blob: 7605dd9a7a3f4e726fe8eeb3157eb107f82d61b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "minikin/FontStyle.h"
#include "minikin/HbUtils.h"
#include "minikin/Macros.h"
#include "minikin/SparseBitSet.h"
namespace minikin {
class Font;
class MinikinFont;
// attributes representing transforms (fake bold, fake italic) to match styles
class FontFakery {
FontFakery() : mFakeBold(false), mFakeItalic(false) {}
FontFakery(bool fakeBold, bool fakeItalic) : mFakeBold(fakeBold), mFakeItalic(fakeItalic) {}
// TODO: want to support graded fake bolding
bool isFakeBold() { return mFakeBold; }
bool isFakeItalic() { return mFakeItalic; }
bool mFakeBold;
bool mFakeItalic;
struct FakedFont {
// ownership is the enclosing FontCollection
const Font* font;
FontFakery fakery;
typedef uint32_t AxisTag;
// Represents a single font file.
class Font {
class Builder {
Builder(const std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>& typeface) : mTypeface(typeface) {}
// Override the font style. If not called, info from OS/2 table is used.
Builder& setStyle(FontStyle style) {
mWeight = style.weight();
mSlant = style.slant();
mIsWeightSet = mIsSlantSet = true;
return *this;
// Override the font weight. If not called, info from OS/2 table is used.
Builder& setWeight(uint16_t weight) {
mWeight = weight;
mIsWeightSet = true;
return *this;
// Override the font slant. If not called, info from OS/2 table is used.
Builder& setSlant(FontStyle::Slant slant) {
mSlant = slant;
mIsSlantSet = true;
return *this;
Font build();
std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> mTypeface;
uint16_t mWeight = static_cast<uint16_t>(FontStyle::Weight::NORMAL);
FontStyle::Slant mSlant = FontStyle::Slant::UPRIGHT;
bool mIsWeightSet = false;
bool mIsSlantSet = false;
Font(Font&& o) = default;
Font& operator=(Font&& o) = default;
inline const std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>& typeface() const { return mTypeface; }
inline FontStyle style() const { return mStyle; }
inline const HbFontUniquePtr& baseFont() const { return mBaseFont; }
std::unordered_set<AxisTag> getSupportedAxes() const;
// Use Builder instead.
Font(std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>&& typeface, FontStyle style, HbFontUniquePtr&& baseFont)
: mTypeface(std::move(typeface)), mStyle(style), mBaseFont(std::move(baseFont)) {}
static HbFontUniquePtr prepareFont(const std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont>& typeface);
static FontStyle analyzeStyle(const HbFontUniquePtr& font);
std::shared_ptr<MinikinFont> mTypeface;
FontStyle mStyle;
HbFontUniquePtr mBaseFont;
struct FontVariation {
FontVariation(AxisTag axisTag, float value) : axisTag(axisTag), value(value) {}
AxisTag axisTag;
float value;
class FontFamily {
// Must be the same value as
enum class Variant : uint8_t {
DEFAULT = 0, // Must be the same as FontConfig.VARIANT_DEFAULT
COMPACT = 1, // Must be the same as FontConfig.VARIANT_COMPACT
ELEGANT = 2, // Must be the same as FontConfig.VARIANT_ELEGANT
explicit FontFamily(std::vector<Font>&& fonts);
FontFamily(Variant variant, std::vector<Font>&& fonts);
FontFamily(uint32_t localeListId, Variant variant, std::vector<Font>&& fonts);
FakedFont getClosestMatch(FontStyle style) const;
uint32_t localeListId() const { return mLocaleListId; }
Variant variant() const { return mVariant; }
// API's for enumerating the fonts in a family. These don't guarantee any particular order
size_t getNumFonts() const { return mFonts.size(); }
const Font* getFont(size_t index) const { return &mFonts[index]; }
FontStyle getStyle(size_t index) const { return mFonts[index].style(); }
bool isColorEmojiFamily() const;
const std::unordered_set<AxisTag>& supportedAxes() const { return mSupportedAxes; }
// Get Unicode coverage.
const SparseBitSet& getCoverage() const { return mCoverage; }
// Returns true if the font has a glyph for the code point and variation selector pair.
// Caller should acquire a lock before calling the method.
bool hasGlyph(uint32_t codepoint, uint32_t variationSelector) const;
// Returns true if this font family has a variaion sequence table (cmap format 14 subtable).
bool hasVSTable() const { return !mCmapFmt14Coverage.empty(); }
// Creates new FontFamily based on this family while applying font variations. Returns nullptr
// if none of variations apply to this family.
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> createFamilyWithVariation(
const std::vector<FontVariation>& variations) const;
void computeCoverage();
uint32_t mLocaleListId;
Variant mVariant;
std::vector<Font> mFonts;
std::unordered_set<AxisTag> mSupportedAxes;
SparseBitSet mCoverage;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SparseBitSet>> mCmapFmt14Coverage;
} // namespace minikin