blob: 38472d8df7140dd8384cc543d3007a02d0ae9a9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <input/Input.h> // for MotionEvent
#include <input/RingBuffer.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h> // for nsecs_t
#include "Eigen/Core"
namespace android {
* Class to handle computing and reporting metrics for MotionPredictor.
* The public API provides two methods: `onRecord` and `onPredict`, which expect to receive the
* MotionEvents from the corresponding methods in MotionPredictor.
* This class stores AggregatedStrokeMetrics, updating them as new MotionEvents are passed in. When
* onRecord receives an UP or CANCEL event, this indicates the end of the stroke, and the final
* AtomFields are computed and reported to the stats library. The number of atoms reported is equal
* to the value of `maxNumPredictions` passed to the constructor. Each atom corresponds to one
* "prediction time bucket" — the amount of time into the future being predicted.
* If mMockLoggedAtomFields is set, the batch of AtomFields that are reported to the stats library
* for one stroke are also stored in mMockLoggedAtomFields at the time they're reported.
class MotionPredictorMetricsManager {
struct AtomFields;
using ReportAtomFunction = std::function<void(const AtomFields&)>;
static void defaultReportAtomFunction(const AtomFields& atomFields);
// Parameters:
// • predictionInterval: the time interval between successive prediction target timestamps.
// Note: the MetricsManager assumes that the input interval equals the prediction interval.
// • maxNumPredictions: the maximum number of distinct target timestamps the prediction model
// will generate predictions for. The MetricsManager reports this many atoms per stroke.
// • [Optional] reportAtomFunction: the function that will be called to report metrics. If
// omitted (or if an empty function is given), the `stats_write(…)` function from the Android
// stats library will be used.
nsecs_t predictionInterval,
size_t maxNumPredictions,
ReportAtomFunction reportAtomFunction = defaultReportAtomFunction);
// This method should be called once for each call to MotionPredictor::record, receiving the
// forwarded MotionEvent argument.
void onRecord(const MotionEvent& inputEvent);
// This method should be called once for each call to MotionPredictor::predict, receiving the
// MotionEvent that will be returned by MotionPredictor::predict.
void onPredict(const MotionEvent& predictionEvent);
// Simple structs to hold relevant touch input information. Public so they can be used in tests.
struct TouchPoint {
Eigen::Vector2f position; // (y, x) in pixels
float pressure;
struct GroundTruthPoint : TouchPoint {
nsecs_t timestamp;
struct PredictionPoint : TouchPoint {
// The timestamp of the last ground truth point when the prediction was made.
nsecs_t originTimestamp;
nsecs_t targetTimestamp;
// Order by targetTimestamp when sorting.
bool operator<(const PredictionPoint& other) const {
return this->targetTimestamp < other.targetTimestamp;
// Metrics aggregated so far for the current stroke. These are not the final fields to be
// reported in the atom (see AtomFields below), but rather an intermediate representation of the
// data that can be conveniently aggregated and from which the atom fields can be derived later.
// Displacement units are in pixels.
// "Along-trajectory error" is the dot product of the prediction error with the unit vector
// pointing towards the ground truth point whose timestamp corresponds to the prediction
// target timestamp, originating from the preceding ground truth point.
// "Off-trajectory error" is the component of the prediction error orthogonal to the
// "along-trajectory" unit vector described above.
// "High-velocity" errors are errors that are only accumulated when the velocity between the
// most recent two input events exceeds a certain threshold.
// "Scale-invariant errors" are the errors produced when the path length of the stroke is
// scaled to 1. (In other words, the error distances are normalized by the path length.)
struct AggregatedStrokeMetrics {
// General errors
float alongTrajectoryErrorSum = 0;
float alongTrajectorySumSquaredErrors = 0;
float offTrajectorySumSquaredErrors = 0;
float pressureSumSquaredErrors = 0;
size_t generalErrorsCount = 0;
// High-velocity errors
float highVelocityAlongTrajectorySse = 0;
float highVelocityOffTrajectorySse = 0;
size_t highVelocityErrorsCount = 0;
// Scale-invariant errors
float scaleInvariantAlongTrajectorySse = 0;
float scaleInvariantOffTrajectorySse = 0;
size_t scaleInvariantErrorsCount = 0;
// In order to explicitly indicate "no relevant data" for a metric, we report this
// large-magnitude negative sentinel value. (Most metrics are non-negative, so this value is
// completely unobtainable. For along-trajectory error mean, which can be negative, the
// magnitude makes it unobtainable in practice.)
static const int NO_DATA_SENTINEL = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
// Final metric values reported in the atom.
struct AtomFields {
int deltaTimeBucketMilliseconds = 0;
// General errors
int alongTrajectoryErrorMeanMillipixels = NO_DATA_SENTINEL;
int alongTrajectoryErrorStdMillipixels = NO_DATA_SENTINEL;
int offTrajectoryRmseMillipixels = NO_DATA_SENTINEL;
int pressureRmseMilliunits = NO_DATA_SENTINEL;
// High-velocity errors
int highVelocityAlongTrajectoryRmse = NO_DATA_SENTINEL; // millipixels
int highVelocityOffTrajectoryRmse = NO_DATA_SENTINEL; // millipixels
// Scale-invariant errors
int scaleInvariantAlongTrajectoryRmse = NO_DATA_SENTINEL; // millipixels
int scaleInvariantOffTrajectoryRmse = NO_DATA_SENTINEL; // millipixels
// The interval between consecutive predictions' target timestamps. We assume that the input
// interval also equals this value.
const nsecs_t mPredictionInterval;
// The maximum number of input frames into the future the model can predict.
// Used to perform time-bucketing of metrics.
const size_t mMaxNumPredictions;
// History of mMaxNumPredictions + 1 ground truth points, used to compute scale-invariant
// error. (Also, the last two points are used to compute the ground truth trajectory.)
RingBuffer<GroundTruthPoint> mRecentGroundTruthPoints;
// Predictions having a targetTimestamp after the most recent ground truth point's timestamp.
// Invariant: sorted in ascending order of targetTimestamp.
std::vector<PredictionPoint> mRecentPredictions;
// Containers for the intermediate representation of stroke metrics and the final atom fields.
// These are indexed by the number of input frames into the future being predicted minus one,
// and always have size mMaxNumPredictions.
std::vector<AggregatedStrokeMetrics> mAggregatedMetrics;
std::vector<AtomFields> mAtomFields;
const ReportAtomFunction mReportAtomFunction;
// Helper methods for the implementation of onRecord and onPredict.
// Clears stored ground truth and prediction points, as well as all stored metrics for the
// current stroke.
void clearStrokeData();
// Adds the new ground truth point to mRecentGroundTruths, removes outdated predictions from
// mRecentPredictions, and updates the aggregated metrics to include the recent predictions that
// fuzzily match with the new ground truth point.
void incorporateNewGroundTruth(const GroundTruthPoint& groundTruthPoint);
// Given a new prediction with targetTimestamp matching the latest ground truth point's
// timestamp, computes the corresponding metrics and updates mAggregatedMetrics.
void updateAggregatedMetrics(const PredictionPoint& predictionPoint);
// Computes the atom fields to mAtomFields from the values in mAggregatedMetrics.
void computeAtomFields();
// Reports the current data in mAtomFields by calling mReportAtomFunction.
void reportMetrics();
} // namespace android