blob: 91fb1cd43cb1e800f42b13432411bd9343963b4b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
private const val TAG = "Connectivity unit test"
fun <T> assertEmpty(ts: Array<T>) = ts.size.let { len ->
assertEquals(0, len, "Expected empty array, but length was $len")
fun <T> assertEmpty(ts: List<T>) = ts.size.let { len ->
assertEquals(0, len, "Expected empty list, but length was $len")
fun <T> assertLength(expected: Int, got: Array<T>) = got.size.let { len ->
assertEquals(expected, len, "Expected array of length $expected, but was $len for $got")
fun <T> assertLength(expected: Int, got: List<T>) = got.size.let { len ->
assertEquals(expected, len, "Expected list of length $expected, but was $len for $got")
// Bridge method to help write this in Java. If you're writing Kotlin, consider using
// kotlin.test.assertFailsWith instead, as that method is reified and inlined.
fun <T : Exception> assertThrows(expected: Class<T>, block: ThrowingRunnable): T {
return assertFailsWith(expected.kotlin) { }
fun <T : Exception> assertThrows(msg: String, expected: Class<T>, block: ThrowingRunnable): T {
return assertFailsWith(expected.kotlin, msg) { }
fun <T> assertEqualBothWays(o1: T, o2: T) {
assertTrue(o1 == o2)
assertTrue(o2 == o1)
fun <T> assertNotEqualEitherWay(o1: T, o2: T) {
assertFalse(o1 == o2)
assertFalse(o2 == o1)
fun assertStringContains(got: String, want: String) {
assertTrue(got.contains(want), "$got did not contain \"${want}\"")
fun assertContainsExactly(actual: IntArray, vararg expected: Int) {
// IntArray#sorted() returns a list, so it's fine to test with equals()
assertEquals(actual.sorted(), expected.sorted(),
"$actual does not contain exactly $expected")
fun assertContainsStringsExactly(actual: Array<String>, vararg expected: String) {
assertEquals(actual.sorted(), expected.sorted(),
"$actual does not contain exactly $expected")
fun <T> assertContainsAll(list: Collection<T>, vararg elems: T) {
assertContainsAll(list, elems.asList())
fun <T> assertContainsAll(list: Collection<T>, elems: Collection<T>) {
elems.forEach { assertTrue(list.contains(it), "$it not in list") }
fun assertRunsInAtMost(descr: String, timeLimit: Long, fn: Runnable) {
assertRunsInAtMost(descr, timeLimit) { }
fun assertRunsInAtMost(descr: String, timeLimit: Long, fn: () -> Unit) {
val timeTaken = measureTimeMillis(fn)
val msg = String.format("%s: took %dms, limit was %dms", descr, timeTaken, timeLimit)
assertTrue(timeTaken <= timeLimit, msg)
* Verifies that the number of nonstatic fields in a java class equals a given count.
* Note: this is essentially not useful for Kotlin code where fields are not really a thing.
* This assertion serves as a reminder to update test code around it if fields are added
* after the test is written.
* @param count Expected number of nonstatic fields in the class.
* @param clazz Class to test.
fun <T> assertFieldCountEquals(count: Int, clazz: Class<T>) {
assertEquals(count, clazz.declaredFields.filter {
!Modifier.isStatic(it.modifiers) && !Modifier.isTransient(it.modifiers)
fun assertSameElements(expected: List<String?>, actual: List<String?>) {
val expectedSet: HashSet<String?> = HashSet<String?>(expected)
assertEquals(expectedSet.size.toLong(), expected.size.toLong(),
"expected list contains duplicates")
val actualSet: HashSet<String?> = HashSet<String?>(actual)
assertEquals(actualSet.size.toLong(), actual.size.toLong(), "actual list contains duplicates")
assertEquals(expectedSet, actualSet)