blob: 0f53bc4f172c4564f9af07246506228b544d02ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
* The primary layout to hold the circular picker, and the am/pm buttons. This view well measure
* itself to end up as a square. It also handles touches to be passed in to views that need to know
* when they'd been touched.
public class RadialPickerLayout extends FrameLayout implements OnTouchListener {
private static final String TAG = "RadialPickerLayout";
private final int TOUCH_SLOP;
private final int TAP_TIMEOUT;
private static final int VISIBLE_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE = 30;
private static final int MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE = 6;
private static final int HOUR_INDEX = TimePickerDialog.HOUR_INDEX;
private static final int MINUTE_INDEX = TimePickerDialog.MINUTE_INDEX;
private static final int AMPM_INDEX = TimePickerDialog.AMPM_INDEX;
private static final int ENABLE_PICKER_INDEX = TimePickerDialog.ENABLE_PICKER_INDEX;
private static final int AM = TimePickerDialog.AM;
private static final int PM = TimePickerDialog.PM;
private int mLastValueSelected;
private HapticFeedbackController mHapticFeedbackController;
private OnValueSelectedListener mListener;
private boolean mTimeInitialized;
private int mCurrentHoursOfDay;
private int mCurrentMinutes;
private boolean mIs24HourMode;
private boolean mHideAmPm;
private int mCurrentItemShowing;
private CircleView mCircleView;
private AmPmCirclesView mAmPmCirclesView;
private RadialTextsView mHourRadialTextsView;
private RadialTextsView mMinuteRadialTextsView;
private RadialSelectorView mHourRadialSelectorView;
private RadialSelectorView mMinuteRadialSelectorView;
private View mGrayBox;
private int[] mSnapPrefer30sMap;
private boolean mInputEnabled;
private int mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
private boolean mDoingMove;
private boolean mDoingTouch;
private int mDownDegrees;
private float mDownX;
private float mDownY;
private AccessibilityManager mAccessibilityManager;
private AnimatorSet mTransition;
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
public interface OnValueSelectedListener {
void onValueSelected(int pickerIndex, int newValue, boolean autoAdvance);
public RadialPickerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
TOUCH_SLOP = vc.getScaledTouchSlop();
TAP_TIMEOUT = ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout();
mDoingMove = false;
mCircleView = new CircleView(context);
mAmPmCirclesView = new AmPmCirclesView(context);
mHourRadialTextsView = new RadialTextsView(context);
mMinuteRadialTextsView = new RadialTextsView(context);
mHourRadialSelectorView = new RadialSelectorView(context);
mMinuteRadialSelectorView = new RadialSelectorView(context);
// Prepare mapping to snap touchable degrees to selectable degrees.
mLastValueSelected = -1;
mInputEnabled = true;
mGrayBox = new View(context);
mGrayBox.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
mAccessibilityManager = (AccessibilityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE);
mTimeInitialized = false;
* Measure the view to end up as a square, based on the minimum of the height and width.
public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
int measuredWidth = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
int measuredHeight = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
int minDimension = Math.min(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
super.onMeasure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(minDimension, widthMode),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(minDimension, heightMode));
public void setOnValueSelectedListener(OnValueSelectedListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
* Initialize the Layout with starting values.
* @param context
* @param initialHoursOfDay
* @param initialMinutes
* @param is24HourMode
public void initialize(Context context, HapticFeedbackController hapticFeedbackController,
int initialHoursOfDay, int initialMinutes, boolean is24HourMode) {
if (mTimeInitialized) {
Log.e(TAG, "Time has already been initialized.");
mHapticFeedbackController = hapticFeedbackController;
mIs24HourMode = is24HourMode;
mHideAmPm = mAccessibilityManager.isTouchExplorationEnabled()? true : mIs24HourMode;
// Initialize the circle and AM/PM circles if applicable.
mCircleView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm);
if (!mHideAmPm) {
mAmPmCirclesView.initialize(context, initialHoursOfDay < 12? AM : PM);
// Initialize the hours and minutes numbers.
Resources res = context.getResources();
int[] hours = {12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11};
int[] hours_24 = {0, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23};
int[] minutes = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55};
String[] hoursTexts = new String[12];
String[] innerHoursTexts = new String[12];
String[] minutesTexts = new String[12];
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
hoursTexts[i] = is24HourMode?
String.format("%02d", hours_24[i]) : String.format("%d", hours[i]);
innerHoursTexts[i] = String.format("%d", hours[i]);
minutesTexts[i] = String.format("%02d", minutes[i]);
hoursTexts, (is24HourMode? innerHoursTexts : null), mHideAmPm, true);
mMinuteRadialTextsView.initialize(res, minutesTexts, null, mHideAmPm, false);
// Initialize the currently-selected hour and minute.
setValueForItem(HOUR_INDEX, initialHoursOfDay);
setValueForItem(MINUTE_INDEX, initialMinutes);
int hourDegrees = (initialHoursOfDay % 12) * HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mHourRadialSelectorView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm, is24HourMode, true,
hourDegrees, isHourInnerCircle(initialHoursOfDay));
int minuteDegrees = initialMinutes * MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mMinuteRadialSelectorView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm, false, false,
minuteDegrees, false);
mTimeInitialized = true;
/* package */ void setTheme(Context context, boolean themeDark) {
mCircleView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mAmPmCirclesView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mHourRadialTextsView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mMinuteRadialTextsView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mHourRadialSelectorView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
public void setTime(int hours, int minutes) {
setItem(HOUR_INDEX, hours);
setItem(MINUTE_INDEX, minutes);
* Set either the hour or the minute. Will set the internal value, and set the selection.
private void setItem(int index, int value) {
if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {
setValueForItem(HOUR_INDEX, value);
int hourDegrees = (value % 12) * HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mHourRadialSelectorView.setSelection(hourDegrees, isHourInnerCircle(value), false);
} else if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
setValueForItem(MINUTE_INDEX, value);
int minuteDegrees = value * MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setSelection(minuteDegrees, false, false);
* Check if a given hour appears in the outer circle or the inner circle
* @return true if the hour is in the inner circle, false if it's in the outer circle.
private boolean isHourInnerCircle(int hourOfDay) {
// We'll have the 00 hours on the outside circle.
return mIs24HourMode && (hourOfDay <= 12 && hourOfDay != 0);
public int getHours() {
return mCurrentHoursOfDay;
public int getMinutes() {
return mCurrentMinutes;
* If the hours are showing, return the current hour. If the minutes are showing, return the
* current minute.
private int getCurrentlyShowingValue() {
int currentIndex = getCurrentItemShowing();
if (currentIndex == HOUR_INDEX) {
return mCurrentHoursOfDay;
} else if (currentIndex == MINUTE_INDEX) {
return mCurrentMinutes;
} else {
return -1;
public int getIsCurrentlyAmOrPm() {
if (mCurrentHoursOfDay < 12) {
return AM;
} else if (mCurrentHoursOfDay < 24) {
return PM;
return -1;
* Set the internal value for the hour, minute, or AM/PM.
private void setValueForItem(int index, int value) {
if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {
mCurrentHoursOfDay = value;
} else if (index == MINUTE_INDEX){
mCurrentMinutes = value;
} else if (index == AMPM_INDEX) {
if (value == AM) {
mCurrentHoursOfDay = mCurrentHoursOfDay % 12;
} else if (value == PM) {
mCurrentHoursOfDay = (mCurrentHoursOfDay % 12) + 12;
* Set the internal value as either AM or PM, and update the AM/PM circle displays.
* @param amOrPm
public void setAmOrPm(int amOrPm) {
setValueForItem(AMPM_INDEX, amOrPm);
* Split up the 360 degrees of the circle among the 60 selectable values. Assigns a larger
* selectable area to each of the 12 visible values, such that the ratio of space apportioned
* to a visible value : space apportioned to a non-visible value will be 14 : 4.
* E.g. the output of 30 degrees should have a higher range of input associated with it than
* the output of 24 degrees, because 30 degrees corresponds to a visible number on the clock
* circle (5 on the minutes, 1 or 13 on the hours).
private void preparePrefer30sMap() {
// We'll split up the visible output and the non-visible output such that each visible
// output will correspond to a range of 14 associated input degrees, and each non-visible
// output will correspond to a range of 4 associate input degrees, so visible numbers
// are more than 3 times easier to get than non-visible numbers:
// {354-359,0-7}:0, {8-11}:6, {12-15}:12, {16-19}:18, {20-23}:24, {24-37}:30, etc.
// If an output of 30 degrees should correspond to a range of 14 associated degrees, then
// we'll need any input between 24 - 37 to snap to 30. Working out from there, 20-23 should
// snap to 24, while 38-41 should snap to 36. This is somewhat counter-intuitive, that you
// can be touching 36 degrees but have the selection snapped to 30 degrees; however, this
// inconsistency isn't noticeable at such fine-grained degrees, and it affords us the
// ability to aggressively prefer the visible values by a factor of more than 3:1, which
// greatly contributes to the selectability of these values.
// Our input will be 0 through 360.
mSnapPrefer30sMap = new int[361];
// The first output is 0, and each following output will increment by 6 {0, 6, 12, ...}.
int snappedOutputDegrees = 0;
// Count of how many inputs we've designated to the specified output.
int count = 1;
// How many input we expect for a specified output. This will be 14 for output divisible
// by 30, and 4 for the remaining output. We'll special case the outputs of 0 and 360, so
// the caller can decide which they need.
int expectedCount = 8;
// Iterate through the input.
for (int degrees = 0; degrees < 361; degrees++) {
// Save the input-output mapping.
mSnapPrefer30sMap[degrees] = snappedOutputDegrees;
// If this is the last input for the specified output, calculate the next output and
// the next expected count.
if (count == expectedCount) {
snappedOutputDegrees += 6;
if (snappedOutputDegrees == 360) {
expectedCount = 7;
} else if (snappedOutputDegrees % 30 == 0) {
expectedCount = 14;
} else {
expectedCount = 4;
count = 1;
} else {
* Returns mapping of any input degrees (0 to 360) to one of 60 selectable output degrees,
* where the degrees corresponding to visible numbers (i.e. those divisible by 30) will be
* weighted heavier than the degrees corresponding to non-visible numbers.
* See {@link #preparePrefer30sMap()} documentation for the rationale and generation of the
* mapping.
private int snapPrefer30s(int degrees) {
if (mSnapPrefer30sMap == null) {
return -1;
return mSnapPrefer30sMap[degrees];
* Returns mapping of any input degrees (0 to 360) to one of 12 visible output degrees (all
* multiples of 30), where the input will be "snapped" to the closest visible degrees.
* @param degrees The input degrees
* @param forceAboveOrBelow The output may be forced to either the higher or lower step, or may
* be allowed to snap to whichever is closer. Use 1 to force strictly higher, -1 to force
* strictly lower, and 0 to snap to the closer one.
* @return output degrees, will be a multiple of 30
private int snapOnly30s(int degrees, int forceHigherOrLower) {
int floor = (degrees / stepSize) * stepSize;
int ceiling = floor + stepSize;
if (forceHigherOrLower == 1) {
degrees = ceiling;
} else if (forceHigherOrLower == -1) {
if (degrees == floor) {
floor -= stepSize;
degrees = floor;
} else {
if ((degrees - floor) < (ceiling - degrees)) {
degrees = floor;
} else {
degrees = ceiling;
return degrees;
* For the currently showing view (either hours or minutes), re-calculate the position for the
* selector, and redraw it at that position. The input degrees will be snapped to a selectable
* value.
* @param degrees Degrees which should be selected.
* @param isInnerCircle Whether the selection should be in the inner circle; will be ignored
* if there is no inner circle.
* @param forceToVisibleValue Even if the currently-showing circle allows for fine-grained
* selection (i.e. minutes), force the selection to one of the visibly-showing values.
* @param forceDrawDot The dot in the circle will generally only be shown when the selection
* is on non-visible values, but use this to force the dot to be shown.
* @return The value that was selected, i.e. 0-23 for hours, 0-59 for minutes.
private int reselectSelector(int degrees, boolean isInnerCircle,
boolean forceToVisibleValue, boolean forceDrawDot) {
if (degrees == -1) {
return -1;
int currentShowing = getCurrentItemShowing();
int stepSize;
boolean allowFineGrained = !forceToVisibleValue && (currentShowing == MINUTE_INDEX);
if (allowFineGrained) {
degrees = snapPrefer30s(degrees);
} else {
degrees = snapOnly30s(degrees, 0);
RadialSelectorView radialSelectorView;
if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
radialSelectorView = mHourRadialSelectorView;
} else {
radialSelectorView = mMinuteRadialSelectorView;
radialSelectorView.setSelection(degrees, isInnerCircle, forceDrawDot);
if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
if (mIs24HourMode) {
if (degrees == 0 && isInnerCircle) {
degrees = 360;
} else if (degrees == 360 && !isInnerCircle) {
degrees = 0;
} else if (degrees == 0) {
degrees = 360;
} else if (degrees == 360 && currentShowing == MINUTE_INDEX) {
degrees = 0;
int value = degrees / stepSize;
if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX && mIs24HourMode && !isInnerCircle && degrees != 0) {
value += 12;
return value;
* Calculate the degrees within the circle that corresponds to the specified coordinates, if
* the coordinates are within the range that will trigger a selection.
* @param pointX The x coordinate.
* @param pointY The y coordinate.
* @param forceLegal Force the selection to be legal, regardless of how far the coordinates are
* from the actual numbers.
* @param isInnerCircle If the selection may be in the inner circle, pass in a size-1 boolean
* array here, inside which the value will be true if the selection is in the inner circle,
* and false if in the outer circle.
* @return Degrees from 0 to 360, if the selection was within the legal range. -1 if not.
private int getDegreesFromCoords(float pointX, float pointY, boolean forceLegal,
final Boolean[] isInnerCircle) {
int currentItem = getCurrentItemShowing();
if (currentItem == HOUR_INDEX) {
return mHourRadialSelectorView.getDegreesFromCoords(
pointX, pointY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
} else if (currentItem == MINUTE_INDEX) {
return mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDegreesFromCoords(
pointX, pointY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
} else {
return -1;
* Get the item (hours or minutes) that is currently showing.
public int getCurrentItemShowing() {
if (mCurrentItemShowing != HOUR_INDEX && mCurrentItemShowing != MINUTE_INDEX) {
Log.e(TAG, "Current item showing was unfortunately set to "+mCurrentItemShowing);
return -1;
return mCurrentItemShowing;
* Set either minutes or hours as showing.
* @param animate True to animate the transition, false to show with no animation.
public void setCurrentItemShowing(int index, boolean animate) {
if (index != HOUR_INDEX && index != MINUTE_INDEX) {
Log.e(TAG, "TimePicker does not support view at index "+index);
int lastIndex = getCurrentItemShowing();
mCurrentItemShowing = index;
if (animate && (index != lastIndex)) {
ObjectAnimator[] anims = new ObjectAnimator[4];
if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator();
anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator();
anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator();
anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator();
} else if (index == HOUR_INDEX){
anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator();
anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator();
anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator();
anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator();
if (mTransition != null && mTransition.isRunning()) {
mTransition = new AnimatorSet();
} else {
int hourAlpha = (index == HOUR_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
int minuteAlpha = (index == MINUTE_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
final float eventX = event.getX();
final float eventY = event.getY();
int degrees;
int value;
final Boolean[] isInnerCircle = new Boolean[1];
isInnerCircle[0] = false;
long millis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
switch(event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
if (!mInputEnabled) {
return true;
mDownX = eventX;
mDownY = eventY;
mLastValueSelected = -1;
mDoingMove = false;
mDoingTouch = true;
// If we're showing the AM/PM, check to see if the user is touching it.
if (!mHideAmPm) {
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = mAmPmCirclesView.getIsTouchingAmOrPm(eventX, eventY);
} else {
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
if (mIsTouchingAmOrPm == AM || mIsTouchingAmOrPm == PM) {
// If the touch is on AM or PM, set it as "touched" after the TAP_TIMEOUT
// in case the user moves their finger quickly.
mDownDegrees = -1;
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
// If we're in accessibility mode, force the touch to be legal. Otherwise,
// it will only register within the given touch target zone.
boolean forceLegal = mAccessibilityManager.isTouchExplorationEnabled();
// Calculate the degrees that is currently being touched.
mDownDegrees = getDegreesFromCoords(eventX, eventY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
if (mDownDegrees != -1) {
// If it's a legal touch, set that number as "selected" after the
// TAP_TIMEOUT in case the user moves their finger quickly.
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mDoingMove = true;
int value = reselectSelector(mDownDegrees, isInnerCircle[0],
false, true);
mLastValueSelected = value;
mListener.onValueSelected(getCurrentItemShowing(), value, false);
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (!mInputEnabled) {
// We shouldn't be in this state, because input is disabled.
Log.e(TAG, "Input was disabled, but received ACTION_MOVE.");
return true;
float dY = Math.abs(eventY - mDownY);
float dX = Math.abs(eventX - mDownX);
if (!mDoingMove && dX <= TOUCH_SLOP && dY <= TOUCH_SLOP) {
// Hasn't registered down yet, just slight, accidental movement of finger.
// If we're in the middle of touching down on AM or PM, check if we still are.
// If so, no-op. If not, remove its pressed state. Either way, no need to check
// for touches on the other circle.
if (mIsTouchingAmOrPm == AM || mIsTouchingAmOrPm == PM) {
int isTouchingAmOrPm = mAmPmCirclesView.getIsTouchingAmOrPm(eventX, eventY);
if (isTouchingAmOrPm != mIsTouchingAmOrPm) {
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
if (mDownDegrees == -1) {
// Original down was illegal, so no movement will register.
// We're doing a move along the circle, so move the selection as appropriate.
mDoingMove = true;
degrees = getDegreesFromCoords(eventX, eventY, true, isInnerCircle);
if (degrees != -1) {
value = reselectSelector(degrees, isInnerCircle[0], false, true);
if (value != mLastValueSelected) {
mLastValueSelected = value;
mListener.onValueSelected(getCurrentItemShowing(), value, false);
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (!mInputEnabled) {
// If our touch input was disabled, tell the listener to re-enable us.
Log.d(TAG, "Input was disabled, but received ACTION_UP.");
mListener.onValueSelected(ENABLE_PICKER_INDEX, 1, false);
return true;
mDoingTouch = false;
// If we're touching AM or PM, set it as selected, and tell the listener.
if (mIsTouchingAmOrPm == AM || mIsTouchingAmOrPm == PM) {
int isTouchingAmOrPm = mAmPmCirclesView.getIsTouchingAmOrPm(eventX, eventY);
if (isTouchingAmOrPm == mIsTouchingAmOrPm) {
if (getIsCurrentlyAmOrPm() != isTouchingAmOrPm) {
mListener.onValueSelected(AMPM_INDEX, mIsTouchingAmOrPm, false);
setValueForItem(AMPM_INDEX, isTouchingAmOrPm);
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
// If we have a legal degrees selected, set the value and tell the listener.
if (mDownDegrees != -1) {
degrees = getDegreesFromCoords(eventX, eventY, mDoingMove, isInnerCircle);
if (degrees != -1) {
value = reselectSelector(degrees, isInnerCircle[0], !mDoingMove, false);
if (getCurrentItemShowing() == HOUR_INDEX && !mIs24HourMode) {
int amOrPm = getIsCurrentlyAmOrPm();
if (amOrPm == AM && value == 12) {
value = 0;
} else if (amOrPm == PM && value != 12) {
value += 12;
setValueForItem(getCurrentItemShowing(), value);
mListener.onValueSelected(getCurrentItemShowing(), value, true);
mDoingMove = false;
return true;
return false;
* Set touch input as enabled or disabled, for use with keyboard mode.
public boolean trySettingInputEnabled(boolean inputEnabled) {
if (mDoingTouch && !inputEnabled) {
// If we're trying to disable input, but we're in the middle of a touch event,
// we'll allow the touch event to continue before disabling input.
return false;
mInputEnabled = inputEnabled;
mGrayBox.setVisibility(inputEnabled? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE);
return true;
* Necessary for accessibility, to ensure we support "scrolling" forward and backward
* in the circle.
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {
* Announce the currently-selected time when launched.
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {
// Clear the event's current text so that only the current time will be spoken.
Time time = new Time();
time.hour = getHours();
time.minute = getMinutes();
long millis = time.normalize(true);
int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
if (mIs24HourMode) {
flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR;
String timeString = DateUtils.formatDateTime(getContext(), millis, flags);
return true;
return super.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
* When scroll forward/backward events are received, jump the time to the higher/lower
* discrete, visible value on the circle.
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) {
if (super.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments)) {
return true;
int changeMultiplier = 0;
if (action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD) {
changeMultiplier = 1;
} else if (action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD) {
changeMultiplier = -1;
if (changeMultiplier != 0) {
int value = getCurrentlyShowingValue();
int stepSize = 0;
int currentItemShowing = getCurrentItemShowing();
if (currentItemShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
value %= 12;
} else if (currentItemShowing == MINUTE_INDEX) {
int degrees = value * stepSize;
degrees = snapOnly30s(degrees, changeMultiplier);
value = degrees / stepSize;
int maxValue = 0;
int minValue = 0;
if (currentItemShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
if (mIs24HourMode) {
maxValue = 23;
} else {
maxValue = 12;
minValue = 1;
} else {
maxValue = 55;
if (value > maxValue) {
// If we scrolled forward past the highest number, wrap around to the lowest.
value = minValue;
} else if (value < minValue) {
// If we scrolled backward past the lowest number, wrap around to the highest.
value = maxValue;
setItem(currentItemShowing, value);
mListener.onValueSelected(currentItemShowing, value, false);
return true;
return false;