startop: Rewrite the run app bash script to python.

Test: python  -p -a -r fadvise -i input --debug --simulate
Test: python  -p -a -r fadvise -i input
Test: pytest

Bug: 135286022
Change-Id: I761e5d20292febcb47b7ca9f87d6847d77250f68
diff --git a/startop/scripts/app_startup/lib/ b/startop/scripts/app_startup/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e2e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startop/scripts/app_startup/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Helper util libraries for calling adb command line."""
+import os
+import sys
+  os.path.abspath(__file__)))))
+import lib.cmd_utils as cmd_utils
+def logcat_save_timestamp() -> str:
+  """Gets the current logcat timestamp.
+  Returns:
+    A string of timestamp.
+  """
+  _, output = cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command(
+    "date -u +\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N\'")
+  return output
+def vm_drop_cache():
+  """Free pagecache and slab object."""
+  cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command('echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches')
+def root():
+  """Roots adb and successive adb commands will run under root."""
+  cmd_utils.run_shell_command('adb root')
+def disable_selinux():
+  """Disables selinux setting."""
+  _, output = cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command('getenforce')
+  if output == 'Permissive':
+    return
+  print('Disable selinux permissions and restart framework.')
+  cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command('setenforce 0')
+  cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command('stop')
+  cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command('start')
+  cmd_utils.run_shell_command('adb wait-for-device')
+def pkill(procname: str):
+  """Kills a process in device by its package name."""
+  _, pids = cmd_utils.run_shell_command('adb shell ps | grep "{}" | '
+                                        'awk \'{{print $2;}}\''.
+                                          format(procname))
+  for pid in pids.split('\n'):
+    cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command('kill {}'.format(pid))
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7970f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startop/scripts/app_startup/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Runner of one test given a setting.
+Run app and gather the measurement in a certain configuration.
+Print the result to stdout.
+See --help for more details.
+Sample usage:
+  $> ./python  -p -a
+ -r fadvise -i input
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from typing import List, Tuple
+from pathlib import Path
+# local imports
+import lib.adb_utils as adb_utils
+# global variables
+DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+IORAP_COMMON_BASH_SCRIPT = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(DIR,
+                                                         '../iorap/common'))
+import lib.print_utils as print_utils
+import lib.cmd_utils as cmd_utils
+import iorap.lib.iorapd_utils as iorapd_utils
+def parse_options(argv: List[str] = None):
+  """Parses command line arguments and return an argparse Namespace object."""
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description='Run an Android application once and measure startup time.'
+  )
+  required_named = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments')
+  required_named.add_argument('-p', '--package', action='store', dest='package',
+                              help='package of the application', required=True)
+  # optional arguments
+  # use a group here to get the required arguments to appear 'above' the
+  # optional arguments in help.
+  optional_named = parser.add_argument_group('optional named arguments')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-a', '--activity', action='store',
+                              dest='activity',
+                              help='launch activity of the application')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-s', '--simulate', dest='simulate',
+                              action='store_true',
+                              help='simulate the process without executing '
+                                   'any shell commands')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug',
+                              action='store_true',
+                              help='Add extra debugging output')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-i', '--input', action='store', dest='input',
+                              help='perfetto trace file protobuf',
+                              default='TraceFile.pb')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-r', '--readahead', action='store',
+                              dest='readahead',
+                              help='which readahead mode to use',
+                              default='cold',
+                              choices=('warm', 'cold', 'mlock', 'fadvise'))
+  optional_named.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', dest='timeout', action='store',
+                              type=int,
+                              help='Timeout after this many seconds when '
+                                   'executing a single run.',
+                              default=10)
+  optional_named.add_argument('--compiler-filter', dest='compiler_filter',
+                              action='store',
+                              help='Which compiler filter to use.',
+                              default=None)
+  return parser.parse_args(argv)
+def validate_options(opts: argparse.Namespace) -> bool:
+  """Validates the activity and trace file if needed.
+  Returns:
+    A bool indicates whether the activity is valid and trace file exists if
+    necessary.
+  """
+  needs_trace_file = (opts.readahead != 'cold' and opts.readahead != 'warm')
+  if needs_trace_file and (opts.input is None or
+                           not os.path.exists(opts.input)):
+    print_utils.error_print('--input not specified!')
+    return False
+  # Install necessary trace file.
+  if needs_trace_file:
+    passed = iorapd_utils.iorapd_compiler_install_trace_file(
+      opts.package, opts.activity, opts.input)
+    if not cmd_utils.SIMULATE and not passed:
+      print_utils.error_print('Failed to install compiled TraceFile.pb for '
+                              '"{}/{}"'.
+                                format(opts.package, opts.activity))
+      return False
+  if opts.activity is not None:
+    return True
+  _, opts.activity = cmd_utils.run_shell_func(IORAP_COMMON_BASH_SCRIPT,
+                                              'get_activity_name',
+                                              [opts.package])
+  if not opts.activity:
+    print_utils.error_print('Activity name could not be found, '
+                              'invalid package name?!')
+    return False
+  return True
+def set_up_adb_env():
+  """Sets up adb environment."""
+  adb_utils.root()
+  adb_utils.disable_selinux()
+  time.sleep(1)
+def configure_compiler_filter(compiler_filter: str, package: str,
+                              activity: str) -> bool:
+  """Configures compiler filter (e.g. speed).
+  Returns:
+    A bool indicates whether configure of compiler filer succeeds or not.
+  """
+  if not compiler_filter:
+    print_utils.debug_print('No --compiler-filter specified, don\'t'
+                            ' need to force it.')
+    return True
+  passed, current_compiler_filter_info = \
+    cmd_utils.run_shell_command(
+      '{} --package {}'.format(os.path.join(DIR, ''),
+                               package))
+  if passed != 0:
+    return passed
+  # TODO: call query_compiler_filter directly as a python function instead of
+  #  these shell calls.
+  current_compiler_filter, current_reason, current_isa = current_compiler_filter_info.split(' ')
+  print_utils.debug_print('Compiler Filter={} Reason={} Isa={}'.format(
+    current_compiler_filter, current_reason, current_isa))
+  # Don't trust reasons that aren't 'unknown' because that means
+  #  we didn't manually force the compilation filter.
+  # (e.g. if any automatic system-triggered compilations are not unknown).
+  if current_reason != 'unknown' or current_compiler_filter != compiler_filter:
+    passed, _ = adb_utils.run_shell_command('{}/force_compiler_filter '
+                                            '--compiler-filter "{}" '
+                                            '--package "{}"'
+                                            ' --activity "{}'.
+                                              format(DIR, compiler_filter,
+                                                     package, activity))
+  else:
+    adb_utils.debug_print('Queried compiler-filter matched requested '
+                          'compiler-filter, skip forcing.')
+    passed = False
+  return passed
+def parse_metrics_output(input: str,
+                         simulate: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
+  """Parses ouput of app startup to metrics and corresponding values.
+  It converts 'a=b\nc=d\ne=f\n...' into '[(a,b,''),(c,d,''),(e,f,'')]'
+  Returns:
+    A list of tuples that including metric name, metric value and rest info.
+  """
+  if simulate:
+    return [('TotalTime', '123')]
+  all_metrics = []
+  for line in input.split('\n'):
+    if not line:
+      continue
+    splits = line.split('=')
+    if len(splits) < 2:
+      print_utils.error_print('Bad line "{}"'.format(line))
+      continue
+    metric_name = splits[0]
+    metric_value = splits[1]
+    rest = splits[2] if len(splits) > 2 else ''
+    if rest:
+      print_utils.error_print('Corrupt line "{}"'.format(line))
+    print_utils.debug_print('metric: "{metric_name}", '
+                            'value: "{metric_value}" '.
+                              format(metric_name=metric_name,
+                                     metric_value=metric_value))
+    all_metrics.append((metric_name, metric_value))
+  return all_metrics
+def run(readahead: str,
+        package: str,
+        activity: str,
+        timeout: int,
+        simulate: bool,
+        debug: bool) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
+  """Runs app startup test.
+  Returns:
+    A list of tuples that including metric name, metric value and rest info.
+  """
+  print_utils.debug_print('==========================================')
+  print_utils.debug_print('=====             START              =====')
+  print_utils.debug_print('==========================================')
+  if readahead != 'warm':
+    print_utils.debug_print('Drop caches for non-warm start.')
+    # Drop all caches to get cold starts.
+    adb_utils.vm_drop_cache()
+  print_utils.debug_print('Running with timeout {}'.format(timeout))
+  pre_launch_timestamp = adb_utils.logcat_save_timestamp()
+  passed, output = cmd_utils.run_shell_command('timeout {timeout} '
+                                               '"{DIR}/launch_application" '
+                                               '"{package}" '
+                                               '"{activity}" | '
+                                               '"{DIR}/parse_metrics" '
+                                               '--package {package} '
+                                               '--activity {activity} '
+                                               '--timestamp "{timestamp}"'
+                                                 .format(timeout=timeout,
+                                                         DIR=DIR,
+                                                         package=package,
+                                                         activity=activity,
+                                                         timestamp=pre_launch_timestamp))
+  if not output and not simulate:
+    return None
+  results = parse_metrics_output(output, simulate)
+  passed = perform_post_launch_cleanup(
+    readahead, package, activity, timeout, debug, pre_launch_timestamp)
+  if not passed and not simulate:
+    print_utils.error_print('Cannot perform post launch cleanup!')
+    return None
+  adb_utils.pkill(package)
+  return results
+def perform_post_launch_cleanup(readahead: str,
+                                package: str,
+                                activity: str,
+                                timeout: int,
+                                debug: bool,
+                                logcat_timestamp: str) -> bool:
+  """Performs cleanup at the end of each loop iteration.
+  Returns:
+    A bool indicates whether the cleanup succeeds or not.
+  """
+  if readahead != 'warm' and readahead != 'cold':
+    return iorapd_utils.wait_for_iorapd_finish(package,
+                                               activity,
+                                               timeout,
+                                               debug,
+                                               logcat_timestamp)
+    return passed
+  # Don't need to do anything for warm or cold.
+  return True
+def run_test(opts: argparse.Namespace) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
+  """Runs one test using given options.
+  Returns:
+    A list of tuples that including metric name, metric value and anything left.
+  """
+  print_utils.DEBUG = opts.debug
+  cmd_utils.SIMULATE = opts.simulate
+  passed = validate_options(opts)
+  if not passed:
+    return None
+  set_up_adb_env()
+  # Ensure the APK is currently compiled with whatever we passed in
+  # via --compiler-filter.
+  # No-op if this option was not passed in.
+  if not configure_compiler_filter(opts.compiler_filter, opts.package,
+                                   opts.activity):
+    return None
+  return run(opts.readahead, opts.package, opts.activity, opts.timeout,
+             opts.simulate, opts.debug)
+def main():
+  args = parse_options()
+  result = run_test(args)
+  if result is None:
+    return 1
+  print(result)
+  return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main())
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..241aea4
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@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Unit tests for the script.
+  $> sudo apt-get install python3-pytest   ##  OR
+  $> pip install -U pytest
+See also
+  $> ./
+  $> pytest
+  $> python -m pytest
+See also
+import io
+import os
+import shlex
+import sys
+# global imports
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+# pip imports
+import pytest
+# local imports
+import run_app_with_prefetch as run
+from mock import Mock, call, patch
+# Argument Parsing Helpers
+def ignore_stdout_stderr():
+  """Ignore stdout/stderr output for duration of this context."""
+  old_stdout = sys.stdout
+  old_stderr = sys.stderr
+  sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
+  sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
+  try:
+    yield
+  finally:
+    sys.stdout = old_stdout
+    sys.stderr = old_stderr
+def argparse_bad_argument(msg):
+  """Asserts that a SystemExit is raised when executing this context.
+  If the assertion fails, print the message 'msg'.
+  """
+  with pytest.raises(SystemExit, message=msg):
+    with ignore_stdout_stderr():
+      yield
+def assert_bad_argument(args, msg):
+  """Asserts that the command line arguments in 'args' are malformed.
+    Prints 'msg' if the assertion fails.
+  """
+  with argparse_bad_argument(msg):
+    parse_args(args)
+def parse_args(args):
+  """
+    :param args: command-line like arguments as a single string
+    :return:  dictionary of parsed key/values
+    """
+  # "-a b -c d"    => ['-a', 'b', '-c', 'd']
+  return vars(run.parse_options(shlex.split(args)))
+def default_dict_for_parsed_args(**kwargs):
+  """Combines it with all of the "optional" parameters' default values."""
+  d = {
+    'readahead': 'cold',
+    'simulate': None,
+    'simulate': False,
+    'debug': False,
+    'input': 'TraceFile.pb',
+    'timeout': 10,
+    'compiler_filter': None,
+    'activity': None
+  }
+  d.update(kwargs)
+  return d
+def default_mock_dict_for_parsed_args(include_optional=True, **kwargs):
+  """Combines default dict with all optional parameters with some mock required
+    parameters.
+    """
+  d = {'package': 'com.fake.package'}
+  if include_optional:
+    d.update(default_dict_for_parsed_args())
+  d.update(kwargs)
+  return d
+def parse_optional_args(str):
+  """
+    Parses an argument string which already includes all the required arguments
+    in default_mock_dict_for_parsed_args.
+  """
+  req = '--package com.fake.package'
+  return parse_args('%s %s' % (req, str))
+def test_argparse():
+  # missing arguments
+  assert_bad_argument('', '-p are required')
+  # required arguments are parsed correctly
+  ad = default_dict_for_parsed_args  # assert dict
+  assert parse_args('--package xyz') == ad(package='xyz')
+  assert parse_args('-p xyz') == ad(package='xyz')
+  assert parse_args('-p xyz -s') == ad(package='xyz', simulate=True)
+  assert parse_args('-p xyz --simulate') == ad(package='xyz', simulate=True)
+  # optional arguments are parsed correctly.
+  mad = default_mock_dict_for_parsed_args  # mock assert dict
+  assert parse_optional_args('--input trace.pb') == mad(input='trace.pb')
+  assert parse_optional_args('--compiler-filter speed') == \
+         mad(compiler_filter='speed')
+  assert parse_optional_args('-d') == mad(debug=True)
+  assert parse_optional_args('--debug') == mad(debug=True)
+  assert parse_optional_args('--timeout 123') == mad(timeout=123)
+  assert parse_optional_args('-t 456') == mad(timeout=456)
+  assert parse_optional_args('-r warm') == mad(readahead='warm')
+  assert parse_optional_args('--readahead warm') == mad(readahead='warm')
+  assert parse_optional_args('-a act') == mad(activity='act')
+  assert parse_optional_args('--activity act') == mad(activity='act')
+def test_main():
+  args = '--package com.fake.package --activity act -s'
+  opts = run.parse_options(shlex.split(args))
+  result = run.run_test(opts)
+  assert result == [('TotalTime', '123')]
+def test_set_up_adb_env():
+  with patch('lib.cmd_utils.run_shell_command',
+             new_callable=Mock) as mock_run_shell_command:
+    mock_run_shell_command.return_value = (True, '')
+    run.set_up_adb_env()
+    calls = [call('adb root'),
+             call('adb shell "getenforce"'),
+             call('adb shell "setenforce 0"'),
+             call('adb shell "stop"'),
+             call('adb shell "start"'),
+             call('adb wait-for-device')]
+    mock_run_shell_command.assert_has_calls(calls)
+def test_set_up_adb_env_with_permissive():
+  with patch('lib.cmd_utils.run_shell_command',
+             new_callable=Mock) as mock_run_shell_command:
+    mock_run_shell_command.return_value = (True, 'Permissive')
+    run.set_up_adb_env()
+    calls = [call('adb root'), call('adb shell "getenforce"')]
+    mock_run_shell_command.assert_has_calls(calls)
+def test_configure_compiler_filter():
+  with patch('lib.cmd_utils.run_shell_command',
+             new_callable=Mock) as mock_run_shell_command:
+    mock_run_shell_command.return_value = (True, 'speed arm64 kUpToDate')
+    run.configure_compiler_filter('speed', 'music', 'MainActivity')
+    calls = [call(os.path.join(run.DIR, '') +
+                  ' --package music')]
+    mock_run_shell_command.assert_has_calls(calls)
+def test_parse_metrics_output():
+  input = 'a1=b1\nc1=d1\ne1=f1'
+  ret = run.parse_metrics_output(input)
+  assert ret == [('a1', 'b1'), ('c1', 'd1'), ('e1', 'f1')]
+def _mocked_run_shell_command(*args, **kwargs):
+  if args[0] == 'adb shell "date -u +\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N\'"':
+    return (True, "123:123")
+  elif args[0] == 'adb shell ps | grep "music" | awk \'{print $2;}\'':
+    return (True, '9999')
+  else:
+    return (True, 'a1=b1\nc1=d1=d2\ne1=f1')
+def test_run_no_vm_cache_drop():
+  with patch('lib.cmd_utils.run_shell_command',
+             new_callable=Mock) as mock_run_shell_command:
+    mock_run_shell_command.side_effect = _mocked_run_shell_command
+            'music',
+            'MainActivity',
+            timeout=10,
+            simulate=False,
+            debug=False)
+    calls = [call('adb shell "date -u +\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N\'"'),
+             call(
+               'timeout {timeout} "{DIR}/launch_application" "{package}" "{activity}" | '
+               '"{DIR}/parse_metrics" --package {package} --activity {activity} '
+               '--timestamp "{timestamp}"'
+                 .format(timeout=10,
+                         DIR=run.DIR,
+                         package='music',
+                         activity='MainActivity',
+                         timestamp='123:123')),
+             call('adb shell ps | grep "music" | awk \'{print $2;}\''),
+             call('adb shell "kill 9999"')]
+    mock_run_shell_command.assert_has_calls(calls)
+def test_run_with_vm_cache_drop_and_post_launch_cleanup():
+  with patch('lib.cmd_utils.run_shell_command',
+             new_callable=Mock) as mock_run_shell_command:
+    mock_run_shell_command.side_effect = _mocked_run_shell_command
+            'music',
+            'MainActivity',
+            timeout=10,
+            simulate=False,
+            debug=False)
+    calls = [call('adb shell "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"'),
+             call('adb shell "date -u +\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N\'"'),
+             call(
+               'timeout {timeout} "{DIR}/launch_application" "{package}" "{activity}" | '
+               '"{DIR}/parse_metrics" --package {package} --activity {activity} '
+               '--timestamp "{timestamp}"'
+                 .format(timeout=10,
+                         DIR=run.DIR,
+                         package='music',
+                         activity='MainActivity',
+                         timestamp='123:123')),
+             call(
+               'bash -c "source {script_path}; '
+               'iorapd_readahead_wait_until_finished '
+               '\'{package}\' \'{activity}\' \'{timestamp}\' \'{timeout}\'"'.
+                 format(timeout=10,
+                        package='music',
+                        activity='MainActivity',
+                        timestamp='123:123',
+                        script_path=run.IORAP_COMMON_BASH_SCRIPT)),
+             call('adb shell ps | grep "music" | awk \'{print $2;}\''),
+             call('adb shell "kill 9999"')]
+  mock_run_shell_command.assert_has_calls(calls)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  pytest.main()
diff --git a/startop/scripts/iorap/lib/ b/startop/scripts/iorap/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f907305
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+++ b/startop/scripts/iorap/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Helper util libraries for iorapd related operations."""
+import os
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+# up to two level, like '../../'
+import lib.cmd_utils as cmd_utils
+IORAPID_LIB_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+IORAPD_DATA_PATH = '/data/misc/iorapd'
+IORAP_COMMON_BASH_SCRIPT = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(IORAPID_LIB_DIR,
+                                                         '../common'))
+def _iorapd_path_to_data_file(package: str, activity: str, suffix: str) -> str:
+  """Gets conventional data filename.
+   Returns:
+     The path of iorapd data file.
+  """
+  # Match logic of 'AppComponentName' in iorap::compiler C++ code.
+  return '{}/{}%2F{}.{}'.format(IORAPD_DATA_PATH, package, activity, suffix)
+def iorapd_compiler_install_trace_file(package: str, activity: str,
+                                       input_file: str) -> bool:
+  """Installs a compiled trace file.
+  Returns:
+    Whether the trace file is installed successful or not.
+  """
+  # remote path calculations
+  compiled_path = _iorapd_path_to_data_file(package, activity,
+                                            'compiled_trace.pb')
+  if not os.path.exists(input_file):
+    print('Error: File {} does not exist'.format(input_file))
+    return False
+  passed, _ = cmd_utils.run_adb_shell_command(
+    'mkdir -p "$(dirname "{}")"'.format(compiled_path))
+  if not passed:
+    return False
+  passed, _ = cmd_utils.run_shell_command('adb push "{}" "{}"'.format(
+    input_file, compiled_path))
+  return passed
+def wait_for_iorapd_finish(package: str,
+                           activity: str,
+                           timeout: int,
+                           debug: bool,
+                           logcat_timestamp: str)->bool:
+  """Waits for the finish of iorapd.
+  Returns:
+    A bool indicates whether the iorapd is done successfully or not.
+  """
+  # Set verbose for bash script based on debug flag.
+  if debug:
+    os.putenv('verbose', 'y')
+  # Validate that readahead completes.
+  # If this fails for some reason, then this will also discard the timing of
+  # the run.
+  passed, _ = cmd_utils.run_shell_func(IORAP_COMMON_BASH_SCRIPT,
+                                       'iorapd_readahead_wait_until_finished',
+                                       [package, activity, logcat_timestamp,
+                                        str(timeout)])
+  return passed
diff --git a/startop/scripts/lib/ b/startop/scripts/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3d9605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startop/scripts/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Helper util libraries for command line operations."""
+import asyncio
+import sys
+import time
+from typing import Tuple, Optional, List
+import lib.print_utils as print_utils
+def run_adb_shell_command(cmd: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
+  """Runs command using adb shell.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple of running status (True=succeeded, False=failed or timed out) and
+    std output (string contents of stdout with trailing whitespace removed).
+  """
+  return run_shell_command('adb shell "{}"'.format(cmd))
+def run_shell_func(script_path: str,
+                   func: str,
+                   args: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
+  """Runs shell function with default timeout.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple of running status (True=succeeded, False=failed or timed out) and
+    std output (string contents of stdout with trailing whitespace removed) .
+  """
+  cmd = 'bash -c "source {script_path}; {func} {args}"'.format(
+    script_path=script_path,
+    func=func,
+    args=' '.join("'{}'".format(arg) for arg in args))
+  print_utils.debug_print(cmd)
+  return run_shell_command(cmd)
+def run_shell_command(cmd: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
+  """Runs shell command with default timeout.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple of running status (True=succeeded, False=failed or timed out) and
+    std output (string contents of stdout with trailing whitespace removed) .
+  """
+  return execute_arbitrary_command([cmd],
+                                   TIMEOUT,
+                                   shell=True,
+                                   simulate=SIMULATE)
+def execute_arbitrary_command(cmd: List[str],
+                              timeout: int,
+                              shell: bool,
+                              simulate: bool) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
+  """Run arbitrary shell command with default timeout.
+    Mostly copy from
+    frameworks/base/startop/scripts/app_startup/
+  Args:
+    cmd: list of cmd strings.
+    timeout: the time limit of running cmd.
+    shell: indicate if the cmd is a shell command.
+    simulate: if it's true, do not run the command and assume the running is
+        successful.
+  Returns:
+    A tuple of running status (True=succeeded, False=failed or timed out) and
+    std output (string contents of stdout with trailing whitespace removed) .
+  """
+  if simulate:
+    print(cmd)
+    return True, ''
+  print_utils.debug_print('[EXECUTE]', cmd)
+  # block until either command finishes or the timeout occurs.
+  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+  (return_code, script_output) = loop.run_until_complete(
+    _run_command(*cmd, shell=shell, timeout=timeout))
+  script_output = script_output.decode()  # convert bytes to str
+  passed = (return_code == 0)
+  print_utils.debug_print('[$?]', return_code)
+  if not passed:
+    print('[FAILED, code:%s]' % (return_code), script_output, file=sys.stderr)
+  return passed, script_output.rstrip()
+async def _run_command(*args: List[str],
+                       shell: bool = False,
+                       timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
+  if shell:
+    process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
+      *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT)
+  else:
+    process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
+      *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT)
+  script_output = b''
+  print_utils.debug_print('[PID]',
+  timeout_remaining = timeout
+  time_started = time.time()
+  # read line (sequence of bytes ending with b'\n') asynchronously
+  while True:
+    try:
+      line = await asyncio.wait_for(process.stdout.readline(),
+                                    timeout_remaining)
+      print_utils.debug_print('[STDOUT]', line)
+      script_output += line
+      if timeout_remaining:
+        time_elapsed = time.time() - time_started
+        timeout_remaining = timeout - time_elapsed
+    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+      print_utils.debug_print('[TIMEDOUT] Process ',
+      print_utils.debug_print('[TIMEDOUT] Sending SIGTERM.')
+      process.terminate()
+      # 5 second timeout for process to handle SIGTERM nicely.
+      try:
+        (remaining_stdout,
+         remaining_stderr) = await asyncio.wait_for(process.communicate(), 5)
+        script_output += remaining_stdout
+      except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+        print_utils.debug_print('[TIMEDOUT] Sending SIGKILL.')
+        process.kill()
+      # 5 second timeout to finish with SIGKILL.
+      try:
+        (remaining_stdout,
+         remaining_stderr) = await asyncio.wait_for(process.communicate(), 5)
+        script_output += remaining_stdout
+      except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+        # give up, this will leave a zombie process.
+        print_utils.debug_print('[TIMEDOUT] SIGKILL failed for process ',
+        time.sleep(100)
+      return -1, script_output
+    else:
+      if not line:  # EOF
+        break
+  code = await process.wait()  # wait for child process to exit
+  return code, script_output
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33e0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startop/scripts/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Helper util libraries for debug printing."""
+import sys
+DEBUG = False
+def debug_print(*args, **kwargs):
+  """Prints the args to sys.stderr if the DEBUG is set."""
+  if DEBUG:
+    print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
+def error_print(*args, **kwargs):
+  print('[ERROR]:', *args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)