blob: cafb8aa04b1a7f79ec89db031ec46989352d17a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <binder/Common.h>
#include <binder/IBinder.h>
#include <string>
namespace android {
class BpBinder;
class ProcessState;
namespace internal {
// Stability encodes how a binder changes over time. There are two levels of
// stability:
// 1). the interface stability - this is how a particular set of API calls (a
// particular ordering of things like writeInt32/readInt32) are changed over
// time. If one release, we have 'writeInt32' and the next release, we have
// 'writeInt64', then this interface doesn't have a very stable
// Stability::Level. Usually this ordering is controlled by a .aidl file.
// 2). the wire format stability - this is how these API calls map to actual
// bytes that are written to the wire (literally, this is how they are written
// to the kernel inside of IBinder::transact, but it may be expanded to other
// wires in the future). For instance, writeInt32 in binder translates to
// writing a 4-byte little-endian integer in two's complement. You can imagine
// in the future, we change writeInt32/readInt32 to instead write 8-bytes with
// that integer and some check bits. In this case, the wire format changes,
// but as long as a client libbinder knows to keep on writing a 4-byte value
// to old servers, and new servers know how to interpret the 8-byte result,
// they can still communicate.
// This class is specifically about (1). (2) is not currently tracked by
// libbinder for regular binder calls, and everything on the system uses the
// same copy of libbinder.
class Stability final {
// Given a binder interface at a certain stability, there may be some
// requirements associated with that higher stability level. For instance, a
// VINTF stability binder is required to be in the VINTF manifest. This API
// can be called to use that same interface within the local partition.
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static void forceDowngradeToLocalStability(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
// WARNING: Below APIs are only ever expected to be called by auto-generated code.
// Instead of calling them, you should set the stability of a .aidl interface
// WARNING: The only client of
// - forceDowngradeToSystemStability() and;
// - korceDowngradeToVendorStability()
// should be AIBinder_forceDowngradeToLocalStability().
// getLocalLevel() in libbinder returns Level::SYSTEM when called
// from libbinder_ndk (even on vendor partition). So we explicitly provide
// these methods for use by the NDK API:
// AIBinder_forceDowngradeToLocalStability().
// This allows correctly downgrading the binder's stability to either system/vendor,
// depending on the partition.
// Given a binder interface at a certain stability, there may be some
// requirements associated with that higher stability level. For instance, a
// VINTF stability binder is required to be in the VINTF manifest. This API
// can be called to use that same interface within the vendor partition.
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static void forceDowngradeToVendorStability(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
// Given a binder interface at a certain stability, there may be some
// requirements associated with that higher stability level. For instance, a
// VINTF stability binder is required to be in the VINTF manifest. This API
// can be called to use that same interface within the system partition.
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static void forceDowngradeToSystemStability(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
// WARNING: This is only ever expected to be called by auto-generated code. You likely want to
// change or modify the stability class of the interface you are using.
// This must be called as soon as the binder in question is constructed. No thread safety
// is provided.
// E.g. stability is according to libbinder compilation unit
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static void markCompilationUnit(IBinder* binder);
// WARNING: This is only ever expected to be called by auto-generated code. You likely want to
// change or modify the stability class of the interface you are using.
// This must be called as soon as the binder in question is constructed. No thread safety
// is provided.
// E.g. stability is according to libbinder_ndk or Java SDK AND the interface
// expressed here is guaranteed to be stable for multiple years (Stable AIDL)
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static void markVintf(IBinder* binder);
// WARNING: for debugging only
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static std::string debugToString(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
// WARNING: This is only ever expected to be called by auto-generated code or tests.
// You likely want to change or modify the stability of the interface you are using.
// This must be called as soon as the binder in question is constructed. No thread safety
// is provided.
// E.g. stability is according to libbinder_ndk or Java SDK AND the interface
// expressed here is guaranteed to be stable for multiple years (Stable AIDL)
// If this is called when __ANDROID_VNDK__ is not defined, then it is UB and will likely
// break the device during GSI or other tests.
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static void markVndk(IBinder* binder);
// Returns true if the binder needs to be declared in the VINTF manifest or
// else false if the binder is local to the current partition.
LIBBINDER_EXPORTED static bool requiresVintfDeclaration(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
// Parcel needs to read/write stability level in an unstable format.
friend ::android::Parcel;
// only expose internal APIs inside of libbinder, for checking stability
friend ::android::BpBinder;
// so that it can mark the context object (only the root object doesn't go
// through Parcel)
friend ::android::ProcessState;
static void tryMarkCompilationUnit(IBinder* binder);
// Currently, we use int16_t for Level so that it can fit in BBinder.
// However, on the wire, we have 4 bytes reserved for stability, so whenever
// we ingest a Level, we always accept an int32_t.
enum Level : int16_t {
VENDOR = 0b000011,
SYSTEM = 0b001100,
VINTF = 0b111111,
// returns the stability according to how this was built
static Level getLocalLevel();
// Downgrades binder stability to the specified level.
static void forceDowngradeToStability(const sp<IBinder>& binder, Level level);
enum {
// applies stability to binder if stability level is known
__attribute__((warn_unused_result)) static status_t setRepr(IBinder* binder, int32_t setting,
uint32_t flags);
// get stability information as encoded on the wire
static int16_t getRepr(IBinder* binder);
// whether a transaction on binder is allowed, if the transaction
// is done from a context with a specific stability level
static bool check(int16_t provided, Level required);
static bool isDeclaredLevel(int32_t level);
static std::string levelString(int32_t level);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace android