blob: 9e83269abc67c94b42f3b1c0c1060d8a081c2c16 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.frameworks.cameraservice.device@2.0;
import android.frameworks.cameraservice.common@2.0::Status;
* Though this is an opaque blob of vec<uint8_t> and cast on both sides of the
* HAL to camera_metadata_t, camera_metadata_t is stable. Further
* through some static compile time checks we can be more confident about it not
* changing across multiple releases.
* Ref: system/media/camera/src/camera_metadata.c
typedef vec<uint8_t> CameraMetadata;
* Error codes for onDeviceError
enum ErrorCode : int32_t {
* To indicate all invalid error codes.
* Camera operation has failed because the camera device has been closed,
* possibly because a higher priority client has taken ownership of the
* device.
* The camera device has encountered a fatal error and needs to be
* re-opened to use it again.
* The camera service has encountered a fatal error.
* The camera device encountered an error while processing a request.
* No output will be produced for this request. Subsequent requests are
* unaffected.
* The camera device encountered an error while producing an output result
* metadata buffer for a request. Output stream buffers for it must still
* be available.
* A camera device encountered an error occured due to which an output
* buffer was lost.
* The camera device has been disabled and cannot be opened.
* Camera operation has failed due to an unknown cause.
* StreamConfigurationMode:
* This defines the general operation mode for the HAL (for a given stream
* configuration) where modes besides NORMAL have different semantics, and
* usually limit the generality of the API in exchange for higher performance in
* some particular area.
enum StreamConfigurationMode : uint32_t {
* Normal stream configuration operation mode. This is the default camera
* operation mode, where all semantics of HAL APIs and metadata controls
* apply.
* Special constrained high speed operation mode for devices that can not
* support high speed output in NORMAL mode.
* A set of vendor-defined operating modes, for custom default camera
* application features that can't be implemented in a fully flexible
* fashion required for NORMAL_MODE.
VENDOR_MODE_0 = 0x8000,
* TemplateId to be used with createDefaultRequest
enum TemplateId : int32_t {
* Create a request suitable for a camera preview window. Specifically, this
* means that high frame rate is given priority over the highest-quality
* post-processing.
* Create a request suitable for still image capture. Specifically, this
* means prioritizing image quality over frame rate
* Create a request suitable for video recording. Specifically, this means
* that a stable frame rate is used, and post-processing is set for
* recording quality.
* Create a request suitable for still image capture while recording
* video. Specifically, this means maximizing image quality without
* disrupting the ongoing recording.
* Create a request suitable for zero shutter lag still capture. This means
* means maximizing image quality without compromising preview frame rate.
* A basic template for direct application control of capture
* parameters. All automatic control is disabled (auto-exposure, auto-white
* balance, auto-focus), and post-processing parameters are set to preview
* quality. The manual capture parameters (exposure, sensitivity, and so on)
* are set to reasonable defaults, but should be overriden by the
* application depending on the intended use case.
* Either size of the capture request / result metadata sent through FMQ or
* the request / result metadata itself.
* If the server of the metadata choses to use FMQ, it must set the
* fmqMetadataSize field to the size(> 0) of the metadata held by the FMQ.
* Otherwise, the metadata field must contain the metadata.
safe_union FmqSizeOrMetadata {
uint64_t fmqMetadataSize;
CameraMetadata metadata;
* Data structure tying camera id and settings metadata.
struct PhysicalCameraSettings {
string id;
FmqSizeOrMetadata settings;
* Data structure tying stream id and window id for a native window.
struct StreamAndWindowId {
* This must be the stream id corresponding to the native window (the streamId
* returned from the createStream() method, which took in the
* OutputConfiguration which contained this native window)
int32_t streamId;
* This must be the array index of the of the window handle corresponding to
* the native window, which was packaged with the OutputConfiguration.
int32_t windowId;
* CaptureRequest
* This must contain the information which needs to be submitted with a capture
* request, typically to be used with submitRequestList.
struct CaptureRequest {
* The physical camera settings associated with this CaptureRequest.
vec<PhysicalCameraSettings> physicalCameraSettings;
* A list of (streamId, windowId) pairs which uniquely identifies the
* native windows associated with this CaptureRequest.
vec<StreamAndWindowId> streamAndWindowIds;
* CaptureResultExtras
* Information about a capture, available to a device client on various
* conditions through ICameraDeviceUserCallback callbacks.
struct CaptureResultExtras {
* An integer to index the request sequence that this result belongs to.
int32_t requestId;
* An integer to index this result inside a request sequence, starting from 0.
int32_t burstId;
* A 64bit integer to index the frame number associated with this result.
int64_t frameNumber;
* The partial result count (index) for this capture result.
int32_t partialResultCount;
* For buffer drop errors, the stream ID for the stream that lost a buffer.
* Otherwise -1.
int32_t errorStreamId;
* For capture result errors, the physical camera ID in case the respective request contains
* a reference to physical camera device.
* Empty otherwise.
string errorPhysicalCameraId;
* PhysicalCaptureResultInfo
* This ties physical camera metadata to a particular camera device for a
* particular capture result.
struct PhysicalCaptureResultInfo {
string physicalCameraId;
FmqSizeOrMetadata physicalCameraMetadata;
* SubmitInfo
* The status information returned for a successful capture request submission.
* This includes the request ID for the newly submitted capture request, and the
* last frame number of either the previous repeating request (for repeating
* requests), or of the request(s) just submitted (for single-shot capture).
struct SubmitInfo {
int32_t requestId;
int64_t lastFrameNumber;
* OutputConfiguration
* This describes camera output. It has configurations specific to a
* capture session.
struct OutputConfiguration {
* Rotation values for camera output
enum Rotation : uint32_t {
R0 = 0,
R90 = 1,
R180 = 2,
R270 = 3,
enum WindowGroupId : int32_t {
NONE = -1
* These must be handles to ANativeWindows owned by AImageReader,
* obtained by using AImageReader_getWindowHandle. Ref:
* (frameworks/av/media/ndk/include/media/NdkImageReader.h).
* When this vector has more than one window handle, native window surface
* sharing is enabled. Clients may take advantage of this in advanced use
* cases when they would require create more streams than the limits the
* camera device imposes [1]. In this case, more than one window must be
* attached to an OutputConfiguration so that they map to one camera stream.
* The outputs will share memory buffers whenever possible. Due to buffer
* sharing, client should be careful while adding native window outputs that
* modify their input data. If such cases exist, client must have additional
* mechanisms to synchronize read and write accesses between consumers.
* [1]: Ref : frameworks/av/camera/ndk/include/camera/NdkCameraDevice.h
vec<handle> windowHandles;
* The rotation value for the camera output for this configuration.
* Only Rotation::R0 is guaranteed to be supported.
Rotation rotation;
* A windowGroupId is used to identify which window group this output window belongs to. A
* window group is a group of output windows that are not intended to receive camera output
* buffer streams simultaneously. The ICameraDevice may be able to share the buffers used
* by all the windows from the same window group, therefore may reduce the overall memory
* footprint. The client must only set the same set id for the streams that are not
* simultaneously streaming. For OutputConfigurations not belonging to any
* window group the client must set windowGroupId to WindowGroupId::NONE.
int32_t windowGroupId;
* The id of the physical camera id, that this OutputConfiguration is meant
* for. If the no physical camera id is expected, this must be an empty
* string.
string physicalCameraId;
* The width of the output stream.
* Note: this must only be used when using deferred streams. Otherwise, it
* must be set to 0.
uint32_t width;
* The height of the output stream.
* Note: this must only be used when using deferred streams. Otherwise, it
* must be set to 0.
uint32_t height;
* This must be set to true, if this OutputConfiguration contains handles to
* deferred native windows.
* Ref:frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/camera2/params/
bool isDeferred;
struct SessionConfiguration {
* A vector containing all output configurations
vec<OutputConfiguration> outputStreams;
* Input stream width
* Note: this must be <= 0 if there is no input stream.
int32_t inputWidth;
* Input stream height
* Note: this must be <= 0 if there is no input stream.
int32_t inputHeight;
* Input stream format
* Note: this must be one of the AIMAGE_FORMATS defined in
* frameworks/av/media/ndk/include/media/NdkImage.h.
int32_t inputFormat;
* Operation mode of camera device
StreamConfigurationMode operationMode;