blob: 9326b5b3731d867217b655a82e6ee1fe95f136f2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- GCFactoryListTraitsTest.h ------------------------------------------===//
// The MCLinker Project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <gtest.h>
#include "mcld/Support/GCFactoryListTraits.h"
#include <llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h>
#include "mcld/Support/GCFactory.h"
namespace mcldtest {
/** \class GCFactoryListTraitsTest
* \brief
* \see GCFactoryListTraits
class GCFactoryListTraitsTest : public ::testing::Test {
/** \class GCFactoryListTraitsTest
* \brief Node used in the test
class NodeFactory;
class Node : public llvm::ilist_node<Node> {
friend class NodeFactory;
unsigned m_Init;
unsigned m_Value;
Node() : m_Init(0), m_Value(0) {}
Node(unsigned pInit) : m_Init(pInit), m_Value(pInit) {}
unsigned getInitialValue() const { return m_Init; }
inline unsigned getValue() const { return m_Value; }
inline void setValue(unsigned pValue) { m_Value = pValue; }
class NodeFactory : public mcld::GCFactory<Node, 0> {
NodeFactory() : mcld::GCFactory<Node, 0>(16) {}
Node* produce(unsigned pInit) {
Node* result = allocate();
new (result) Node(pInit);
return result;
// Constructor can do set-up work for all test here.
// Destructor can do clean-up work that doesn't throw exceptions here.
virtual ~GCFactoryListTraitsTest();
// SetUp() will be called immediately before each test.
virtual void SetUp();
// TearDown() will be called immediately after each test.
virtual void TearDown();
const llvm::iplist<Node, mcld::GCFactoryListTraits<Node> >& getNodeList()
const {
return m_pNodeList;
llvm::iplist<Node, mcld::GCFactoryListTraits<Node> >& getNodeList() {
return m_pNodeList;
NodeFactory m_NodeFactory;
Node** m_pNodesAlloc;
llvm::iplist<Node, mcld::GCFactoryListTraits<Node> > m_pNodeList;
} // namespace of mcldtest