blob: 733bedb69214851cc6ac270ea26195ba9f922631 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "Operations"
#include <tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/reference_ops.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "CpuOperationUtils.h"
#include "OperationResolver.h"
#include "Tracing.h"
#include "nnapi/Validation.h"
namespace android {
namespace nn {
namespace resize_image {
constexpr uint32_t kNumInputs = 4;
constexpr uint32_t kInputTensor = 0;
// The following two scalars represent output shape if INT32, scale if floating point.
constexpr uint32_t kOutputWidthParamScalar = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kOutputHeightParamScalar = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kLayoutScalar = 3;
constexpr uint32_t kNumOptionalInputs = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kAlignCornersScalar = 4;
constexpr uint32_t kHalfPixelCentersScalar = 5;
constexpr uint32_t kNumOutputs = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kOutputTensor = 0;
namespace {
inline float scaleHalfPixel(const int x, const float scale) {
return (static_cast<float>(x) + 0.5f) * scale;
inline float scaleLegacy(const int x, const float scale) {
return static_cast<float>(x) * scale;
inline float calculateResizeScale(int32_t inSize, int32_t outSize, bool alignCorners) {
return (alignCorners && outSize > 1) ? (inSize - 1) / static_cast<float>(outSize - 1)
: inSize / static_cast<float>(outSize);
template <typename T>
bool resizeNearestNeighbor(const T* inputData, const Shape& inputShape, bool alignCorners,
bool halfPixelCenters, T* outputData, const Shape& outputShape) {
const int batchSize = getSizeOfDimension(inputShape, 0);
const int inHeight = getSizeOfDimension(inputShape, 1);
const int inWidth = getSizeOfDimension(inputShape, 2);
const int channels = getSizeOfDimension(inputShape, 3);
const int outHeight = getSizeOfDimension(outputShape, 1);
const int outWidth = getSizeOfDimension(outputShape, 2);
const float heightScale = calculateResizeScale(inHeight, outHeight, alignCorners);
const float widthScale = calculateResizeScale(inWidth, outWidth, alignCorners);
const std::function<float(const int, const float)> scaler =
halfPixelCenters ? scaleHalfPixel : scaleLegacy;
for (int b = 0; b < batchSize; ++b) {
for (int y = 0; y < outHeight; ++y) {
int inY = std::min((alignCorners) ? static_cast<int>(roundf(scaler(y, heightScale)))
: static_cast<int>(floorf(scaler(y, heightScale))),
inHeight - 1);
if (halfPixelCenters) {
inY = std::max(static_cast<int>(0), inY);
for (int x = 0; x < outWidth; ++x) {
int inX = std::min((alignCorners) ? static_cast<int>(roundf(scaler(x, widthScale)))
: static_cast<int>(floorf(scaler(x, widthScale))),
inWidth - 1);
if (halfPixelCenters) {
inX = std::max(static_cast<int>(0), inX);
std::copy_n(inputData + b * inHeight * inWidth * channels +
inY * inWidth * channels + inX * channels,
outputData + b * outHeight * outWidth * channels +
y * outWidth * channels + x * channels);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool resizeImageOpNhwc(OperationType opType, const T* inputData, const Shape& inputShape,
bool alignCorners, bool halfPixelCenters, T* outputData,
const Shape& outputShape) {
int32_t height = static_cast<int32_t>(getSizeOfDimension(outputShape, 1));
int32_t width = static_cast<int32_t>(getSizeOfDimension(outputShape, 2));
// We have to fake a tensor here, to satisfy tflite implementation.
int32_t outDimData[2] = {height, width};
Shape outDimShape;
outDimShape.dimensions = {2};
if (opType == OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR) {
{.align_corners = alignCorners, .half_pixel_centers = halfPixelCenters},
convertShapeToTflshape(inputShape), inputData, convertShapeToTflshape(outDimShape),
outDimData, convertShapeToTflshape(outputShape), outputData);
} else if (opType == OperationType::RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) {
// Align corners = true is not supported.
resizeNearestNeighbor(inputData, inputShape, alignCorners, halfPixelCenters, outputData,
return true;
template <>
bool resizeImageOpNhwc<_Float16>(OperationType opType, const _Float16* inputData,
const Shape& inputShape, bool alignCorners, bool halfPixelCenters,
_Float16* outputData, const Shape& outputShape) {
std::vector<float> inputData_float32(getNumberOfElements(inputShape));
convertFloat16ToFloat32(inputData, &inputData_float32);
std::vector<float> outputData_float32(getNumberOfElements(outputShape));
NN_RET_CHECK(resizeImageOpNhwc(opType,, inputShape, alignCorners,
halfPixelCenters,, outputShape));
convertFloat32ToFloat16(outputData_float32, outputData);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool resizeImageOp(OperationType opType, const T* inputData, const Shape& inputShape, bool useNchw,
bool alignCorners, bool halfPixelCenters, T* outputData,
const Shape& outputShape) {
InputWithLayout<T> input(useNchw);
OutputWithLayout<T> output(useNchw);
NN_RET_CHECK(input.initialize(inputData, inputShape));
NN_RET_CHECK(output.initialize(outputData, outputShape));
NN_RET_CHECK(resizeImageOpNhwc(opType, input.getNhwcBuffer(), input.getNhwcShape(),
alignCorners, halfPixelCenters, output.getNhwcBuffer(),
return true;
inline bool getOptionalScalar(const IOperationExecutionContext* context, uint32_t scalarIndex) {
bool scalarValue = false;
if (context->getNumInputs() > scalarIndex) {
scalarValue = context->getInputValue<bool>(scalarIndex);
return scalarValue;
} // namespace
Result<Version> validate(OperationType opType, const IOperationValidationContext* context) {
const auto numInputs = context->getNumInputs();
if (opType == OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR) {
NN_RET_CHECK(numInputs >= kNumInputs - 1 && numInputs <= kNumInputs + kNumOptionalInputs);
} else if (opType == OperationType::RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) {
NN_RET_CHECK(numInputs >= kNumInputs && numInputs <= kNumInputs + kNumOptionalInputs);
} else {
NN_RET_CHECK_FAIL() << "Unsupported operation " << opType;
NN_RET_CHECK_EQ(context->getNumOutputs(), kNumOutputs);
auto inputType = context->getInputType(kInputTensor);
auto scalarType = context->getInputType(kOutputHeightParamScalar);
std::vector<OperandType> inExpectedTypes = {inputType, scalarType, scalarType};
auto minSupportedVersion = Version::ANDROID_OC_MR1;
NN_RET_CHECK(inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16 ||
inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32 ||
inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM ||
inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED)
<< "Unsupported tensor type for operation " << opType;
if (inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16 || inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM) {
minSupportedVersion = combineVersions(minSupportedVersion, Version::ANDROID_Q);
if (inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED) {
minSupportedVersion = combineVersions(minSupportedVersion, Version::ANDROID_R);
if (scalarType != OperandType::INT32) {
minSupportedVersion = combineVersions(minSupportedVersion, Version::ANDROID_Q);
if (inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32) {
NN_RET_CHECK(scalarType == OperandType::FLOAT32);
} else if (inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16) {
NN_RET_CHECK(scalarType == OperandType::FLOAT16);
} else if (inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM ||
inputType == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM_SIGNED) {
NN_RET_CHECK(scalarType == OperandType::FLOAT32);
if (numInputs < kNumInputs) {
minSupportedVersion = combineVersions(minSupportedVersion, Version::ANDROID_OC_MR1);
} else if (numInputs == kNumInputs) {
minSupportedVersion = combineVersions(minSupportedVersion, Version::ANDROID_Q);
} else {
while (inExpectedTypes.size() < numInputs) {
minSupportedVersion = combineVersions(minSupportedVersion, Version::ANDROID_R);
NN_RET_CHECK(validateInputTypes(context, inExpectedTypes));
NN_RET_CHECK(validateOutputTypes(context, {inputType}));
return minSupportedVersion;
bool prepare(OperationType opType, IOperationExecutionContext* context) {
Shape input = context->getInputShape(kInputTensor);
NN_RET_CHECK_EQ(getNumberOfDimensions(input), 4);
const auto numInputs = context->getNumInputs();
const bool useNchw = getOptionalScalar(context, kLayoutScalar);
const bool alignCorners = getOptionalScalar(context, kAlignCornersScalar);
const bool halfPixelCenters = getOptionalScalar(context, kHalfPixelCentersScalar);
NN_RET_CHECK(!halfPixelCenters || (halfPixelCenters && !alignCorners));
// Only batches can be zero.
uint32_t batches = getSizeOfDimension(input, 0);
uint32_t inHeight = getSizeOfDimension(input, useNchw ? 2 : 1);
uint32_t inWidth = getSizeOfDimension(input, useNchw ? 3 : 2);
uint32_t channels = getSizeOfDimension(input, useNchw ? 1 : 3);
NN_RET_CHECK_GT(inHeight, 0);
NN_RET_CHECK_GT(inWidth, 0);
NN_RET_CHECK_GT(channels, 0);
int32_t height, width;
auto scalarType = context->getInputType(kOutputHeightParamScalar);
if (scalarType == OperandType::INT32) {
height = context->getInputValue<int32_t>(kOutputHeightParamScalar);
width = context->getInputValue<int32_t>(kOutputWidthParamScalar);
} else if (scalarType == OperandType::FLOAT32) {
height = std::floor(static_cast<float>(inHeight) *
width = std::floor(static_cast<float>(inWidth) *
} else if (scalarType == OperandType::FLOAT16) {
height = std::floor(
static_cast<float>(inHeight) *
width = std::floor(
static_cast<float>(inWidth) *
} else {
NN_RET_CHECK_FAIL() << "Unsupported scalar type for operation " << opType;
NN_RET_CHECK_GT(height, 0);
NN_RET_CHECK_GT(width, 0);
Shape output = input;
if (useNchw) {
output.dimensions = {batches, channels, (uint32_t)height, (uint32_t)width};
} else {
output.dimensions = {batches, (uint32_t)height, (uint32_t)width, channels};
return context->setOutputShape(kOutputTensor, output);
bool execute(OperationType opType, IOperationExecutionContext* context) {
// Bypass execution in the case of zero-sized input.
if (getNumberOfElements(context->getOutputShape(kOutputTensor)) == 0) return true;
const bool useNchw = getOptionalScalar(context, kLayoutScalar);
const bool alignCorners = getOptionalScalar(context, kAlignCornersScalar);
const bool halfPixelCenters = getOptionalScalar(context, kHalfPixelCentersScalar);
switch (context->getInputType(kInputTensor)) {
case OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16:
return resizeImageOp(opType, context->getInputBuffer<_Float16>(kInputTensor),
context->getInputShape(kInputTensor), useNchw, alignCorners,
case OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32:
return resizeImageOp(opType, context->getInputBuffer<float>(kInputTensor),
context->getInputShape(kInputTensor), useNchw, alignCorners,
halfPixelCenters, context->getOutputBuffer<float>(kOutputTensor),
case OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM:
return resizeImageOp(opType, context->getInputBuffer<uint8_t>(kInputTensor),
context->getInputShape(kInputTensor), useNchw, alignCorners,
halfPixelCenters, context->getOutputBuffer<uint8_t>(kOutputTensor),
return resizeImageOp(opType, context->getInputBuffer<int8_t>(kInputTensor),
context->getInputShape(kInputTensor), useNchw, alignCorners,
halfPixelCenters, context->getOutputBuffer<int8_t>(kOutputTensor),
NN_RET_CHECK_FAIL() << "Unsupported tensor type for operation " << opType;
} // namespace resize_image
using std::placeholders::_1;
std::bind(resize_image::validate, OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR, _1),
std::bind(resize_image::prepare, OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR, _1),
std::bind(resize_image::execute, OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR, _1),
.allowZeroSizedInput = true);
std::bind(resize_image::validate, OperationType::RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, _1),
std::bind(resize_image::prepare, OperationType::RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, _1),
std::bind(resize_image::execute, OperationType::RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, _1),
.allowZeroSizedInput = true);
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android