blob: 4a04ec542edd8dfc2ff762fbc59b556335693ced [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SymbolCategory.h ---------------------------------------------------===//
// The MCLinker Project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
namespace mcld {
class LDSymbol;
class ResolveInfo;
/** \class SymbolCategory
* \brief SymbolCategory groups output LDSymbol into different categories.
class SymbolCategory {
typedef std::vector<LDSymbol*> OutputSymbols;
typedef OutputSymbols::iterator iterator;
typedef OutputSymbols::const_iterator const_iterator;
// ----- modifiers ----- //
SymbolCategory& add(LDSymbol& pSymbol);
SymbolCategory& forceLocal(LDSymbol& pSymbol);
SymbolCategory& arrange(LDSymbol& pSymbol, const ResolveInfo& pSourceInfo);
SymbolCategory& changeCommonsToGlobal();
SymbolCategory& changeToDynamic(LDSymbol& pSymbol);
// ----- access ----- //
LDSymbol& at(size_t pPosition) { return *; }
const LDSymbol& at(size_t pPosition) const {
return *;
LDSymbol& operator[](size_t pPosition) { return *m_OutputSymbols[pPosition]; }
const LDSymbol& operator[](size_t pPosition) const {
return *m_OutputSymbols[pPosition];
// ----- observers ----- //
size_t numOfSymbols() const;
size_t numOfFiles() const;
size_t numOfLocals() const;
size_t numOfLocalDyns() const;
size_t numOfCommons() const;
size_t numOfDynamics() const;
size_t numOfRegulars() const;
bool empty() const;
bool emptyFiles() const;
bool emptyLocals() const;
bool emptyLocalDyns() const;
bool emptyCommons() const;
bool emptyDynamics() const;
bool emptyRegulars() const;
// ----- iterators ----- //
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
iterator fileBegin();
iterator fileEnd();
const_iterator fileBegin() const;
const_iterator fileEnd() const;
iterator localBegin();
iterator localEnd();
const_iterator localBegin() const;
const_iterator localEnd() const;
iterator localDynBegin();
iterator localDynEnd();
const_iterator localDynBegin() const;
const_iterator localDynEnd() const;
iterator commonBegin();
iterator commonEnd();
const_iterator commonBegin() const;
const_iterator commonEnd() const;
iterator dynamicBegin();
iterator dynamicEnd();
const_iterator dynamicBegin() const;
const_iterator dynamicEnd() const;
iterator regularBegin();
iterator regularEnd();
const_iterator regularBegin() const;
const_iterator regularEnd() const;
class Category {
enum Type { File, Local, LocalDyn, Common, Dynamic, Regular };
Type type;
size_t begin;
size_t end;
Category* prev;
Category* next;
explicit Category(Type pType)
: type(pType), begin(0), end(0), prev(NULL), next(NULL) {}
size_t size() const { return (end - begin); }
bool empty() const { return (begin == end); }
bool isFirst() const { return (prev == NULL); }
bool isLast() const { return (next == NULL); }
static Type categorize(const ResolveInfo& pInfo);
SymbolCategory& add(LDSymbol& pSymbol, Category::Type pTarget);
SymbolCategory& arrange(LDSymbol& pSymbol,
Category::Type pSource,
Category::Type pTarget);
OutputSymbols m_OutputSymbols;
Category* m_pFile;
Category* m_pLocal;
Category* m_pLocalDyn;
Category* m_pCommon;
Category* m_pDynamic;
Category* m_pRegular;
} // namespace mcld