blob: 3a03c9d57abdaf8dadec03440dfda0899695a2c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "tuningfork/tuningfork.h"
#include "tuningfork/tuningfork_extra.h"
#include "tuningfork/protobuf_util.h"
#include "swappy/swappyGL_extra.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
class AAsset;
namespace tuningfork {
// The instrumentation key identifies a tick point within a frame or a trace segment
typedef uint16_t InstrumentationKey;
typedef uint64_t TraceHandle;
typedef std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point TimePoint;
typedef std::chrono::steady_clock::duration Duration;
typedef std::chrono::system_clock::time_point SystemTimePoint;
typedef std::chrono::system_clock::duration SystemDuration;
struct TimeInterval {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start, end;
struct TFHistogram {
int32_t instrument_key;
float bucket_min;
float bucket_max;
int32_t n_buckets;
struct Settings {
struct AggregationStrategy {
enum class Submission {
Submission method;
uint32_t intervalms_or_count;
uint32_t max_instrumentation_keys;
std::vector<uint32_t> annotation_enum_size;
TFSettings c_settings;
AggregationStrategy aggregation_strategy;
std::vector<TFHistogram> histograms;
std::string base_uri;
std::string api_key;
std::string default_fidelity_parameters_filename;
uint32_t initial_request_timeout_ms;
uint32_t ultimate_request_timeout_ms;
int32_t loading_annotation_index;
int32_t level_annotation_index;
std::string EndpointUri() const {
std::string uri;
if (c_settings.endpoint_uri_override==nullptr)
uri = base_uri;
uri = c_settings.endpoint_uri_override;
if (!uri.empty() && uri.back()!='/')
uri += '/';
return uri;
// Extra information that is uploaded with the proto.
struct ExtraUploadInfo {
std::string experiment_id;
std::string session_id;
uint64_t total_memory_bytes;
uint32_t gl_es_version;
std::string build_fingerprint;
std::string build_version_sdk;
std::vector<uint64_t> cpu_max_freq_hz;
std::string apk_package_name;
uint32_t apk_version_code;
uint32_t tuningfork_version;
class IdProvider {
virtual ~IdProvider() {}
virtual uint64_t DecodeAnnotationSerialization(const ProtobufSerialization& ser,
bool* loading = nullptr) const = 0;
virtual TFErrorCode MakeCompoundId(InstrumentationKey k,
uint64_t annotation_id,
uint64_t& id) = 0;
class Backend {
virtual ~Backend() {};
virtual TFErrorCode Process(const std::string& tuningfork_log_event) = 0;
class Request {
const ExtraUploadInfo& info_;
std::string base_url_;
std::string api_key_;
Duration timeout_;
Request(const ExtraUploadInfo& info, std::string base_url, std::string api_key,
Duration timeout) : info_(info), base_url_(base_url), api_key_(api_key),
timeout_(timeout) {}
virtual ~Request() {}
std::string GetURL(std::string rpcname) const;
const ExtraUploadInfo& Info() const { return info_; }
virtual TFErrorCode Send(const std::string& rpc_name, const std::string& request,
int& response_code, std::string& response_body);
class ParamsLoader {
virtual ~ParamsLoader() {};
virtual TFErrorCode GetFidelityParams(Request& request,
const ProtobufSerialization* training_mode_fps,
ProtobufSerialization& fidelity_params,
std::string& experiment_id);
// TODO(willosborn): remove this
class ProtoPrint {
virtual ~ProtoPrint() {};
virtual void Print(const ProtobufSerialization& tuningfork_log_event);
// You can provide your own time source rather than steady_clock by inheriting this and passing
// it to init.
class ITimeProvider {
virtual std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point Now() = 0;
virtual std::chrono::system_clock::time_point SystemNow() = 0;
// This encapsulates the callbacks that are passed to Swappy at initialization, if it is
// enabled + available.
class SwappyTraceWrapper {
SwappyTracerFn swappyTracerFn_;
SwappyTracer trace_;
TFTraceHandle waitTraceHandle_ = 0;
TFTraceHandle swapTraceHandle_ = 0;
SwappyTraceWrapper(const Settings& settings);
// Swappy trace callbacks
static void StartFrameCallback(void* userPtr, int /*currentFrame*/,
long /*currentFrameTimeStampMs*/);
static void PreWaitCallback(void* userPtr);
static void PostWaitCallback(void* userPtr);
static void PreSwapBuffersCallback(void* userPtr);
static void PostSwapBuffersCallback(void* userPtr, long /*desiredPresentationTimeMs*/);
// If no backend is passed, the default backend, which uploads to the google endpoint is used.
// If no timeProvider is passed, std::chrono::steady_clock is used.
// If no env is passed, there can be no upload or download.
TFErrorCode Init(const Settings& settings,
const ExtraUploadInfo* extra_info = 0,
Backend* backend = 0, ParamsLoader* loader = 0,
ITimeProvider* time_provider = 0);
// Use save_dir to initialize the persister if it's not already set
void CheckSettings(Settings& c_settings, const std::string& save_dir);
// Blocking call to get fidelity parameters from the server.
// Returns true if parameters could be downloaded within the timeout, false otherwise.
// Note that once fidelity parameters are downloaded, any timing information is recorded
// as being associated with those parameters.
// If you subsequently call GetFidelityParameters, any data that is already collected will be
// submitted to the backend.
TFErrorCode GetFidelityParameters(const ProtobufSerialization& default_params,
ProtobufSerialization& params, uint32_t timeout_ms);
// Protobuf serialization of the current annotation
TFErrorCode SetCurrentAnnotation(const ProtobufSerialization& annotation);
// Record a frame tick that will be associated with the instrumentation key and the current
// annotation
TFErrorCode FrameTick(InstrumentationKey id);
// Record a frame tick using an external time, rather than system time
TFErrorCode FrameDeltaTimeNanos(InstrumentationKey id, Duration dt);
// Start a trace segment
TFErrorCode StartTrace(InstrumentationKey key, TraceHandle& handle);
// Record a trace with the key and annotation set using startTrace
TFErrorCode EndTrace(TraceHandle h);
TFErrorCode SetUploadCallback(UploadCallback cbk);
TFErrorCode Flush();
TFErrorCode Destroy();
// The default histogram that is used if the user doesn't specify one in Settings
TFHistogram DefaultHistogram(InstrumentationKey ikey);
// Load default fidelity params from either the saved file or the file in
// settings.default_fidelity_parameters_filename, then start the download thread.
TFErrorCode GetDefaultsFromAPKAndDownloadFPs(const Settings& settings);
TFErrorCode KillDownloadThreads();
// Load settings from assets/tuningfork/tuningfork_settings.bin.
// Ownership of @p settings is passed to the caller: call
// TFSettings_Free to deallocate data stored in the struct.
// Returns TFERROR_OK and fills 'settings' if the file could be loaded.
// Returns TFERROR_NO_SETTINGS if the file was not found.
TFErrorCode FindSettingsInApk(Settings* settings);
// Get the current settings (TF must have been initialized)
const Settings* GetSettings();
TFErrorCode SetFidelityParameters(const ProtobufSerialization& params);
// Perform a blocking call to upload debug info to a server.
TFErrorCode UploadDebugInfo(Request& request);
TFErrorCode FindFidelityParamsInApk(const std::string& filename,
ProtobufSerialization& fp);
} // namespace tuningfork