"
#include "core/battery_provider.h"
#include "core/common.h"
#include "core/id_provider.h"
#include "core/meminfo_provider.h"
#include "core/request_info.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
#include "core/time_provider.h"
#include "core/tuningfork_extra.h"
#include "proto/protobuf_util.h"
// These functions are implemented in tuningfork.cpp.
// They are mostly the same as the C interface, but take C++ types.
namespace tuningfork {
// If no request_info is passed, the info for this device and game are used.
// If no backend is passed, the default backend, which uploads to the google
// http endpoint is used. If no timeProvider is passed,
// std::chrono::steady_clock is used. If no env is passed, there can be no
// upload or download.
// first_run should be set to true if this is the first time the app has been
// run after installation.
TuningFork_ErrorCode Init(const Settings& settings,
const RequestInfo* request_info = nullptr,
IBackend* backend = nullptr,
ITimeProvider* time_provider = nullptr,
IMemInfoProvider* meminfo_provider = nullptr,
IBatteryProvider* battery_provider = nullptr,
bool first_run = false);
// Blocking call to get fidelity parameters from the server.
// Returns true if parameters could be downloaded within the timeout, false
// otherwise. Note that once fidelity parameters are downloaded, any timing
// information is recorded
// as being associated with those parameters.
// If you subsequently call GetFidelityParameters, any data that is already
// collected will be submitted to the backend.
TuningFork_ErrorCode GetFidelityParameters(
const ProtobufSerialization& default_params, ProtobufSerialization& params,
uint32_t timeout_ms);
// Protobuf serialization of the current annotation
TuningFork_ErrorCode SetCurrentAnnotation(
const ProtobufSerialization& annotation);
// Record a frame tick that will be associated with the instrumentation key and
// the current
// annotation
TuningFork_ErrorCode FrameTick(InstrumentationKey id);
// Record a frame tick using an external time, rather than system time
TuningFork_ErrorCode FrameDeltaTimeNanos(InstrumentationKey id, Duration dt);
// Start a trace segment
TuningFork_ErrorCode StartTrace(InstrumentationKey key, TraceHandle& handle);
// Record a trace with the key and annotation set using startTrace
TuningFork_ErrorCode EndTrace(TraceHandle h);
// Set a callback to be called on a separate thread every time TuningFork
// performs an upload.
TuningFork_ErrorCode SetUploadCallback(TuningFork_UploadCallback cbk);
// Force upload of the current histograms.
TuningFork_ErrorCode Flush();
// Clean up all memory owned by Tuning Fork and kill any threads.
TuningFork_ErrorCode Destroy();
// Get the current settings (TF must have been initialized or nullptr is
// returned).
const Settings* GetSettings();
// Set the currently active fidelity parameters.
TuningFork_ErrorCode SetFidelityParameters(const ProtobufSerialization& params);
// Enable or disable memory telemetry recording.
TuningFork_ErrorCode EnableMemoryRecording(bool enable);
// Record a loading time event
TuningFork_ErrorCode RecordLoadingTime(Duration duration,
const LoadingTimeMetadata& d,
const ProtobufSerialization& annotation);
// Start recording a loading time event
TuningFork_ErrorCode StartRecordingLoadingTime(
const LoadingTimeMetadata& d, const ProtobufSerialization& annotation,
LoadingHandle& handle);
// Record a loading time event
TuningFork_ErrorCode StopRecordingLoadingTime(LoadingHandle handle);
TuningFork_ErrorCode ReportLifecycleEvent(TuningFork_LifecycleState state);
// Check if we have recorded a file in the app's cache dir yet.
bool CheckIfFirstRun();
std::string DefaultTuningForkSaveDirectory();
} // namespace tuningfork