blob: 73ee22fa21656d07b2858b5d0e9a1df272069b33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <compositionengine/LayerFECompositionState.h>
#include <renderengine/LayerSettings.h>
#include "DisplayHardware/ComposerHal.h"
#include "LayerHierarchy.h"
#include "RequestedLayerState.h"
#include "Scheduler/LayerInfo.h"
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
namespace android::surfaceflinger::frontend {
struct RoundedCornerState {
RoundedCornerState() = default;
RoundedCornerState(const FloatRect& cropRect, const vec2& radius)
: cropRect(cropRect), radius(radius) {}
// Rounded rectangle in local layer coordinate space.
FloatRect cropRect = FloatRect();
// Radius of the rounded rectangle.
vec2 radius;
bool hasRoundedCorners() const { return radius.x > 0.0f && radius.y > 0.0f; }
bool operator==(RoundedCornerState const& rhs) const {
return cropRect == rhs.cropRect && radius == rhs.radius;
// LayerSnapshot stores Layer state used by CompositionEngine and RenderEngine. Composition
// Engine uses a pointer to LayerSnapshot (as LayerFECompositionState*) and the LayerSettings
// passed to Render Engine are created using properties stored on this struct.
struct LayerSnapshot : public compositionengine::LayerFECompositionState {
LayerSnapshot() = default;
LayerSnapshot(const RequestedLayerState&, const LayerHierarchy::TraversalPath&);
LayerHierarchy::TraversalPath path;
size_t globalZ = std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::max();
bool invalidTransform = false;
bool isHiddenByPolicyFromParent = false;
bool isHiddenByPolicyFromRelativeParent = false;
ftl::Flags<RequestedLayerState::Changes> changes;
uint64_t clientChanges = 0;
// Some consumers of this snapshot (input, layer traces) rely on each snapshot to be unique.
// For mirrored layers, snapshots will have the same sequence so this unique id provides
// an alternative identifier when needed.
uint32_t uniqueSequence;
// Layer id used to create this snapshot. Multiple snapshots will have the same sequence if they
// generated from the same layer, for example when mirroring.
int32_t sequence;
std::string name;
std::string debugName;
bool contentOpaque;
bool layerOpaqueFlagSet;
RoundedCornerState roundedCorner;
FloatRect transformedBounds;
Rect transformedBoundsWithoutTransparentRegion;
bool premultipliedAlpha;
ui::Transform parentTransform;
Rect bufferSize;
Rect croppedBufferSize;
std::shared_ptr<renderengine::ExternalTexture> externalTexture;
gui::LayerMetadata layerMetadata;
gui::LayerMetadata relativeLayerMetadata;
bool hasReadyFrame; // used in post composition to check if there is another frame ready
ui::Transform localTransformInverse;
gui::WindowInfo inputInfo;
ui::Transform localTransform;
gui::DropInputMode dropInputMode;
bool isTrustedOverlay;
gui::GameMode gameMode;
scheduler::LayerInfo::FrameRate frameRate;
scheduler::LayerInfo::FrameRate inheritedFrameRate;
scheduler::LayerInfo::FrameRateSelectionStrategy frameRateSelectionStrategy;
scheduler::FrameRateCompatibility defaultFrameRateCompatibility =
ui::Transform::RotationFlags fixedTransformHint;
std::optional<ui::Transform::RotationFlags> transformHint;
bool handleSkipScreenshotFlag = false;
int32_t frameRateSelectionPriority = -1;
LayerHierarchy::TraversalPath mirrorRootPath;
uint32_t touchCropId;
gui::Uid uid = gui::Uid::INVALID;
gui::Pid pid = gui::Pid::INVALID;
enum class Reachablilty : uint32_t {
// Can traverse the hierarchy from a root node and reach this snapshot
// Cannot traverse the hierarchy from a root node and reach this snapshot
// Can only reach this node from a relative parent. This means the nodes parents are
// not reachable.
// See example scenario:
// ├── 1
// │ ├── 11
// │ │ └── 111
// │ ├── 12
// │ │ └ - 111 (relative)
// │ ├── 13
// │ └── 14
// │ └ * 12 (mirroring)
// └── 2
// 111 will create two snapshots, first when visited from 1 -> 12 or 1 -> 11 and the
// second when visited from 1 -> 14 -> 12. Because its parent 11 doesn't exist in the
// mirrored hierarchy, the second snapshot will be marked as ReachableByRelativeParent.
// This snapshot doesn't have any valid properties because it cannot inherit from its
// parent. Therefore, snapshots that are not reachable will be ignored for composition
// and input.
Reachablilty reachablilty;
// True when the surfaceDamage is recognized as a small area update.
bool isSmallDirty = false;
static bool isOpaqueFormat(PixelFormat format);
static bool isTransformValid(const ui::Transform& t);
bool canReceiveInput() const;
bool drawShadows() const;
bool fillsColor() const;
bool getIsVisible() const;
bool hasBlur() const;
bool hasBufferOrSidebandStream() const;
bool hasEffect() const;
bool hasSomethingToDraw() const;
bool isContentOpaque() const;
bool isHiddenByPolicy() const;
std::string getDebugString() const;
std::string getIsVisibleReason() const;
bool hasInputInfo() const;
FloatRect sourceBounds() const;
bool isFrontBuffered() const;
Hwc2::IComposerClient::BlendMode getBlendMode(const RequestedLayerState& requested) const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LayerSnapshot& obj);
void merge(const RequestedLayerState& requested, bool forceUpdate, bool displayChanges,
bool forceFullDamage, uint32_t displayRotationFlags);
} // namespace android::surfaceflinger::frontend