blob: 4089a81dfc2009e9905f5ade64ce5ed79ec56ada [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.view.inputmethod.InlineSuggestionsRequest;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodInfo;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Input method manager local system service interface.
public abstract class InputMethodManagerInternal {
* Listener for input method list changed events.
public interface InputMethodListListener {
* Called with the list of the installed IMEs when it's updated.
void onInputMethodListUpdated(List<InputMethodInfo> info, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Called by the power manager to tell the input method manager whether it
* should start watching for wake events.
* @param interactive the interactive mode parameter
public abstract void setInteractive(boolean interactive);
* Hides the input methods for all the users, if visible.
* @param reason the reason for hiding the current input method
* @param originatingDisplayId the display ID the request is originated
public abstract void hideAllInputMethods(@SoftInputShowHideReason int reason,
int originatingDisplayId);
* Returns the list of installed input methods for the specified user.
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
* @return a list of {@link InputMethodInfo}. VR-only IMEs are already excluded
public abstract List<InputMethodInfo> getInputMethodListAsUser(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Returns the list of installed input methods that are enabled for the specified user.
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
* @return a list of {@link InputMethodInfo} that are enabled for {@code userId}
public abstract List<InputMethodInfo> getEnabledInputMethodListAsUser(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Called by the Autofill Frameworks to request an {@link InlineSuggestionsRequest} from
* the input method.
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
* @param requestInfo information needed to create an {@link InlineSuggestionsRequest}.
* @param cb {@link IInlineSuggestionsRequestCallback} used to pass back the request
* object
public abstract void onCreateInlineSuggestionsRequest(@UserIdInt int userId,
InlineSuggestionsRequestInfo requestInfo, IInlineSuggestionsRequestCallback cb);
* Force switch to the enabled input method by {@code imeId} for current user. If the input
* method with {@code imeId} is not enabled or not installed, do nothing.
* @param imeId the input method ID to be switched to
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
* @return {@code true} if the current input method was successfully switched to the input
* method by {@code imeId}; {@code false} the input method with {@code imeId} is not available
* to be switched.
public abstract boolean switchToInputMethod(String imeId, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Force enable or disable the input method associated with {@code imeId} for given user. If
* the input method associated with {@code imeId} is not installed, do nothing.
* @param imeId the input method ID to be enabled or disabled
* @param enabled {@code true} if the input method associated with {@code imeId} should be
* enabled
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
* @return {@code true} if the input method associated with {@code imeId} was successfully
* enabled or disabled, {@code false} if the input method specified is not installed
* or was unable to be enabled/disabled for some other reason.
public abstract boolean setInputMethodEnabled(String imeId, boolean enabled,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Makes the input method associated with {@code imeId} the default input method for all users
* on displays that are owned by the virtual device with the given {@code deviceId}. If the
* input method associated with {@code imeId} is not available, there will be no IME on the
* relevant displays.
* <p>The caller of this method is responsible for resetting it to {@code null} after the
* virtual device is closed.</p>
* @param deviceId the device ID on which to use the given input method as default.
* @param imeId the input method ID to be used as default on the given device. If {@code null},
* then any existing input method association with that device will be removed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a non-{@code null} input method ID is passed for a
* device ID that already has a custom input method set or if
* the device ID is not a valid virtual device.
public abstract void setVirtualDeviceInputMethodForAllUsers(
int deviceId, @Nullable String imeId);
* Registers a new {@link InputMethodListListener}.
* @param listener the listener to add
public abstract void registerInputMethodListListener(InputMethodListListener listener);
* Transfers input focus from a given input token to that of the IME window.
* @param sourceInputToken the source token.
* @param displayId the display hosting the IME window
* @return {@code true} if the transfer is successful
public abstract boolean transferTouchFocusToImeWindow(@NonNull IBinder sourceInputToken,
int displayId);
* Reports that IME control has transferred to the given window token, or if null that
* control has been taken away from client windows (and is instead controlled by the policy
* or SystemUI).
* @param windowToken the window token that is now in control, or {@code null} if no client
* window is in control of the IME
public abstract void reportImeControl(@Nullable IBinder windowToken);
* Indicates that the IME window has re-parented to the new target when the IME control changed.
public abstract void onImeParentChanged();
* Destroys the IME surface.
public abstract void removeImeSurface();
* Updates the IME visibility, back disposition and show IME picker status for SystemUI.
* TODO(b/189923292): Making SystemUI to be true IME icon controller vs. presenter that
* controlled by IMMS.
* @param disableImeIcon indicates whether IME icon should be enabled or not
* @param displayId the display for which to update the IME window status
public abstract void updateImeWindowStatus(boolean disableImeIcon, int displayId);
* Finish stylus handwriting by calling {@link InputMethodService#finishStylusHandwriting()} if
* there is an ongoing handwriting session.
public abstract void maybeFinishStylusHandwriting();
* Callback when the IInputMethodSession from the accessibility service with the specified
* accessibilityConnectionId is created.
* @param accessibilityConnectionId the connection id of the accessibility service
* @param session the session passed back from the accessibility service
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
public abstract void onSessionForAccessibilityCreated(int accessibilityConnectionId,
IAccessibilityInputMethodSession session, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Unbind the accessibility service with the specified accessibilityConnectionId from current
* client.
* @param accessibilityConnectionId the connection id of the accessibility service
* @param userId the user ID to be queried
public abstract void unbindAccessibilityFromCurrentClient(int accessibilityConnectionId,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Switch the keyboard layout in response to a keyboard shortcut.
* @param direction {@code 1} to switch to the next subtype, {@code -1} to switch to the
* previous subtype
* @param displayId the display to which the keyboard layout switch shortcut is
* dispatched. Note that there is no guarantee that an IME is
* associated with this display. This is more or less than a hint for
* cases when no IME is running for the given targetWindowToken. There
* is a longstanding discussion whether we should allow users to
* rotate keyboard layout even when there is no edit field, and this
* displayID would be helpful for such a situation.
* @param targetWindowToken the window token to which other keys are being sent while handling
* this shortcut.
public abstract void onSwitchKeyboardLayoutShortcut(int direction, int displayId,
IBinder targetWindowToken);
* Returns true if any InputConnection is currently active.
* {@hide}
public abstract boolean isAnyInputConnectionActive();
* Fake implementation of {@link InputMethodManagerInternal}. All the methods do nothing.
private static final InputMethodManagerInternal NOP =
new InputMethodManagerInternal() {
public void setInteractive(boolean interactive) {
public void hideAllInputMethods(@SoftInputShowHideReason int reason,
int originatingDisplayId) {
public List<InputMethodInfo> getInputMethodListAsUser(@UserIdInt int userId) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List<InputMethodInfo> getEnabledInputMethodListAsUser(
@UserIdInt int userId) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public void onCreateInlineSuggestionsRequest(@UserIdInt int userId,
InlineSuggestionsRequestInfo requestInfo,
IInlineSuggestionsRequestCallback cb) {
public boolean switchToInputMethod(String imeId, @UserIdInt int userId) {
return false;
public boolean setInputMethodEnabled(String imeId, boolean enabled,
@UserIdInt int userId) {
return false;
public void setVirtualDeviceInputMethodForAllUsers(
int deviceId, @Nullable String imeId) {
public void registerInputMethodListListener(InputMethodListListener listener) {
public boolean transferTouchFocusToImeWindow(@NonNull IBinder sourceInputToken,
int displayId) {
return false;
public void reportImeControl(@Nullable IBinder windowToken) {
public void onImeParentChanged() {
public void removeImeSurface() {
public void updateImeWindowStatus(boolean disableImeIcon, int displayId) {
public void onSessionForAccessibilityCreated(int accessibilityConnectionId,
IAccessibilityInputMethodSession session, @UserIdInt int userId) {
public void unbindAccessibilityFromCurrentClient(int accessibilityConnectionId,
@UserIdInt int userId) {
public void maybeFinishStylusHandwriting() {
public void onSwitchKeyboardLayoutShortcut(int direction, int displayId,
IBinder targetWindowToken) {
public boolean isAnyInputConnectionActive() {
return false;
* @return Global instance if exists. Otherwise, a fallback no-op instance.
public static InputMethodManagerInternal get() {
final InputMethodManagerInternal instance =
return instance != null ? instance : NOP;