blob: 1bf3942e8cde862e52d28fd2021bcd6110226c36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "Minikin"
#include "minikin/MeasuredText.h"
#include "minikin/Layout.h"
#include "BidiUtils.h"
#include "LayoutSplitter.h"
#include "LayoutUtils.h"
#include "LineBreakerUtil.h"
namespace minikin {
// Helper class for composing character advances.
class AdvancesCompositor {
AdvancesCompositor(std::vector<float>* outAdvances, LayoutPieces* outPieces)
: mOutAdvances(outAdvances), mOutPieces(outPieces) {}
void setNextRange(const Range& range, bool dir) {
mRange = range;
mDir = dir;
void operator()(const LayoutPiece& layoutPiece, const MinikinPaint& paint) {
const std::vector<float>& advances = layoutPiece.advances();
std::copy(advances.begin(), advances.end(), mOutAdvances->begin() + mRange.getStart());
if (mOutPieces != nullptr) {
mOutPieces->insert(mRange, 0 /* no edit */, layoutPiece, mDir, paint);
Range mRange;
bool mDir;
std::vector<float>* mOutAdvances;
LayoutPieces* mOutPieces;
void StyleRun::getMetrics(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, std::vector<float>* advances,
LayoutPieces* precomputed, LayoutPieces* outPieces) const {
AdvancesCompositor compositor(advances, outPieces);
const Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
const uint32_t paintId =
(precomputed == nullptr) ? LayoutPieces::kNoPaintId : precomputed->findPaintId(mPaint);
for (const BidiText::RunInfo info : BidiText(textBuf, mRange, bidiFlag)) {
for (const auto[context, piece] : LayoutSplitter(textBuf, info.range, info.isRtl)) {
compositor.setNextRange(piece, info.isRtl);
if (paintId == LayoutPieces::kNoPaintId) {
textBuf.substr(context), piece - context.getStart(), mPaint, info.isRtl,
StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, compositor);
} else {
precomputed->getOrCreate(textBuf, piece, context, mPaint, info.isRtl,
StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, paintId,
// Helper class for composing total amount of advance
class TotalAdvanceCompositor {
TotalAdvanceCompositor(LayoutPieces* outPieces) : mTotalAdvance(0), mOutPieces(outPieces) {}
void setNextContext(const Range& range, HyphenEdit edit, bool dir) {
mRange = range;
mEdit = edit;
mDir = dir;
void operator()(const LayoutPiece& layoutPiece, const MinikinPaint& paint) {
mTotalAdvance += layoutPiece.advance();
if (mOutPieces != nullptr) {
mOutPieces->insert(mRange, mEdit, layoutPiece, mDir, paint);
float advance() const { return mTotalAdvance; }
float mTotalAdvance;
Range mRange;
HyphenEdit mEdit;
bool mDir;
LayoutPieces* mOutPieces;
float StyleRun::measureHyphenPiece(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
LayoutPieces* pieces) const {
TotalAdvanceCompositor compositor(pieces);
const Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
for (const BidiText::RunInfo info : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlag)) {
for (const auto[context, piece] : LayoutSplitter(textBuf, info.range, info.isRtl)) {
const StartHyphenEdit startEdit =
piece.getStart() == range.getStart() ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
const EndHyphenEdit endEdit =
piece.getEnd() == range.getEnd() ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
compositor.setNextContext(piece, packHyphenEdit(startEdit, endEdit), info.isRtl);
piece - context.getStart(), mPaint, info.isRtl,
startEdit, endEdit, compositor);
return compositor.advance();
void MeasuredText::measure(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, bool computeHyphenation,
bool computeLayout, MeasuredText* hint) {
if (textBuf.size() == 0) {
LayoutPieces* piecesOut = computeLayout ? &layoutPieces : nullptr;
CharProcessor proc(textBuf);
for (const auto& run : runs) {
const Range& range = run->getRange();
run->getMetrics(textBuf, &widths, hint ? &hint->layoutPieces : nullptr, piecesOut);
if (!computeHyphenation || !run->canBreak()) {
for (uint32_t i = range.getStart(); i < range.getEnd(); ++i) {
// Even if the run is not a candidate of line break, treat the end of run as the line
// break candidate.
const bool canBreak = run->canBreak() || (i + 1) == range.getEnd();
proc.feedChar(i, textBuf[i], widths[i], canBreak);
const uint32_t nextCharOffset = i + 1;
if (nextCharOffset != proc.nextWordBreak) {
continue; // Wait until word break point.
populateHyphenationPoints(textBuf, *run, *proc.hyphenator, proc.contextRange(),
proc.wordRange(), &hyphenBreaks, piecesOut);
// Helper class for composing Layout object.
class LayoutCompositor {
LayoutCompositor(Layout* outLayout, float extraAdvance)
: mOutLayout(outLayout), mExtraAdvance(extraAdvance) {}
void setOutOffset(uint32_t outOffset) { mOutOffset = outOffset; }
void operator()(const LayoutPiece& layoutPiece, const MinikinPaint& /* paint */) {
mOutLayout->appendLayout(layoutPiece, mOutOffset, mExtraAdvance);
uint32_t mOutOffset;
Layout* mOutLayout;
float mExtraAdvance;
void StyleRun::appendLayout(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
const Range& /* context */, const LayoutPieces& pieces,
const MinikinPaint& paint, uint32_t outOrigin,
StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen,
Layout* outLayout) const {
float wordSpacing = range.getLength() == 1 && isWordSpace(textBuf[range.getStart()])
? mPaint.wordSpacing
: 0;
bool canUsePrecomputedResult = mPaint == paint;
LayoutCompositor compositor(outLayout, wordSpacing);
const Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
const uint32_t paintId = pieces.findPaintId(mPaint);
for (const BidiText::RunInfo info : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlag)) {
for (const auto[context, piece] : LayoutSplitter(textBuf, info.range, info.isRtl)) {
compositor.setOutOffset(piece.getStart() - outOrigin);
const StartHyphenEdit startEdit =
range.getStart() == piece.getStart() ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
const EndHyphenEdit endEdit =
range.getEnd() == piece.getEnd() ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
if (canUsePrecomputedResult) {
pieces.getOrCreate(textBuf, piece, context, mPaint, info.isRtl, startEdit, endEdit,
paintId, compositor);
} else {
piece - context.getStart(), paint,
info.isRtl, startEdit, endEdit, compositor);
// Helper class for composing bounding box.
class BoundsCompositor {
BoundsCompositor() : mAdvance(0) {}
void operator()(const LayoutPiece& layoutPiece, const MinikinPaint& paint) {
MinikinRect pieceBounds;
MinikinRect tmpRect;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < layoutPiece.glyphCount(); ++i) {
const FakedFont& font = layoutPiece.fontAt(i);
const Point& point = layoutPiece.pointAt(i);
MinikinFont* minikinFont = font.font->typeface().get();
minikinFont->GetBounds(&tmpRect, layoutPiece.glyphIdAt(i), paint, font.fakery);
tmpRect.offset(point.x, point.y);
pieceBounds.offset(mAdvance, 0);
mAdvance += layoutPiece.advance();
const MinikinRect& bounds() const { return mBounds; }
float advance() const { return mAdvance; }
float mAdvance;
MinikinRect mBounds;
std::pair<float, MinikinRect> StyleRun::getBounds(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
const LayoutPieces& pieces) const {
BoundsCompositor compositor;
const Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
const uint32_t paintId = pieces.findPaintId(mPaint);
for (const BidiText::RunInfo info : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlag)) {
for (const auto[context, piece] : LayoutSplitter(textBuf, info.range, info.isRtl)) {
pieces.getOrCreate(textBuf, piece, context, mPaint, info.isRtl,
StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, paintId,
return std::make_pair(compositor.advance(), compositor.bounds());
// Helper class for composing total extent.
class ExtentCompositor {
ExtentCompositor() {}
void operator()(const LayoutPiece& layoutPiece, const MinikinPaint& /* paint */) {
const MinikinExtent& extent() const { return mExtent; }
MinikinExtent mExtent;
MinikinExtent StyleRun::getExtent(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
const LayoutPieces& pieces) const {
ExtentCompositor compositor;
Bidi bidiFlag = mIsRtl ? Bidi::FORCE_RTL : Bidi::FORCE_LTR;
const uint32_t paintId = pieces.findPaintId(mPaint);
for (const BidiText::RunInfo info : BidiText(textBuf, range, bidiFlag)) {
for (const auto[context, piece] : LayoutSplitter(textBuf, info.range, info.isRtl)) {
pieces.getOrCreate(textBuf, piece, context, mPaint, info.isRtl,
StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT, paintId,
return compositor.extent();
Layout MeasuredText::buildLayout(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range,
const Range& contextRange, const MinikinPaint& paint,
StartHyphenEdit startHyphen, EndHyphenEdit endHyphen) {
Layout outLayout(range.getLength());
for (const auto& run : runs) {
const Range& runRange = run->getRange();
if (!Range::intersects(range, runRange)) {
const Range targetRange = Range::intersection(runRange, range);
StartHyphenEdit startEdit =
targetRange.getStart() == range.getStart() ? startHyphen : StartHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
EndHyphenEdit endEdit =
targetRange.getEnd() == range.getEnd() ? endHyphen : EndHyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
run->appendLayout(textBuf, targetRange, contextRange, layoutPieces, paint, range.getStart(),
startEdit, endEdit, &outLayout);
return outLayout;
MinikinRect MeasuredText::getBounds(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range) const {
MinikinRect rect;
float totalAdvance = 0.0f;
for (const auto& run : runs) {
const Range& runRange = run->getRange();
if (!Range::intersects(range, runRange)) {
auto[advance, bounds] =
run->getBounds(textBuf, Range::intersection(runRange, range), layoutPieces);
bounds.offset(totalAdvance, 0);
totalAdvance += advance;
return rect;
MinikinExtent MeasuredText::getExtent(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const Range& range) const {
MinikinExtent extent;
for (const auto& run : runs) {
const Range& runRange = run->getRange();
if (!Range::intersects(range, runRange)) {
MinikinExtent runExtent =
run->getExtent(textBuf, Range::intersection(runRange, range), layoutPieces);
return extent;
} // namespace minikin