Merge "Change test to use unittest for integration into treehugger"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f6d5b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# A script which runs the unittest tests in
+# and outputs the results to $1/slang_tests/slang_tests_out.txt
+# $1 is expected to be DIST_DIR
+# We use python2.7 because we need unittest features added in 2.7
+mkdir -p "$1"/slang_tests/
+/usr/bin/python2.7 frameworks/compile/slang/tests/ -z 2> "$1"/slang_tests/slang_tests_out.txt
+# if python could not run script, return code will be non-zero
+# if any tests fail, return code will be zero due to '-z' flag passed to
+exit $?
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8116dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""RenderScript Compiler Test.
+Runs subdirectories of tests for the RenderScript compiler.
+import filecmp
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import unittest
+__author__ = 'Android'
+DOTTED_LINE = '................'
+class SlangTests(unittest.TestCase):
+  """Class to contain all the unittest test cases.
+  Tests will be dynamically added to this class as methods.
+  No static tests, so this class is initially empty.
+  See GenerateSlangTest() and AddSlangUnitTests().
+  """
+  pass
+def GenerateSlangTest(dir_name):
+  """Creates a test method that can be added as method to SlangTests."""
+  cwd = os.getcwd()
+  def SlangTest(self):
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+    ExecTest(dir_name, self)
+  return SlangTest
+def AddSlangUnitTests(test_dirs):
+  """Adds a test to SlangTests for each directory in test_dirs."""
+  for t in test_dirs:
+    # Must start with 'test_' according to unittest
+    test_name = 'test_%s' % t
+    test = GenerateSlangTest(t)
+    # Add test as method to SlangTests with test_name as method name
+    setattr(SlangTests, test_name, test)
+class Options(object):
+  verbose = 0
+  cleanup = 1
+  update_cts = 0
+  zero_return = 0
+def CompareFiles(actual, expect):
+  """Compares actual and expect for equality."""
+  if not os.path.isfile(actual):
+    if Options.verbose:
+      print 'Could not find %s' % actual
+    return False
+  if not os.path.isfile(expect):
+    if Options.verbose:
+      print 'Could not find %s' % expect
+    return False
+  return filecmp.cmp(actual, expect, False)
+def CopyIfDifferent(src, dst):
+  """Updates dst if it is different from src."""
+  if not CompareFiles(src, dst):
+    if Options.verbose:
+      print 'Copying from %s to %s' % (src, dst)
+    shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
+def GetCommandLineArgs(filename):
+  """Extracts command line arguments from first comment line in a file."""
+  f = open(filename, 'r')
+  line = f.readline()
+  f.close()
+  if line[0] == '/' and line[1] == '/':
+    return line[2:].strip()
+  else:
+    return ''
+def ReadFileToStr(filename):
+  """Returns contents of file as a str."""
+  with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+    return
+def ReportIfDifferFromExpected(tests, name, file1, file2):
+  """Fails tests if file1 and file2 differ."""
+  if not CompareFiles(file1, file2):
+    if Options.verbose:
+      err_message = ('%s is different:\n'
+                     'expected:\n%s\n%s%s\n\n'
+                     'actual:\n%s\n%s%s\n') % (
+                         name,
+                         DOTTED_LINE, ReadFileToStr(file1), DOTTED_LINE,
+                         DOTTED_LINE, ReadFileToStr(file2), DOTTED_LINE)
+    else:
+      err_message = '%s is different' % name
+def GetRSFiles():
+  """Returns a list of files in cwd with extension '.rs' or '.fs'."""
+  rs_files = glob.glob('*.rs')
+  fs_files = glob.glob('*.fs')
+  rs_files += fs_files
+  rs_files.sort()
+  return rs_files
+def CreateCmd():
+  """Creates the test command to run for the current test."""
+  out_dir = os.environ['ANDROID_HOST_OUT']
+  cmd_string = ('%s/bin/llvm-rs-cc -o tmp/ -p tmp/ -MD '
+                '-I ../../../../../frameworks/rs/script_api/include/ '
+                '-I ../../../../../external/clang/lib/Headers/') % out_dir
+  base_args = cmd_string.split()
+  rs_files = GetRSFiles()
+  # Extra command line arguments can be placed as // comments at the start of
+  # any .rs file. We automatically bundle up all of these extra args and invoke
+  # llvm-rs-cc with them.
+  extra_args_str = ''
+  for rs_file in rs_files:
+    extra_args_str += GetCommandLineArgs(rs_file)
+  extra_args = extra_args_str.split()
+  args = base_args + extra_args + rs_files
+  return args
+def UpdateCTS():
+  """Copies resulting files to appropriate CTS directory (if different)."""
+  if glob.glob('IN_CTS'):
+    cts_path = '../../../../../cts/'
+    cts_res_raw_path = cts_path + 'tests/tests/renderscriptlegacy/res/raw/'
+    cts_src_path = cts_path + 'tests/tests/renderscript/src/'
+    for bc_src in glob.glob('tmp/*.bc'):
+      bc_dst = re.sub(r'tmp\/', cts_res_raw_path, bc_src, 1)
+      CopyIfDifferent(bc_src, bc_dst)
+    for java_src in glob.glob('tmp/android/renderscript/cts/*.java'):
+      java_dst = re.sub(r'tmp\/', cts_src_path, java_src, 1)
+      CopyIfDifferent(java_src, java_dst)
+def Cleanup():
+  """Cleans up the cwd of any tmp files created in current test."""
+  try:
+    os.remove('stdout.txt')
+    os.remove('stderr.txt')
+    shutil.rmtree('tmp/')
+  except OSError:
+    pass
+def CheckTestResult(dir_name, subprocess_ret, tests, args):
+  """Checks the result of the subprocess command to see if it passed/failed.
+  If dir_name starts with 'F_', then subprocess is expected to fail.
+  If it instead succeeded, then this test is failed.
+  Vice versa with a dir_name starting with 'P_'.
+  Args:
+    dir_name: name of current directory/test name
+    subprocess_ret: return code of subprocess
+    tests: unittest, call when failure
+    args: the arguments for the command that was run
+  """
+  if dir_name[0:2] == 'F_':
+    if subprocess_ret == 0:
+      if Options.verbose:
+        err_message = ('Command (%s) passed on invalid input\n'
+                       'stdout:\n%s\n%s%s\n') % (
+                           ' '.join(args),
+                           DOTTED_LINE, ReadFileToStr('stdout.txt'), DOTTED_LINE
+                       )
+      else:
+        err_message = 'Command passed on invalid input'
+  elif dir_name[0:2] == 'P_':
+    if subprocess_ret != 0:
+      if Options.verbose:
+        err_message = ('Command (%s) failed on valid input\n'
+                       'stderr:\n%s\n%s%s\n') % (
+                           ' '.join(args),
+                           DOTTED_LINE, ReadFileToStr('stderr.txt'), DOTTED_LINE
+                       )
+      else:
+        err_message = 'Command failed on valid input'
+  else:
+'Invalid test name: ' + dir_name +
+               ', should start with F_ or P_')
+def CheckJavaOutput(tests):
+  """Check that the Java output files are as expected.
+  Each 'Script*.java.expect' file should have exactly one corresponding file.
+  The two files should match exactly.
+  Args:
+    tests: unittest, call when failure
+  """
+  java_expect = glob.glob('Script*.java.expect')
+  for expect in java_expect:
+    expect_base = expect[:-7]  # strip ".expect" suffix
+    find = 'tmp/*/' + expect_base
+    found = glob.glob(find)
+    if len(found) != 1:
+      if not found:
+'%s not found' % find)
+      else:
+'multiple %s found' % find)
+    elif not CompareFiles(found[0], expect):
+'%s and %s are different' % (found[0], expect))
+def ExecTest(dir_name, tests):
+  """Executes an llvm-rs-cc test from dir_name."""
+  os.chdir(dir_name)
+  stdout_file = open('stdout.txt', 'w+')
+  stderr_file = open('stderr.txt', 'w+')
+  args = CreateCmd()
+  if Options.verbose > 1:
+    print 'Executing:', ' '.join(args)
+  # Execute the command and check the resulting shell return value.
+  # All tests that are expected to FAIL have directory names that
+  # start with 'F_'. Other tests that are expected to PASS have
+  # directory names that start with 'P_'.
+  ret = 0
+  try:
+    ret =, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file)
+  except OSError:
+' failed: ' + ' '.join(args))
+  stdout_file.close()
+  stderr_file.close()
+  CheckTestResult(dir_name, ret, tests, args)
+  ReportIfDifferFromExpected(tests, 'stdout', 'stdout.txt.expect', 'stdout.txt')
+  ReportIfDifferFromExpected(tests, 'stderr', 'stderr.txt.expect', 'stderr.txt')
+  CheckJavaOutput(tests)
+  if Options.update_cts:
+    UpdateCTS()
+  if Options.cleanup:
+    Cleanup()
+def Usage():
+  """Print out usage information."""
+  print ('Usage: %s [OPTION]... [TESTNAME]...'
+         'Renderscript Compiler Test Harness\n'
+         'Runs TESTNAMEs (all tests by default)\n'
+         'Available Options:\n'
+         '  -h, --help          Help message\n'
+         '  -n, --no-cleanup    Don\'t clean up after running tests\n'
+         '  -u, --update-cts    Update CTS test versions\n'
+         '  -v, --verbose       Verbose output.  Enter multiple -v to get more verbose.\n'
+         '  -z, --zero-return   Return 0 as exit code no matter if tests fail. Required for TreeHugger.\n'
+        ) % (sys.argv[0]),
+  return
+def main():
+  """Runs the unittest suite.
+  Parses command line arguments, adds test directories as tests.
+  Returns:
+    0 if '-z' flag is set.
+    Else unittest.main() returns with its own error code.
+  """
+  # Chdir to the directory this file is in since tests are in this directory
+  os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+  files = []
+  for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+    if arg in ('-h', '--help'):
+      Usage()
+      return 0
+    elif arg in ('-n', '--no-cleanup'):
+      Options.cleanup = 0
+    elif arg in ('-u', '--update-cts'):
+      Options.update_cts = 1
+    elif arg in ('-v', '--verbose'):
+      Options.verbose += 1
+    elif arg in ('-z', '--zero-return'):
+      Options.zero_return = 1
+    else:
+      # Test list to run
+      if os.path.isdir(arg):
+        files.append(arg)
+      else:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Invalid test or option: %s' % arg
+        return 1
+  if not files:
+    file_names = os.listdir('.')
+    # Test names must start with 'F_' or 'P_'
+    # 'F_' tests are expected to fail
+    # 'P_' tests are expected to pass
+    for f in file_names:
+      if os.path.isdir(f) and (f[0:2] == 'F_' or f[0:2] == 'P_'):
+        files.append(f)
+    files.sort()
+  AddSlangUnitTests(files)
+  # verbosity=2 is necessary for PythonUnitTestRunner to parse the results
+  # Otherwise verbosity does not matter
+  # If Options.zero_return is set, do not let unittest.main() exit
+  #  This is necessary in TreeHugger to distinguish between failing tests and
+  #  failing to execute the python script
+  # If Options.zero_return is not set, let unittest.main() exit
+  #  In this case it will return a non-zero code if any tests fail
+  unittest_exit = Options.zero_return == 0
+  unittest.main(verbosity=2,
+                argv=[sys.argv[0]] + ['SlangTests'],
+                exit=unittest_exit)
+  return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 02b74f2..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010-2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-"""Renderscript Compiler Test.
-Runs subdirectories of tests for the Renderscript compiler.
-import filecmp
-import glob
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-__author__ = 'Android'
-class Options(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    return
-  verbose = 0
-  cleanup = 1
-  updateCTS = 0
-def CompareFiles(actual, expect):
-  """Compares actual and expect for equality."""
-  if not os.path.isfile(actual):
-    if Options.verbose:
-      print 'Could not find %s' % actual
-    return False
-  if not os.path.isfile(expect):
-    if Options.verbose:
-      print 'Could not find %s' % expect
-    return False
-  return filecmp.cmp(actual, expect, False)
-def UpdateFiles(src, dst):
-  """Update dst if it is different from src."""
-  if not CompareFiles(src, dst):
-    print 'Copying from %s to %s' % (src, dst)
-    shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
-def GetCommandLineArgs(filename):
-  """Extracts command line arguments from first comment line in a file."""
-  f = open(filename, 'r')
-  line = f.readline()
-  if line[0] == '/' and line [1] == '/':
-    return line[2:].strip()
-  else:
-    return ''
-def ExecTest(dirname):
-  """Executes an llvm-rs-cc test from dirname."""
-  passed = True
-  if Options.verbose != 0:
-    print 'Testing %s' % dirname
-  os.chdir(dirname)
-  stdout_file = open('stdout.txt', 'w+')
-  stderr_file = open('stderr.txt', 'w+')
-  out_dir = os.environ['ANDROID_HOST_OUT']
-  cmd_string = ('%s/bin/llvm-rs-cc -o tmp/ -p tmp/ -MD '
-                '-I ../../../../../frameworks/rs/script_api/include/ '
-                '-I ../../../../../external/clang/lib/Headers/') % out_dir
-  base_args = cmd_string.split()
-  rs_files = glob.glob('*.rs')
-  fs_files = glob.glob('*.fs')
-  rs_files += fs_files;
-  rs_files.sort()
-  # Extra command line arguments can be placed as // comments at the start of
-  # any .rs file. We automatically bundle up all of these extra args and invoke
-  # llvm-rs-cc with them.
-  extra_args_str = ''
-  for rs_file in rs_files:
-    extra_args_str += GetCommandLineArgs(rs_file)
-  extra_args = extra_args_str.split()
-  args = base_args + extra_args + rs_files
-  if Options.verbose > 1:
-    print 'Executing:',
-    for arg in args:
-      print arg,
-    print
-  # Execute the command and check the resulting shell return value.
-  # All tests that are expected to FAIL have directory names that
-  # start with 'F_'. Other tests that are expected to PASS have
-  # directory names that start with 'P_'.
-  ret = 0
-  try:
-    ret =, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file)
-  except:
-    passed = False
-  stdout_file.flush()
-  stderr_file.flush()
-  if Options.verbose > 1:
-    for line in stdout_file:
-      print 'STDOUT>', line,
-    for line in stderr_file:
-      print 'STDERR>', line,
-  stdout_file.close()
-  stderr_file.close()
-  if dirname[0:2] == 'F_':
-    if ret == 0:
-      passed = False
-      if Options.verbose:
-        print 'Command passed on invalid input'
-  elif dirname[0:2] == 'P_':
-    if ret != 0:
-      passed = False
-      if Options.verbose:
-        print 'Command failed on valid input'
-  else:
-    passed = (ret == 0)
-    if Options.verbose:
-      print 'Test Directory name should start with an F or a P'
-  if not CompareFiles('stdout.txt', 'stdout.txt.expect'):
-    passed = False
-    if Options.verbose:
-      print 'stdout is different'
-  if not CompareFiles('stderr.txt', 'stderr.txt.expect'):
-    passed = False
-    if Options.verbose:
-      print 'stderr is different'
-  java_expect = glob.glob('Script*.java.expect');
-  for expect in java_expect:
-    expect_base = expect[:-7] # strip ".expect" suffix
-    if Options.verbose:
-      print 'Comparing ' + expect_base
-    find = 'tmp/*/' + expect_base
-    found = glob.glob(find)
-    if len(found) != 1:
-      passed = False
-      if Options.verbose:
-        print 'unique ' + find + ' not found'
-    elif not CompareFiles(found[0], expect):
-      passed = False
-      if Options.verbose:
-        print expect_base + ' is different'
-  if Options.updateCTS:
-    # Copy resulting files to appropriate CTS directory (if different).
-    if passed and glob.glob('IN_CTS'):
-      cts_path = '../../../../../cts/'
-      cts_res_raw_path = cts_path + 'tests/res/raw/'
-      cts_src_path = cts_path + 'tests/tests/renderscript/src/'
-      for bc_src in glob.glob('tmp/*.bc'):
-        bc_dst = re.sub('tmp\/', cts_res_raw_path, bc_src, 1)
-        UpdateFiles(bc_src, bc_dst)
-      for java_src in glob.glob('tmp/android/renderscript/cts/*.java'):
-        java_dst = re.sub('tmp\/', cts_src_path, java_src, 1)
-        UpdateFiles(java_src, java_dst)
-  if Options.cleanup:
-    try:
-      os.remove('stdout.txt')
-      os.remove('stderr.txt')
-      shutil.rmtree('tmp/')
-    except:
-      pass
-  os.chdir('..')
-  return passed
-def Usage():
-  """Print out usage information."""
-  print ('Usage: %s [OPTION]... [TESTNAME]...'
-         'Renderscript Compiler Test Harness\n'
-         'Runs TESTNAMEs (all tests by default)\n'
-         'Available Options:\n'
-         '  -h, --help          Help message\n'
-         '  -n, --no-cleanup    Don\'t clean up after running tests\n'
-         '  -u, --update-cts    Update CTS test versions\n'
-         '  -v, --verbose       Verbose output.  Enter multiple -v to get more verbose.\n'
-        ) % (sys.argv[0]),
-  return
-def main():
-  passed = 0
-  failed = 0
-  files = []
-  failed_tests = []
-  for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
-    if arg in ('-h', '--help'):
-      Usage()
-      return 0
-    elif arg in ('-n', '--no-cleanup'):
-      Options.cleanup = 0
-    elif arg in ('-u', '--update-cts'):
-      Options.updateCTS = 1
-    elif arg in ('-v', '--verbose'):
-      Options.verbose += 1
-    else:
-      # Test list to run
-      if os.path.isdir(arg):
-        files.append(arg)
-      else:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'Invalid test or option: %s' % arg
-        return 1
-  if not files:
-    tmp_files = os.listdir('.')
-    # Only run tests that are known to PASS or FAIL
-    # Disabled tests can be marked D_ and invoked explicitly
-    for f in tmp_files:
-      if os.path.isdir(f) and (f[0:2] == 'F_' or f[0:2] == 'P_'):
-        files.append(f)
-    files.sort()
-  for f in files:
-    if os.path.isdir(f):
-      if ExecTest(f):
-        passed += 1
-      else:
-        failed += 1
-        failed_tests.append(f)
-  print 'Tests Passed: %d\n' % passed,
-  print 'Tests Failed: %d\n' % failed,
-  if failed:
-    print 'Failures:',
-    for t in failed_tests:
-      print t,
-  return failed != 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main())