blob: 3819fb6472b11ad9eeb20ae8440df15723995314 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "RpcTransportTipcAndroid"
#include <binder/RpcSession.h>
#include <binder/RpcTransportTipcAndroid.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <trusty/tipc.h>
#include "FdTrigger.h"
#include "RpcState.h"
#include "RpcTransportUtils.h"
using namespace android::binder::impl;
using android::binder::borrowed_fd;
using android::binder::unique_fd;
namespace android {
// RpcTransport for writing Trusty IPC clients in Android.
class RpcTransportTipcAndroid : public RpcTransport {
explicit RpcTransportTipcAndroid(android::RpcTransportFd socket) : mSocket(std::move(socket)) {}
status_t pollRead() override {
if (mReadBufferPos < mReadBufferSize) {
// We have more data in the read buffer
return OK;
// Trusty IPC device is not a socket, so MSG_PEEK is not available
pollfd pfd{.fd = mSocket.fd.get(), .events = static_cast<int16_t>(POLLIN), .revents = 0};
ssize_t ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(::poll(&pfd, 1, 0));
if (ret < 0) {
int savedErrno = errno;
if (savedErrno == EAGAIN || savedErrno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
LOG_RPC_DETAIL("RpcTransport poll(): %s", strerror(savedErrno));
return adjustStatus(-savedErrno);
if (pfd.revents & POLLNVAL) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (pfd.revents & POLLERR) {
if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) {
// Copied from FdTrigger.cpp: Even though POLLHUP may also be set,
// treat it as a success condition to ensure data is drained.
return OK;
if (pfd.revents & POLLHUP) {
status_t interruptableWriteFully(
FdTrigger* fdTrigger, iovec* iovs, int niovs,
const std::optional<SmallFunction<status_t()>>& altPoll,
const std::vector<std::variant<unique_fd, borrowed_fd>>* ancillaryFds) override {
auto writeFn = [&](iovec* iovs, size_t niovs) -> ssize_t {
// TODO: send ancillaryFds. For now, we just abort if anyone tries
// to send any.
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(ancillaryFds != nullptr && !ancillaryFds->empty(),
"File descriptors are not supported on Trusty yet");
return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(tipc_send(mSocket.fd.get(), iovs, niovs, nullptr, 0));
status_t status = interruptableReadOrWrite(mSocket, fdTrigger, iovs, niovs, writeFn,
"tipc_send", POLLOUT, altPoll);
return adjustStatus(status);
status_t interruptableReadFully(
FdTrigger* fdTrigger, iovec* iovs, int niovs,
const std::optional<SmallFunction<status_t()>>& altPoll,
std::vector<std::variant<unique_fd, borrowed_fd>>* /*ancillaryFds*/) override {
auto readFn = [&](iovec* iovs, size_t niovs) -> ssize_t {
// Fill the read buffer at most once per readFn call, then try to
// return as much of it as possible. If the input iovecs are spread
// across multiple messages that require multiple fillReadBuffer
// calls, we expect the caller to advance the iovecs past the first
// read and call readFn as many times as needed to get all the data
status_t ret = fillReadBuffer();
if (ret != OK) {
// We need to emulate a Linux read call, which sets errno on
// error and returns -1
errno = -ret;
return -1;
ssize_t processSize = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < niovs && mReadBufferPos < mReadBufferSize; i++) {
auto& iov = iovs[i];
size_t numBytes = std::min(iov.iov_len, mReadBufferSize - mReadBufferPos);
memcpy(iov.iov_base, mReadBuffer.get() + mReadBufferPos, numBytes);
mReadBufferPos += numBytes;
processSize += numBytes;
return processSize;
status_t status = interruptableReadOrWrite(mSocket, fdTrigger, iovs, niovs, readFn, "read",
POLLIN, altPoll);
return adjustStatus(status);
bool isWaiting() override { return mSocket.isInPollingState(); }
status_t adjustStatus(status_t status) {
if (status == -ENOTCONN) {
// TIPC returns ENOTCONN on disconnect, but that's basically
// the same as DEAD_OBJECT and the latter is the common libbinder
// error code for dead connections
return status;
status_t fillReadBuffer() {
if (mReadBufferPos < mReadBufferSize) {
return OK;
if (!mReadBuffer) {
// Guarantee at least kDefaultBufferSize bytes
mReadBufferCapacity = std::max(mReadBufferCapacity, kDefaultBufferSize);
mReadBuffer.reset(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[mReadBufferCapacity]);
if (!mReadBuffer) {
return NO_MEMORY;
// Reset the size and position in case we have to exit with an error.
// After we read a message into the buffer, we update the size
// with the actual value.
mReadBufferPos = 0;
mReadBufferSize = 0;
while (true) {
ssize_t processSize = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(
read(mSocket.fd.get(), mReadBuffer.get(), mReadBufferCapacity));
if (processSize == 0) {
} else if (processSize < 0) {
int savedErrno = errno;
if (savedErrno == EMSGSIZE) {
// Buffer was too small, double it and retry
if (__builtin_mul_overflow(mReadBufferCapacity, 2, &mReadBufferCapacity)) {
return NO_MEMORY;
mReadBuffer.reset(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[mReadBufferCapacity]);
if (!mReadBuffer) {
return NO_MEMORY;
} else {
LOG_RPC_DETAIL("RpcTransport fillBuffer(): %s", strerror(savedErrno));
return adjustStatus(-savedErrno);
} else {
mReadBufferSize = static_cast<size_t>(processSize);
return OK;
RpcTransportFd mSocket;
// For now, we copy all the input data into a temporary buffer because
// we might get multiple interruptableReadFully calls per message, but
// the tipc device only allows one read call. We read every message into
// this temporary buffer, then return pieces of it from our method.
// The special transaction GET_MAX_THREADS takes 40 bytes, so the default
// size should start pretty high.
static constexpr size_t kDefaultBufferSize = 64;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> mReadBuffer;
size_t mReadBufferPos = 0;
size_t mReadBufferSize = 0;
size_t mReadBufferCapacity = 0;
// RpcTransportCtx for Trusty.
class RpcTransportCtxTipcAndroid : public RpcTransportCtx {
std::unique_ptr<RpcTransport> newTransport(android::RpcTransportFd fd,
FdTrigger*) const override {
return std::make_unique<RpcTransportTipcAndroid>(std::move(fd));
std::vector<uint8_t> getCertificate(RpcCertificateFormat) const override { return {}; }
std::unique_ptr<RpcTransportCtx> RpcTransportCtxFactoryTipcAndroid::newServerCtx() const {
return std::make_unique<RpcTransportCtxTipcAndroid>();
std::unique_ptr<RpcTransportCtx> RpcTransportCtxFactoryTipcAndroid::newClientCtx() const {
return std::make_unique<RpcTransportCtxTipcAndroid>();
const char* RpcTransportCtxFactoryTipcAndroid::toCString() const {
return "trusty";
std::unique_ptr<RpcTransportCtxFactory> RpcTransportCtxFactoryTipcAndroid::make() {
return std::unique_ptr<RpcTransportCtxFactoryTipcAndroid>(
new RpcTransportCtxFactoryTipcAndroid());
} // namespace android