blob: 4d70aec9fa5c657c0b8611392be73e7a882882c4 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: "system"
flag {
name: "use_media_router2_for_info_media_manager"
namespace: "media_solutions"
description: "Gates whether to use a MediaRouter2-based implementation of InfoMediaManager, instead of the legacy MediaRouter2Manager-based implementation."
bug: "192657812"
flag {
name: "enable_tv_media_output_dialog"
namespace: "tv_system_ui"
description: "Gates all the changes for the tv specific media output dialog"
bug: "303205631"
flag {
name: "enable_output_switcher_for_system_routing"
namespace: "media_solutions"
description: "Enable Output Switcher when no media is playing."
bug: "284227163"