blob: 49dec0518620f99c5798bcb48d7d9e9220ea02e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.ElapsedRealtimeLong;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.ResultReceiver;
import android.os.ShellCallback;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
import android.util.LocalLog;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.NtpTrustedTime;
import android.util.NtpTrustedTime.TimeResult;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Refreshes network time periodically, when network connectivity becomes available and when the
* user enables automatic time detection.
* <p>For periodic requests, this service attempts to leave an interval between successful requests.
* If a request fails, it retries a number of times with a "short" interval and then resets to the
* normal interval. The process then repeats.
* <p>When a valid network time is available, the network time is always suggested to the {@link
*} where it may be used to set the device
* system clock, depending on user settings and what other signals are available.
public class NetworkTimeUpdateService extends Binder {
private static final String TAG = "NetworkTimeUpdateService";
private static final boolean DBG = false;
private final Object mLock = new Object();
private final Context mContext;
private final ConnectivityManager mCM;
private final PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock;
private final NtpTrustedTime mNtpTrustedTime;
private final Engine.RefreshCallbacks mRefreshCallbacks;
private final Engine mEngine;
// Blocking NTP lookup is done using this handler
private final Handler mHandler;
// This field is only updated and accessed by the mHandler thread (except dump()).
private Network mDefaultNetwork = null;
public NetworkTimeUpdateService(@NonNull Context context) {
mContext = Objects.requireNonNull(context);
mCM = mContext.getSystemService(ConnectivityManager.class);
mWakeLock = context.getSystemService(PowerManager.class).newWakeLock(
mNtpTrustedTime = NtpTrustedTime.getInstance(context);
Supplier<Long> elapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier = SystemClock::elapsedRealtime;
int tryAgainTimesMax = mContext.getResources().getInteger(;
int normalPollingIntervalMillis = mContext.getResources().getInteger(;
int shortPollingIntervalMillis = mContext.getResources().getInteger(;
mEngine = new EngineImpl(elapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier, normalPollingIntervalMillis,
shortPollingIntervalMillis, tryAgainTimesMax, mNtpTrustedTime);
AlarmManager alarmManager = mContext.getSystemService(AlarmManager.class);
TimeDetectorInternal timeDetectorInternal =
mRefreshCallbacks = new Engine.RefreshCallbacks() {
private final AlarmManager.OnAlarmListener mOnAlarmListener =
new ScheduledRefreshAlarmListener();
public void scheduleNextRefresh(@ElapsedRealtimeLong long elapsedRealtimeMillis) {
String alarmTag = "NetworkTimeUpdateService.POLL";
Handler handler = null; // Use the main thread
AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME, elapsedRealtimeMillis, alarmTag,
mOnAlarmListener, handler);
public void submitSuggestion(NetworkTimeSuggestion suggestion) {
HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread(TAG);
mHandler = thread.getThreadHandler();
/** Initialize the receivers and initiate the first NTP request */
public void systemRunning() {
// Listen for network connectivity changes.
NetworkConnectivityCallback networkConnectivityCallback = new NetworkConnectivityCallback();
mCM.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(networkConnectivityCallback, mHandler);
// Listen for user settings changes.
ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
AutoTimeSettingObserver autoTimeSettingObserver =
new AutoTimeSettingObserver(mHandler, mContext);
false, autoTimeSettingObserver);
* Overrides the NTP server config for tests. Passing {@code null} to a parameter clears the
* test value, i.e. so the normal value will be used next time.
void setServerConfigForTests(@Nullable NtpTrustedTime.NtpConfig ntpConfig) {
android.Manifest.permission.SET_TIME, "set NTP server config for tests");
final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} finally {
* Forces the service to refresh the NTP time.
* <p>This operation takes place in the calling thread rather than the service's handler thread.
* This method does not affect currently scheduled refreshes.
* <p>If the NTP request is successful it will synchronously make a suggestion to the time
* detector, which will be asynchronously handled; therefore the effects are not guaranteed to
* be visible when this call returns.
boolean forceRefreshForTests() {
android.Manifest.permission.SET_TIME, "force network time refresh");
final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
Network network;
synchronized (mLock) {
network = mDefaultNetwork;
if (network == null) return false;
return mEngine.forceRefreshForTests(network, mRefreshCallbacks);
} finally {
private void onPollNetworkTime(@NonNull String reason) {
Network network;
synchronized (mLock) {
network = mDefaultNetwork;
try {
mEngine.refreshAndRescheduleIfRequired(network, reason, mRefreshCallbacks);
} finally {
private class ScheduledRefreshAlarmListener implements AlarmManager.OnAlarmListener, Runnable {
public void onAlarm() {
// The OnAlarmListener has to complete quickly or an ANR will be triggered by the
// platform regardless of the receiver thread used. Instead of blocking the receiver
// thread, the long-running / blocking work is posted to mHandler to allow onAlarm()
// to return immediately.;
public void run() {
onPollNetworkTime("scheduled refresh");
// All callbacks will be invoked using mHandler because of how the callback is registered.
private class NetworkConnectivityCallback extends ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback {
public void onAvailable(@NonNull Network network) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("New default network %s; checking time.", network));
synchronized (mLock) {
mDefaultNetwork = network;
// Running on mHandler so invoke directly.
onPollNetworkTime("network available");
public void onLost(@NonNull Network network) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (network.equals(mDefaultNetwork)) {
mDefaultNetwork = null;
* Observer to watch for changes to the AUTO_TIME setting. It only triggers when the setting
* is enabled.
private class AutoTimeSettingObserver extends ContentObserver {
private final Context mContext;
AutoTimeSettingObserver(@NonNull Handler handler, @NonNull Context context) {
mContext = Objects.requireNonNull(context);
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
// onChange() will be invoked using handler, see the constructor.
if (isAutomaticTimeEnabled()) {
onPollNetworkTime("automatic time enabled");
* Checks if the user prefers to automatically set the device's system clock time.
private boolean isAutomaticTimeEnabled() {
ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
return Settings.Global.getInt(resolver, Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME, 0) != 0;
protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
if (!DumpUtils.checkDumpPermission(mContext, TAG, pw)) return;
synchronized (mLock) {
pw.println("mDefaultNetwork=" + mDefaultNetwork);
public void onShellCommand(FileDescriptor in, FileDescriptor out, FileDescriptor err,
String[] args, ShellCallback callback, ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
new NetworkTimeUpdateServiceShellCommand(this).exec(
this, in, out, err, args, callback, resultReceiver);
* The interface the service uses to interact with the network time refresh logic.
* Extracted for testing.
interface Engine {
interface RefreshCallbacks {
void scheduleNextRefresh(@ElapsedRealtimeLong long elapsedRealtimeMillis);
void submitSuggestion(@NonNull NetworkTimeSuggestion suggestion);
* Forces the engine to refresh the network time (for tests). See {@link
* NetworkTimeUpdateService#forceRefreshForTests()}. This is a blocking call. This method
* must not schedule any calls.
boolean forceRefreshForTests(
@NonNull Network network, @NonNull RefreshCallbacks refreshCallbacks);
* Attempts to refresh the network time if required, i.e. if there isn't a recent-enough
* network time available. It must also schedule the next call. This is a blocking call.
* @param network the network to use, or null if no network is available
* @param reason the reason for the refresh (for logging)
void refreshAndRescheduleIfRequired(@Nullable Network network, @NonNull String reason,
@NonNull RefreshCallbacks refreshCallbacks);
void dump(@NonNull PrintWriter pw);
static class EngineImpl implements Engine {
* A log that records the decisions to fetch a network time update.
* This is logged in bug reports to assist with debugging issues with network time
* suggestions.
private final LocalLog mLocalDebugLog = new LocalLog(30, false /* useLocalTimestamps */);
* The usual interval between refresh attempts. Always used after a successful request.
* <p>The value also determines whether a network time result is considered fresh.
* Refreshes only take place from this class when the latest time result is considered too
* old.
private final int mNormalPollingIntervalMillis;
* A shortened interval between refresh attempts used after a failure to refresh.
* Always shorter than {@link #mNormalPollingIntervalMillis} and only used when {@link
* #mTryAgainTimesMax} != 0.
* <p>This value is also the lower bound for the interval allowed between successive
* refreshes when the latest time result is missing or too old, e.g. a refresh may not be
* triggered when network connectivity is restored if the last attempt was too recent.
private final int mShortPollingIntervalMillis;
* The number of times {@link #mShortPollingIntervalMillis} can be used after successive
* failures before switching back to using {@link #mNormalPollingIntervalMillis} once before
* repeating. When this value is negative, the refresh algorithm will continue to use {@link
* #mShortPollingIntervalMillis} until a successful refresh.
private final int mTryAgainTimesMax;
private final NtpTrustedTime mNtpTrustedTime;
* Records the elapsed realtime of the last refresh attempt (successful or otherwise) by
* this service. This is used when scheduling the next refresh attempt. In cases where
* {@link #refreshAndRescheduleIfRequired} is called too frequently, this will prevent each
* call resulting in a network request. See also {@link #mShortPollingIntervalMillis}.
* <p>Time servers are a shared resource and so Android should avoid loading them.
* Generally, a refresh attempt will succeed and the service won't need to make further
* requests and this field will not limit requests.
// This field is only updated and accessed by the mHandler thread (except dump()).
private Long mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis;
* Keeps track of successive time refresh failures have occurred. This is reset to zero when
* time refresh is successful or if the number exceeds (a non-negative) {@link
* #mTryAgainTimesMax}.
private int mTryAgainCounter;
private final Supplier<Long> mElapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier;
EngineImpl(@NonNull Supplier<Long> elapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier,
int normalPollingIntervalMillis, int shortPollingIntervalMillis,
int tryAgainTimesMax, @NonNull NtpTrustedTime ntpTrustedTime) {
mElapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier = Objects.requireNonNull(elapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier);
if (shortPollingIntervalMillis > normalPollingIntervalMillis) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"shortPollingIntervalMillis (%s) > normalPollingIntervalMillis (%s)",
shortPollingIntervalMillis, normalPollingIntervalMillis));
mNormalPollingIntervalMillis = normalPollingIntervalMillis;
mShortPollingIntervalMillis = shortPollingIntervalMillis;
mTryAgainTimesMax = tryAgainTimesMax;
mNtpTrustedTime = Objects.requireNonNull(ntpTrustedTime);
public boolean forceRefreshForTests(
@NonNull Network network, @NonNull RefreshCallbacks refreshCallbacks) {
boolean refreshSuccessful = tryRefresh(network);
logToDebugAndDumpsys("forceRefreshForTests: refreshSuccessful=" + refreshSuccessful);
if (refreshSuccessful) {
TimeResult cachedTimeResult = mNtpTrustedTime.getCachedTimeResult();
if (cachedTimeResult == null) {
"forceRefreshForTests: cachedTimeResult unexpectedly null");
} else {
"EngineImpl.forceRefreshForTests()", refreshCallbacks);
return refreshSuccessful;
public void refreshAndRescheduleIfRequired(
@Nullable Network network, @NonNull String reason,
@NonNull RefreshCallbacks refreshCallbacks) {
if (network == null) {
// If we don't have any default network, don't do anything: When a new network
// is available then this method will be called again.
+ " reason=" + reason
+ ": No default network available. No refresh attempted and no next"
+ " attempt scheduled.");
// Step 1: Work out if the latest time result, if any, needs to be refreshed and handle
// the refresh.
// A refresh should be attempted if there is no latest time result, or if the latest
// time result is considered too old.
NtpTrustedTime.TimeResult initialTimeResult = mNtpTrustedTime.getCachedTimeResult();
boolean shouldAttemptRefresh;
synchronized (this) {
long currentElapsedRealtimeMillis = mElapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier.get();
// calculateTimeResultAgeMillis() safely handles a null initialTimeResult.
long timeResultAgeMillis = calculateTimeResultAgeMillis(
initialTimeResult, currentElapsedRealtimeMillis);
shouldAttemptRefresh =
timeResultAgeMillis >= mNormalPollingIntervalMillis
&& isRefreshAllowed(currentElapsedRealtimeMillis);
boolean refreshSuccessful = false;
if (shouldAttemptRefresh) {
// This is a blocking call. Deliberately invoked without holding the "this" monitor
// to avoid blocking other logic that wants to use the "this" monitor, e.g. dump().
refreshSuccessful = tryRefresh(network);
synchronized (this) {
// This section of code deliberately doesn't assume it is the only component using
// the NtpTrustedTime singleton to obtain NTP times: another component in the same
// process could be gathering NTP signals (which then won't have been suggested to
// the time detector).
// TODO(b/222295093): Make this class the sole user of the NtpTrustedTime singleton
// and simplify / reduce duplicate suggestions and other logic.
NtpTrustedTime.TimeResult latestTimeResult = mNtpTrustedTime.getCachedTimeResult();
// currentElapsedRealtimeMillis is used to evaluate ages and refresh scheduling
// below. Capturing this after obtaining the cached time result ensures that latest
// time result ages will be >= 0.
long currentElapsedRealtimeMillis = mElapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier.get();
long latestTimeResultAgeMillis = calculateTimeResultAgeMillis(
latestTimeResult, currentElapsedRealtimeMillis);
// Step 2: Set mTryAgainCounter.
// + == 0: The last attempt was successful OR the latest time result is acceptable
// OR the mTryAgainCounter exceeded mTryAgainTimesMax and has been reset
// to 0. In all these cases the normal refresh interval should be used.
// + > 0: The last refresh attempt was unsuccessful. Some number of retries are
// allowed using the short interval depending on mTryAgainTimesMax.
if (shouldAttemptRefresh) {
if (refreshSuccessful) {
mTryAgainCounter = 0;
} else {
if (mTryAgainTimesMax < 0) {
// When mTryAgainTimesMax is negative there's no enforced maximum and
// short intervals should be used until a successful refresh. Setting
// mTryAgainCounter to 1 is sufficient for the interval calculations
// below, i.e. there's no need to increment.
mTryAgainCounter = 1;
} else {
if (mTryAgainCounter > mTryAgainTimesMax) {
mTryAgainCounter = 0;
if (latestTimeResultAgeMillis < mNormalPollingIntervalMillis) {
// The latest time result may indicate a successful refresh has been achieved by
// another user of the NtpTrustedTime singleton. This could be an "else if", but
// this is deliberately done defensively in all cases to maintain the invariant
// that mTryAgainCounter will be 0 if the latest time result is currently ok.
mTryAgainCounter = 0;
// Step 3: Suggest the latest time result to the time detector if it is fresh
// regardless of whether a refresh happened / succeeded above. The time detector
// service can detect duplicate suggestions and not do more work than it has to, so
// there is no need to avoid making duplicate suggestions.
if (latestTimeResultAgeMillis < mNormalPollingIntervalMillis) {
makeNetworkTimeSuggestion(latestTimeResult, reason, refreshCallbacks);
// Step 4: (Re)schedule the next refresh attempt based on the latest state.
// Determine which refresh attempt delay to use by using the current value of
// mTryAgainCounter.
long refreshAttemptDelayMillis = mTryAgainCounter > 0
? mShortPollingIntervalMillis : mNormalPollingIntervalMillis;
// The refresh attempt delay is applied to a different point in time depending on
// whether a refresh attempt is overdue to ensure the refresh attempt scheduling
// acts correctly / safely, i.e. won't schedule actions for immediate execution or
// in the past.
long nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis;
if (latestTimeResultAgeMillis < refreshAttemptDelayMillis) {
// The latestTimeResultAgeMillis and refreshAttemptDelayMillis indicate a
// refresh attempt is not yet due. This branch uses the elapsed realtime of the
// latest time result to calculate when the latest time result will become too
// old and the next refresh attempt will be due.
// Possibilities:
// + A refresh was attempted and successful, mTryAgainCounter will be set
// to 0, refreshAttemptDelayMillis == mNormalPollingIntervalMillis, and this
// branch will execute.
// + No refresh was attempted, but something else refreshed the latest time
// result held by the NtpTrustedTime.
// If a refresh was attempted but was unsuccessful, latestTimeResultAgeMillis >=
// mNormalPollingIntervalMillis (because otherwise it wouldn't be attempted),
// this branch won't be executed, and the one below will be instead.
nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis =
latestTimeResult.getElapsedRealtimeMillis() + refreshAttemptDelayMillis;
} else if (mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis != null) {
// This branch is executed when the latest time result is missing, or it's older
// than refreshAttemptDelayMillis. There may already have been attempts to
// refresh the network time that have failed, so the important point for this
// branch is not how old the latest time result is, but when the last refresh
// attempt took place:
// + If a refresh was just attempted (and failed), then
// mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis will be close to
// currentElapsedRealtimeMillis.
// + If a refresh was not just attempted, for a refresh not to have been
// attempted EITHER:
// + The latest time result must be < mNormalPollingIntervalMillis ago
// (would be handled by the branch above)
// + A refresh wasn't allowed because {time since last refresh attempt}
// < mShortPollingIntervalMillis, so
// (mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis + refreshAttemptDelayMillis)
// would have to be in the future regardless of the
// refreshAttemptDelayMillis value. This ignores the execution time
// between the "current time" used to work out whether a refresh needed to
// happen, and "current time" used to compute the last time result age,
// but a single short interval shouldn't matter.
nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis =
mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis + refreshAttemptDelayMillis;
} else {
// This branch should never execute: mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis
// should always be non-null because a refresh should always be attempted at
// least once above. Regardelss, the calculation below should result in safe
// scheduling behavior.
String logMsg = "mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis unexpectedly missing."
+ " Scheduling using currentElapsedRealtimeMillis";
Log.w(TAG, logMsg);
nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis =
currentElapsedRealtimeMillis + refreshAttemptDelayMillis;
// Defensive coding to guard against bad scheduling / logic errors above: Try to
// ensure that alarms aren't scheduled in the past.
if (nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis <= currentElapsedRealtimeMillis) {
String logMsg = "nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis is a time in the past."
+ " Scheduling using currentElapsedRealtimeMillis instead";
Log.w(TAG, logMsg);
nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis =
currentElapsedRealtimeMillis + refreshAttemptDelayMillis;
+ " network=" + network
+ ", reason=" + reason
+ ", initialTimeResult=" + initialTimeResult
+ ", shouldAttemptRefresh=" + shouldAttemptRefresh
+ ", refreshSuccessful=" + refreshSuccessful
+ ", currentElapsedRealtimeMillis="
+ formatElapsedRealtimeMillis(currentElapsedRealtimeMillis)
+ ", latestTimeResult=" + latestTimeResult
+ ", mTryAgainCounter=" + mTryAgainCounter
+ ", refreshAttemptDelayMillis=" + refreshAttemptDelayMillis
+ ", nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis="
+ formatElapsedRealtimeMillis(nextRefreshElapsedRealtimeMillis));
private static String formatElapsedRealtimeMillis(
@ElapsedRealtimeLong long elapsedRealtimeMillis) {
return Duration.ofMillis(elapsedRealtimeMillis) + " (" + elapsedRealtimeMillis + ")";
private static long calculateTimeResultAgeMillis(
@Nullable TimeResult timeResult,
@ElapsedRealtimeLong long currentElapsedRealtimeMillis) {
return timeResult == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE
: timeResult.getAgeMillis(currentElapsedRealtimeMillis);
private boolean isRefreshAllowed(@ElapsedRealtimeLong long currentElapsedRealtimeMillis) {
if (mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis == null) {
return true;
// Use the second meaning of mShortPollingIntervalMillis: to determine the minimum time
// allowed after an unsuccessful refresh before another can be attempted.
long nextRefreshAllowedElapsedRealtimeMillis =
mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis + mShortPollingIntervalMillis;
return currentElapsedRealtimeMillis >= nextRefreshAllowedElapsedRealtimeMillis;
* Attempts a network time refresh. Updates {@link
* #mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis} regardless of the outcome and returns whether
* the attempt was successful. The latest successful refresh result can be found in {@link
* NtpTrustedTime#getCachedTimeResult()}.
private boolean tryRefresh(@NonNull Network network) {
long currentElapsedRealtimeMillis = mElapsedRealtimeMillisSupplier.get();
synchronized (this) {
mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis = currentElapsedRealtimeMillis;
return mNtpTrustedTime.forceRefresh(network);
* Suggests the network time to the time detector. It may choose use it to set the system
* clock.
private void makeNetworkTimeSuggestion(@NonNull TimeResult timeResult,
@NonNull String debugInfo, @NonNull RefreshCallbacks refreshCallbacks) {
UnixEpochTime timeSignal = new UnixEpochTime(
timeResult.getElapsedRealtimeMillis(), timeResult.getTimeMillis());
NetworkTimeSuggestion timeSuggestion =
new NetworkTimeSuggestion(timeSignal, timeResult.getUncertaintyMillis());
public void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw);
ipw.println("mNormalPollingIntervalMillis=" + mNormalPollingIntervalMillis);
ipw.println("mShortPollingIntervalMillis=" + mShortPollingIntervalMillis);
ipw.println("mTryAgainTimesMax=" + mTryAgainTimesMax);
synchronized (this) {
String lastRefreshAttemptValue = mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis == null
? "null"
: formatElapsedRealtimeMillis(mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis);
ipw.println("mLastRefreshAttemptElapsedRealtimeMillis=" + lastRefreshAttemptValue);
ipw.println("mTryAgainCounter=" + mTryAgainCounter);
ipw.println("Debug log:");
private void logToDebugAndDumpsys(String logMsg) {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, logMsg);