Otapreopt: Filter preopted system apps

The tool will receive requests to compile preopted system apps, as
we can't detect changes right now and need to be conservative. As
some apps cannot be stripped (signed before being preopted), they
can be re-compiled on device, producing stale files that won't be
cleaned up.

Add code to detect this situation and avoid a compile.

Bug: 25612095
Change-Id: I5f489e61b8d4e5b619cbaa01f6c59880479a46cd
diff --git a/cmds/installd/otapreopt.cpp b/cmds/installd/otapreopt.cpp
index 3775709..e1cfc9d 100644
--- a/cmds/installd/otapreopt.cpp
+++ b/cmds/installd/otapreopt.cpp
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@
 #define TOKEN_MAX     16    /* max number of arguments in buffer */
 #define REPLY_MAX     256   /* largest reply allowed */
+using android::base::EndsWith;
 using android::base::Join;
 using android::base::Split;
+using android::base::StartsWith;
 using android::base::StringPrintf;
 namespace android {
@@ -361,6 +363,49 @@
     int RunPreopt() {
+        // Run the preopt.
+        //
+        // There's one thing we have to be careful about: we may/will be asked to compile an app
+        // living in the system image. This may be a valid request - if the app wasn't compiled,
+        // e.g., if the system image wasn't large enough to include preopted files. However, the
+        // data we have is from the old system, so the driver (the OTA service) can't actually
+        // know. Thus, we will get requests for apps that have preopted components. To avoid
+        // duplication (we'd generate files that are not used and are *not* cleaned up), do two
+        // simple checks:
+        //
+        // 1) Does the apk_path start with the value of ANDROID_ROOT? (~in the system image)
+        //    (For simplicity, assume the value of ANDROID_ROOT does not contain a symlink.)
+        //
+        // 2) If you replace the name in the apk_path with "oat," does the path exist?
+        //    (=have a subdirectory for preopted files)
+        //
+        // If the answer to both is yes, skip the dexopt.
+        //
+        // Note: while one may think it's OK to call dexopt and it will fail (because APKs should
+        //       be stripped), that's not true for APKs signed outside the build system (so the
+        //       jar content must be exactly the same).
+        //       (This is ugly as it's the only thing where we need to understand the contents
+        //        of package_parameters_, but it beats postponing the decision or using the call-
+        //        backs to do weird things.)
+        constexpr size_t kApkPathIndex = 0;
+        CHECK_GT(DEXOPT_PARAM_COUNT, kApkPathIndex);
+        CHECK(package_parameters_[kApkPathIndex] != nullptr);
+        CHECK(system_properties_.GetProperty(kAndroidRootPathPropertyName) != nullptr);
+        if (StartsWith(package_parameters_[kApkPathIndex],
+                       system_properties_.GetProperty(kAndroidRootPathPropertyName)->c_str())) {
+            const char* last_slash = strrchr(package_parameters_[kApkPathIndex], '/');
+            if (last_slash != nullptr) {
+                std::string path(package_parameters_[kApkPathIndex],
+                                 last_slash - package_parameters_[kApkPathIndex] + 1);
+                CHECK(EndsWith(path, "/"));
+                path = path + "oat";
+                if (access(path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) {
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
         return dexopt(package_parameters_);