blob: f28dbf303919cd3973bcefa5b2185efe650f002c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <input/Input.h>
#include <input/InputDevice.h>
#include <input/TouchVideoFrame.h>
namespace android {
/* Describes a configuration change event. */
struct NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
inline NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs() {}
NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime);
bool operator==(const NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs& rhs) const = default;
NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs(const NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs& other) = default;
/* Describes a key event. */
struct NotifyKeyArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t displayId;
uint32_t policyFlags;
int32_t action;
int32_t flags;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t scanCode;
int32_t metaState;
nsecs_t downTime;
nsecs_t readTime;
inline NotifyKeyArgs() {}
NotifyKeyArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, nsecs_t readTime, int32_t deviceId,
uint32_t source, int32_t displayId, uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action,
int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState,
nsecs_t downTime);
bool operator==(const NotifyKeyArgs& rhs) const = default;
NotifyKeyArgs(const NotifyKeyArgs& other) = default;
/* Describes a motion event. */
struct NotifyMotionArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t displayId;
uint32_t policyFlags;
int32_t action;
int32_t actionButton;
int32_t flags;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t buttonState;
* Classification of the current touch gesture
MotionClassification classification;
int32_t edgeFlags;
uint32_t pointerCount;
PointerProperties pointerProperties[MAX_POINTERS];
PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS];
float xPrecision;
float yPrecision;
* Mouse cursor position when this event is reported relative to the origin of the specified
* display. Only valid if this is a mouse event (originates from a mouse or from a trackpad in
* gestures enabled mode.
float xCursorPosition;
float yCursorPosition;
nsecs_t downTime;
nsecs_t readTime;
std::vector<TouchVideoFrame> videoFrames;
inline NotifyMotionArgs() {}
NotifyMotionArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, nsecs_t readTime, int32_t deviceId,
uint32_t source, int32_t displayId, uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action,
int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification, int32_t edgeFlags, uint32_t pointerCount,
const PointerProperties* pointerProperties, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, float xCursorPosition,
float yCursorPosition, nsecs_t downTime,
const std::vector<TouchVideoFrame>& videoFrames);
NotifyMotionArgs(const NotifyMotionArgs& other);
bool operator==(const NotifyMotionArgs& rhs) const;
std::string dump() const;
/* Describes a sensor event. */
struct NotifySensorArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
InputDeviceSensorType sensorType;
InputDeviceSensorAccuracy accuracy;
bool accuracyChanged;
nsecs_t hwTimestamp;
std::vector<float> values;
inline NotifySensorArgs() {}
NotifySensorArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source,
InputDeviceSensorType sensorType, InputDeviceSensorAccuracy accuracy,
bool accuracyChanged, nsecs_t hwTimestamp, std::vector<float> values);
NotifySensorArgs(const NotifySensorArgs& other) = default;
/* Describes a switch event. */
struct NotifySwitchArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
uint32_t policyFlags;
uint32_t switchValues;
uint32_t switchMask;
inline NotifySwitchArgs() {}
NotifySwitchArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, uint32_t policyFlags, uint32_t switchValues,
uint32_t switchMask);
NotifySwitchArgs(const NotifySwitchArgs& other) = default;
bool operator==(const NotifySwitchArgs& rhs) const = default;
/* Describes a device reset event, such as when a device is added,
* reconfigured, or removed. */
struct NotifyDeviceResetArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
int32_t deviceId;
inline NotifyDeviceResetArgs() {}
NotifyDeviceResetArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId);
NotifyDeviceResetArgs(const NotifyDeviceResetArgs& other) = default;
bool operator==(const NotifyDeviceResetArgs& rhs) const = default;
/* Describes a change in the state of Pointer Capture. */
struct NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs {
// The sequence number of the Pointer Capture request, if enabled.
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
PointerCaptureRequest request;
inline NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs() {}
NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, const PointerCaptureRequest&);
NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs(const NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs& other) = default;
/* Describes a vibrator state event. */
struct NotifyVibratorStateArgs {
int32_t id;
nsecs_t eventTime;
int32_t deviceId;
bool isOn;
inline NotifyVibratorStateArgs() {}
NotifyVibratorStateArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTIme, int32_t deviceId, bool isOn);
NotifyVibratorStateArgs(const NotifyVibratorStateArgs& other) = default;
using NotifyArgs = std::variant<NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs, NotifyKeyArgs, NotifyMotionArgs,
NotifySensorArgs, NotifySwitchArgs, NotifyDeviceResetArgs,
NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs, NotifyVibratorStateArgs>;
const char* toString(const NotifyArgs& args);
} // namespace android