blob: 3731458491f51256c09d598e919b7d4ac4679655 [file] [log] [blame]
// clang-format off
// Generated file (from: Do not edit
void CreateModel(Model *model) {
OperandType type0(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 5});
OperandType type1(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 8});
OperandType type2(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 3});
OperandType type3(Type::TENSOR_INT32, {5});
OperandType type4(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {4});
OperandType type5(Type::BOOL, {});
// Phase 1, operands
auto roi = model->addOperand(&type0);
auto bboxDeltas = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto imageInfo = model->addOperand(&type2);
auto param = model->addOperand(&type4);
auto param1 = model->addOperand(&type5);
auto out = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto batchSplit = model->addOperand(&type3);
// Phase 2, operations
static float param_init[] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
model->setOperandValue(param, param_init, sizeof(float) * 4);
static bool param1_init[] = {false};
model->setOperandValue(param1, param1_init, sizeof(bool) * 1);
model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AXIS_ALIGNED_BBOX_TRANSFORM, {roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo, param, param1}, {out, batchSplit});
// Phase 3, inputs and outputs
{roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo},
{out, batchSplit});
inline bool is_ignored(int i) {
static std::set<int> ignore = {};
return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();
void CreateModel_relaxed(Model *model) {
OperandType type0(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 5});
OperandType type1(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 8});
OperandType type2(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 3});
OperandType type3(Type::TENSOR_INT32, {5});
OperandType type4(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {4});
OperandType type5(Type::BOOL, {});
// Phase 1, operands
auto roi = model->addOperand(&type0);
auto bboxDeltas = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto imageInfo = model->addOperand(&type2);
auto param = model->addOperand(&type4);
auto param1 = model->addOperand(&type5);
auto out = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto batchSplit = model->addOperand(&type3);
// Phase 2, operations
static float param_init[] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
model->setOperandValue(param, param_init, sizeof(float) * 4);
static bool param1_init[] = {false};
model->setOperandValue(param1, param1_init, sizeof(bool) * 1);
model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AXIS_ALIGNED_BBOX_TRANSFORM, {roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo, param, param1}, {out, batchSplit});
// Phase 3, inputs and outputs
{roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo},
{out, batchSplit});
// Phase 4: set relaxed execution
inline bool is_ignored_relaxed(int i) {
static std::set<int> ignore = {};
return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();
void CreateModel_2(Model *model) {
OperandType type0(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 5});
OperandType type1(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 8});
OperandType type2(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 3});
OperandType type3(Type::TENSOR_INT32, {5});
OperandType type4(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {4});
OperandType type5(Type::BOOL, {});
// Phase 1, operands
auto roi = model->addOperand(&type0);
auto bboxDeltas = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto imageInfo = model->addOperand(&type2);
auto param2 = model->addOperand(&type4);
auto param3 = model->addOperand(&type5);
auto out = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto batchSplit = model->addOperand(&type3);
// Phase 2, operations
static float param2_init[] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
model->setOperandValue(param2, param2_init, sizeof(float) * 4);
static bool param3_init[] = {true};
model->setOperandValue(param3, param3_init, sizeof(bool) * 1);
model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AXIS_ALIGNED_BBOX_TRANSFORM, {roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo, param2, param3}, {out, batchSplit});
// Phase 3, inputs and outputs
{roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo},
{out, batchSplit});
inline bool is_ignored_2(int i) {
static std::set<int> ignore = {};
return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();
void CreateModel_relaxed_2(Model *model) {
OperandType type0(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 5});
OperandType type1(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 8});
OperandType type2(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {5, 3});
OperandType type3(Type::TENSOR_INT32, {5});
OperandType type4(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {4});
OperandType type5(Type::BOOL, {});
// Phase 1, operands
auto roi = model->addOperand(&type0);
auto bboxDeltas = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto imageInfo = model->addOperand(&type2);
auto param2 = model->addOperand(&type4);
auto param3 = model->addOperand(&type5);
auto out = model->addOperand(&type1);
auto batchSplit = model->addOperand(&type3);
// Phase 2, operations
static float param2_init[] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
model->setOperandValue(param2, param2_init, sizeof(float) * 4);
static bool param3_init[] = {true};
model->setOperandValue(param3, param3_init, sizeof(bool) * 1);
model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AXIS_ALIGNED_BBOX_TRANSFORM, {roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo, param2, param3}, {out, batchSplit});
// Phase 3, inputs and outputs
{roi, bboxDeltas, imageInfo},
{out, batchSplit});
// Phase 4: set relaxed execution
inline bool is_ignored_relaxed_2(int i) {
static std::set<int> ignore = {};
return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();
void CreateModel_single_batch(Model *model) {
OperandType type4(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {4});
OperandType type5(Type::BOOL, {});
OperandType type6(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {2, 4});
OperandType type7(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {2, 8});
OperandType type8(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {1, 3});
OperandType type9(Type::TENSOR_INT32, {1});
// Phase 1, operands
auto roi1 = model->addOperand(&type6);
auto bboxDeltas1 = model->addOperand(&type7);
auto imageInfo1 = model->addOperand(&type8);
auto param4 = model->addOperand(&type4);
auto param5 = model->addOperand(&type5);
auto out1 = model->addOperand(&type7);
auto batchSplit1 = model->addOperand(&type9);
// Phase 2, operations
static float param4_init[] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
model->setOperandValue(param4, param4_init, sizeof(float) * 4);
static bool param5_init[] = {true};
model->setOperandValue(param5, param5_init, sizeof(bool) * 1);
model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AXIS_ALIGNED_BBOX_TRANSFORM, {roi1, bboxDeltas1, imageInfo1, param4, param5}, {out1, batchSplit1});
// Phase 3, inputs and outputs
{roi1, bboxDeltas1, imageInfo1},
{out1, batchSplit1});
inline bool is_ignored_single_batch(int i) {
static std::set<int> ignore = {};
return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();
void CreateModel_single_batch_relaxed(Model *model) {
OperandType type4(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {4});
OperandType type5(Type::BOOL, {});
OperandType type6(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {2, 4});
OperandType type7(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {2, 8});
OperandType type8(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {1, 3});
OperandType type9(Type::TENSOR_INT32, {1});
// Phase 1, operands
auto roi1 = model->addOperand(&type6);
auto bboxDeltas1 = model->addOperand(&type7);
auto imageInfo1 = model->addOperand(&type8);
auto param4 = model->addOperand(&type4);
auto param5 = model->addOperand(&type5);
auto out1 = model->addOperand(&type7);
auto batchSplit1 = model->addOperand(&type9);
// Phase 2, operations
static float param4_init[] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
model->setOperandValue(param4, param4_init, sizeof(float) * 4);
static bool param5_init[] = {true};
model->setOperandValue(param5, param5_init, sizeof(bool) * 1);
model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_AXIS_ALIGNED_BBOX_TRANSFORM, {roi1, bboxDeltas1, imageInfo1, param4, param5}, {out1, batchSplit1});
// Phase 3, inputs and outputs
{roi1, bboxDeltas1, imageInfo1},
{out1, batchSplit1});
// Phase 4: set relaxed execution
inline bool is_ignored_single_batch_relaxed(int i) {
static std::set<int> ignore = {};
return ignore.find(i) != ignore.end();